Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 427 Heroes are always blown away by the rain and wind

Chapter 427 Heroes are always blown away by the rain and wind

"Lord Deguang, I have fulfilled my mission! Successfully completed the mission!"

In the Konoha Governor's Palace, the Kaguya ninja who escorted the three-tailed chakra sealing box from Kirigakure reported respectfully.

"Thanks for your hard work……"

Uchiha Tokko picked up the seal to sign on his mission document and gave it a "good review".

When the great genius of the Kaguya family saw Uchiha Tokumitsu's "praise and reward", he immediately beamed with joy, and his originally fierce and flattering face became a little more amiable.

"I'll collect some money from the United Company later, and then go to the commercial street in the new district to buy something I like..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu signed an extra note and handed it to Kaguya Ninja, smiling and saying: "This is an extra reward, take it~ You're welcome."

The grateful Kaguya ninja thanked him profusely and left.

This is just a little habit of Uchiha Tokko.

Benefiting his subordinates and winning people's hearts rely on these daily things that are just small favors to him, but to his subordinates, this is the Lord's regard and reward for him, and the meaning is completely different!
"Three tails and six tails..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out another sealing scroll from the drawer of his desk. It was the Six-Tails Chakra sent from Fubo City not long ago.

The three tailed beasts/jinchuuriki left in Konoha were smelted by him and absorbed a large amount of tailed beast chakra, which also allowed Uchiha Tokumitsu's Senjutsu Five Release Chakra to continue to improve.

Coupled with the continuous absorption of natural energy and the strengthening of the body, Uchiha Tokumitsu's strength is constantly growing slowly even if he does nothing.

Moreover, the chakra characteristics of the tailed beasts are different, and one does not know what kind of surprises it will bring after absorbing the chakra of the three and four tails again.


Asura patiently stayed at the small commodity market in Konoha New Area for two full days. After selling out all the goods he brought with him, he went there full of "curiosity" under the "encouragement" of the small businessmen who set up stalls together. Konoha Ninja Village Headquarters.

Different from the new area, there are obviously many more procedures to enter the Konoha Ninja Village, and you also need to check identity documents and chakra status. Fortunately, Asura is quite well prepared, and the leading ninja in charge of the gate is just a A special jounin, so Asura followed the crowd and entered the Konoha Ninja Village without any danger.

"This is Konoha..."

The businessmen who entered the Konoha Ninja Village together couldn't help but marvel, and Ashura also acted like he was shocked.

Under the planning of the House of Representatives, Konoha Ninja Village has undergone great changes. The originally messy and clinging wires have been modified long ago. The houses along the street have also been transformed into mixed brick and wood structures. In addition, street trees and landscapes planted on both sides of the road have been renovated. The flower gardens, etc. present a scene that is completely different from other places in the Ninja World.

"Strive for the modernization of the ninja world..."

Asura didn't pay much attention to the architecture and landscape, but noticed a line of large characters on the bulletin board.

Obviously, this is not a temporary posting, but a semi-permanent slogan.

"The ninja world... modernization..."

Asura silently savored the ambition behind these two keywords, or "wolf ambition".

It is not difficult to see from this that the top brass of Konoha, or the rulers of the shogunate, have publicly announced their goals, and the indifferent looks of the Konoha villagers passing by indicate that they have known about this for a long time. and thought there was no problem.

"The birthplace of the ninja war..."

Asura sighed slightly.

With such powerful power and such advanced technology, instead of contributing to the peace and development of the ninja world, they went out of their way to militarize the "diversity" of the ninja world...

But then again, the living standard of the villagers in Konoha is obviously higher than that of all places in the ninja world.

Ashura could tell this just from their rosy faces and bright clothes.

"Please don't be crowded at the entrance. Please go north for the Hokage Ruins and Commercial Street, and please go south for the Governor's Palace and War Museum."

At this time, an Uchiha ninja came over with a team of police academy interns and said to the dazzled and amazed businessmen standing at the entrance of the village.

"Okay okay..."

The small businessmen immediately nodded and bowed in fear, and then dispersed.

"Hokage Ruins and War Museum..."

Asura noticed the information revealed in the words of the Uchiha ninja, his heart moved, and then he walked towards the North District.

Although he was also very interested in the so-called war museum, in comparison, the Hokage ruins were more attractive.

At least, for Asura, who has a part of Hashirama's memory, he is curious about the current shogunate's evaluation of the first Hokage.

After asking for directions along the way, Asura finally arrived at the so-called Hokage ruins.

In short, the Hokage Ruins is the collective name of the original Hokage Building and Shadow Rock. It is also an important carrier of historical education in Konoha today. However, after the Uchiha clan took over the power of the Ninja Village, Uchiha Madara, who was once regarded as a traitor to Ninja, As one of the "Fathers of the Two Clans", his portrait was invited back to the lobby of the original Hokage's office, and was placed alongside the first Hokage of Konoha.

“…a man who tried his best to achieve things that were impossible in his time.”

Asura was very surprised and read out the comment below the portrait of Senju Hashirama.

Moreover, there is an eye-catching signature below this comment: Uchiha Tokumitsu!

Although there are no words of praise with gorgeous words, Asura believes that this is the highest praise for Senju Hashirama, who is his own reincarnation but has an independent will...

But in other words, marking this sentence outright, and it was written by Uchiha Tokumitsu himself, will always give people a "coffin conclusion" feeling - just like the new dynasty is revising the history of the previous dynasty.

It's just... "I am covered with bruises and nowhere to hide, but I have never given up the pursuit of light, but true peace is just an illusion in a dream..."

Uchiha Madara's evaluation had a different style.

Asura looked at the signature again, and it was actually Uchiha Tokimitsu.

His brow wrinkled involuntarily.

This sentence is not like an evaluation of a person!

But Asura savored it carefully for a long time, and felt that this sentence was very consistent with his brother Indra's character.

Then, a line of tears couldn't help but fall...

Although Asura's mood fluctuated slightly, the staff in the exhibition room of the Hokage Hall still seemed not surprised because he had seen this kind of situation too many times.

The war in the shinobi world never completely subsided.

Whether it is the Warring States Period or the Ninja Village Era, the only difference is the scale of the war and the scope of the disaster.

Every moment, someone in the ninja world died helplessly in the war, and the paradise they had always dreamed of could not arrive even at the moment of death.

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu's comments were not modified in any way, for some people who felt the same, they were so tear-jerking and alarming at the same time.

"This is a symbol of the end of an era..."

A Ninja School teacher led a group of ignorant Ninja School students into the Hokage Hall exhibition hall.

Asura noticed a word in the introduction made by the Ninja School teacher.

"The end..."

Asura's heart felt heavy.

As for the evaluations of the Second Hokage and the Third Hokage, he was too lazy to continue reading.

After wiping away his tears, Asura slowly walked out of the exhibition hall, stood at the door and looked at Shadow Rock to the north.

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara ended the great chaos of the Warring States Period, but not many years after entering the new order of the ninja world where the five major countries and the five major ninja villages coexisted, it seemed that they were about to change course again.

Ashura also doesn’t know what true peace looks like.

But he has always been very determined to achieve "absolute peace" in the ninja world as his goal, and he even did not hesitate to reincarnate his soul with chakra to fight with his brother Indra.

But after thousands of years, the battle between the two brothers seems to have intensified the bloody level of the struggle, and it does not seem to have had any positive impact on the ninja world...

Even their blood descendants suffered heavy casualties in the thousand-year struggle between the two ancestors.

Nowadays, the only direct descendants of Indra's lineage are the Uchiha clan, but they are full of vitality and are about to dominate the ninja world.

Among the descendants of Asura, the Senju clan has long been a thing of the past, and its strength is obviously not worthy of its name compared to its reputation. The Uzumaki clan has become the most loyal vassal of the Uchiha clan, completely breaking away from the struggle between the two major factions...

But this is still a way to achieve peace...

However, even Asura is not willing to accept such "peace".

After sighing for a while, Asura did not take the shuttle bus outside the Hokage Building to attract customers, but chose to walk in the direction of Shadow Rock.

The income from selling goods in the small commodity market in the new area was not much in the past two days, so his behavior still had to be consistent with the characteristics of a person who is "poor but full of admiration for Konoha".

After Tokumitsu Uchiha killed the former third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen in the Battle of Settsu, he did not establish himself as the new generation of Hokage, so the head sculptures on the Shadow Rock were limited to three people.

However, even the sculptural heads of the two generations of Hokage, Senju Tobirama and Sarutobi Hiruzen, whom the Uchiha clan hated the most, were not destroyed by the Uchiha clan after reshaping the order of Konoha. Instead, they were surrounded It is built into a scenic spot and earns money by selling tickets, shuttle buses, cable cars, etc. as one of the village's sources of income.

Er Cao's body and name are both destroyed, and the eternal flow of rivers will not be wasted.For the Uchiha clan who became the winner, this was also a sign of confidence.

Asura spent nearly an hour queuing at the entrance of Shadow Rock Scenic Area.

This made him regret a little, and he thought it would be better to just buy a cable car ticket and go straight to the observation deck at the top of Shadow Rock.

However, based on the idea that everything comes when it comes, Asura successfully collected the ticket and slowly climbed towards the top of the mountain with the flow.

"Heroes are always blown away by the rain and wind..."

An inscription halfway up the mountain caught Asura's attention.

Moreover, the signature under the stone tablet is still the familiar name: Uchiha Tokimitsu!

"This guy……"

Although I think this comment is quite appropriate, Asura always feels a little uncomfortable for some reason.

"Does this make you a proud person who evaluates people of all ages?"

Asura snorted coldly and continued walking up.

He felt that even his brother would feel very unhappy when he saw such words.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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