Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 432 Self-salvation

Chapter 432 Self-salvation

"I decided to go."

The day after the meeting with Asura, Uchiha Tokumitsu learned the news that Asura was preparing to leave through the transmission of the great witch Risa.

When Uchiha Tokko arrived at the shrine again, Asura had already changed his clothes.

"Are you really planning to travel throughout the ninja world with your footsteps?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little surprised.

At this time, Asura looked like an ascetic. After completely restraining his chakra aura, his face turned a little sallow, and even his head of bright blond hair was completely shaved off.

"I learned how to weave straw sandals with Zhike Monk last night. I also learned how to tan fur, draw silk and weave linen, etc. Moreover, if you use some ninjutsu, these skills are actually very simple."

Asura's mood seemed to become very indifferent.

It's like... seeing through the world.

"Ninjutsu has always been the primary productive force in the ninja world, but it was just used for killing and war."

Uchiha nodded and said with some approval: "Then have you determined your goal?"


Asura replied without hesitation: "Those who want to save others must first save themselves. Only by being down-to-earth step by step can we achieve the goal of reaching the world of ninja and benefiting the ninja world!"


Uchiha Tokko raised his eyebrows, feeling a little uncomfortable.

If this is really Asura's self-enlightenment...then is he too easily led astray?
Besides, how can a strong person be so easily influenced by others?
"The Ninja Army looking for Mt. Myoboku has already set off. Maybe the location of the secret realm can be determined in a month."

Uchiha Demitsu mentioned casually.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Asura asked calmly.

"Plow its courts, sweep its huts, exterminate its descendants, and set up military mansions to rule the land."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said without hesitation.

"If it's convenient, maybe I can help..."

Asura said politely.

"……That's good!"

Uchiha Deguang also had a smile on his face.

This is what he wants!

"Also, bring it..."

Asura stretched out his hand towards Uchiha Tokimitsu.

"What's the matter?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu is a little unclear.

"Amnesty order."

Ashura said.

"It will be officially issued in two months, not now."

Uchiha Tokko smiled and said: "Moreover, not issuing an amnesty order now is also to protect you. Otherwise, if the aliens in Miaomu Mountain and Ryūchi Cave find out about it, they will probably take action against you again."

"There's no way Tomamaru doesn't know..."

Asura shook his head, but did not persist.

"Since you're in disguise, I think very few people in the ninja world will be able to discover your true identity. Whether or not you have an amnesty order actually doesn't matter in a short period of time..."

"In addition..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu summoned an attendant ninja, whispered a few words to him, asked him to take out a number plate, and handed the number plate to Asura.

"This is the shogunate's pass. With this, you can pass through various checkpoints in non-confidential key points."


Ashura said sincerely.

"and also……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out a stack of gold coupons from his arms and handed them to Asura without counting them: "This is considered as the travel expenses for my personal sponsorship."

"I plan to travel around the ninja world in the way of an ascetic monk..."

Asura shook his head and declined Uchiha Tokko's kindness.

"But you can't eat noodles without paying, right~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "Besides, having no money and having money are two completely different concepts. Or when you meet people in need, this money can help them..."

"...Then what do I need to do?"

Asura's cheeks felt a little hot, and the past experiences still made him feel a little unbearable when he thought about them.

"You can write a travelogue. There are no restrictions on the content or genre, but it must be your own insights."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "When you finish traveling in the ninja world, the copyright of this travel book will belong to the shogunate, and the United Company will integrate and publish it."

"Like your quote?"

Asura's heart was pounding.

"...What are you thinking!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said angrily.

Quotes were a propaganda tool specially created to unify internal thoughts and promote the concept of shogunate rule. The promotion intensity was naturally extremely large. It was impossible for Uchiha Tokimitsu to give Asura's travel notes such high political treatment.

"But in this way, it can be considered a statement~"

Asura was not upset after being rejected, and remained as optimistic as ever.

Uchiha Demitsu just nodded silently.


Just when Asura was about to pick up his bag and leave, he suddenly said: "Thank you Tokumitsu-kun for giving me the book. Although I personally disagree with some of your unpublished opinions, I will continue to do so in the process of walking in the ninja world." If there is a chance in the future, I hope to continue debating scriptures with you..."


Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little surprised, and then he was shocked inside.


After Asura walked away, Uchiha Tokumitsu quickly took out "Tokumitsu's Quotations" from his ninja bag, and felt bad when he touched the cover.

Open it up--

"Sure enough..." He actually gave away the quotation book he carried with him to take notes!

But what was taken back belonged to the ninja who was serving under him at the time!

"This TM..."

Uchiha Tokko couldn't help but cursed.

Forget it, it would be a shame if I had to catch up and come back.


When Asura walked out of Konoha New District, he stood on a hill outside the village, looking in the direction of the Uchiha clan in the village, as if he was expecting something.

"Are you really not going to say something to me?"

Suddenly, Asura said to himself.

"Or is it that your power has been exhausted and you fell into a deep sleep?"

Although Asura's tone was full of expectation, there was still nothing strange around him.

"...If you can hear me but don't want to talk to me, how about letting the wind blow up the leaves to form a fan shape?"

"...really don't want to?"

After a long time, there was still no movement.

Asura couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and even began to doubt his own judgment.

But theoretically speaking, after he is reincarnated, his brother Indra should also be reincarnated subsequently, and without special external assistance, he can only choose among the only blood-born Uchiha clan in the contemporary era. host.

And based on past experience, the difference in rebirth time between the two will not exceed one year at most.

In addition, Asura had long felt that the night when he suddenly woke up and realized that there was something wrong with his chakra consciousness, there was obviously a special chakra coming from the same source as himself. It has a stimulating effect.

Therefore, it is self-evident to whom that special chakra belongs...

Anyway, he is definitely not his father who is hiding in the Pure Land.

"If I guess correctly, you should choose the reincarnation of the previous body..."

Asura said to himself.

"So, you should be still very young now, and you can't exert much power."

"If you don't want to see me for this reason, then I might come to Konoha again in a few years. By then you might have grown up a little, and you might have the ability to act independently to meet me."

"Don't worry, I won't bully you..."

"Moreover, it has been thousands of years... Our reincarnations have been fighting for so many years, but we have never had a direct conversation. I think this may be the reason why the misunderstanding and estrangement are getting deeper and deeper..."

Asura stood on the hill for a long time, but he could not wait for the reply to his thoughts, so he could only leave in disappointment.



In the Uchiha clan, in the main residence of the great clan.

Uchiha Itachi, who was sleeping soundly in the crib, suddenly started crying.

Uchiha Mikoto, who was taking care of the housework, immediately ran in, picked up the child and comforted it for a long time, and then carried out daily feeding before the child stopped crying.

"Stupid Ou Doudou...you really can't see anything in your eyes!"

I finally helped you regain your true self, but unexpectedly, you were fooled into lameness by your own descendant!
Although what you, a very "Indra" descendant, say does make some sense, you can't just accept everything!No matter what, you should have some opinions of your own!
Uchiha Itachi, who had eaten and drank enough, fell asleep again.


This time, Asura's decision was very serious.

Even, in order to strengthen his own ideas, Asura deliberately left an obsession deep in his chakra consciousness as an anchor, vowing to walk in the ninja world and experience the joys, anger, sorrows, birth, old age, sickness and death of all people as a necessary state of mind practice. .

For him, this is an in-depth travel, an experience, and a redemption of himself.

Even though he looked like he was talking and laughing happily in front of Uchiha Tokoku, it was actually just a cover-up.

The guilt in Asura's heart is too heavy!

Being secretly manipulated without realizing it, entangled with his brother Indra for thousands of years, indirectly leading to countless killings, and the so-called "ideal", "faith", and "justice" that have achieved nothing...

All of this seems so pale and feeble in the face of reality.

Even the one-village-one-country system created by the most successful reincarnation, Senju Hashirama, only lasted for 40 years before being easily dismantled by Uchiha Tokumitsu...

More importantly, in the past, Asura's reincarnation affected the host through chakra, but because his chakra was secretly manipulated at some point, his influence on the host may be wrong. , or what others want to see...

"I know that I have sinned, and it is only the light of virtue..."

Asura once again took out the "Tokumitsu Quotations (Top Secret Edition of the Shogunate, the Shogun's Personal Edition)" from his arms, gently brushed away a trace of dust on the cover, and then let out a long sigh.

Turning to the first page of the quotation, a line of scrawled handwriting was written -

"Labor is the only source of value creation!"

This is also the first goal that Asura is preparing to implement: like the disciples of the ancient Ninja Sect, he must rely on his own strength to get rewards by helping others, and in this win-win process, he must gradually spread his own concept to achieve mutual understanding between people!

"Starting today, we will enter the legendary wilderness area!"

Standing on the edge of the Ninja World Continent, Uchiha Seiji, the captain of the first team of the Shogunate Exploration Team, said to the team members.

Looking at the barren and barren rocky landscape in the distance, the exploration team members were first frightened, but then they regained their fighting spirit under the encouragement of their captain.

"The ninja continent is limited after all, but there may be more surprises outside the wilderness..."

Uchiha Seiji delivered a speech passionately: "No matter what the outcome of this trip is, your names will definitely be engraved in the history of the shogunate!"

"This is a small step for the ninja world, and it will be a giant step for the shogunate!"

"The shogunate is victorious!"

The exploration team members are full of passion.

"Lord De Guang has spoken beforehand. Regardless of your origins or rank, when you return from exploration in the future, everyone will be promoted to three levels in a row! The United Company also has bonuses and bounties!"

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a big reward, and the emotions of the exploration team members are even higher!

"Long live Lord Deguang!"

As the team members cheered, Uchiha Seiji took a deep breath and waved his hand——

"set off!"

The alien bastards of Mt. Myoboku, the Uchiha boss is here!

Uchiha Seiji was the first to cross the border of the ninja world in an instant and officially entered the uninhabited wilderness area.

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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