Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 455 Prelude to the Meat Grinder

"The decline of the shogunate ninja army is definitely faster than we imagined!"

Under a rocky beach overseas, Toad Guang, who was comfortably holding desalinated water, vowed.

"It's all my own! There's no need to tell such empty lies!"

Gamabunta immediately scolded.

"I have a reason for this!"

Tomahiro picked up the cup filled with green juice, took a sip, and shouted angrily: "After so many days of testing, the ninjas of the shogunate can only rely on the firepower of long-range ninja tools to throw money, and they don't dare to fight with us. A hearty close-quarters combat!"

While talking, Gao Guang glanced at Xin Ya who was turning his belly over and soaking in salt water on the sea not far away.

It is said that this giant red snake is the strongest person in Longdi Cave except for the Great Immortal White Snake and the Divine Princess.

Moreover, because its original temperament was too violent and murderous, the Great Immortal White Snake deliberately pulled out its reverse scales before sending it out to make it docile. However, within just two days of leaving Longdi Cave, Xin Ya The Ni Scales once again produced a small piece, and its character also changed from being gentle at the beginning to becoming more violent as the Ni Scales grew.

Although his mood became irritable, Xin Ya, who had not yet reached his peak, just soaked in the sea water and ignored Toad Guang's nonsense.

This is not the first time it has fought against the shogunate ninja army.

However, in the battle in the Swamp Country in Longdi Cave, which suffered heavy casualties, Xin Ya was on the side that was defeated and fled.

And this experience of defeat also made Xin Ya become a lot more cautious, especially when facing a powerful enemy like the shogunate, at least he would no longer vent his inner rage like he did before.

As for Togaguang's boasting, it didn't take it seriously.

After all, before going into battle, the Great Immortal White Snake also privately told it not to do anything and not force it, and that it would be best to run away and save itself.

Of course, in the past, Xinya would have just regarded this as a method of provoking the general and happily accepted it, but now, it still listened to the words of the Great Immortal White Snake.

"Hey! That smelly...big snake!"

Although Xin Ya ignored the teasing of the two big toads, the mean-tongued Toad Guang still came to him.

Xin Ya just glanced at him, and then continued to soak in the sea water with his eyes closed.

"It is said that two of the Three Goddess Ji of Longdi Cave died. Isn't your great immortal unwilling to take revenge?"

Tomahiro said with a smile.

"Your mother Shima is dead."

Xin Ya replied lightly.

"What did you say!"

Toadguang's expression suddenly changed, he swung the green juice cup in his hand and reached for the two knives placed aside.

"Have you had enough trouble!"

Gamabunta shouted immediately.

Then he said to Xin Ya: "Now we are on the same front, and the past grudges have turned into clouds..."

"But this red toad still doesn't seem to accept it!"

Xinya's fangs loomed, the red snake hissed, and the scales on his back became darker in color, as if he was ready to start fighting at the slightest disagreement.

Toad Guang was a little scared.

The reason why it dared to provoke Xin Ya, who was under the two immortals of Ryūchi Cave and above all snakes, was that the number of ninja frogs that went to Mt. Miaomu this time far exceeded that of Ryūchi Cave ninja snakes, so it wanted to suppress it first, and then after the war started In order to drive the ninja snakes out to die, but I didn't expect that Xinya would still be so violent even after his scales were removed!

"The toad of Miaomu Mountain has been defeated so many times, but its mouth is still so tough!"

Xinya still said reluctantly: "I hope you can fight a turnaround this time! Otherwise, the shogunate's army will really follow the sea route to the secret realm of Miaomu Mountain!"

"Although Miaomu Mountain and Ryūchi Cave had some grudges in the past, they are ultimately part of the same holy land and should support each other..."

Although Gamabunta was very unhappy in his heart, he still controlled his anger and said calmly: "This is a naval battle. The ninja snakes of Ryūchidō should exert their maximum fighting power to give the shogunate those eyes on their heads who look down on our Holy Land ethnic group It’s better to look at the guy’s color!”


Xin Ya sneered at this, but said nothing.

It also understands what the toads in Miaomu Mountain are thinking. They just want the ninja snakes in Ryūchi Cave to act as outposts to attract firepower.

However, Xinya escaped from the indiscriminate bombing of the shogunate's "firepower superiority tactics" during the Battle of Swamp Country, and had a relatively intuitive understanding of the combat effectiveness that the shogunate's ninja army could exert, so it was naturally impossible for him to agree to the act of fighting an outpost.

After all, this time it brought three thousand ninja snakes to the battle, and Myobokuyama brought nearly six thousand of those giant frogs with no intelligence and only bulk!As for Ninja, there are even three thousand people.

However, although she was in the frog camp, Xinya was not afraid, and she had no intention of bowing to the toads in Miaomu Mountain.

After all, the ninja snakes it brought out this time were only a small part of Ryuji Cave's power. No matter the outcome, it didn't matter much to Ryuji Cave where there were many snakes at the bottom. The key lies in the way the shogunate navy opened up the cave. The Battle of Mt. Myoboku after the complete route!


Following Uchiha Tokumitsu's order, the Shogunate Navy Headquarters in Fubo City in the Country of Whirlpool once again sent six armored battleships and a newly launched reef-breaking ship, carrying nearly a thousand ninja troops at the same time.

"We need to think of ways to supply supplies!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a headache: "We can't always let our ninjas eat canned food and military food pills!"

After the naval fleets reunited, the ninjas who opened the route had gathered two thousand people. Although the number was not large, the shogunate's supply delivery capability was greatly restricted due to the long distance.

"Then we allocate additional ships to form a supply fleet?"

The naval staff officer said with some anxiety: "But if this is the case, and the ironclad ships are deployed for escort, there will be a certain void in Fubo City's maritime defense..."

"What can happen to Fubo City!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly and said: "Is it possible that the ninja frogs from Mt. Myoboku can be transported there? Or is it that the landlubbers from Iwagakure dived and landed on the coastline?"

"As ordered!"

The naval staff officer responded immediately.

"Prepare some more beef. For example, grass-fed whole cuts from the Land of Grass are very suitable, and then let the ninjas of Minazuki freeze a little stronger. In addition, during the voyage, the supply fleet will pick up a few nets of fish and send them over..."

Uchiha Tokko ordered them one by one, fearing that the naval staff would not understand what he meant.

After all, although they have not yet reached the outskirts of Miaomu Mountain's secret realm, the sea environment where they are now is too harsh.

The sea outside the wilderness is also lifeless, even aquatic plants are extremely rare, and fish are completely extinct. The seawater is also too salty, and the seawater desalination device on board needs to be processed multiple times before it can reach drinking status.

Coupled with the extremely scorching sun and the evaporating heat from the sea, working outdoors is like working in a boiler.

Although these ninja soldiers from all over the world did not complain, Uchiha Tokumitsu still tried his best to get the shogunate to provide them with better living and working conditions.

"Lord Deguang!"

Suddenly, a scout ninja rushed back and knelt on one knee in front of Uchiha Tokko.

"what happened?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved the naval staff officer to leave, then frowned and asked.

"The white-eyed ninjas at the vanguard discovered signs of frogs gathering!"

The reconnaissance ninja immediately replied: "The number is estimated to be more than three thousand!" "We will investigate again and report again!"

Uchiha Demitsu ordered calmly.

"As ordered!"

The scout ninja immediately rushed back.

"Those ninja frogs actually dare to continue to send military exploits?"

Uchiha Makoto was a little surprised.

In the past few days, the tentative attacks of the Myoboku Mountain Ninja Frogs have not stopped, but no matter how desperate they are to attack, they will only be blown into a pile of flesh and blood at the outer cordon of the reef breaker. In addition to giving them After the shogunate ninjas served a griddle meal, there was no progress.

"Maybe I think I can do it~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled and said: "Don't use the thinking of the ninja army to measure those toads. In the final analysis, they are just a group of uneducated aliens who are isolated from the world."

Having said that, under the command of Uchiha Tokko, the shogunate's armored ship also began to maneuver, pulled out a battle line, and pointed the muzzle in the direction where the intelligence chunin frogs gathered.

"How are the reserves of chakra shells?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked Nara Yukihei again.

"The main gun reserve is enough for fifteen rounds of salvo fire, and the detonating talisman cluster launcher can continuously fire thirty rounds."

Nara Yukihei replied immediately.

"very good……"

Uchiha Tokko nodded: "Let the reef breaker continue its operations and the combat ninjas prepare to engage in battle."

"I won't take action unless necessary."

"As ordered!"

Nara Yukihei responded immediately.

At this time, traces of Mt. Myoboku frogs began to appear on the distant sea.

It's just that unlike the previous charge mode, the frog array this time was obviously much sparser. Although the battle line was very wide, it looked sparse.


Uchiha Tokumitsu also showed interest.

If they charge in groups, no matter how many Ninja Frogs come there, they will only be killed by the bombardment of the chakra cannon. But if they respond with such a formation, it shows that the Ninja Frogs have indeed learned the lessons from before.

However, although this can avoid large-scale damage caused by chakra cannons, the formation that is too sparse may not even be able to break through the shogunate's outpost positions.


"Bang bang bang!"

The eight ironclad ships fired cannonballs into the distance.

The Ninja frogs who came from the sea fell one after another under the attack of the giant cannon.

"It really works!"

Toadhiro, who was watching the battle from behind Ninwa, was immediately overjoyed!

This scattered frog assault tactic is an "original" tactic that Toma Hiroshi came up with after many rounds of death. It is still the first time it has been implemented. However, judging from the effect of the shogunate's gunboat salvo, it has indeed achieved the expected tactical purpose. .

"Prepare for the second wave!"

The first round of more than a thousand frogs that carried out the Scattering Charge were about to be wiped out by the shogunate's naval gun bombardment, so Gamabunta immediately ordered.

Subsequently, the Myoboku Mountain ninja frogs stuffed the secret medicine into the mouths of the second batch of cannon fodder frogs, then drove them to disperse and send them towards the shogunate's cannon again.

"It's so cold..."

Xin Ya was a little confused after witnessing all this.

It also thought that the cannibalism in Ryūchi Cave was cruel enough, but it didn't expect that Miaomu Mountain was even better and actually used the lives of its own people to test the power of fire!

And it’s still killing him in waves!

The shogunate's ninja army fired another volley of firepower, and the second batch of ninja frogs who were sent to death followed in their footsteps and were completely lost.

"Give me the third batch of giant frogs!!"

Togahiro's voice became even more passionate: "The fourth batch of Ninja troops are ready!"

It clearly saw that the number of gunboat cannons in the distance had significantly reduced, replaced by small detonating talisman kunai launchers, and the destruction time of the second batch of giant frogs was twice as long as that of the first batch!
This shows that the firepower of the shogunate gunboats is unsustainable!

"Xin Ya, your ninja snake should also be prepared!"

Gamabunta turned around and said, "The fifth batch is my ninja frog force. You can mix with the giant frogs in the sixth batch and launch an attack!"

"……All right."

Although Xinya didn't know whether the so-called tactics devised by Miaomushan were working, but since he was so confident and pressed Miaomushan's Ninja up, it meant that he was somewhat sure, so Xinya hesitated for a moment and then He also agreed to Gamabunta's request.

At the same time, while urging the ninja snakes he brought to prepare for the battle, Xin Ya also silently sensed the reverse necromantic spell in his body, making sure it was correct before entering the preset position.

If the situation goes wrong, Xinya is ready to escape and escape back to Longdi Cave.

"The Great Immortal White Snake is above, I hope you will protect your descendants and be invincible!"


On the flagship of the shogunate fleet, Uchiha Tokumitsu and a group of jounin couldn't stop laughing as they looked at the flashing red spots on the ship's radar screen.

"Speaking of which... those aliens don't think this little trick can be hidden from us, do they?"

"After all, he is an alien. Even if he is beaten, he will not remember it long~"

The jonins in charge of the ninja army on the side kept complimenting him.

"It seems like they're really ready to come this time~ It's really easy for them to hook their teeth!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu laughed loudly, and then asked: "Are all the ministries ready?"

"It's ready!"

The jonins responded loudly, all of them full of fighting spirit!

Even the Shogunin, who has experienced hundreds of battles, has never tried this kind of battle with a high chance of winning!

It can only be said that the evolution of the shogunate's armaments was too fast. The ninja commanders stationed abroad had not had time to familiarize themselves with the ninja tools issued, but the next generation of more advanced new ninja tools had been successfully developed and produced.

Although the frequent updates of equipment also caused certain problems for the training of each ninja army, it is no surprise that the combat effectiveness of the shogunate ninja army has also been greatly improved.

"Then I will watch your performance in the command cabin!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu calmly sat down on the chair, then pulled Uchiha Makoto to sit on his lap, "Makoto-chan~ Let's enjoy a gorgeous fireworks show next!" (This chapter over)

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