Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 431 Adhere to the Sutra and achieve change

Chapter 431 Adhere to the Sutra and achieve change
The news that Ashura came to surrender was completely silenced by Uchiha Tokko.

As for the evacuation at that time, it was covered up under the name of a special police exercise. Even Hatake Sakumo only received a coordinated notification personally sent by Uchiha Tokumitsu, which was the shogunate's information on the former special wanted criminal. The amnesty order issued by Ashura - the announcement period is two months later.

Hatake Sakumo naturally understood the meaning behind this matter, and then destroyed the document in front of Uchiha Shisui who came to deliver it, without any additional expression.

"That's all right..."

Uchiha Tokimitsu was not surprised by Hatake Sakumo's reaction.

"Has the special reconnaissance unit set off?"

"The first team has already set off, and the second team is ready. They can set off in about three hours."

Uchiha Shisui immediately responded: "We are currently just waiting for the final demonstration of the Senjutsu Chakra immunity pill provided by Dean Orochimaru. Everything else is fine."

"The first team..."

Uchiha Tokko pondered for a moment, feeling a little sad.

The first group of ninja troops to set off were, to put it bluntly, a decoy to step on mines with their bodies and use their bodies to confuse them; while the second group of reconnaissance troops were the ones who confirmed the location of Mt. Myouki and conducted targeted research.

"Their families will know their sacrifice ten years from now..."

Uchiha Shisui couldn't help but said: "Besides, their sacrifice is worth it."

"...There is nothing worthwhile in this world. I just feel that the price is enough and the shogunate's majesty crushes me."

Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head, "The ninjas recruited from the various ninja villages have never been so loyal and even willing to die calmly..."

Uchiha Shisui didn't speak, just stood aside with his hands down.

"This time, the grass ninja leader Mang has made the biggest sacrifice. Let the United Company give him an extra bonus when the time comes."

After a long time, Uchiha Tokumitsu said quietly.

The first special reconnaissance team that went to Mt. Myoboku came from a variety of sources, including not only Uchiha tribesmen and Konoha ninjas, but also carefully selected troops from Kirigakure, Kusanagi Village, Rain Ninja Village and other troops directly under the shogunate. Loyal Ninja Army.

The mission they now shoulder on the surface is to explore the wild world outside the Ninja Continent according to the latest "Exploration Order" issued by the shogunate, and try to establish supply points and transfer stations along the way as a follow-up "pioneering team" base.

Perhaps, except for the Uchiha who led the team, the ninjas in the first team may not know the true goal of the trip until their death, and may even regret not being able to pass on the location of the legendary terrifying cave, Mount Myoki. Go back to the shogunate and tell the lord you admire the most.

"The ocean exploration team is also ready, but they still need your order, teacher..."

Uchiha Shisui said cautiously.

"……Let me see."

Uchiha Tokko picked up the documents on the table and read them at a glance.

It has been three days since Asura came to surrender, and there was nothing unusual about Uchiha Tokumitsu in these three days. It was just yesterday that he suddenly issued an "exploration order" that only the most core personnel knew the inside story. Immerse yourself in the gentle land woven by Uchiha Makoto.

Even some Uchiha tribesmen who didn't understand the reason began to feel worried, thinking that the master's food, color, and marrow know the taste, and then he got addicted to it, and this was an ominous sign!

In order to cover the "exploration team" dispatched, Uchiha Tokumitsu also ordered the Fubo City Navy Corps to organize a fleet to sail towards the East China Sea to explore, and the name was to find Loquat who fled across the sea after Kirigakure's defeat. Juzo.

Although they are a cover force, they still do a good job on the surface.

The Fubo City Naval Staff deployed a total of ten armored battleships and ten armored cruisers to form a "Ten Fleet", and the fully loaded ammunition supplies could support a year-long voyage without supplies.

"So be it……"

After Uchiha Tokko briefly read the fleet preparation report, he signed his name in the report and left a seal with chakra characteristics.

"Hurry up and get it done..."

"As ordered!"

Uchiha Shisui immediately stamped his feet and saluted, then left instantly.


"Are there any documents that have not been approved?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu finished processing the documents that had piled up due to his obsession with Makoto's gentle homeland in the past few days. Then he shook the bell on the table and called in an attendant ninja to ask.

"The government report is no longer available."

The attendant ninja said respectfully: "But there are some more special ones..."

"Where? Not here?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his eyebrows. There were no files or reports on his desktop.

"It's a souvenir from the Grand Shrine."

The attendant ninja said: "It was reported by the great miko Risa..."

After saying that, the attendant ninja bowed and then went to the desk on the side to take out a few simple letters and placed them in front of Uchiha Tokko.

As we all know, Uchiha Tokumitsu has been with his fiancée Makoto these days, and the Grand Priestess of Tokumitsu Shrine is a woman, so he consciously suppresses such "insignificant" trivial matters.

"I see."

Uchiha Tokuhika nodded.

The attendant ninja saluted again and then moved out the processed government documents.

Uchiha Tokko tore open the envelope and took a look. As expected, it was Asura who was under house arrest in the shrine and wanted to see him...

But there’s nothing else to do at this time, so let’s meet him!

To be honest, Uchiha Tokumitsu is indeed quite interested in this dead-but-not-rigid ancestor.

Especially the secret technique that supported his reincarnation for thousands of years!

"You finally came!"

Asura, who was standing in the side hall, immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Uchiha Tokumitsu slowly leading the team into the shrine.

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded slightly to him, and then gave a few instructions to the great miko Risa before walking into the main hall alone.

Asura was a little surprised.

Through the window of the side hall, he could see the expressionless Tokumitsu Uchiha casually picking up the incense letter in front of the temple, lighting it with a chakra flame, then perfunctorily raising the incense letter to the level of his eyebrows and praying silently for a while, and then Place the incense letters in front of the statues of the goddess Uno and the Uchiha ancestors.

The Immortal of Six Paths has no share.

Asura breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, the attitude is quite clear!
Asura looked at the Uchiha ancestor statue again and confirmed that the image was not that of his brother Indra.

Moreover, from the style of clothing, it seems that he should be Indra's grandson.

"No matter how awesome your descendants are... they still don't take you seriously!"

Ashura suddenly and inexplicably found some "confidence".

At this time, the various hair colors of the Senju clan were no longer worrying.

"Tell me, what do you want to say..."

Uchiha Tokko slowly walked over from the main hall and said expressionlessly.

"...I can confirm that you are not the reincarnation of Indra."

Asura was a little dazed, and after looking at Uchiha Demitsu for a long time, he said quietly.

"That's it?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned.

"Although I still don't know how you know so many ancient secrets, I can be sure that you should know about my relationship with Indra, as well as the person you didn't offer incense in the main hall just now, and the one who offered the incense. The relationship between goddesses.”

Asura also ignored Uchiha Tokko's reaction, and just said to himself: "But this is all very unreasonable. Except for the short period after you first left Konoha, your actions, words and deeds still have some traces." Beyond the rules, all the subsequent behaviors are not like a person who grew up in the ninja world normally..."

"Where did you come to this conclusion?"

Uchiha Tokko tilted his head, a little surprised.

As for why it gives people such a feeling, Uchiha Tokumitsu thinks maybe it’s because he doesn’t pretend anymore!
As for other people who don't feel this way, it's because the superior person has the aura of omniscience and omnipotence after all!
"This book!"

Asura took out a book from his arms.

Uchiha Tokko took a closer look and almost laughed out loud——

"Deguang Quotations (Finely Edited Gold Edition)"

It is said to be the version with the most elaborate decorations, the most revised language, and the most expensive version!

"It is better to have no books than to believe in books..."

Uchiha Tokko couldn't help but shake his head.

Now he was sure that Asura was a fool!This kind of external propaganda material is actually used as an argument for judgment.

Fortunately, he thought that Asura had figured out his own uniqueness from some clues!
"...Isn't it right?" Asura was a little confused.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was too lazy to say anything more. He just waved towards the outside of the palace and called an attendant ninja over. He asked him to take out his copy of the 'Shogunate's Top Secret Edition' of quotations and handed it to Asura.

"...Is it different?"

Asura was suddenly at a loss.

"What do you say!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved the attendant ninja to retreat, and said angrily: "You have lived for so many years, don't you even understand the principle of covering up your mistakes and being a taboo for the venerable?"

"Could it be... a fake?"

Asura was even more surprised.

"All versions are true, but sometimes telling the truth doesn't mean telling the whole truth..."

"So, did your subordinates die for your ambition under your deception?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu walked to the altar in the side hall and stood in front of it, looking at the names of those tribesmen above who had died with the army since he left the northwest town.

"I gave them what they wanted, and they gave me what they could, and that was it."

"From the shogunate, to the joint company, to transforming Konoha, building new areas, and even benefiting all civilians under its jurisdiction, this is what the shogunate has always done and insists on doing!"

"Also, those followers of yours...do you remember what they look like? What are their names?"

"Also, how do you manage to remain so innocent after thousands of years?"


Asura was a little at a loss.

The words I had originally planned could no longer be uttered.

"I am their lord, they are my subordinates; they sacrificed their lives for me, and I will reward their families. This is the responsibility of the shogunate."

Uchiha Tokko's tone was very calm.

"The same sentence, said at different times, in different contexts, and in different tones, may have completely different meanings... You don't even know this common sense, right?"

Uchiha Demitsu was really surprised.

Asura's expression was visibly stiff.

"Then you are protected too well..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu felt a bit dumbfounded, "In other words, all the information you have come into contact with has been filtered too well, right?"

"……Is it?"

Asura looked a little dazed.

Could it be that he has really been reincarnated since ancient times and has been fighting constantly with his brother Indra, and that all the ideas and beliefs he adheres to are just cocoons made by others?

"It's not like an information cocoon, but you have been guided intentionally or unintentionally to do things that others think are unreasonable, whether this guidance is through language or the heterogeneous chakra you mentioned... So what seems normal to others will become abnormal in your eyes."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said leisurely.

These words, which seemed to reveal the inner confusion through mind-reading and then answer it, made Asura shudder.

"I can't read minds..."

Uchiha Tokko seemed to see through Asura's heart again, and said something more sincerely.

You still say!
Asura was even more confused.

"It's just that you are so understanding."

Uchiha Tokumitsu shrugged, "Even an ordinary jounin, as long as he has received training in expression control and emotion interpretation, he can interpret something from the changes in your expression..."

"Is it……"

Asura laughed at himself: "No wonder..."

"By the way, I would like to hear how you defined justice and evil in the past?"

"Also, how do you view the order that the ninja world spontaneously formed?"

"Also, what is your program?"

A series of questions made Asura completely dumbfounded.


His mouth opened and closed several times, but no word came out.

"So, what you do is just based on your feelings?"

Uchiha Tokko chuckled.

Asura felt that the laughter was full of mockery.

But the most uncomfortable thing is that he has no way to refute.

"I have read the works of my father...Sennin of Six Paths on the Brave New World, and I understand the purpose of founding the Ninja Sect. That is also the goal I strive for."

Although Asura was explaining, his eyes were becoming more and more confused.

"So, what to do?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked again.


Asura hesitated to speak.


How can his ideal world be realized since ancient times?
It seems... that in each reincarnation of his life, he put all his energy into fighting and arguing with his brother under his own influence.

So, what about the justice, order and the future of the ninja world that he has always advocated and insisted on?

"What is the purpose of what you are going to do?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was still aggressive.

"Famous? Fortune? Or is it just a battle of spirits?"

Asura was a little shaky, but still tried to argue: "Life is like a dream, fame and fortune are empty, only virtue and wisdom will last forever..."

"Life is like dust, fame and wealth are like passers-by; both your body and fame will be destroyed, and the flow of rivers will not be destroyed forever."

Uchiha Tokko shook his head repeatedly and denied Asura's statement: "You can only live in other people's world!"

"Only reading the Bible, not debating the Bible, not interpreting the Bible, will end up like you in the end!"

"……how about you?"

Asura asked softly.

"I am the Book Writer!"

Uchiha Tokko said decisively.

"How to practice sutras..."

"First uphold the sutras, practice them, and then achieve transformation..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu handed over "Tokumitsu's Quotes (Top Secret Edition of the Shogunate)".

After Asura took the book, he was still confused.

"In my opinion... there is no need for two months of house arrest."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said calmly: "You can leave tomorrow and try to walk around the ninja world."


"Measure the ninja world with your steps, feel the pain of life, old age, sickness and death among commoners, nobles, ninjas, merchants, etc., and then try to feel what it's like to be a human being..."

"All living beings are suffering, and we can only overcome it by ourselves; there has never been a savior in this world, and there is no need for a son of destiny."

"The world has always been here, so what if humans perish? How can there be anything eternal in the vast galaxy?"

"If you can't even make your thoughts accessible, then no matter how powerful you are, you are just a marionette in the hands of others!"

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Tokumitsu patted Asura on the shoulder, turned and left.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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