Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 452 You are too extreme

Chapter 452 You are too extreme
"Lord Tokumitsu! You shouldn't keep those insects from Genji!"

The representative of the Konoha martial arts faction said seriously.

Uchiha Tokko was about to speak but stopped.

After deposing the Daimyo of the Land of Fire and demoting the Daimyo of Genji to the rank of Lord, surprisingly, Konoha did not pay much attention to this, and no one mentioned this type of key political topic even before and after drinks and meals; Even though announcements were posted in all Konoha ministries and police offices under the instruction of Uchiha Tokimitsu, there was still no alarm. It seemed that no one cared at all about the historic process of the shogunate replacing the daimyo.

At first, Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help but be a little surprised. He felt that the Konoha ninjas were too unconcerned with current affairs. This was not good - it would affect the internal publicity effect!
"Your style of doing things is indeed very steady, but in fact, with the strength of the shogunate and the foundation of the village, you can definitely speed up the pace!"

The representative of the martial arts faction continued to say enthusiastically: "The Ninja World! Only a unified Ninja World can usher in a new era of true peace and prosperity!"

"Lord Tokuguang! Don't hesitate. As long as you give the order, everyone in the martial arts faction will go through fire and water for you!"

"You must not like that Genji trash! Let's kill him now! Then we will recruit his ninja army, and drive these surrendering ninjas to rush to Kumogakure's death place. After completely defeating Kumogakure, we will recruit those who surrendered. The Kumogakure ninjas and drove them to attack Iwagakure, in this way, a great thing will be accomplished!"

After finishing speaking, the representative of the martial arts faction looked at the somewhat shocked Uchiha Tokimitsu with full hope, looking forward to his master's reply.

"You are too extreme..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu rubbed his temples with a headache, and said with a hint of irritation: "Although the plan is very good, don't say it casually in the future, so as not to leak the village's confidential information!"

"Please step back first and let me continue to think about how to perfect this great plan!"

The representative of the martial arts faction planned to say something, but was interrupted by Uchiha Tokko, so he had to bow and leave.

"...Sakumo-kun, come out."

After the representatives of the martial arts faction left, Uchiha Tokumitsu called back Hatake Sakumo who had left the table.

He originally thought that the representative of the martial arts faction came mysteriously and said that he would offer a big plan and withdraw from the left and right, but he did not expect that he would still show off the vulgar words he used many years ago.

"It seems Tokuguang-kun is not extreme enough!"

Although Hatake Sakumo left the meeting, he was still listening to the conversation in the office through the communication device provided by Uchiha Tokumitsu, and what the representative of the martial arts faction said made him feel dumbfounded.

Although pushing all the way sounds really refreshing, it does sound a bit funny to a strong man like Hatake Sakumo who is experienced in ninja fighting.

After all, the intensity of the battle between the Ninja Army formation and the team mission is completely different. The loss of materials and personnel must be far beyond imagination.

"These people from the martial arts faction are really getting worse every year..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed.

The only group within Konoha that is allowed to form associations by default is the fighting faction. After all, the Konoha doctrine they uphold is also conducive to the Governor's rule over Konoha. However, as the old fighting factions pass away, the new generation Apart from the fact that their thoughts are still as extreme as ever, the martial arts ninjas have indeed regressed a lot in other aspects.

After all, those who are really extreme have joined the ninja army directly under the shogunate and have been stationed in garrison camps in various places to serve. Most of the so-called martial arts factions who still remain in the village are just talkers.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the representative of the martial arts faction just had such whims.

After all, they are not even good at talking on paper, they are just talking big words.

"Why don't we throw them all into the Western Border Defense Force? Fugaku-kun should be able to take care of them."

Hatake Sakumo said: "Or they could be sent to the Bird Country Defense Line, which happens to be the first line of attack on the Earth Country, and it would also be convenient for them to sacrifice their lives for justice as soon as possible."

"...So this is how you use it to sacrifice your life for righteousness!"

Uchiha Tokko couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, let's not talk about these valuables anymore."

Hatake Sakumo shook his head and said, "Has the route to Mt. Myoki been opened?"

"not yet."

Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head: "The complexity of the sea outside the wild land is beyond imagination. Although it is dead and lifeless, all kinds of hidden reefs emerge endlessly, and the progress of the reef-breaking ship is very slow..."


Hatake Sakumo also sighed, "It would be great if the land route could provide far more supplies. Then there would be no need to take such a dangerous sea route."

"If we take the land route, even if we can effectively resupply, the ninjas recruited by Kirigakure and Ume Ninja will become dried fish halfway, and they will not be able to exert their combat power at all."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also a little helpless: "We can't let the shogunate and Konoha's ninja army fight such a dangerous and deadly battle throughout the entire process. Otherwise, if the strength of our headquarters is too much, it will be difficult to control those vassal ninja villages."

"Strong stems and weak branches..."

Hatake Sakumo also shrugged.

The reason why he agreed to Uchiha Tokko's Mt. Myoboku expedition plan was, firstly, to seize the secret realm of Mt. Myoboku, which is full of natural energy, so that he can further his celestial practice; secondly, because Uchiha Tokko and the "Mt. Myoboku" mentioned by him "Strong trunks and weak branches" - that is, through a controllable but extremely cruel war, the vassal ninja villages and some "dissidents" in Konoha were purged.

After the baptism of war, the purified Konoha Ninja Village will become more in line with the new Konoha in Hatake Sakumo's mind.

"But...has the exploration fleet in the East China Sea responded?"

Hatake Sakumo suddenly asked.

"Still no response!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head, "Clan Chief Ashina and the elites of the seal class have been stationed there for so long to study, but there is still no progress, and it is impossible to determine how the sudden hurricane barrier was formed."

The twenty ironclad ships that sailed across the ocean were the elite of the shogunate navy. The ships in the fleet were also loaded with the most powerful new war ninja tools. Their sudden loss of traces was equivalent to paralyzing half of the shogunate navy, and it also hindered the way to Myogi. Shanhai Road plan progress.

Compared with the lack of equipment, what is more important is that the shogunate has been difficult to draw out enough naval combat ninjas - especially jounin who is from the Uchiha clan and is proficient in water escape.

And if there is no trustworthy clan member to serve as the command level, Uchiha Tokumitsu would rather leave the ninja army organization empty than add personnel at will.

"Why don't you go with Orochimaru instead?"

Hatake Sakumo suggested: "Anyway, he is the best at studying such weird things."

"His recent research tasks are very heavy, so it's better to take it slow."

Uchiha Tokko said after pondering for a moment.

After all, he also wanted to know the secret of Mu Dun.


"Has it stopped raining today?"

The lost commander of the shogunate's ocean-going fleet, Uchi Borumbu, just woke up from his sleep, yawned and picked up the phone to call the wheelhouse.

"Moderate rain today, with signs of turning to heavy rain."

Fleet Chief of Staff Uzumaki Ichiraku, who was on duty in the wheelhouse, replied in the same lazy tone.

"Are there any fish on board today?"

Uchipolumbu rubbed his still hazy eyes and began to get up and change clothes.

"Another fish I've never seen before was blown onto the boat. Judging from its size, it should be suitable for sashimi..."

Uzumaki Ichiraku was also affected and started to yawn.

After being lost in the boundless sea for so long, even the most well-trained ninjas will become slack, and the commander Uchibarumbu is no exception.

The reason why Uchi Bolunbu slightly relaxed the requirements for military discipline is to slightly relieve the tense emotions of these fleet ninjas, so that they will not be tense to the extreme and lead to mental breakdown.

However, despite the high winds and waves, the shogunate's ironclads still have very good resistance to wind and waves. So far, all twenty ironclads are still required to be fully tailed, and there has not even been any loss of personnel.

This is also the reason why the fleet ninjas are still emotionally stable.

Of course, the Uchiha ninjas and pro-nin clan ninjas at all levels of the fleet's command also played an important role.

"Have you found any land?"

Uchi Bolunbu asked routinely.

In fact, he didn't need to answer, he also knew what Uzumaki Ichiraku would reply.

If land had really been discovered, he wouldn't have been able to sleep until now.

Although the fleet has been able to live without worries about food and clothing so far, after wandering at sea for so long, everyone in the fleet has long wanted to find an island to land on and take a rest.

It's a pity that all the way along the voyage, we encountered only a group of rocks emerging from the sea, and we didn't even see an island with green leaves.

"not yet……"

As expected, the answer that Uchiha Rumbu had already guessed came from the phone.

"Be prepared to increase the radar search range!"

Before leaving the house, Uchibolunbu gave the order. "As you command!"

The reply came immediately through the phone.

In terms of permission settings for various instruments carried by the fleet, various operations similar to "overclocking" can only be activated by ninjas of the Uchiha clan by inputting chakra, and this is also part of ensuring the absolute leadership of the Uchiha ninjas over the fleet. .

Of course, as the Uchiha's blood ally, the Uzumaki clan naturally has some powers higher than ordinary naval ninjas, such as "pre-tuning" and so on.

"By the way, how many days have we been floating on the sea in total?"

Uchipolumbu asked after entering the command wheelhouse.

"Forty or fifty..."

Uzumaki Ichiraku shrugged and gave way to the radar control station.


Uchi Bolunbu just asked casually, and then injected chakra into the radar control panel. After identifying the special chakra, the search range displayed on the screen immediately expanded.

Small red dots appeared on the screen, but Uchiha Rumbo remained unmoved.

They were just reefs and shoals that surfaced one after another, so there was no point in paying attention to them.


Suddenly, something strange appeared on the radar screen.

"what happened?"

Uzumaki Ichiraku asked casually.

"Is the screen broken?"

Uchi Bolunbu hesitated.

"Just hit the palm three times at [-] degrees on the right side and it will be fine. If it still doesn't work, just shut down and restart..."

Uzumaki Ichiraku replied absently, while looking up at the screen.

Then, he was also stunned.

In the upper right corner of the screen, there is a red area that is constantly expanding!
"I think……"

Uchi Bolunbu swallowed his saliva and said a little uncertainly: "According to the example in the operation manual, this should mean land!"


Uzumaki Ichiraku jumped up, quickly teleported to the console and started various dazzling key combination operations.

"It's land!"

Uzumaki Ichiraku's face turned red and he roared at the top of his lungs: "At least it's a large island with an area comparable to the main island of Water Country!"

The command cabin suddenly burst into cheers!
"Start fleet broadcast!"

Uchi Bolunbu immediately ordered.

"Fleet broadcast is on!"

Tech Ninja responded immediately.


Uchi Bolunbu said passionately: "After many days of sailing, we discovered the New World at this time!"

As the fleet radio broadcasted the sound, all ships in the fleet were silent for a moment, and then cheers resounded throughout the sky!
"Bearing: 47 degrees east!"

"Distance: 440 nautical miles!"

Following Uchi Bolunbu's order, the fleet quickly began to correct its course.

"Lord Lumbu..."

Uzumaki Ichiraku suddenly raised his head and said: "If there are humanoid creatures on that land..."

"……what do you mean?"

Uchi Bolunbu's eyes flashed.

"If they don't belong to the ninja world..."

Uzumaki Ichiraku lowered his voice and said.

"It seems you are aware of it too..."

Uchi Bolunbu was a little surprised.

He thought that only he and the few Uchiha ninjas who had received senjutsu seeds in the entire fleet could sense the anomaly in this sea area - there was no natural energy!

Uzumaki Ichiraku shrugged.

"Then your suggestion is..."

Uchi Bolunbu asked.

"If there are really humanoid creatures on the island..."

Uzumaki Ichiraku lowered his voice and said: "I suggest not sealing the sword in the first battle."

"...You are too extreme!"

Uchi Bolunbu was a little surprised.

This is not something a Uzumaki ninja can say!

He also understood what Uzumaki Ichiraku meant.

If you want to maintain the stability of the Ninja Army, there is no need to let them know too much, you just need to lead them to victory again and again.

Otherwise, if we are indeed in a new world at this time, the hearts of the fleet may begin to drift.

"The reason why I can become a consultant is because my heart is dirty enough!"

Uzumaki Ichiraku said quite proudly.


Uchibolunbu didn't know how to deal with it.

After a while, he turned on the fleet broadcast again, and after thinking for a while, he said:
"Every department listens to orders!"

"In order to ensure the safety of the fleet and protect our intelligence, after research and decision by the command -"

"The next battle..."

"No restrictions on military discipline! No one left alive!"

"I have to shake all the eggs on land!"

"I have to chop all the earthworms upright!"

As the bloody orders echoed above the fleet, the ninjas burst into wild cheers!
Especially the Uchiha ninjas and Kirigakure ninjas took out their weapons and started swinging them!

"Lord Deguang!"

In the Konoha Governor's Office, an Uzumaki ninja from the sealing class hurried in.

"Urgent report from the Eastern Sea!"

"give me!"

Uchiha Tokko immediately grabbed the telegram from the Uzumaki ninja's hand and read it.

"The hurricane barrier has actually begun to weaken..."

It seems that the process of conquering Miaomu Mountain must be accelerated again!

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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