Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 451: Dali Discussing Drawing a Clear Boundary

"My lord, the shogunate, is the military attache Uchiha Shisui. I am under the orders of my lord, the co-lord of the Water Kingdom, Lord Kirigakure, governor of Konoha, and general of the conquest of barbarians, Tokimitsu-sama. I have met the great lord Minamotoji's family!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked!
Great lord!
This is a complete denial of the Daimyo's legal right to rule the Land of Fire!

Even though most of the counties and cities in the Land of Fire have now fallen under the control of the shogunate, and the Daimyo Lord can only control Kinki and individual counties, the law is the law after all, and it seems that the Lord and the ninjas who serve him seem to be under control. It never occurred to my mind that my mind had been stamped with thoughts that one day I would be so suddenly denied the sacred rule of the daimyo!

No one expected that Uchiha Shisui would be so direct and not save any face for the daimyo!

But anyone can think of the meaning behind such rudeness!

Moreover, everyone knows that this must be the meaning of the shogunate, the Uchiha traitor they call him!
The noble nobleman wanted to scold Uchiha Shisui for his rudeness, but when he saw that his colleagues were hesitant to speak, they retracted their words as soon as they spoke, making the scene in the palace very embarrassing.

Although the jounin who were able to go to the temple showed anger, after seeing the ministers not saying a word, they all controlled their emotions and just stared at them with eyes full of anger. Uchiha Shisui looked calm.

If looks could kill, Uchiha Shisui had already been cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

However, the quick-thinking ministers and nobles then thought about it. Uchiha Shisui seemed to also refer to the name as "the lord of the Genji family". This shows that the Uchiha clan still recognizes the identity of the ancestral emperor of the Genji family from which the name was born in etiquette. , so maybe the changes in the current situation are not so bad~
As for whether the Uchiha clan really understood the meaning behind these red tapes, they didn't think much about it at all, or they didn't dare to think in this direction at all.

Ever since Uchiha Shisui made the arrogant declaration, the daimyo's body had stiffened involuntarily.

But what disappointed him even more was that none of the ministers under his command who had been honored for generations spoke out to reprimand and refute. Instead, they looked at each other and turned into quails one by one. On the contrary, the jounin directly under his command who came from rough backgrounds were angry and raised their hands. Pressing the sword, it seems that just waiting for an order, they will swarm up and kill Uchiha Shisui on the spot!

The daimyo cast his eyes on the Ninja Monk Jilu, but saw that although he did not say a word, his brows were also furrowed. Under his calm face, the anger of King Kong seemed to be brewing, and the hands in his sleeves were faintly pointing at Uchiha Zhihao. The direction where the water stood seemed to be ready to attack.

Things are generally still under control...

Although he was particularly dissatisfied with the ministers and nobles who usually took the most cards, the performance of the direct ninjas and ninja monks still made the daimyo breath a sigh of relief - at least he still had the power to take advantage of it!
After making up his mind to cause trouble for these weak-minded ministers, the daimyo turned his attention to Uchiha Shisui, who was looking at him levelly.

"I heard that the Uchiha clan is a wealthy ninja clan. I thought they would be so graceful and graceful, but I didn't expect that a wealthy senior executive like Shisui-kun would behave in such a vulgar manner!"

There was no choice but to support his subordinates, so the daimyo had no choice but to personally break the deadlock: "General Tokumitsu is also a powerful man who has benefited the country for a long time and is supported by all the people. How come he has such an arrogant person like you by his side?" Attendant!"

"The Uchiha clan is not only interested in profit and fame, but only in power!"

Uchiha Shisui replied proudly: "The slander and praise of the world are worthless to us ninjas! Just like the nobles never take the lives of civilians in their eyes!"

"If the Uchiha clan is only afraid of the shock of power and does not focus on virtue, then sooner or later the clan will be destroyed because of the birth of a new strong man in the ninja world!"

Chiriku really didn't want to see Daimyo Takahiro-kun and Uchiha Shisui, a mere jounin, rebuke him, so he took the initiative to rebuke: "Even the Senju clan, which once overpowered Uchiha, is still in front of His Highness Genji. With all due respect, how dare the Uchiha clan dare to be so rude!"

The daimyo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Debating with Uchiha Shisui, it would be humiliating to win, and even more embarrassing to lose. In addition, he was used to being superior, and he was not used to this kind of tit-for-tat verbal confrontation. Chiriku's step forward was a relief for the daimyo. Opportunity.

"The powerful and virtuous Senju clan has been completely lost in the first ninja war!"

Uchiha Shisui continued to retort: ​​"And the shogunate established by the only-obedient Uchiha clan will be the master of the entire ninja world!"

When the daimyo heard this, he couldn't help but gasped.

This is also the first time that the Uchiha tribe has shouted out their goals in public in front of the living ruler!
And behind this goal, coupled with such an unscrupulous attitude...

The daimyo felt a little trembling when he thought about the possibility of losing his foundation and overthrowing his clan.

The tragic fate of the princes of the Kingdom of Wind, Kingdom of Water and other major countries after losing their country made him even more sad.

"And those who only talk and do nothing in this cruel and desperate world, and who have caused wars in the shinobi world that have never subsided, are not the virtuous people in the palace who claim to be noble!"

Uchiha Shisui's voice became louder and louder, even to the point of roaring: "Let me ask you, distinguished adults, what exactly have you brought to this world!"

"Then according to your theory, as long as you have enough power, even destroying the Uchiha clan is just right?"

Chiriku's face turned pale, but he still argued forcefully: "If this unscrupulous evolution continues for a long time, the Uchiha clan's demise is bound to be doomed!"

As for the positive and negative impacts that the noble Lord Daimyo had on the ninja world, he was too lazy to argue.

Because even the monks of the Temple of Fire know very well that the so-called rule and management of most nobles is not as effective as tying a pig pestle in his position - at least the pig will not do anything except eat and sleep!
"In the words of Tokimitsu-sama, we Uchiha ninjas never argue, we only use kunai and ninjutsu to make others obey!"

Uchiha Shisui continued to say arrogantly: "So, please, Master of the Genji family, listen to our master's will!"

"In the name of the great general of the Fire Nation, the current head of the unruly Gen clan secretly condemns the ninja for spying on Konoha in an attempt to alienate the ninja clan. This move is by no means an act of harmony and friendship, and should be treated as a hostile provocation!"

"In recognition of the contribution of the ancestors of the Genji family to ending the troubled times together with Senju Hashirama, Madara Uchiha and other ancestors who founded the village, and taking into account the lineage of the Genji vassal, the special leniency is as follows -"

Uchiha Shisui paused, and everyone in the hall looked even more nervous.

"The Konohagakure Ninja Village will break away from the watch alliance with the head of the Genji family from now on!"

"The territory under the shogunate will be separated from the vassal relationship of the Minamoto family from now on!"

"The name of the Fire Country will still be retained, but it will no longer be the private and public authority of the Genji!"

"The area ruled by the Genji family is limited to the five Kinki counties and the three eastern counties of the old Fire Country. From now on, each will keep its own territory!"

"If the feudal noble warriors from other counties voluntarily leave the Minamoto vassal relationship, they must not be stopped!"

"Business personnel from both sides can move freely and cannot be hindered!"

"The ninja army of the Genji belongs to the head of the family. However, if the shogunate needs it for war, we should do our best to mobilize the troops to join the war!"

Uchiha Shisui read out the seven conditions, then folded the manuscript, wrapped the paper with chakra and shot it towards the Genji Daimyo on the high platform using a hidden weapon technique.

Jilu's body flashed, catching the manuscript wrapped in chakra, then dispersing it with a blow, and then respectfully delivered the manuscript to the daimyo.

Genji Daimyo's face was pale and he just stared at the thin paper in trance.

"That's all I've said, if you're still dissatisfied..."

Uchiha Shisui smiled slightly and said: "Just send out the troops and start the war!"

After saying that, he ignored everyone in the hall and left.

The murderous jounin directly under the daimyo were no longer as ferocious as before, and they all looked a little listless, while the nobles and ministers were as silent as quails.

"...The title of great lord is well deserved!" After a long time, the name of Genji couldn't help but chuckled: "By the way, shouldn't we be grateful to Uchiha Tokumitsu for his great kindness?"

Neither the minister nor the ninja dared to answer the question, and the atmosphere in the palace became even more solemn.

Genji Daimyo was really disappointed.

The ninja army that he had spent countless money and materials to build could not even provide the most basic support and courage on this occasion. With such loyalty and courage, if a war really started, he would probably be captured immediately. Sent to the front of the shogunate to receive the reward.

"From now on...if I make His Excellency the Shogun dissatisfied, or if he casually finds a reason to attack, there will no longer be any suspicion of causing chaos..."

The Daimyo of Genji continued to sneer: "Even Shangluo's face skills don't need to be disguised, how easy it is!"

"Mr. Jilu, from now on don't say that the Uchiha clan doesn't understand etiquette. In my opinion, he knows more than my nobles!"

The ministers knelt down one by one and bowed their heads to apologize.

"In this case, we can only accept the unending kindness of the General!"

The daimyo's voice gradually became shrill and shrill: "That's right! Jounin!"

Now the jounin directly under his command also knelt down.

"Since the country will no longer be a country in the future, there is no need to be listed as a minister!"

"From now on, all the three princes and ministers are dismissed! All fields are taken back to the state! You are not allowed to annex any more land except for frivolous wealth and mountains and forests!"

The Daimyo of Genji also struck while the iron was hot: "Anyone who disobeys will be executed!"

The ministers and nobles were already in a state of confusion, and were unable to defend and plead with the furious Daimyo Genji, so they had no choice but to kowtow to show their attitude.

The Daimyo of Genji just assumed that all the ministers had tacitly agreed, and then turned to the jounin directly under him and said: "There is no Daimyo of the Fire Nation today. If you have other ideas, you can leave on your own within three days." , I will never interfere!”

"Being loyal to His Highness is the meaning of our existence!"

A jounin raised his head and said resolutely.

"Be loyal to His Highness!"

The jounin directly under his command shouted in response.

"Then from now on, monarchs and ministers will help each other and face difficulties together. If the authority of the Fire Country is restored one day, you will definitely be the ones sharing the territory with Genji!"

The daimyo painted the cake with great satisfaction.

Although this kind of boundless promise would be regarded as the daimyo's fart if told to the nobles, in the eyes of the relatively simple ninjas, it was the daimyo who truly regarded them as one of their own!

And it is the right thing for a ninja to serve his master to the death!
The jonins burst into tears, and their gratitude was beyond words!
After the Daimyo Genji felt numb for a long time, he sent away the passionate Jonin and the drowned nobles.


Only the Daimyo of Genji and Chiriku were left in the hall, but at this time the Daimyo of Genji was too lazy to maintain the so-called dignity of the Daimyo, and instead slumped directly on the high platform.

"Your Highness is extremely resourceful. I believe it will not be difficult to revive the Genji lineage of the Fire Country in the future!"

Di Lu spoke out to comfort him.

In the dead period after Uchiha Shisui announced the shogunate's decision, the performance of the Genji Daimyo was brilliant.

First, he took the opportunity to depose all the high-ranking ministers and nobles. This not only restored the fiefdom to the Genji family, but also saved the huge wealth needed to maintain the existence of these insects.

There is no way, the daimyo family has no surplus food. Since most of the country was taken over by the shogunate, the tax revenue sent to the daimyo prefecture has either been reduced to zero or is very small. The previous tax and financial resources have been used to maintain the current ninja army. The national treasury has been emptied, and it is even necessary to allocate funds from the inner treasury from time to time to replenish military expenditures; but now that the actual controlled territory is completely limited to Kinki, future income will be sharply reduced, and the money and food saved by abolishing the ministers and nobles can just make up for the maintenance of tolerance. Shortage in the army.

As for the Genji Daimyo's heartfelt words to the jounin directly under him, they stabilized the hearts of the Ninja Army and inspired their remaining loyalty. At least in a short period of time, they stabilized the only thing that the Genji Daimyo could do. of force.

After stabilizing the ninja army, even if the nobles who were dismissed from their posts and seized the land had different intentions, they would not be able to make trouble.

"The commander of the Ninja Army must be re-selected and the jonins at all levels must be adjusted..."

Dilu Jin said.

"...It seems that the only one who will never give up is the eminent monk of the Fire Temple!"

The Daimyo Genji said with emotion.

"The Fire Temple and the Genji are two sides of the same body, sharing weal and woe. This is as it should be!"

Dilu said modestly.

"It's a pity that after so many years of raising nobles, they only raised a bunch of trash!"

The Daimyo of Genji cursed bitterly.

"What do you think of Hattori Heiji, Mr. Jilu?"

"He is not the best choice, but he is also the only choice now!"

Chiriku replied affirmatively: "The only one who can control the ninja army now is Heiji-san!"

"Then it's settled!"

Genji Daimyo no longer hesitated, took out the paper and pen and ink, and wrote the letter of appointment himself.

But he hesitated for a long time on the signature at the end of the letter of appointment.

"Things have happened so far..."

The Daimyo Genji laughed at himself and wrote a brand new title at the signature——

"Awarded by the Grand Lord of the Gen clan from the Son of Heaven!" (End of this chapter)

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