Chapter 445 Nothing to say
Under the favorable coordination of Uchiha Tokumitsu and the Military Aircraft Division, the preparations for Konoha and various forces in the shogunate continued to advance in an orderly manner.

Even the dullest ninja knows that a war is coming, and it will definitely be a war of destruction.

Therefore, the crazy actions of Kumogakure and Iwagakure are understandable - they believe that the target of the shogunate's conquest is themselves!

Although Asura didn't think that Uchiha Tokumitsu was going to war just to deal with Iwagakure Kumogakure, who was now on the verge of self-disintegration, this did not prevent him from making bold threats in front of Loess.

"Do you think the rebel army in the south is just a group of rebel Iwagakure? Then you are totally wrong!"

"The Tokumitsu shogunate is sharpening its sword now, and is waiting to complete its work in one battle, and wipe out Kumogakure and Iwagakure in one battle. If you don't want to change, then you will have no choice but to perish along with Iwagakure!"

"Give up! Myobokuyama is not well-intentioned! Those aliens just want to use the hands of ninjas to consume the power of the shogunate!"

According to the secret code set by the two people earlier, Asura successfully met in a secret room in a grotto outside the Daming Mansion of the Land of Earth.

But no matter what he said, Loess kept shaking his head, refusing to agree to Asura's conditions - Asura hoped that he could lead the former southern garrison of the Ninja Army to launch a counterattack to change the current predicament of Iwagakure.

But for loess, this is simply impossible!
He is not a fool!

Now Asura, who was declared dead by Miaomu Mountain, suddenly appeared in front of him. Loess was kind enough not to report or take the initiative to attack Asura immediately. How could he still foolishly launch a mutiny?
You must know that the reason why he was willing to believe Asura's words to form a secret organization in the first place was mostly because of "taking advantage of others to gain self-respect." But now that Asura has lost his identity as an envoy of the Holy Land, he has lost his greatest value.

Therefore, Huangtu was naturally unwilling to do such a thing as taking chestnuts from the fire and making wedding clothes for the shogunate.

"Dust escape..."

Huangtu named the strongest power of the Tsuchikage lineage: "This is the only deterrent Iwagakure has against the shogunate now."

Asura nodded without interrupting.

"I have not mastered the power of dust escape, and no one in the entire Yanyin can compete with my father's dust escape..."

Huang Tu said slowly: "Even Tieshi, the former commander of the Frost Country's dispatched army who had great ambitions and had an affair with the shogunate, was no exception."

"And with all due respect, the reason why Mr. Asura has returned to the ninja world now is that he has defected to the shogunate, right?"

"...Although there are some differences, it is roughly the same."

Asura didn't explain too much about his grievances and grudges with the Miaomu Mountain lineage.

"Then...we are destined to be enemies."

Huang Tu spread his hands and said helplessly: "For the sake of past friendship, I will not inform the village of your existence, but I will never believe a word of yours, and I will not take action against you this time... "

"But it's only this time!"

"Non-my family, its heart must be different!"

Asura shook his head, "The ambition of Mount Miaomu..."

"The third paragraph of Chapter 7 of Deguang Quotes."

Huang Tu said suddenly.


Asura was a little surprised.

"The phrase 'not of my kind' you mentioned comes from the third paragraph of Chapter 7 of De Guang's Quotes."

Huang Tu said seriously: "You have habitually talked about the secret information of the shogunate in such a short period of time and used it skillfully. This shows the depth of your brainwashing, so I can't believe you even more!"

"...If I say it's not the case, you won't believe it, right?"

Asura just felt as disgusting as eating a dead fly!
Why does Uchiha Tokumitsu seem to have said everything, and he keeps filling in the quotations!

What can others do?

Huang Tu politely licked his lips, trying his best to look like he was smiling without saying a word.

He just looks honest and honest, not really stupid!So how could one believe Asura’s words that seemed sincere but contained no evil intentions!

"See you again in the future. We are enemies, not friends. I hope Mr. Ashura will take care of you..."

Huang Tu made a gesture of invitation to prepare for the guests.

"He can't go!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from outside the secret room.

"It's you!"

Huang Tu was immediately shocked.

Asura also looked outside the door.

At this time, the stone door of the secret room was still in good condition. It was obvious that the sound was transmitted through extremely profound secret techniques.

Asura concentrated his attention for a moment, then flicked his finger and swung a ball of chakra to hit the corner beside the door.

A stunned five-color bipedal tadpole revealed its true form. .

"It surprised me that……"

Asura also didn't expect that Fukasaku Sennin of Mt. Myoboku would find him so quickly!
And this also shows that the ninja frogs of Mt. Myoboku pay more than ordinary attention to these high-level officials of Iwagakure!

Otherwise, we would not know the whereabouts of Loess and the appearance of Asura.

Huang Tu's face also turned dark.

Obviously, he also reacted at this time and realized that he had most likely been under the surveillance of Mt. Myoboku Ninja Frog!
This is not a good thing!

Although Iwagakure and Myobokuyama seem to be standing in the same trench now, for the Ninja Village, only intelligence is the most important!Otherwise, after so many behind-the-scenes secrets are leaked, the deterrence of the Ninja Village will be greatly weakened!

"Asura...I want to have a good talk with you!"

Fukasaku Sennin's voice came through the shield of the stone door again.At this time, Fukasaku Sennin still did not choose to break in.

Because for Asura, who has mastered the art of Flying Thunder God, these frontal attacks are meaningless; and the ninja frogs of Mount Myoboku do not have the ability to lay out a barrier covering a wide range like the shogunate.

Asura looked at Loess, but didn't say anything more.

Although Huang Tu's face was still dark, there was a bit of embarrassment in his brows.

This is his secret base!As a result, I couldn’t even isolate the sound!

"I guess there's nothing left to talk about..."

Asura said indifferently: "And, what is the reason... you should ask Gamamaru!"

"The Great Immortal never said..."

When Huang Tu heard this, he suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Fukasaku Sennin's words also show that the so-called news of Asura's death was completely fabricated by the Myoboku Mountain lineage!Moreover, there seems to have been a deep conflict between Asura and Miaomushan, and they even broke up completely because of the conflict!
Miaomushan can break with his earthly traveler Asura today, but what about tomorrow?

What does Iwagakure represent to the holy land Myobokuyama?In the eyes of these aliens, will Iwagakure just a cannon fodder who can be given up at any time?

This is something that Huangtu, as the Tsuchikage's assistant, needs to consider!
"...but I hope to have a frank chat with you!"

Fukasaku Sennin said again.

"'s already too late!"

Asura said unmoved: "After discovering the existence of Tomamaru's alien magic chakra in my will, everything is destined to be irreversible..."

"Did Uchiha Tokumitsu say something to you?"

Fukasaku Sennin's voice began to sound a little angry: "Don't forget your identity and mission!"

It's not Uchiha Tokumitsu, but my brother who I have been entangled with for thousands of years...

Asura sighed slightly, but did not say it out loud.

"Come back to Mt. Miaomu with me! All this can be solved right now!"

Fukasaku Sage said again: "If you continue to be stubborn, all the ninja frogs will hunt you down!"

"And you! You can't escape!"

"It sounds like Mount Myoki has the final say in the ninja world..."

Asura didn't care about Fukasaku Sennin's threat at all: "If you are really so powerful, do you still need to hide in the wilderness and do some inexplicable tricks!"

"I see... No wonder the ninjas of the shogunate were able to find the location of the Holy Land. It seems that you really leaked the information!"

Fukasaku Sennin's voice became cold and hard again.

"I don't want to kill you, Fukasaku..."

Asura raised his sword finger: "But I'm worried that after seeing the ninja frogs in Miaomu Mountain, I won't be able to restrain my murderous intention anymore, so... I'm leaving!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Asura activated the Flying Thunder God technique to escape!
"Psychic Technique·Iwajuku Big Toad!"

Fukasaku Sennin secretly said something bad, and then immediately activated his psychic technique to summon the Iwajuku Giant Toad, the largest and most powerful seal in Mount Myoboku, in an attempt to seal the void!
After Asura fled without a trace, the stomach of the giant toad just emerged from the void...

The advantage of Flying Thunder God Technique in escaping is too great.


Fukasaku Sennin didn't know how to face the loess in the secret room, so after hesitating for a moment, he chose to leave silently.

Whether it's hiding one's ears and stealing the bell, or escaping from reality; Myobokuyama and Iwagakure Kumogakure are now in the stage of using each other, and everyone knows this well, and there is no point in continuing to tangle.


"We must kill the alien cancer of Wonderful Wood Mountain as soon as possible!"

After being blocked by Fukasaku Sennin once, Asura ran all the way back to Konoha after breaking away from contact, and found Uchiha Tokumitsu and said this.

"...Why are you more anxious than me?"

Uchiha Tokko had a headache.

To be honest, I don’t know if Asura was born with a lack of strength. He actually planned to rely on the Flying Thunder God Technique to break into Konoha. As a result, the special kunai used for positioning and guidance had just flown out and was detected by Konoha’s warning barrier. arrived, and immediately commanded the Uchiha ninjas on duty to shoot it down.

Asura, who planned to enter Konoha in this way, was chased away by the patrol for a whole night!

"Those aliens have eroded the ninja world too deeply..."

Ashura said.

"Did you only find out about this on the first day?"

Uchiha Tokko frowned instead.

"I want to visit the Uchiha clan..."

Asura looked around and spoke to him.

Of course, it was more because he wanted to find the reincarnation of his brother in this life.

"This matter is absolutely impossible, don't mention it again in the future!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu refused without even thinking about it.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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