Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 454 The Road to the Decisive Battle

"Boom boom boom!!"

On the sea outside the wilderness, the gunboats of the Shogunate Navy's Western Task Force were firing clustered chakra cannonballs at the rocks on the sea that had been tempered for countless years and were as strong as steel.

However, the effect of the salvo this time was not good. Although part of the reef exposed on the sea was blown up, the part under the sea was still as tough as ever.

"Reef breaker ready!"

On the battle flagship, Uchiha Tokumitsu also noticed this scene, and then turned around and ordered: "Don't be stingy with the tailed beast chakra, use the power of the reef breaker to the maximum!"

"As ordered!"

An old acquaintance, Staff Officer Nara Yukihei, responded immediately.

After the Fire Gate Shogunate that originally garrisoned and ruled the Land of Grass was disbanded and reorganized into the Northwest Guard, the original team was also dismantled and reorganized. The top leaders of the original Fire Gate Shogunate, including Nara Yukihei, were also dispersed to various ninja armies; Uchiha Tokumitsu did not treat them differently, but assigned new positions that were more in line with their abilities based on their abilities.

As the order was issued, the specially-made reef-breaking ship that had been waiting for the battle began to fully activate its power under the control of the shogunate ninjas, and rolled over the rocks in front of it with overwhelming force.

Then came the extremely harsh sound of breaking rocks, which made the shogunate's scalp numb even though he was wearing soundproof earmuffs.

"The speedboat team is ready!"

As the reef-breaking ship continued to move forward, Nara Yukihei immediately issued the second order.

Speedboats were lowered from the ironclad ship one after another, with six ninjas on each speedboat. Driven by the chakra engine, they quickly sailed further ahead of the reef breaker.

Although the Ninja frogs of Mt. Myoboku are not humans, they are not fools either. Naturally, they do not know that the Shogunate Navy is opening a channel on the sea. However, because the Ninja frogs of Mt. Myoboku have never had the concept of supplying and supporting troops, it is difficult to support them. It's just a large-scale expedition by Ninja.

But since the opening of the waterway has been getting better, especially since Uchiha Tokumitsu began to take charge personally, small-scale Ninja raids have never stopped.

The duty of the speedboat team is to explore in front of the precious reef breaking ship to prevent the ship from being damaged by ninja frogs that may be lurking.

In addition to the speedboat fleet, the sea radar on the armored ship is also constantly scanning every movement at sea and below.

After all, Uchiha Tokumitsu himself came to the front line, and no ninja dared to neglect him.

"Mr. Deguang..."

Uchiha Makoto walked to the bow of the flagship holding a cup of tea and handed the warm tea to Uchiha Tokimitsu.

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a sip after taking it, but his attention was still on the reef breaker that was rushing through the rocks with an unstoppable force.

Regardless of whether there is a passage to the new world behind the hurricane barrier in the direction of the East China Sea, it does not hinder Uchiha Tokumitsu's intention to kill Mt. Myoboku.

This kind of aliens who live together in groups and are powerful are the most annoying.

It would be fine if he just acts as a supplier of psychic beasts. Ninjas generally don't have any objections to this, but Myokiyama is used to standing on the moral high ground and secretly giving advice on people in the ninja world, even to the point of arrogance. It's ridiculous to designate the savior of the ninja world!
Not only Uchiha Tokumitsu, but other strong ninjas couldn't stand such a thing.

It's just that in the past era, the most dazzling twin stars in the ninja world were often from the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan, especially the Indra and Ashura brothers who were constantly reincarnated and entangled in the blood of the two clans. No one paid attention to Miaomushan's little move.

But for Uchiha Tokko, that is——

"How can you allow others to snore on the side of the couch!"

Not going to Mt. Myoboku alone was considered a sign that Uchiha Tokumitsu's sanity was very online.

"Go back to the cabin and take a rest. The sun in the wilderness is too hot..."

After watching the construction progress for a while, Uchiha Tokumitsu took Uchiha Makoto's hand and walked towards the cabin.

Uchiha Makoto, whose face was slightly red, obeyed step by step.

But just as he stepped off the bow, the shrill radar warning sound suddenly sounded!
Then the loudspeaker began to shout: "Twenty nautical miles to the southwest, at a depth of five to ten meters, a large-scale unknown creature is rapidly approaching!"

"Repeat: There is an unknown creature approaching from the southwest! The combat squad is ready to fight immediately!"

Following the instructions from the loudspeaker, the shogunate ninja troops who were waiting sternly were quickly dispatched. Deployed on the broken reef ship were the water ghost troops recruited from the rain ninja all the way. At this time, they also quickly jumped into the sea to guard against Attacks that could happen down there.

The flagship's cannon also began to change direction, pointing at the sea area marked by the radar position.

"Lord Deguang..."

Nara Yukihei ran over and asked for instructions.


Uchiha Demitsu said very casually.

During the day he was stationed at the fleet, he also saw too many such attacks that were purely suicide attempts, so he was a little tired of it.


Nara Yukihira immediately shouted at the walkie-talkie on his shoulder.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

As the order was issued, the triple turret on the bow of the ship roared with a salvo!
"Boom boom boom!"

With the roar of the giant cannon, the sea area where the aliens were located was quickly blown into red, and broken limbs continued to surface.


After the turret was loaded, Nara Yukihei gave the order again.

Nearly half of the life signals have disappeared in the directions detected by the radar!

"It's a little weird..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned.

"what happened?"

Uchiha Makoto was a little surprised.

Nara Yukihei immediately bowed his head and listened.

"It seems that these aliens are deliberately seeking death..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

"...You mean, they are detecting our ability to fight back?"

Nara Yukihei asked tentatively.

"That's about it, but who knows what these non-human guys think."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also a little unsure.

"How about dispatching another fleet to support us?"

Uchiha Makoto suggested.

Uchiha Tokko thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Order the Navy Headquarters to allocate ships to form the Third Fleet and immediately lift anchor and come to support the expedition channel!" "Yes!"

The attendant ninja responded immediately.


"The temptation is complete!"

On a rocky beach along the coast of the Savage Land, the messy Toadhiro said to the meditating Toadbunta: "Today, the big tube used to launch the detonating kunai on the armored ship was not fired. Instead, three large tubes were fired side by side. We opened fire."

"...Where are those of the same race?"

Gamabunta slowly opened his eyes.

"It's dead!"

Tomahiro shrugged and said nonchalantly: "The largest iron-clad ship fired large pipes three times in a row. It's strange that those of the same kind who don't even have chakra don't die!"

"They are all from the Miaomu Mountain lineage..."

Gamabunta's persuasion was hollow and unconvincing.

This is also the collective decision of the senior ninja frogs of Mt. Myoboku. It is necessary to find out the strength of the shogunate, and it is most suitable to use ordinary large stone frogs, sea frogs and other creatures that have no size as attack bait. Those ninjas of the shogunate have no idea. Can't tell the difference.

"Have you found out the situation of those shogunate fleets?"

After nagging a few words, Toad Bunta stopped worrying about it.

After all, frogs without chakra are of little value to Mount Myoboku.

"Three ships that hit the rocks, five combat ships that can launch attacks, and too many small boats to count."

Togahiro immediately replied: "In terms of ninjas, there are about a thousand people."

"If we want to destroy this fleet..."

Gamabunta hesitated.

"At least three thousand ninja frogs plus six thousand frogs will be needed to serve as the vanguard."

Togahiro also gave his own opinion.

"Three thousand..."

Gamabunta couldn't help but sigh when he heard this.

After experiencing so many fiascos, how many Ninja frogs can there be in Mt. Myoboku?
According to Myobokuyama's intelligence, the number of ironclad ships owned by the shogunate is far more than this, and it is unknown whether destroying this fleet will dispel the idea of ​​​​the shogunate's expedition.

"Isn't there a Longdi Cave?"

Toad Guang waved his two swords and said: "Those stinking snakes are huge in size, and they are perfect for being used as cannon fodder!"

"Then if five thousand ninja snakes are allowed to emerge from Longdi Cave..."

Gamabunta thinks this is also a method.

Nearly [-] psychic beasts besieged a fleet of only a thousand people. In theory, it should be a sure thing.

It can not only attack the shogunate's forward fleet, but also appropriately weaken the power of Ryuji Cave. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!
Although attacking and destroying a fleet will inevitably make the shogunate even more angry, since both sides are now in a state of unrelenting struggle, there is no need for Mount Myoki to pay attention to the shogunate's emotions.

"Three days later!"

Gamabunta gritted his teeth and made a decision: "I will go back and explain to the immortal the importance of this battle. There must be help from the Ryūchi Cave Giant Snake!"

"now it's right!"

A bloodthirsty smile also appeared on Toadhiro's face.


"Commander Lumbu..."

Above the unknown sea, Uchi Bolunbu, who had just captured an island, did not participate in the bloody feast of his subordinates. Instead, he returned to the ship to take a nap. Fleet Chief of Staff Uzumaki Ichiraku also returned to the cabin.


Uchipolumbu responded slightly and continued to squint his eyes.

"I checked and the humanoid creatures on the island are indeed not from the ninja world..."

Uzumaki Ichiraku whispered: "Whether it is physical characteristics or fighting methods, they are completely different from the ninja world."

"And their various strange abilities..."

Uchi Bolunbu sighed, opened his eyes and said: "Although they are different in strength and weakness, their abilities are still remarkable..."

During the landing battle to seize the island, Uchi Bolumbu also personally charged into the battle, and had a relatively intuitive preliminary understanding of the humanoid creatures on the island.

"By the way, can you confirm their identities?"

"The language barrier is different, and the writing is completely different. We have no way to determine their identity and the forces they belong to for the time being..."

Uzumaki Ichiraku replied: "But they all have skulls hanging on their sails. They look like pirates or something, right?"


This is also a headache for Uchibolunbu.

When he saw the black skull on the opponent's sail, he thought it was just a group of rabble. Unexpectedly, during the attack, he almost capsized the boat in the gutter!
And this was also the source of his inner anxiety.

If ordinary pirates have such strong fighting power, then how strong is the official strength of this world!

And whether discovering this world is a blessing or a curse for the ninja world, Uchiha Rumbu doesn't know.

"Later, you command the Ninja Army to completely burn the island to ashes, and don't leave any information about us!"

Uchi Bolunbu hesitated for a moment and said: "In addition, except for the jounin, others are not allowed to have contact with these natives!"

"As ordered!"

Uzumaki Ichiraku responded immediately.

Sometimes, for the low-level ninjas, ignorance is actually a kind of happiness.

They are only responsible for executing orders, and knowing too much will not do them any good.

"But if I can return to the ninja world, I wonder what kind of reward Tokumitsu-sama will give me?"

After arranging post-war affairs, Uchi Bolunbu continued to take a nap. (End of chapter)

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