Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 449: On the number of jounin under the daimyo’s command

The so-called daimyo is the 'name lord' during the Ancestor Emperor's period, and the meaning of his title is 'big lord'.

The origins of the five major ninja kingdoms were mostly formed during the complete collapse of Zutenzi's rule and the endless chaos of the Warring States Period. Although each of them is claimed to be a direct vassal or branch lord of the ancestors, they are Over the course of thousands of years, who knows how many times these bloodlines have been stolen and replaced.

After all, no matter how much the noble family of a daimyo flaunts its nobility, it cannot hide its weak nature as a mortal; intermarriage within the ninja clan, such as the Hyuga clan, can increase the concentration of blood and give birth to descendants with better qualifications, while the public family Engaging in intermarriage within the clan will only result in the entire clan being replaced by idiots.

In addition, during the Warring States Period, the habit of adopting "adopted children" and using "Shadow Warriors", as well as the fighting habit of reuniting families at every turn during bloody annexation wars, and many of the current princes are members of a certain family decades after its demise. The rising poor boy claims that a certain clan's bloodline should inherit the legal system; so no one knows how many times these so-called public clan bloodlines have been replaced.

But no matter what, all the clans, even the tyrants who had just occupied a small town and named themselves famous, all without exception promoted that they were the reclusive bloodline of the ancestor emperor, hoping to improve the justice of their claims.

However, in the eyes of thousand-year-old wealthy families such as Uchiha, Senju, and Hyuga, the so-called public nobles have long been desensitized; and if it were not for the close relationship between the first Hokage Senju Hashirama and the Daimyo public family of the Fire Country, Because of the relationship, coupled with the obsession with the "one village, one country system", Senju Tsunade is too lazy to care about the life and death of the daimyo.

As for ordinary Konoha ninjas, they have long been indifferent to daimyo nobles.

The reason is simple. Their income is no longer limited to daimyo funds and mission commissions.

Both the shogunate and the joint company can provide good income. Even if you are idle in the village, you can sign up to join the reserve column and receive a subsidy to live a good life. Therefore, whether you are a positive person or a ninja who likes to be a salted fish, you can work here Find your place in a prosperous era.

The changes in the economic foundation have naturally changed the Konoha ninja's view of the daimyo nobles - I don't rely on you to give me my money, why should I listen to you?

This is the common view of ordinary ninjas in contemporary Konoha towards daimyo nobles.

Of course, this was just the view of people in those days. In the eyes of the radical Konoha ninjas, the shogunate was too conservative!Even to the point of being merciful!
They have mentioned more than once that they would replace the rule of the Daimyo nobles over the Fire Country, implement a Jonin Joint Conference system similar to that currently implemented in the Water Country, and even expand the jurisdiction of the two houses of Konoha to the entire Fire Country. It is not impossible for the country to do so.

But Uchiha Tokko lost everything.

Because Konoha is not equal to the Fire Country, Konoha cannot get the Fire Country.

This is his bottom line.

The Land of Fire belongs to the shogunate, and the shogunate belongs to the Uchiha clan. This is the most ideal state in Uchiha Tokumitsu's blueprint.

However, as the shogunate's small actions continued to increase, no matter how dull the daimyo was, he felt something strange.


"In accordance with the sacred decree of the Daimyo who informs all peoples, the Minister of Internal Affairs descends to pay homage to Tsunade-hime!"

Within the Senju clan, a white-haired man sneaked into Konoha through the Senju clan's secret passage to meet Tsunade.

"Should I call you Ratsuto or Kazuma?"

Tsunade said something lightly.

"I hope Tsunade-hime will forgive me. I changed my name to Fangtu because of the pressure from my enemy Tokumitsu, but since Tsunade-hime is in front of me, let's just call him Kazuma!"

Said Kazuma Masashiki, the former guardian of the Ninja Head and now the Minister of Internal Affairs.

"Facing the enemy..."

Tsunade chuckled and made no comment.

The comparison of strength is the most intuitive. When the power of the shogunate is enough to crush the daimyo at will, it is meaningless to talk about these titles.

"Recently, there have been many shogunate ninjas operating in Kinki, and they may have evil intentions. Therefore, Your Highness has ordered Your Majesty to come to visit Tsunade-hime and ask..."

Kazuma asked seemingly sincerely.

"What does the daimyo want the Senju clan to do?"

Tsunade did not follow the usual greetings that nobles were accustomed to, but asked directly.

"...Please ask Tsunade-hime to launch a motion in Konoha to order the shogunate to withdraw the illegally sent ninjas and order them to no longer violate the sacred rights of the daimyo."

He Ma paused for a while before answering.

"This is impossible."

Tsunade's answer was also very straightforward: "Hasn't His Highness seen the current situation clearly?"

"But the one-village-one-country system is ultimately Hashirama-sama's hard work, and it is the cornerstone of peace in the ninja world..."

Kazuma said quickly.

"I remember you supported the daimyo taking charge of the ninja, right?"

Tsunade stopped talking in circles: "In that case, why not use the daimyo's ninja army to fight the shogunate decisively?"

"The attendant is too weak to fight..."

Kazuma replied with a wry smile.

"The Thousand Hands who can fight have died fighting for the Fire Nation."

Tsunade's attitude was also very cold.

He Ma couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

Once upon a time, in the minds of the daimyo and his close ministers, Tsunade was still an establishment faction that could be fought for, and she had repeatedly rebelled against the powerful shogunate; so when faced with the unkind ninjas of the shogunate, the first thing the daimyo could think of was It's her.

Even if it can't check the shogunate, it would be good to delay or distract Uchiha Tokumitsu a little.

After all, what the Daimyo lacks most is time.

But people change.

Among the leaders of the various ninja clans in Konoha, Tsunade is the one who has changed the fastest in terms of consciousness and stance.

The reason lies in the simplest comparison of strength and power.

Today's Senju clan seems to have a large number of people, but in fact, let alone competing with the Uchiha clan, it is even difficult to compete with the Hyuga clan, which is plagued by internal and external troubles.

Moreover, after seeing the balance of strength clearly, the reorganized Senju clan has become Tsunade's weakness. Moreover, Konoha today can no longer tolerate the voice of defending the daimyo.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's seemingly militaristic mobilizations and fierce battles that drained the blood and tears of the clan not only did not lead to the decline of the clan, but instead made the clan more prosperous, and this had to make Tsunade think deeply.

Why did the Senju clan defeat everyone in the clan in the first great ninja war, and their strength was reduced to a loss?But the Uchiha clan stood up completely in the second ninja war, which was no less bloody?
After thinking about it, Tsunade attributed the reason to "turning public into private".

When Uchiha Tokumitsu makes decisions, the first thing he thinks of is his family.

The most dangerous ninja assault has been carried out by the Red Bei Team composed of Uchiha tribesmen, so the richest harvest in the war will belong to them; and if the Uchiha-affiliated ninja tribe envy the harvest, then they can also get it next time Opportunities to charge into battle; even the humblest grass ninja can get the rewards they deserve after paying blood tax and loyal loyalty.

So, what about the Thousand Hands Clan, which is also the same clan that founded the village?

Tsunade vaguely remembered that after the First Ninja War, due to the sharp drop in daimyo funding after the war, the village's financial situation fell into extreme difficulties, so under the persuasion of her teacher, the former Third Hokage, the Senju clan was voluntarily Giving up the astronomical casualty benefits...

So, can Senju still fight?

"The Uchiha clan is truly the sinner of history!"

Kazuma still persuaded with sincerity: "Since Lord Hashirama pacified the troubled times, the Senju clan has always been the mainstay of peace in the ninja world and the absolute main force in suppressing the chaos. Although the Uchiha clan is now powerful, they should not let down the two It’s the hard work of Dai Hokage-sama.”

"...How many jounin are there under the daimyo?"

Tsunade sighed slightly and asked with a headache. "this……"

Kazuma was stunned for a moment.

"Is it over a hundred?"

Tsunade asked again.

He Ma shook his head.

"Then, the daimyo's three thousand attendant ninja troops only need to dispatch four standing columns to defeat them, and six standing columns to encircle and annihilate them. Now, in addition to the standing columns, Konoha also has ninja troops directly under the shogunate and police patrol troops. , assault troops directly under the Ministry of Police and dozens of reserve columns..."

Tsunade said sincerely: "For the sake of the good relationship between the previous generation, I will tell the truth..."

"Forgive me for not being able to accept the daimyo's request, otherwise I will be the sinner who leads to the complete destruction of the Senju clan."

"Uchiha Tokumitsu's rules are rules, and he can only break them. If others dare to violate them, Uchiha's ninja army will kill them regardless of personal feelings."

"Please write to His Highness the Daimyo immediately and let him see the situation clearly..."

Tsunade pointed at Kazuma's ninja tool bag and said: "The ninja hawk released from the Senju clan can leave Konoha, so hurry up."

"what do you mean……"

Kazuma was shocked when he heard this.

"Do you think the secret passage of the Senju clan is not under the control of the police department?"

Tsunade chuckled, "There are no secrets in Konoha nowadays."

After saying that, she stood up, and the door behind her was pushed open. Kato Dan and several jounin from the Senju clan stood outside and waited with their hands tied.

Kazuma, who originally planned to take hostages, had to immediately change his appearance when he saw this.

"Hurry up. You should still have time to write a secret letter and send it back to the daimyo. After a while, the police department should almost find your information by comparing it with the database. By then you can..."

When she walked to the door, Tsunade did not forget to continue her instructions.

"...The investigation order has arrived."

Kato Dan shook his head, took out a piece of paper from his arms, and handed it to Tsunade.

"It was actually supervised by the police headquarters..."

Tsunade was even more surprised.

"For the sake of past friendship, you can still fly the Ninja Eagle to send a message, and I guarantee that the Ninja Eagle will not be shot down, but if it continues to be delayed, it will definitely not do you any good."

Tsunade said indifferently: "The police department will not enter the Senju clan, but the clan will not let you stay permanently. This is the rule."

"Furthermore, as long as you don't take action without permission in the clan's territory, no one from the Thousand Hands Clan will make things difficult for you within three hours."

This can be considered an ultimatum...

Kazuma sat slumped on the ground with a dejected face.

As if to verify Tsunade's words, a Senju clan member hurried over and whispered a few words to Tsunade's side.

"The police inspection team has arrived at the entrance to the tribe..."

Tsunade said: "Now that everyone on the surface has arrived, the layout of the perimeter and secret passages should have been completed."

"It's up to you to capture him with bare hands, commit suicide, or fight to the death!"

After saying that, Tsunade walked away, leaving Kazuma behind who had a look of death on his face.

Although Kazuma's ambitions remain as high as ever, there is no way he can turn around at this time.

How can any ninja in this world escape alone under the heavy siege of the police department?

It was impossible to capture him with bare hands. Kazuma's will and his persistent belief did not allow him to do such an insult to Nindo.

But a confrontation with the Uchiha ninja sect of the police department would be a dead end, and he still knew this.

Therefore, the only escape may be only one...

Kazuma looked at Kato Dan, who looked a little haggard, and the Senju Ninja who seemed to be distracted.

Looks quite weak...

Kazuma's heart moved, and he suddenly jumped towards Kato Dan, who was covering his mouth and coughing!

Perhaps because his attack was too sudden, the Senju Ninja had no time to react!

"The plan can be accomplished!"

Just when the four-edged iron claw on his left hand was about to catch Kato Dan, he couldn't help but feel a burst of ecstasy in his heart!
Capturing the face of Tsunade-hime, whether it was used as a hostage to cover his escape from Konoha or simply provoked the Konoha ninjas to attack and cause Kato to die, it was not a loss for Kazuma!
If they can escape Konoha by borrowing hostages, then the Uchiha clan will definitely take responsibility for the Senju clan; if the police department allows Kato Susei to die, then the Senju clan will definitely be resentful!

Therefore, no matter what, it is not a loss for the daimyo!

Kato's hand that covered his mouth and coughed turned into sword fingers.


Kazuma, who was thinking about how to kidnap Kato Dan in one fell swoop, was suddenly startled and his hair stood on end!

"The art of spiritualization!"

Kato Dan rolled his eyes, and Kazuma stiffened immediately. The Senju Ninja at his side immediately rushed forward and pinned Kazuma to the ground before he fell from the air. At the same time, he immediately blessed the chakra sealing spell and Various restraint chakra confinement devices.

"Send it out, don't waste time and cause unnecessary misunderstandings..."

Kato Dan's body shook again and then returned to normal.

"As ordered..."

The Senju Ninja nodded and carried Kazuma, who was tied up like a pig, to the outside of the clan.


"Teacher, the fake daimyo's minions, ninja and horse, have been successfully captured!"

In the Konoha Governor's Mansion, Uchiha Tokumitsu was teaching Namifeng Shuimen the secrets. Uchiha Shisui knocked on the door outside, and after getting a reply, he opened the door and went inside to report.

"How do you think this should be handled?"

Uchiha Tokko nodded, and then asked Namikaze Minato.

"Strangle him on the spot and spread the news to Kinki to intimidate the princes!"

Uchiha Shisui said loudly. (End of chapter)

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