Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 433 The unjust war in the ninja world

Chapter 433 The unjust war in the ninja world

"All things are born from the heart, and the heart of heaven is my heart..."

In the training chamber of the Konoha Governor's Mansion, Uchiha Tokumitsu waved a five-color divine light, turning the steel ingot placed on one side for testing into a mist.

Although this effect is indeed shocking in the ninja world, Uchiha Tokumitsu still feels dissatisfied.

Still too weak!
Although from the perspective of single target attack effect, the five-color divine light can crush and disintegrate all five-escape ninjutsu through the magical use of the five-escape chakra attribute, but whether it is compared with the genuine five-color divine light that can be used for everything, it is still different from the original five-color divine light. Compared with the Six Paths Sage's Seeking Jade, Uchiha Tokumitsu's "replica" five-color divine light is at most the level of an enhanced version of the mini-tailed beast jade. Compared with those bug-like existences, it is still far behind!

Moreover, as Uchiha Tokumitsu continues to absorb the chakra of the five tailed beasts in his hand, the power of Senjutsu Five Release Chakra has now reached its bottleneck. Unless he obtains the chakra of other tailed beasts, it will be difficult to make any progress.

Therefore, Uchiha Tokumitsu sent a handwritten letter to the ruling government of the Kingdom of Wind, offering to the Fourth Kazekage Rasa to exchange the tailed beast chakra of Shukaku for assistance from the shogunate. However, not long after the messenger set off, Rasa There has been no formal reply from Yin.

Therefore, in a short period of time, Uchiha Tokko could only continue to rely on hard work to polish his strength.


Uchiha Makoto jumped open the door and walked in, then jumped into Uchiha Tokumitsu's arms like a bird flying into the forest.

"Don't sleep a little longer?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu put away his divine light and stroked his fiancée's long hair full of indulgence.

"……miss you!"

At this time, Uchiha Makoto also thought of the madness at night, and his face suddenly became more rosy.


Uchiha Tokko felt like he was getting ready to act again, "I have a secret technique that I plan to teach you~"

"What secret technique?"

Uchiha Makoto buried her head in Uchiha Tokumitsu's arms and rubbed her back and forth, asking softly.

"The art of Yin-Yang Mixed Cave..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled evilly, and then everything remained silent.


People's joys and sorrows are not connected to each other. Just when Uchiha Tokumitsu was enjoying himself and making love, the atmosphere in the Government Hall of the Earth Kingdom's Daming Mansion was extremely solemn.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Huang Tu, who was present at the secret meeting, kept shouting and couldn't believe what Fukasaku Sennin of Mount Myoki announced.

"Assistant Loess, although this incident is very sudden, the fact is that... Asura has been killed!"

The face of Fukasaku Sennin, who was wrapped in a cloak, was full of sorrow, "This is another crime committed by the shogunate!"

"The evil deeds of the shogunate are known to everyone in the ninja world!"

"Evil slam!"

"Never tolerate!"

"We must avenge Mr. Asura!"

The ministers of the Earth Kingdom immediately spoke out their condemnations one after another. Each of them seemed to be righteous and resolute, but the unconcealed trembling in their voices also inadvertently revealed the panic in their hearts at this time.

But to say that the most sad and angry thing is loess!

You know, not long after he and Asura reached a secret agreement, the organization secretly assembled in the name of protecting the southern ninja army had not had time to seize the power of Iwagakure. Asura, who was the biggest source of help, was announced as "death". This is called What can he do!

Besides, with the retreat of the ninja troops stationed in the south, the various forces within Iwagakure have long been eyeing the ninja army that has lost its garrison, and they have long been thinking of splitting up this ninja army; and at this rate As the situation continues to develop, sooner or later one day either his secret organization will be dismantled or a civil war-level conflict will break out in a secret fight!
After all, the jounin responsible for the ninja army stationed in the south are not willing to hand over their trump cards!

But having said that, not long after the two major holy places and the two major ninja villages formed an alliance, the envoys who were the intermediary liaison were "killed" by the shogunate. If we can reason from this, it means that all our conspiracies and plans are completely meaningless, and the shogunate already knows our side well.

In fact, the shogunate's spies may be hidden among everyone here...

Ohnoki's eyes were sinister and sinister, and he glanced over one by one.

Wherever they looked, ministers and ninjas straightened their backs and put on a "severe condemnation" look to show that they had absolutely nothing to do with the leak.

"Don't be suspicious, Lord Tsuchikage. Maybe the news leaked from Kumogakure, which led to Mr. Asura's murder..."

The Tachibana clan's daimyo's words made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"His Royal Highness the Daimyo is right. The top priority is not to hold people accountable, but how to prevent subsequent people from being killed..."

Fukasaku Sennin also said something that seemed fair.

Ohnoki looked at the old toad, who was half a head shorter than himself, and said nothing.

Now that even the envoy has been captured and killed by the shogunate, Ohnoki doesn't know what the point is in continuing to hold this pretentious so-called enlarged "secret meeting."

After all, the more the ministers and nobles summoned by the daimyo to attend the meeting knew, the greater the possibility of bad things happening.

"We must immediately send a letter to condemn those unruly Kumogakure barbarians!"

A minister with oily hair and pink face stood up and followed the daimyo's words and said.

"The Taira Daimyo must pay the price!"

"This is a crime against two big countries!"

Afterwards, the ministers who reacted immediately followed the same example of searching for enemies in the void, and launched a fierce attack on the non-existent Kumogakure.

As for the topic of how to avoid subsequent murders raised by Fukasaku Sennin, it has been forgotten for the time being.

For ministers, the opportunity to flatter a famous person is not something they come across all the time. If you don't echo a few words at this time, you may be worried about the petty His Highness the Tachibana family.

"...It's fun, isn't it?"

Unable to bear it, Onoki coldly interrupted the performance of the ministers.

The veins on his forehead popped out and his eyes were bloodshot. It was obvious that he had reached the limit of his endurance.

The ministers immediately stopped looking and shut up obediently.

The weak smile on Tachibana's daimyo's face immediately disappeared, and he condemned these sycophantic ministers with a serious look on his face.

"The two major countries should maintain the harmony as always. After all, the overthrow of the Ninja world is the great cause of the ninja world..."

This is what Fukasaku Sennin also interjected hypocritically.

"There is no such thing as justice in the ninja world!"

Ohnoki interrupted Fukasaku Sage's words very impatiently.


Including the Daimyo, everyone present was shocked at the same time.

"What bullshit righteousness is, it's just a cliché to whitewash the appearance!"

Ohnoki seemed very manic at this time: "It's okay to deceive others about these nonsense, just don't believe it yourself!"

"There's no such thing as righteousness in this world! It's not about who's fist is bigger!"

"Lord Tsuchikage..."

The only one who dared to speak at this time was the Ju family: "Please be patient..."

"How else can I not be impatient!"

Ohnoki suddenly became furious and swept away the items on the table in front of him. He jumped up and put his hands on his hips and began to angrily yell: "How can I not be impatient when I'm with a bunch of insects like you!"

"Iwagakure! We are about to perish!"

As soon as Onoki said this, everyone was shocked.

"Loess! Do you think I don't know about those little tricks you think you're clever about!"

Ohnoki was so angry that he was itching his teeth: "Do you already regard the Iwagakure ninjas as tools to fight for power? Is it because you no longer have the will of stone in your heart!"

"I..." Huang Tu, who was suddenly attacked, suddenly blushed and sweated profusely. He wanted to argue but didn't know where to start.

"The ninja troops stationed in the south are not your private property! They are not a tool for those who are jounin to fight for power!"

Ohnoki said coldly: "In front of me, there is never any chance of extrajudicial mercy!"

Loess can only bow to the ground.

"Limited to you tomorrow!"

"Let all the jounin in charge be deprived of military power and return to the village. I will send someone else to take over the ninja army. Do you have any objections?"

Ohnogi was unyielding and continued to shout angrily.

"...As ordered!"

Loess had no choice but to kowtow repeatedly.

Seeing this situation, all the ministers' eyes were expressive, and they were a little ready to make a move.

"Yet, you bunch of insects are still talking loudly and doing things that are not helpful to the country's affairs!"

"Sit back and talk about justice when there is nothing wrong, and die in danger to avenge your great name! The greatest rat in the world is nothing more than that!"

"In that case, what's the use of waiting for you!"

After saying that, Onoki took out the kunai with all his teeth and claws, intending to pounce on and kill all the insect ministers.

"Lord Tsuchikage! You can't do it, you can't do it!"

The Iwagakure jounin were horrified, and hurriedly rushed forward to hold the impulsive Ōnoki away. They tried to calm down the angry Ōnoki a little by offering words of comfort and persuasion.

"Your Excellency Tsuchikage is also motivated by his desire to serve the country and his concern for the people. Please remember not to be resentful..."

At this time, the daimyo began to smooth things over again.

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

"Understand understanding..."

A group of shocked ministers bowed their heads one after another.

"But as Lord Tsuchikage said, the country is at a critical moment..."

The daimyo said in a long voice.

"I am willing to destroy the family to relieve the disaster!"

"Me too!"

The slightly smarter ministers all knew what to do at this time, and then they expressed their determination, stance, and generous donations. After a while, a large amount of military expenses were raised.

Such a divine turning point made the Iwagakure jounin who had been holding Onoki tight to stop being impulsive were dumbfounded.

These bitches!So rich!

This is the first thought that comes to the minds of the Iwagakure jonins!
Why did you go there earlier? If you have money, take it out as soon as possible!Does it have to be a threat?What a bitch!

Thinking of this, the hands that were holding Onomu's clothes so tightly couldn't help but loosen a little.

But Onoki did not rush forward impulsively and kill all the ministers as they thought.

"All the ministers are indeed virtuous and loyal to the affairs of the country, but we should leave first..."

The daimyo also waved away everyone lazily, "I'm tired today, let's talk about it tomorrow..."

Then he said to Fukasaku Sennin, who was standing aside and looking dumbfounded, "I'll make Sennin laugh... Is it convenient tomorrow?"


Fukasaku Sennin answered mechanically.

Then it turned into a puff of smoke and returned to Miaomu Mountain.

Just as the others were about to leave, the daimyo added: "Can you please stay a while, Lord Tsuchikage?"


Onoki said coldly.

After a while, the hall became deserted.

"...It's rare to be so pure."

The daimyo sighed quietly: "The country is in decline, but Mr. Ohnoki has to worry about it."

"Your Highness is serious, this is just a matter of duty."

At this time, Onoki's tone also softened, and then he bent down to pick up the cups scattered on the ground, took the teapot from the next table, poured himself a cup of tea, and tasted it silently.

"By the way, remember to accept all the military expenses they promised to donate just now. If anyone dares to regret it later, I will let the ANBU review it!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Onoki, this matter will not be delayed; now the internal treasury has almost been spent. If there is no other way, I would not let Mr. Onoki ruin his reputation by performing such a drama..."

The daimyo shook his head, feeling helpless.

"In fact, we have already started a war with the shogunate..."

Ohnoki put the cup back on the table, put his hands on his knees, and said seriously: "It's just that what we are facing now is the economic strangulation war of the shogunate!"

"This soft knife is really powerful at killing people..."

The daimyo could only shake his head helplessly.

"Anyway, it's useless to talk too much now. It's better to cultivate more ninja troops than to treat gold as compensation..."

There was helplessness in Ohnoki's words: "Moreover, those guys in the shogunate may not give us the opportunity to cede land and pay compensation! So even if we die, we must die heroically! Only in this way can we have the will not to fall into the stone!"

"...Is there really no chance?"

The daimyo was stunned for a while before he asked.

"I don't know, but if we don't put on a fight to the death, we'll have no chance at all."

Onoki's answer was also very straightforward.

The daimyo was speechless.

This conversation has been held countless times between the originally conflicted daimyo Tsuchikage, but Ohnoki's answer was exactly the same every time.

The daimyo's nature is relatively weak.

Although he is violent but soft-hearted, although he is greedy for money and lust, he is also moderate. He had many conflicts with Iwagakure but basically had less military expenditure than Iwagakure... In short, the name of the Tachibana family is a contradictory and real person.

Both himself and Ohnoki knew this very well.

But now the reason why they are willing to put aside their past feud and sit together to plan secretly is that the pressure on the shogunate is too great!
For Ohnoki, the existence of Uchiha Tokumitsu is simply the reincarnation of Uchiha Madara!It always brings back memories of the teacher, Tsuchikage Muashi, being beaten down by "Ninja Shura" and being beaten and humiliated.

As for the daimyo, they were frightened by the fate of the two daimyo from the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Water.

If you lose your power one day, you might as well just die before you completely lose your power!

"In other words, maybe the common people of Earth Kingdom don't matter, ordinary Iwagakure ninjas don't matter, and even some nobles who have deep connections with the United Company don't matter..."

Onoki decided to use some fresh and strong medicine, and encouraged him to commit "intermittent rickets" again: "But I don't want to surrender. As the second generation Patriarch Wu, I don't want to surrender. As the first generation Patriarch Shihe, I don't want to surrender." Don’t want to surrender!”

The daimyo's waist couldn't help but straighten up even more.

"Also, civilians can surrender, nobles can surrender, ninjas can surrender..."

"But your highness, the Tachibana family, is a noble one. Can you surrender?"

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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