Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 430 Asura’s Deal

Chapter 430 Asura’s Deal ([-]-in-[-])

"I want to see your police chief!"

Early the next morning, the night shift officers of the New District Police Station were replaced. The police front desk girl who had just arrived at work was still yawning. Before she could have a cup of hot tea with dumplings, a young man dressed as a vendor rushed in and spoke. Just want to see the official.

"You mean..."

The police receptionist of the new district administration office was a girl from the Uchiha clan. Although her strength could only be described as very average, her temper was one of the best among the clan, so she was not impatient, but asked in a gentle voice. : "According to police regulations, we..."

"I want to see your deputy director!"

Asura said very seriously, and at the same time pointed to the portrait of Minato Namikaze in the police chief's information column on the wall.

"Chief Inspector Watergate is still having a meeting at the headquarters. Do you need any help?"

The police receptionist still spoke softly: "According to police regulations, if you want to meet with the chief, you need to register first, then request the office according to the priority of your appeal, and finally the secretariat will make a unified schedule. of……"

"In addition, if the matter you need to handle is related to illegal activities such as fraud and extortion during commodity transactions, I can refer you to the Commercial Crime Investigation Division of the Administrative Office first. What do you think?"

"What I want to report is indeed fraud, but..."

Asura lowered his head and looked at himself dressed as a small businessman, then looked at his sallow and thin appearance in the mirror on the wall, and then he suddenly realized.

No wonder~ I haven’t taken off the disguise yet...

"By the way, you should be able to understand this way..."

Asura formed a seal with one hand to remove the breath shielding barrier, and wiped his face with the other hand to reveal his true appearance.

"You are……"

The young lady at the police front desk was suddenly shocked!
Of course, it’s not because of appearance, but——

"Asura, the leader of the Myoboku Mountain terrorists and a wanted criminal for a special-level felony!"

The young lady at the front desk immediately punched a wooden board on the table and hit the emergency alarm button. Then with a fierce look on her face, she pulled out the hairpin with her backhand, jumped up and stabbed Asura in the neck!

"Are all the descendants of eldest brother so cruel..."

Asura was also a little helpless.

In just an instant, the police front desk, who originally looked like Yamato Nadeshiko, showed a ferocious look. This was really shocking.

"Fixing technique!"

Asura relied on his overwhelming strength advantage to forcibly use an entry-level magic ninjutsu to freeze the police front desk.

Then, surrounded by a large group of Uchiha ninjas who looked like they were facing formidable enemies, they walked to the side and sat down.

"I want to see Namikaze Minato, the deputy director of the New District Police Administration..."

Asura looked up at the police chief's information column again, and added a description: "...Chief Inspector."

"Specially Wanted Criminal Asura!"

The Uchiha ninjas were indifferent, but their Sharingan turned faster and faster, and the scarlet light shrouded Asura with a fierce and murderous aura.

But Asura still looked fearless.

For him, as long as it is not controlled by a super-large-scale boundary sealing circle like the last battle of Toba Fushimi, he can come and go as he pleases at any time and anywhere.

But the Uchiha ninjas did not choose to take action.

Because the gap in strength was there, and after they dispatched the police, a special person had already reported the news of the appearance of the specially wanted criminal to the police headquarters, and simultaneously conveyed it to Uchiha Tokko.

"...I don't mean any harm, I really want to meet your deputy director."

Asura said sincerely.

At the same time, with a finger of his right hand, he released the body-holding spell on the police receptionist girl.

This time she did not fight for her life again, but held the hairpin tightly and put on a guarded look and stared at Asura who had a relaxed look on his face.

Although Asura's actions caused some commotion among the Uchiha ninjas, fortunately, they did not choose to take action.

At this time, other police auxiliary personnel outside the administrative office began to evacuate the crowd.


A plume of green smoke rose up, and Namikaze Minato appeared at the door of the office. The first thing he saw was Asura, who was surrounded by people.


A rare ruthless expression appeared on Namikaze Minato's face, and then he slowly pulled out a three-pronged alien kunai from his ninja bag.

"Hello, Chief Inspector Namikaze Minato; I've never met before, so I'm interrupting you rashly..."

Ashura nodded politely and said hello.

"Please give up your resistance immediately and surrender, and seeking leniency from the police department is your only way out!"

The Police Department has never been in the habit of negotiating, so Minato Namikaze had no intention of giving in. He replied coldly and just waved his hand, signaling some of the mediocre Police Department ninjas to retreat.

He was not sure of taking down this strange man with unpredictable strength, and for ninjas who were proficient in time and space ninjutsu, the sheer number of people did not mean much.

Fortunately, the notification from the police department has been sent to Uchiha Tokko's residence. I believe that the Lord will come to support him soon...

"I have something I want to confirm with you, if it's convenient..."

Asura said to Namikaze Minato.

"It's inconvenient! Please give up resistance immediately and surrender!"

Namikaze Minato immediately interrupted Asura's words.

Although I don’t know what this weirdo wants to do, in public, if he agrees, he will be out of his mind!

Even if it’s just a temporary pretense, it won’t work!
The Police Department has never negotiated with any criminal!

The sound of a heavy step falling to the ground sounded again outside the office door.


"Lord Deguang!"

The Uchiha ninjas breathed a sigh of relief.

Uchiha Tokumitsu, wearing casual clothes and holding a flame fan in his hand, walked in with a gloomy face.

Due to overwork last night, when he received the urgent call from the police department, he was still sleeping soundly with his fiancée Uchiha Makoto in his arms. It was strange that he looked so good after being woken up!
"Everyone below the jounin level must retreat!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered.

"As ordered!"

The police department ninjas immediately evacuated in an orderly manner.

"...From now on, all members of the police department must be equipped with combat ninja gear, even civilian personnel."

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at the hairpin in the police receptionist's hand, then turned to Minato Namikaze and ordered: "Remember, the police department is a law enforcement department, and image and being close to the people are not the most important requirements."

"As ordered!"

Namikaze Minato said with fear.

After everyone evacuated, Uchiha Tokko turned his attention to Asura who was sitting on one side.

"Did Miaomushan give you the courage?"

"It's not..."

Asura shook his head hesitantly, but still chose to tell the truth: "I have broken with the Miaomu Mountain lineage."

"……so what?"

The jounins of the police department who were on guard with knives were a little surprised, but Uchiha Tokumitsu was unmoved. Instead, he raised the flame fan in his hand and pointed it at Asura: "Are you ready to surrender?"

"Nothing, I just want to take a look..."

Asura nodded slightly to Minato Namikaze, and then said to Uchiha Tokimitsu: "I plan to atone for my sins. I don't know if the police department has such rules."

"If your contribution is great enough, then there will be this rule from now on."

Uchiha Demitsu said calmly: "But how can we prove that what you said is true?"

Asura stopped talking and condensed a ball of chakra in his palm.

The Jonin of the Police Department immediately felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy and would attack reflexively.

Uchiha Demitsu waved his hand to stop everyone's impulse.

"...It does not have the smell of Mt. Myoboku, but it still has the smell of those cellar vipers."

Uchiha Tokko felt the chakra in Asura's palm for a moment, but his expression remained unchanged: "Also, why do you want to see Minato-kun?"

"The Great Toad Immortal said that he will be the person who can turn the tide of the war in the future, perhaps another child of destiny..."

Asura said slowly: "So, I need to confirm whether he is one of the secret agents of Miaomu Mountain. If so, then get rid of him by the way."


Namikaze Minato immediately wanted to refute.

"...What arrogant words, do you really think that the ninja world is a plaything of you old and immortal guys!"

Uchiha Tokko snorted coldly, giving up Namikaze Minato's thoughts of self-defense.

"it's not true……"

Asura shook his head and sighed slightly: "It's just... now that I have restored my true self, I plan to do something to make up for my past mistakes and take revenge."


Asura's eyes turned to Minato Namikaze, who was standing next to Uchiha Tokumitsu: "At least, after meeting, I can be sure that Chief Inspector Minato is fine."

Namikaze Minato had no intention of answering.

Asura's request to see him was like putting him on the fire. If it were a narrow-minded master, he would probably be censored.

Moreover, he kept calling him 'Chief Inspector' or something like that!Can't you call your job title during working hours?What's wrong with the deputy director if he can't say it out loud!You know, he has been at the rank of Chief Inspector for more than half a year without being promoted!
"Then show your sincerity!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed at Asura's flame fan, and there were streaks of flame escape, and there were faint five-color rays of light spinning behind his head.

"...Are there too many Uzumaki ninjas outside?"

Asura obviously answered the question incorrectly.

"If you continue to talk too much, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

Uchiha Tokko's eyes became colder and harsher.

"I have a map of Mt. Miaomu's secret realm here..."

Asura slowly took out a scroll from his arms, then raised his other hand to show that he was harmless, then slowly squatted down, placed the scroll on the ground, pushed it gently, and let it roll over.

Namikaze Minato immediately used the teleportation technique to snatch up the scroll and handed it to another police jounin to prevent any dangerous killing moves from affecting the master.

Uchiha Tokko nodded slightly, and then the police sergeant who took the scroll immediately understood and left the office hall to go to the sealing team for verification.

"What do you want?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone softened slightly, but he still did not put down the flame fan pointed at Asura. "Amnesty!"

Asura said very seriously: "I want to get a pardon issued in the name of the shogunate to pardon all past crimes!"

"...Are you so anxious to clear your name?"

Uchiha Tokko thought it was a little funny.

"It's not about whitewashing, it's about making a complete break with the past!"

Asura's expression was very sincere: "I didn't have a choice before, but now I want to be a good person."

"...Then you mean that you were not a good person before?"

Uchiha Tokko felt a little funny.

"You're right."

Asura admitted frankly: "At least he is not a good person who can act with his true self..."

"Is it……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu lowered the flame fan in his hand, and the flames and five-color light also disappeared.

What he found most interesting was the so-called "true self" that Asura mentioned twice... In other words, the "Asura" in the past was not him?Or is it not entirely him?

If so, that would be so fun!
"There are some heterogeneities in my chakra that would have adverse effects, but now I have completely eliminated them."

Asura said frankly: "Now, I just want to do something that is beneficial to the ninja world..."


Uchiha Tokko asked with interest.

"...Bai Jue!"

Asura slowly said two words in his mouth.

Uchiha Tokko's expression suddenly changed.

"Sure enough! You know their existence!"

Ashura also breathed a sigh of relief.

"And that shrine! And my origin! You all know it!"


"You go out first!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not answer, but ordered everyone to leave first.

"I know a lot more than you think."

"So, what exactly do you want!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't believe the so-called amnesty request at all.

With Asura's strength, as long as he is willing to change his appearance, no one in the ninja world will be able to detect his abnormality.

"I hope to have the right to walk under my own name under the sun, and to travel to other countries without restriction..."

Ashura said.

"The laws of the shogunate cannot be challenged!"

Uchiha Tokko interrupted.

"I can comply with the requirements of the shogunate, including passing through passes, paying lijin, etc."

Asura agreed very readily.

After all, although Uchiha Tokumitsu's words were cold and merciless, they could be regarded as drawing a bottom line, indicating that the two sides could continue to talk.

"that's it?"

Uchiha Tokko's expression softened slightly.

At this time, a Uzumaki ninja ran in excitedly and respectfully handed a note to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Written above is a coordinate address.

"Mt. Miaomu..."

Uchiha Tokko's heart moved slightly.

"There is a thick fog maze outside the secret realm of Miaomu Mountain, but I think with the strength of your sealed ninjas, it shouldn't be difficult to crack it..."

Asura said frankly.

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't say anything, he just condensed a flame of flame in the palm of his hand and burned the note into ashes.

"But how can I believe that this is not your trap?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

"All I ask for is my rights under the sun. This shouldn't be difficult. And after the amnesty, the shogunate will be able to monitor me more easily, right?"

Asura was even more frank.

"Two months!"

Uchiha Demitsu said suddenly.


Asura was a little confused.

"The address you gave needs to be verified. Judging from Miaomushan's address, it lasts exactly two months."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said calmly: "As long as you are willing to accept house arrest for two months, and after confirming the authenticity of the Myoboku Mountain address, I can pardon you!"

"that is not……"

Asura wanted to say that it would be enough to transmit information through the psychic beast for a month, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it: "It's okay to be under house arrest, but not in prison, and I want to have a certain degree of freedom."

"in addition……"

"This is the bottom line."

Uchiha Tokko interrupted Asura.

"...I am willing to accept it, but I cannot set up a barrier."

Asura was silent for a moment, and finally chose to believe in the credibility of the shogunate, but he also raised his finger and pointed above his head.

At this time, the boundary sealing formation arranged by the Uzumaki ninjas has been completed, and Asura's Flying Thunder God technique has been effectively abolished.

"Inform Chief Ashina to lift the barrier."

Uchiha Tokko immediately waved towards the door, called Namikaze Minato and then ordered.

"...As ordered!"

Although a little surprised, Namikaze Minato immediately followed the order.

He did not question his master's decision at all. After all, Uchiha Tokumitsu was always right, and as a subordinate, there was no need to disobey his master's wishes.

What's more, if something really happened, he, as a lowly "chief police inspector", wouldn't be able to handle it.

After a while, the sealing circle covering the entire new area of ​​Konoha was lifted, and Asura breathed a sigh of relief.

This risky move... seems to be the right one!

Asura's expression was very exciting!

Moreover, so-called house arrest is not unacceptable.In fact, he planned to stay in Konoha New District for a period of time after getting an amnesty from the shogunate through a transaction, and then after reorganizing his self-awareness, he would go to the ninja frogs of Mt. Myoboku for a fight!
Now that I'm here, it's a little easier!
At least, since it's under house arrest, the place to live won't be too bad!

"By the way, I'm going to be imprisoned, right? Where's the house arrest?"

Asura is already a little eager to try.

He was anxious to get to a safe place before continuing to examine his chakra consciousness.

"You should like it..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled and said: "Come with me!"

At this time, as the martial law order was lifted, the flow of people in the new area gradually increased. After Uchiha Tokumitsu walked out of the police station gate, a group of ninjas immediately knelt down and saluted.

"You have done a great job, and I hope you will keep up the good work!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu expressed his condolences warmly, and then took Asura to the center of Konoha's new district.

The Konoha villagers or businessmen from various places that they met along the way fell to the ground to worship after seeing Uchiha Tokumitsu. Moreover, in Asura's view, they seemed to show no signs of resistance...

It was as if they voluntarily showed respect to their master by kneeling down.

Since Uchiha Tokumitsu was too polite along the way, he walked the short distance for nearly half an hour before arriving at the place of house arrest.


"...This, this, this!!!"

Asura stammered and pointed at the large and majestic shrine in front of him, his heart was extremely broken!
"This is the shrine I built. The environment is quiet, the air is fresh, and the nature is pleasant. It is also a place where strangers such as Mt. Myoboku never dare to set foot."

Uchiha Demitsu said very seriously.

"But, but..."

Asura did not continue.

It’s really a place to worship the goddess Mao!

"Miko Risa..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved to the shrine maiden who came over after hearing the news and said: "Let him stay in the side hall for a while."

"Follow your will..."

Miko Risa immediately bowed and said to Asura: "Dear guest, please come with me..."

Although Asura was somewhat resistant in his heart, he had no choice but to step inside.

"By the way, there are some things I want to talk to you about..."

After Asura crossed the threshold, he suddenly looked back and said.

"Let's talk tomorrow!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was so angry that he said the next sentence and left.

It's okay to be disturbed so early in the morning, it's business after all, but at this moment Uchiha Makoto is still waiting under the covers!Only when your brain is cramped will you be talking nonsense with a weak person at this time!
 Update today (2/2)

  Judging from the comments, people probably don’t like jumping left and right very much, so the progress of this part of the plot has been accelerated.

  Also, I’m asking for votes~ I’m asking for monthly tickets and I’m asking for recommended votes~ I hope you can support Xiaopujie~
(End of this chapter)

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