Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 428: Leaning on the railing, strong feelings

Chapter 428: Leaning on the railing, strong feelings

"This is Konoha!"

Standing on the top of Shadow Rock, Asura leaned on the railing and looked into the distance, feeling amazed in his heart.

Everywhere you look you can see magnificent scenery, and every place you pass by is prosperous.

Asura felt that this was the best portrayal of Konoha.

To be honest, he couldn't bear to ruin the only beauty in this ninja world.

"This is the false prosperity created by the entire ninja world by sucking blood..."

After closing his eyes to adjust his mind, Asura opened his eyes and looked at Konoha in front of him again.

But no matter what he thought in his heart, he still had to admit that Konoha was indeed the only existence in the ninja world.

Under Uchiha Tokumitsu's rule, Konoha was the paradise of the ninja world.

Although from the current point of view, it seems that the shogunate also has the idea of ​​replicating the construction of "paradise" in various parts of the ninja world, but before it is completed, no one knows that the shogunate's city-building plan will be successful.

After all, Konoha is so special...

"This is unsustainable!"

Asura once again gave himself a psychological hint.

"The prosperity of Konoha is built on the blood and tears of the ninja world. This is a crime against the entire world! The shogunate, the United Company, and especially the Uchiha clan will be the planners of the most brutal war in the history of the ninja world!"

"The future of the ninja world should be Konoha everywhere!"

"Only the prosperity of the entire ninja world is responsible for the ninja world!"

"The rise of relying on bloody plunder is short-lived after all! When new strong men appear in the future, they will definitely plunge the ninja world into a new war in order to overturn the dilapidated order!"

"What I want to do is to completely break the strange circle in the history of the ninja world!"

Although Asura did not realize that he had unknowingly fallen into the vicious circle of "the end of history", it did not prevent him from standing on the railing and looking far away to be high-spirited and smug, and his inner fighting spirit was once again "encouraged".


Asura's eyes were set on the Tokumitsu Shrine, which occupies a large area and is full of incense, in the direction of Konoha New Area.

During the two days of setting up stalls, he had long heard about this shrine, which was built under the orders of Uchiha Tokumitsu and personally used the blood of Mt. Myoboku Ninja frogs to offer sacrifices. It was said to be extremely efficacious.

Especially the goddess Mao worshiped in the main hall!

That's his grandmother!

Asura felt a little cold again.

"How dare he...how did he know..."

Just when Asura was letting his thoughts wander, the crowd on the observation deck suddenly cheered wildly in the distance.

Asura took a closer look and saw a black and red cable car rising slowly along the cable.

As the cheers grew louder, people inside the cable car opened the curtains and waved to the crowd on the observation deck.

"Uchiha Tokumitsu!"

Asura was shocked and recognized the person in the cable car who was cheering from the people.

Standing next to him was a woman with the same black hair and black eyes, who should be Uchiha Makoto, the legendary fiancée of Uchiha Tokimitsu.

For fear that Uchiha Tokko would notice something was wrong, Asura did not dare to use his senses to investigate, but just cheered and waved along with the crowd.

After the cable car went straight to the observation deck, villagers and tourists fell to the ground to worship. Asura had no choice but to continue to follow the crowd.

However, at this time, Asura also noticed that among the followers standing behind Uchiha Tokumitsu and Makoto, there was a Uzumaki woman with red hair and exuding surging chakra fluctuations like a tidal wave...

"Nine-Tailed People's Pillar Power!"

Asura's heart is pounding!

Can’t be wrong!Among the special chakra fluctuations of the Uzumaki clan, there is also a chill that belongs to the tailed beasts!

If we get help from the Nine Lamas, we might be able to reverse the decline to a certain extent...

But Asura thought about it and realized that his relationship with the tailed beasts didn't seem to be harmonious. In addition, there was Uchiha Tokumitsu's presence at this time, so it would be difficult for him to please them no matter what.

Asura sighed inwardly, and then he did not dare to stay for a long time, so he took the opportunity to leave after everyone paid their respects.

His main mission in coming to Konoha was to find the blond ninja that Toad Sennin said might be able to "turn the tide of the war" in the future.

"Mr. Deguang..."

Uchiha Makoto felt the hot gaze of Uzumaki Kushina behind him, and couldn't help but hugged Uchiha Tokko's arm tightly.

"Let's go up..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded slightly to the people, and then led them to the special banquet hall at the highest point of the observation deck.



Asura pretended to be a streetwalker from the countryside and wandered around Konoha, but after wandering for a long time, he didn't even see a few blond ninjas.

Even among his descendants, the Senju clan, there are all kinds of hair colors. The only one with obvious blond features is Senju Tsunade, but it does not match the age characteristics mentioned by Toad Sennin.

Especially when he saw the dark brown hair of the contemporary Senju's direct descendant Senju Nezuki, he felt a headache.

"How mixed is the bloodline of the Thousand Hands clan?"

After shaking his head secretly, Asura continued to wander around Konoha aimlessly.

However, Asura didn't notice anything special about the balls hanging everywhere and emitting weak chakra fluctuations. He just wandered around Konoha's various institutions and observed the ninjas coming and going.

"Another group of blind people from the countryside..."

In the sealing class monitoring room, a whirlpool ninja turned off the "suspicious persons" reminders screened out by the sealing array on the display one by one.

"It's so annoying! When will the Sky Eye system be updated..." Another sealed ninja complained casually.

"The sealing technique can only identify the number of times a person appears in a sensitive institution, and cannot determine his identity..."

The Uzumaki ninja who turned off the "suspicious person" reminder shrugged and said with some helplessness: "But those people from the countryside like to wander around like this. The more sensitive the institution is, the more they want to go in so they can go back and brag to others..."

"If you want to do what I say, you have to ask the police department to take these idlers away~"

The sealed ninja complained: "These people are too annoying. They have a lot more work for nothing..."

"It's just to turn off the reminder... Besides, if Master Ashina hears it, he will probably transfer you to the research department to figure out the algorithm!"

The Uzumaki ninja smiled and said: "You are seriously undersaturated with work, but you still have the energy to complain~"

"It's my fault!"

The sealed ninja immediately became frightened upon hearing this.


Unknowingly, Asura wandered until nightfall.

After weighing his wallet and looking at hotel prices in Ninja Village, he decided to rent a temporary bed in the new district for the night.

After all, a small businessman from the countryside has no money to live in Konoha, which is in line with the current character design.

"It's not easy to live in Konoha..."

The businessman who left the village together spoke out Asura's thoughts.

"In the future, we must build infrastructure so that everyone can live in their own house!"

Asura immediately found another goal to strive for.

"By the way, are the houses in the new area for sale?"

Asura asked casually.

"Only rent, not sell."

The enthusiastic people on the side responded.

"What a pity..."

Asura felt a little regretful.

Originally, he planned to buy a house as a temporary base to continue his "Konoha Observation Plan".

"Say it like you can afford it~"

The others immediately laughed.

"But I heard that Konoha's ninja masters can be bought out."

"I know this, but only Jonin-sama can draw lots, and they are all exclusive courtyards, and the prices are extremely high!"

"That's not the case. All Jonin have dormitories. Look at the high-rise buildings over there..."

Asura looked along the direction of the troublemaker and saw a "tall building" with more than ten floors brightly lit.

“It’s great to have a house to live in without having to buy anything~”

"I have a mansion in the countryside that is bigger than the yard in the new district!"

A businessman said sourly.

"You said it's the countryside!"

Afterwards, the businessman said something like "It's just a house", "Bigger is better", "The new area is so expensive and there are thresholds" amidst everyone's teasing, and the air was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"This is Konoha..."

Through everyone's words, Asura once again pieced together a picture of Konoha in the eyes of "common people".

This also refreshed his impression of Konoha again.

In fact, in the eyes of the common people, they don't care about the so-called exploitation and blood-sucking. They only care about whether they can get the rewards they deserve through their labor and make themselves and their families live better and better lives.

As for the judgment of the situation in the ninja world, it seems that this group of small businessmen who have some connections with the United Company unswervingly believe that the shogunate can win the final victory and lead these "new possessors" to a better future.

"Centripetal force..."

Asura came up with a word to describe it.

But then I thought about it, and it seemed that this word appeared in "Deguang Quotations"...

"That's how you know something from the smallest detail..."

Asura couldn't help but shook his head, feeling that Uchiha Tokumitsu's influence was gone.

In his memory, it seems that no one can have such a profound impact on an era, whether it is lifestyle or future vision. It seems that Uchiha Tokumitsu has not done anything, but has left a legacy in this era of dominance of the shogunate. left a deep imprint.

Even the Sage of Six Paths, who sealed the goddess Uno and ushered in the age of ninja, was nothing more than this.

"We could have been friends, but fate has its way..."

Asura's inner resistance and hostility towards the shogunate system and Uchiha Tokimitsu were unknowingly dispelled.


Suddenly, Asura, who was wandering outside the world, felt a strange chakra fluctuation!
"Time and Space Ninjutsu!"

He quickly identified the characteristics of this chakra fluctuation.

Then he looked up and found that the sound was coming from a building with a cat-head lintel. Judging from the degree of disappearance of the breath, he should have used time and space ninjutsu to leave this place!
"Konoha New District Police Office..."

Asura looked at the building from which the aura came, and then walked towards a high-rise hotel next to the police station.

He decided to stay here for a few days to find out who in Konoha could actually learn the space and time ninjutsu!
 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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