Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 444: When Humanoid Stars Shine

Chapter 444: When Humanoid Stars Shine

After the initial confusion, Kumogakure immediately began to swing the butcher knife under the double instructions of the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder and the Raikage.

As a result, the actual control area of ​​​​the Kingdom of Thunder was completely plunged into bloodshed. Wherever the Kumogakure ninja army went, no matter what his identity was before the rebellion, no matter whether he was a noble, a samurai, a wealthy businessman, or a ninja, after 5 minutes of persuading him to surrender, Those who were not captured were slaughtered.

It was this act of extreme determination that completely quelled the riots that had almost swept the country in a very short period of time.

The Konoha Intelligence Department and the Ministry of Internal Affairs were also caught off guard, and the chess pieces they arranged were almost wiped out in Kumogakure's rebellion.

After all, no one could have imagined that Yunyin could be so ruthless.

Even the extreme faction of Iwagakure felt that Kumogakure was too extreme after learning about this...

But it has to be said that the extremely violent Kumogakure did solve extremely difficult national problems in a short period of time, although the cost was that the Kingdom of Thunder completely lost its vitality.

But in the eyes of the Third Raikage, all this is worthwhile.

"Your Highness Daimyo, Kumogakure has fulfilled his mission and has completely pacified those non-citizens!"

In the Government Hall of the Daming Mansion of the Land of Thunder, the sound of the burly Third Generation Thunder Shadow resounded through the hall like a bell.

But those ministers who were spared from the disaster just lowered their heads and said nothing.

The nobles who use blood as a link to inherit and expand are intertwined and intertwined with each other. Although they have factions and are political enemies of each other, they have actually maintained a tacit understanding that cannot be broken. Everyone seems to be performing in front of the daimyo. It's a scene of disunity; but with the slaughter of the sword, now except for Kinki and Damingfu, almost the entire Kingdom of Thunder has been slaughtered. The ministers don't know how many forces or secret hands they have lost.

If the ministers whose interests had been seriously violated were not afraid of Kumogakure's bloody cruelty, they would have jumped up and denounced the Raikage angrily, and asked the daimyo to excommunicate the shinobi village.

The problem is that the ministers, who are well aware that the daimyo is behind this catastrophe that covers the country, dare not speak out, lest local disasters befall them.

"Kumogakure is a ninja village that protects the country. Putting down the chaos will benefit the country and the people!"

The Taira name on the high platform officially set the tone.

The ministers had nothing to say and had no choice but to obey.

"All ministers are the pillars of the country, and you should know that you share the honor and disgrace with the country!"

Although the tone of the Taira Daimyo sounds calm, the words and sentences are full of threats: "Otherwise, the harsh soil of the Land of Thunder will bury all ungrateful people!"

In fact, the Daimyo of the Taira family was not so decisive at first, but when Ai presented the "clearance" information collected by the nobles of the Earth Kingdom to the Daimyo, his attitude immediately changed 180°.

His idea is also very simple, that is, the meat must rot in his own pot!Even if these cooked ducks want to jump into the shogunate's trash can after being drained of their oil, they are not allowed!
What's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine - this is the thinking and stance of the Taira Daimyo.


After Asura bid farewell to Sansho Hanzo, who vowed to "give up drinking," he continued to the north of the Country of Rain, crossed the shogunate-controlled area in the northeast, and entered the territory of the Country of Grass.

However, I saw that in addition to the forehead protectors of their own ninja village, the grass ninjas also wore a brooch on the chest of their vests that was almost exactly the same as the Uchiha clan's Uchiha fan logo.

After carefully questioning the businessmen who knew about it, I learned that this was because the leader of the Kusanagi Village, Mang, became a member of the Military Aircraft Department under the direct leadership of Uchiha Tokko, so the Kusanagi felt that they were honored and privileged. , so he customized this brooch to wear at his own expense to express his loyalty and love for the shogunate.

The Rain Ninja Village, which he had just visited in the Land of Rain, surprised him, but he did not expect that the Grass Ninja Village behaved even more unnaturally!

Although the leader of the Rain Ninja Village, Sanshouyu Hanzo, is addicted to wine, meat and wealth, after all, he was once a powerful "demigod" in the ninja world. However, the strength of the Rain Ninja Village is really inferior to others, and he also has the ability to protect the Ninja Village. Because of this, he half pushed and half fell to the shogunate's silver bullet offensive - at least in Asura's view.

But what about the grass ninja!

Your leader is still alive!

Are you so anxious to kneel down to the leader of leaders?
"Sir Deguang is kind-hearted and hates poor people."

In this regard, the merchants of the Kingdom of Grass gave a surprising answer: "Whether it is a ninja or a civilian, in short, since Lord Tokumitsu arrived in the Kingdom of Grass, there have been no more wars and banditry in the past; after the establishment of the United Company , Lord Deguang even built countless pastures in the country so that the tribesmen would no longer suffer from the White Disaster..."

“But wouldn’t it be better if you graze your own cattle?”

Ashura asked puzzled.

"The livestock raised by the tribesmen who work in the pastures are divided into [-]% and [-]%!"

The eyes of the merchants from the Country of Grass were full of envy.

"Seventy percent...that's really good."

"No! Seventy percent belongs to the shogunate, and the tribal people get only [-]%!"

"Why is it only [-]%!"

Asura became even more confused.

Isn't this naked exploitation?

“With this [-]%, you don’t have to look at people’s looks, you can just work. How great is this!”

The words of the businessman from the Country of Grass are astonishing.

"...So people from the plains of the Country of Fire will not understand the suffering of the desert of the Country of Grass."

The businessman from the Country of Grass shook his head and said no more.

Including all the 'shameless' wallflower behaviors of the grass ninjas in the past, it was actually nothing more than the helplessness of a small country.

If you could straighten your chest and behave as a human being, who would want to be a despicable thief in the eyes of others!

Besides, if you only need to pay the "blood tax" to live and live well, who wouldn't want to be a loyal minister of the shogunate!

It was inconvenient for Asura to continue to pester him, so he continued to wander around the town with his hands behind his back.

By listening to the conversations on the street, Asura gradually pieced together the impression of the Country of Grass beyond the books——

A country that is ridiculed as a wallflower but lives up to its name and is as indestructible as the most stubborn weeds; while Kusanagi Village is a country with no foundation and can only rely on cheating and stealing ninjutsu from other ninja villages. A concentration camp for thieves who started out.

Before Uchiha Tokumitsu led his troops to suppress the Kingdom of Grass, the Kingdom of Grass was just like the stereotypes rumored among the countries, swinging between Konoha and Iwagakure; but after the border war against Iwagakure was launched, Under the coercion of Uchiha Tokumitsu, the Grass Ninja Village sacrificed the flesh and blood of a generation on the battlefield in exchange for Uchiha Tokumitsu's favor.

From then on, Kusanagi Village became prosperous!
First, a lot of new ninjutsu were collected from the defeated Iwakakure, and they also received support from the garrison camp at that time. As for outsourcing tasks, they solved the urgent need of Kusanagi Village.

Later, as the Uchiha clan's control over the Country of Grass became deeper and deeper, the Grass Ninjas were frequently called into battle and obtained a large amount of supplies through the war; the life of the Grass Ninja Village was getting better day by day. Get up, even the civilians of the Country of Grass no longer have to face famine disasters.Therefore, from this point of view, the legendary "kind-hearted" Lord Tokuguang "doesn't see the poor" can be regarded as sincere.

This also made Asura sigh with emotion.

As the saying goes, it is better to believe in no books than to have no books at all. His journey in the ninja world had just begun, and everything he saw and heard was enough to refresh his knowledge.

Although the shogunate's rule deprived the common people of their surplus value, it also gave them a chance to survive.

In other words, although some of Uchiha Tokumitsu's behaviors are quite inappropriate, it also depends on who he is compared with - compared with the nobles or the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Earth, Uchiha Tokumitsu can indeed be regarded as a A great good man.

After all, this is an era where there is no worst, only worse. The relatively humane Tokuguang Shogunate is set off in a brilliant way.

So... what is the situation of the civilians of the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Earth, who are currently in economic crisis and governance crisis?
Asura hesitated for a moment and then decided to head towards the Kingdom of Earth.

Although Zetsu has now resolutely abandoned the contract between him and Mount Myoboku, after all, he had previously spoken to Loess of Iwagakure, and there were also unknown White Zetsu groups that had been discovered, etc., Asura felt that he still had to continue to investigate. necessary.

The worst case scenario is to borrow troops from Uchiha Tokumitsu to strangle White Zetsu!
Ashura thought so.


The dejected Black Zetsu and the expressionless Scorpion returned to the secret base of the Kingdom of Snow, giving up most of White Zetsu's control.

Ah Fei became more and more courageous, and his steps became more and more wild.

It actually wants to establish an above-ground political power in the southern part of the Earth Kingdom by referring to a few words in Tokumitsu's quotations!
This is the most ridiculous thing in the world!
When did the remnants of darkness dare to see people under the sun!
Therefore, Hei Jue expressed his indignation and dissatisfaction.

So Ah Fei was hung up and beaten without any courtesy!

The human puppets created by Scorpion were as ridiculous as paper toys in front of A Fei's Wood Release - after being sucked dry of chakra by Wood Release, the human puppets, no matter how powerful and sophisticated they were, were just decorations!

Scorpion's self-confidence was once again deeply hit, and his spirit was on the verge of collapse, so he was taken away by Hei Jue without any struggle.

And A Fei didn't like the human puppets that were worthless in its eyes, so he let Hei Jue and Xie leave.

After legitimately taking over the Bai Jue army from Iwagakure, A Fei started all kinds of magical operations of his own.

The Konoha Intelligence Department personnel suddenly discovered that the originally silent rebel Iwagakure, the genuine "Freedom Iwagakure" organization, suddenly emerged from nowhere and began to attack ninjas unscrupulously in the southern part of the Earth Country. military station, and even had the audacity to go to the Kingdom of Birds to rob the United Company's trading house!
And the purpose of "their" attacks everywhere is actually to get enough food to distribute!
This is too surprising!

Even though the members of the Konoha Intelligence Department are relatively well-informed, this is the first time they have seen this kind of group that is "not self-interested, but dedicated to benefiting others"!

Moved, the Intelligence Department also began to mobilize an action team, intending to give the rebel Iwagakure a hard blow and let them know the consequences of daring to rob the United Company!

Anyway, the Ministry of Intelligence has already supported a puppet of "Free Iwagakure". This group of serious Iwagakure rebel ninjas have now become a hindrance.

However, after organizing several rounds of encirclement and suppression operations, the Intelligence Department discovered that the earth escape and life-saving abilities of this group of "Free Rock Hidden" far exceeded their apparent strength!No matter how well-organized the action team is, these slippery "Free Iwagakure" can escape before the encirclement is about to take shape, even if a steel barrier is arranged in advance!
Therefore, this case that is very likely to promote the advancement of Konoha's sealing technique was reported to the sealing class, so Uzumaki Ashina also became interested. After getting the consent of Uchiha Tokumitsu, he took a team of Uzumaki ninjas to Bird Heading towards the country, I plan to have a good fight with the "Free Rock Hidden" who possess unknown secret techniques to break the seal!
"The time has come! Those Tokumitsu family bastards have given up trying to stop us!"

After two or three days without encirclement and suppression by the Intelligence Department's action team, Ah Fei immediately let himself go.

For the White Zetsus who are extravagant by nature, it is really against their nature to retreat so many times in front of Konoha ninjas!
Of course, there is a reason for this. A Fei believes that the shogunate is powerful and can only be outwitted but not head-on. Otherwise, the smaller one will be defeated and the larger one will come. When the time comes, Uchiha Tokumitsu will come in person, which will be a big trouble!

Therefore, for the great cause of Master A Fei, the Bai Jue people still endured it!
And today is the time for formal acts of righteousness!

The Bai Jue straightened their chests one by one and screamed strangely to express their inner excitement. Although their heads were empty, they still remembered the method A Fei taught them to use to express their emotions.

"I come, I see, I conquer!"

A Fei, who was standing on the high platform, raised his arms and shouted, and the Bai Jue people in the audience cheered.

"The time has passed when the ninjas divided the land and the sea and we could only hide underground!"

"We, Bai Jue, also want to get the water and soil under the sun!"

Ah Fei, who shouted loudly, felt inexplicably excited and waved his arms with increasing intensity: "Whether it is the decayed Iwagakure or the aliens in Mt. Miaomu, in front of our White Zetsu army loyal to Madara-sama, they are all local chickens. Ordinary pleasure exists!"


The White Zetsu immediately shouted at the top of their lungs.

"We fight to keep fighting!"

A Fei continued to shout loudly, regardless of whether the Bai Jue people could understand: "Start from the south and conquer the entire Earth Kingdom!"


The White Zetsus continued to chant.

"Madara-sama's good white Zetsu will be the eternal winner!"

"Ah! The winner!"

The Bai Jue people are becoming more and more proficient in their complimenting skills.

"We are the true inheritors of Madara-sama's will, and we are bound to create a beautiful new world full of White Zetsu for Madara-sama!"

Ah Fei took a deep breath and shouted in an unprecedented solemn voice: "Everything is for Madara-sama!"

"All for Madara-sama!"

"Sir Madame!"


Yi Yibai never knew that his nerves were wired in the wrong way, and shouted an unexpected slogan.

The Bai Jue were silent at first, and then they started shouting even more enthusiastically——

"Master Ah Fei!"

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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