Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 446: All are dead ends

Chapter 446: All are dead ends
In Uchiha Tokumitsu's previous life, there was a question that made people think: How to put an elephant in the refrigerator?
There is a perfect standard answer: open the refrigerator door, put the elephant in, and close the refrigerator door.

Does every step seem to be fine but why do you think there is a problem with each step?
"So, your plan is..."

When a normal person hears the answer to how to put an elephant in the refrigerator, his reaction is just like the confused Asura.

"Prepare supplies, assemble the ninja army, and attack Miaomu Mountain."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with great certainty: "Actually, don't have too many unnecessary doubts. Ninja marching and fighting are not so complicated, especially the shogunate ninja army. What they pay attention to is a majestic formation and fighting! "

Asura hesitated to speak.

Uchiha Deguang is invisible.

Of course, Ninja Army operations are not that simple, especially the battle to destroy Mount Myoki, which requires precise layout, careful planning, and the creation of local overwhelming advantages, so as to achieve the strategic goal.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu had no interest in sharing the complete attack plan with Asura.

One is to keep it secret, and the other is that the plan is not yet fully formed.

After all, this is a military operation to launch ninja troops across [-] kilometers, and the scale of the ninja troops participating in the war will be unprecedented in the ninja world. The manpower and material resources required are astronomical, and the confidentiality level of the combat plan alone is the highest. It was classified. In order to keep it confidential, even Uchiha Tokumitsu did not dare to use his own ninjas to serve as security cadres. Instead, he mobilized the red preparation teams scattered in various places.

Moreover, except for a very small number of senior officials who were able to join the Military Aircraft Department of the Governor's Palace and strong men like Sanshouyu Hanzo, outsiders had no idea that this military preparation operation was aimed at Mt. Myoboku, and the shogunate even made many small moves to make it easier for them to do so. Ninjas, including the ninja troops directly under the shogunate, believed that this time would be a precursor to the conquest of Kumogakure and Iwagakure.

Therefore, as long as Uchiha Tokumitsu's mind is intact, it is impossible for him to share any details of the Myoboku Mountain destruction plan with Asura.

"If that's the case, then that's it..."

Asura shrugged helplessly.

"By the way, how do you feel about your recent travels?"

Uchiha Tokimitsu changed the subject.

"...The ninja world is a worse world."

After Asura pondered for a moment, he found a relatively mild wording: "I thought that the various laws and regulations in the shogunate area were so strict and unkind, and the United Company was exploiting and exploiting everywhere, that most civilians would be resentful. , so at the beginning I deliberately wanted to find some evidence to embarrass you..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu curled his lips, but did not rush to interrupt.

"However, the senses of civilians seem to be completely different from those of ninjas..."

Asura sighed: "They pay more attention to the food in their bowls every day, the clothes on their bodies, and the items added to their homes. As for the future, it is not within their scope of consideration at all..."

"By the way, have you ever thought about the ratio of ninjas to civilians?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "Not only the five great ninja villages, but even if you add those Nami ninjas and the attendant ninjas in the hands of the daimyo, how many can they have?"


Asura didn't think about this problem.

"In addition to the major ninja villages, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, Genji, has about three thousand ninjas. Although their strength varies, they can be regarded as a capable ninja army."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "The daimyo of the Land of Earth and the Land of Thunder each have about 2000 people in their hands."

"Coupled with the small ninja villages, black market teams, scattered ninja clans, wave ninjas, and even samurai who can use chakra sword energy..."

"Compared with the population of the ninja world, is their total number one hundred thousandth?"

"Ah this..."

Asura was obviously stunned.

"What is the foundation of the ninja world?"

Uchiha Tokko changed the topic again.


This time, Asura did not dare to answer hastily.

"Everything in the ninja world depends on people!"

Uchiha Tokko replied very definitely.

"You should know better than me what happened in the ancient times; you should also know the reason why the wilderness is still lifeless after so many years. Even the desert problems in the Kingdom of Wind can be related to what happened in the ancient times. Find the answer you want..."

"The ninjas who split into countless forces each have their own positions and ideals, but they are all forced to fight each other on this cramped continent. The civilians have to do their best just to have three meals a day..."

"That's it, what else do you want for the future?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a sip of tea, leaving Asura time to think.

"...With a look like this, the ninja world is destined to die."

Asura said sadly.

"If a ninja is put into work in a mine, even the most ordinary genin can outperform a dozen or twenty prime miners in terms of work efficiency. But why are civilians always responsible for this type of work? "

"Cost-effectiveness... the cost of training even one genin can make dozens of families live a good life."

Asura said with some uncertainty.

"You have read a lot of books recently, and you actually know about the 'cost-effectiveness ratio'..."

Uchiha Tokko was really surprised this time.

Although Asura's position has turned 180°, the change in thinking is the most valuable.

"You said that..."

Asura was a little unhappy.This means that he was illiterate before!

"When civilians' labor is not enough to obtain the most basic food and clothing, their wish is to be able to eat and clothe themselves well; but ninjas are different. It is not difficult for even the most destitute ninjas to get a full meal."

"But human desires are endless."

"Moreover, happiness comes from contrast."

"Although the lives of civilians are indeed extremely miserable in the eyes of ninjas, if compared with the nightmare of struggling for food and clothing in the past, even the [-]% tax rate of the Grass Country Ranch is merciful to the shogunate. At least now they have obtained it. The proportion is less, but what I actually got was even more than when I was a free agent!"

"And even in countries that were once extremely miserable, such as the Country of Grass and the Country of Rain, their lives now have great advantages compared with the civilians of the Country of Thunder and the Country of Earth."

"You have always looked at the problem from the perspective of a ninja, so in your opinion, the shogunate suppresses humanity and exploits civilians, and the United Company is an accomplice of the shogunate..."

Uchiha Tokko directly pointed out Asura's little thoughts: "So, you have never been convinced, and you have always wanted to find some existing problems to prove that what you are thinking is right, or you want to use this method Revise the rules of the shogunate.”

"But the shogunate is definitely not completely right."

Ashura immediately retorted.

"But definitely not the worst."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied calmly: "Just as you said, this is a worse world. The shogunate has not yet rotted, so the shogunate is the best choice for the ninja world."

"No matter how much ninjas eat and use, given the population base of the ninja world, as long as productivity increases, it will not have a big impact on civilians."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "The problem that the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Earth are facing now is that the ninjas in the Ninja Village have begun to compete with the civilians for food."

"Senju Hashirama's idea is to restrain ninjas in the ninja village in order to allow civilians to have a good living environment; but he forgot that in addition to ninjas, there are also more greedy nobles!"

"Then...the ending of the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Earth..."

Ashura muttered to himself.

"It's all a dead end!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with great certainty: "It's hopeless, you're dead!"

"Now I haven't even started to exert my strength, but they are already in disarray. If we deploy thousands more ninja troops to the border, I'm afraid their shadows will be restless."

"Then what does Miaomu Mountain look like in your eyes?"

Asura asked quietly.

"A group of clowns who only dare to hide in the dark, clowns who smell fishy even if they are used to make dry pot."

Uchiha Tokumitsu reprimanded unceremoniously: "If they think they can escape the justice of the ninja world by hiding in the wilderness, then this time they have completely miscalculated!"

"So how exactly do you plan to attack Mt. Myoboku?"

Asura said immediately.




In the palace of the Great Immortal of Mt. Myoboku, since the last time the shogunate ninja appeared outside the mist protecting the mountain, the Great Immortal of Toad has not eaten, drank or slept.

Gamabunta, Gamahiro and other backbone members of Mount Myoki gathered outside the palace to wait for the instructions from the Great Immortal Gama, but they all looked a little flustered.

After the failure to pursue the shogunate exploration team, Myobokuyama fell into panic; Gamabunta and Gamahiro, who were responsible for the pursuit, were even more uneasy.

The appearance of ninjas, especially the sudden appearance of hostile shogunate ninjas on the outskirts of Mount Myoboku, and their appearance of preparedness, shows that Uchiha Tokumitsu not only knew the specific location of Mount Myoboku, but also had the idea of ​​using force.

This is a blockbuster-level impact for the Miaomu Mountain ninja frog who has been in peace for thousands of years.

In the past, even if Miaomu Mountain failed to intervene in the ninja world, they could completely retreat to the holy land far away from the wild land to continue their cultivation without worrying about the attack of the ninja forces. The singing and dancing of Mushan prospered.

But after several head-on battles with the shogunate, Myobokuyama had a tragic victory in the battle where the Uchiha clan's conservatives were ambushed by the Kingdom of Rain, and all other battles ended in tragic defeats.

Moreover, in the battle of the ninja world, due to the battlefield-level sealing circle of the shogunate, even if the ninja frogs were defeated, they could not escape back to Mt. Myoboku by dispelling the spiritism. Because of this, the fighting spirit of the ninja frogs became more and more difficult. He is getting more and more depressed. Although he is not war-weary, he no longer has the passion to "beat the ninja world" at the beginning.

"...If we continue, it's destined to be a dead end."

In the palace, after a long silence, the Great Toad Immortal sighed, stood up with difficulty, holding the armrests of the chair with his paws, and walked out of the palace.

It seems that things are changing far faster than the most pessimistic expectations at the beginning.

The Ninja waiting outside heard the movement of people inside the palace, and suddenly there was a commotion.

The Great Toad Immortal actually walked on his own!

This is an extremely rare thing!

"I want to go to Longdi Cave..."

The Great Toad Immortal said to the ninja frogs.

"Bunta... you have to urge Ninja to set up a defensive line and stop making jokes about enemies approaching without realizing it!"

"I honor your order!"

Gamabunta bowed down quickly.

 Update today (2/2)

  In the afternoon, I stole chicken and skipped work to go fishing. As a result, I didn't catch any fish, wasted more than a pound of feed, and even got a few tans. I made a big loss!If I had known earlier, I might as well have gone back to the dormitory and coded words~
(End of this chapter)

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