Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 450 'Wealth' delivered to your door

Chapter 450 'Wealth' delivered to your door

Hattori Heiji held the box in his hand with a face full of disbelief, and stared blankly at Yahiko, who looked calm, and Konan, who looked as if nothing had happened.

His two intelligence contacts suddenly contacted him at night and said that they would give him a "vast wealth". As a result, after Hattori Heiji hurried to the docking location, Yahiko directly handed him a boxy box.

Even if it is not opened, Hattori Heiji can see through the smell, blood stains, etc. oozing out of the gaps, and combined with the shape of the box, he can understand what is inside!
Who to scare!

Hattori Heiji was furious.

But before the anger began to brew and explode, he was extinguished by his own reason, and he forced out a smile and asked, "Let me ask you two, what is inside this..."

"It should be your favorite thing~"

Yahiko made a gesture of invitation.

"Is it……"

Hattori Heiji twitched his lips, untied the lock of the box tremblingly, and then slowly opened the lid.


Seeing the bloody and blurred head in the box, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but take a deep breath!

The leader among them is none other than his long-cherished political enemy—Kazuma!
But the problem is, it hasn’t been long since the first time we talked about the existence of political opponents and horses!

Is the efficiency of the police department so high?
The dignitary's favored ministers and bodyguards were all killed at will, and the entire Daming Mansion was not even aware of it!

Although the most basic skill of a ninja is assassination, such a terrifying assassination ability is too terrifying!

Hattori Heiji couldn't help feeling a little cold on his neck.

"Don't get me wrong, we will not kill innocent people indiscriminately..."

Yahiko recited the 'lines' specially taught to him by Namikaze Minato carefully: "Even if he is the culprit who instigates the daimyo to be detrimental to Konoha, in principle we will not kill a high-ranking official for no reason without trial. A rank ninja."

【In principle】


These two keywords made Hattori Heiji even more frightened.

It wasn't the first time he learned about Uchiha Tokumitsu and the Shogunate's style of doing things. If the two people in front of him weren't both Shogunate ninjas, he would probably have laughed out loud.

"Ah yes yes yes..."

Hattori Heiji nodded like a pounding garlic.

Anyway, just don't use this 'principle' approach on him!
"He broke into Konoha and sneaked into the clan territory without notifying the Ninja Village for review. He attempted to do harm to the Senju clan. Therefore, he was captured and killed. He really deserved it."

Xiaonan also said solemnly.

"Thousand-handed clan..."

Hattori Heiji immediately understood.

Naturally, Kazuma would not enter Konoha for no reason, so this trip must be the daimyo's request.

As for trespassing on the Senju clan, it is even more nonsense. Based on Hattori Heiji's understanding of the relationship between the daimyo clan and the Senju clan, it is probably because the daimyo asked for help but failed to reach an agreement, resulting in Kazuma, the envoy, being killed!
Judging from this, Kazuma's death was either at the hands of the Senju clan, or the Uchiha clan directly hunted and killed him after learning of his arrival; but in any case, the daimyo's plan to find Austrian aid within Konoha was completely ruined. .

There is no salvation, destroy it!
Hattori Heiji's body went limp and he almost collapsed to the ground.

"Konoha has really strict laws..."

After coming back to his senses, Hattori Heiji racked his brains and tried to ease the atmosphere: "But I don't know which ninja village law this is implemented according to?"

As soon as these words came out, Hattori Heiji immediately regretted it!
Which pot is this that I don’t want to open?

"According to the relevant provisions of the Public Security Management Regulations issued by the Police Department, anyone who illegally sneaks into the Ninja Village will be treated as enemy spies."

Yahiko said casually: "And the final interpretation of this regulation belongs to the Police Department."


Hattori Heiji nodded repeatedly.

"By the way, I have taken the liberty to interrupt this time because I really need to trouble Mr. Heiji..."

Konan interjected.

"That's your order~"

A flattering smile appeared on Hattori Heiji's face.

This time he really didn't dare to be disrespectful to the two young partners!
"Teacher Minato asked that this person's head be hung on the gate of Daming Mansion, but after all, our strength is low, and there are some things that we really can't handle..."

Yahiko's tone was full of sincerity: "So, I hope Heiji-kun can help hang up this criminal's head."

"I think, as the commander of the government army, it shouldn't be difficult for you to handle this matter, right?"

Xiaonan continued to answer.

The two sang together, causing the beads of sweat on Hattori Heiji's forehead to grow bigger and bigger.

"I'll just do it!"

"No embarrassment?"

Konan asked with a smile.

"It's not difficult!"

Hattori Heiji nodded repeatedly.

"That's good……"

A satisfied smile appeared on Yahiko's face: "But now that Kazuma is dead, it should be just around the corner for Mr. Heiji to return to the center to take charge of the ninja army, right?"

"I strive for it, I try my best..."

Hattori Heiji nodded and bowed.


Early the next morning, the daimyo was woken up by the panicked chamberlain while he was still sleeping. However, before he could get angry, he was shocked by the sudden bad news and his scalp was numb.

"What! He Ma Qing is dead?!"

"What! His head is hanging on the city gate?!"

Even though the daimyo tried to control his emotions, the panic from his heart still made him break into a cold sweat.

"go with!"

"Go quickly!"

"Hurry up and ask the master of the Fire Temple to come over!"

The panicked daimyo ignored etiquette, jumped up from the bed, and issued orders one after another, directing the servants around, as if this could relieve the extreme anxiety in his heart.

"Your Highness, don't panic!"

Jilu, the monk officer stationed at the Daming Mansion from the Fire Temple, strode into the palace and saluted the Daiming.

"It'll be great if Qing Lu is here..."

Now the daimyo could finally calm down.

After the eunuch saluted Jilu, he and his servants came forward to change the daimyo's clothes and wash himself.

After some dressing up, the daimyo returned to his usual graceful and luxurious appearance.

"Where is He Ma Qing's head? Have you found the body?"

After arriving at the main hall and sitting down, the daimyo's first sentence was to ask about the whereabouts of Kazuma's body.

"...Only the head is hanging on the city gate, but it has been taken down by the commander of the army, Hattori Heiji."

The eunuch quickly kowtowed and said, "But because the warriors leading the army did not dare to take the head after discovering it, this incident caused extremely bad effects within the Daming Mansion!"

"I ask Your Highness to immediately kill the commander-in-chief, Hattori Heiji, who is lax in his duties and has caused the government's soldiers to become careless, so as to strictly enforce military discipline and serve as a warning to others!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

The daimyo suddenly became furious, picked up the paperweight on the table and threw it at the eunuch!
The eunuch who did not dare to dodge was immediately hit with a bloody head and dizzy eyes.

"Usually you just fight for power and unite the party, but now when your life and death are hanging by a thread, you are still engaging in these conspiracies. Are you really tired of life?"

The daimyo cursed mercilessly: "If this is the case, then I will give you death to save you from being captured by the shogunate and tortured to death!"

The eunuch who was wrongly slandered kowtowed repeatedly and did not dare to argue a word.

"Quickly collect He Ma Qing's body! Give him a good burial!" The daimyo shouted angrily again, repelling the eunuch who was originally regarded as his confidant.

"As ordered..."

The great eunuch crawled away, leaving only the daimyo and Jilu in the main hall.


After a long time, the daimyo sighed: "Unfortunately for the duke, the traitorous ministers are in great danger... But fortunately, the masters of the Fire Temple are here, so they can maintain this peaceful sleep."

"As long as the daimyo cheers up and works hard, even if the shogunate's thieves become powerful for a while, it will be nothing more than a passing moment. As long as Uchiha Tokimitsu is killed, the shogunate's power will naturally collapse!"

Di Lu sternly admonished.

"I see……"

The daimyo reluctantly responded: "It's just that the thief is cruel but can't do anything about it, so I just took the opportunity to express my unhappiness. It makes Di Lu Qing worry."

"The public and the Fire Temple have been at odds for many years, so it is naturally our duty to be loyal to the emperor and protect the country."

Di Lu is still extremely respectful.

"Now that Ma Qing and I have passed away, the Ninja Army has no one to lead them..."

The daimyo asked with some temptation.

"A foreign monk is just a person from outside the world, and he is really not qualified to hold the position of a court official!"

Dilu immediately refused.

"In that case..."

The daimyo hesitated for a moment, and then said: "What does Mr. Lu think of Hattori Heiji? Can he be allowed to take over the position of serving as the commander of the ninja army again?"

"The family members of Lord Heiji are all in the Daming Mansion, and they are deeply tied to His Highness..."

Although Dilu didn't say it explicitly, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"This is also..."

The daimyo sighed, "I don't know if Lord Heiji is resentful..."

"With the Temple of Fire here, Buddhism can resolve all disasters!"

Di Lu said in a deep voice.

This means that if you have an unpredictable mind, the monks of the Fire Temple are enough to control the situation.

"Then it will be troublesome for Lu Qing..."

The daimyo reluctantly nodded, then pulled the rope connected to the bell, called in a young chamberlain to prepare a paper and pen seal, and transferred Hattori Heizu back to serve as an attendant of the Ninja Army.

Just as the young chamberlain prepared the utensils, another minister rushed over and exclaimed in a panic: "Your Highness, something serious has happened!"

"Why are you so flustered!"

Although the daimyo was a little frightened, he still yelled angrily: "He is disheveled and has no aristocratic manners and etiquette. What a shame!"

"Your Highness, Your Highness..."

The minister swallowed his saliva and said: "The Uchiha of Konoha and the shogunate are here to ask for guilt! Hattori Heiji, the commander of the army, is leading his troops to confront them!"


The daimyo was immediately shocked, his palm loosened, and the brush in his hand fell onto the spread paper.

"Your Highness, don't worry!"

Jilu immediately made a roar of a lion, which woke up the panicked daimyo: "I'm waiting for the ninja monks of the Fire Temple to escort me. As long as Uchiha Tokimitsu doesn't come in person, everything will be fine!"

"Yes, yes... Master Dilu is right!"

The daimyo nodded repeatedly.

"But what to do when the shogunate comes..."

The daimyo asked for advice again.

"Your Highness can assemble the ninja army that serves as the top ninja, and the envoys of Konoha can form a formation and come to the temple to pay homage!"

Di Lu said seriously: "As long as the public power remains, the thieves of the shogunate will not be able to make any trouble!"

"What Qing Lu said makes sense! You will do it as soon as possible!"

The daimyo nodded again and again, once again commanding the servants to be confused.

"Your Highness, how about letting a poor monk handle the envoy of the shogunate?"

Seeing that the daimyo had regained his composure, Dilu took the initiative to ask for help.

"Then I'll bother you, Lu Qing..."

The daimyo was also relieved.


Outside the Daming Mansion, Uchiha Shisui led a team of special service ninjas to stand at the city gate, confronting the pale but still resolute Hattori Heiji. As for the samurai behind him, they were sweating, and they were all trembling, and seemed to be on the verge of collapse. . .

Uchiha Shisui was not in a hurry to break into the city immediately. Anyway, the longer he stayed at the gate of the Daming Mansion, the more serious the damage to the dignity of the Daiming would be.

After a while, a person flew out from the direction of the Daiming Palace and landed in the middle of the confrontation.

This person was the one who invited Miao to come to receive the shogunate's envoy.

"Shisui-nin, please come with me."

Jilu said in a deep voice, "His Royal Highness the Daimyo will receive you in the main hall!"

"Ha... then I'll have to trouble Mr. Di Lu!"

Uchiha Shisui also called Chiriku's name directly.

The first wave of verbal exchanges was fairly even, indicating that both the daimyo and the shogunate had information about the other party's high-level figures.

Uchiha Shisui did not use the teleportation technique. Instead, surrounded by a group of special service ninjas, he slowly entered from the city gate and walked towards the Daiming Palace. He made many comments along the way, praising and criticizing the Daiming Palace. Dilu remained silent.

It wasn't until he came to the front door of the palace that Uchiha Shisui felt a little surprised.

However, they saw a dozen jounin standing guard at the palace gate, and the chakra fluctuations inside the palace were surging, and each of them looked fierce and powerful.

"What do you think of Shisui-kun as the Daimyo's valet?"

Di Lu asked calmly.

The array now being laid out has emptied the wealth of the daimyo's ninja army, and the purpose is to give Uchiha Shisui, who is the envoy, a show of strength.

"It still looks good."

Uchiha Shisui nodded.

"How does it compare to the ANBU ninjas trained by past Hokage-sama?"

Jilu's eyes turned to the special service ninja following Uchiha Shisui.

These ninjas are all former ANBU ninjas who were recruited after the collapse of the Hokage line.

But they were unmoved at all, which made Dilu somewhat disappointed.

"Far from it. Compared with special service ninjas, these so-called jounin are just show-stoppers."

Uchiha Shisui also sneered mercilessly: "But if Chief Inspector Minato sees this situation, he will probably be overjoyed!"

"...Why is this?"

Di Lu raised his eyebrows and said calmly.

At the same time, Chiriku also recalled the characters mentioned by Uchiha Shisui in his mind, but found that it was just an archway erected by Uchiha Tokumitsu - what should "the lucky ones" have to care about!
"Chief Inspector Minato has been serving as deputy director for some time. According to the rules of the shogunate, if he can capture ten more Jonin, he can be successfully promoted to the level of director and superintendent!"

"Even I would be tempted by this kind of wealth that is so easy to get!"

Uchiha Shisui's map cannon immediately made all the daimyo's immediate subordinates present furious.

If Dilu hadn't stopped their movements with his eyes, they would probably have attacked in groups!
Uchiha Shisui was not afraid, and ignored the reactions of the jounin directly under the great names, and walked directly into the palace.

 Update today (2/2)

  I feel much better after waking up. Today is still the second update~ Then please give me a vote~ Please give me a monthly vote and a recommendation vote~ Xiaopujie really needs the support of all book friends.
(End of this chapter)

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