Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 460 Sounding the Horn of the Decisive Battle

Chapter 460 Sounding the Horn of the Decisive Battle

"Lord Tokumitsu! A call came from the northwest guard. The entire northern part of the Kingdom of Frost has been captured. The stationed Iwagakure has been defeated and surrendered!"

In the afternoon, in the shogunate's central military tent on the Takino Country side, a messenger ninja hurried in and reported loudly.

"it is good!"

The jonins in the tent suddenly cheered.

This battle finally got off to a perfect start!

Uchiha Demitsu also had a smile on his face.

His 'Uncle Fire Gate' didn't disappoint him either. Not unjustly, he even gave the credit for the first battle to Uchiha Fire Gate!
"How many people from the Iwagakure garrison in the Land of Frost surrendered?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.

"Nearly [-] people surrendered, and less than [-] were killed in the battle..."

The messenger ninja looked at the telegram and then replied.

"It seems that the Will of Stone cannot withstand the United Company's silver bullet attack!"

Uchiha Tokko laughed casually.

The jounin immediately laughed.

"Inform the Fire Gate Guards that you don't have to stay in the Kingdom of Frost for too long. You must quickly capture Iwagakure and surrender to the Kingdom of Thunder!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood up and said to his subordinates: "The next step is your moment of honor!"

"Wan Sheng!"

All the Jonin immediately stood up and shouted in unison!
"Mr. Hanzo, I'm going to trouble you again this time."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Sansho Hanzo, who also stood up.

"When called by the shogunate, I dare not disobey."

Sanshouyu Hanzo’s answer was also unexpected.

However, the general trend of the ninja world is such that even Sansho Hanzo, the hero of the first generation, is powerless in the face of the tide of the times, so it is better to obey the shogunate and gain a good background for the ninjas of the Rain Ninja Village.

"No... they seem to have surrendered to the shogunate a long time ago!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo thought about it and realized that it was just that he had never been able to fully admit the truth!


Surrounded by the jounin of the shogunate, Uchiha Tokumitsu came to the forefront.

At a glance, I saw the commotion of the Iwagakure Cloud Ninja Army in the distance, which seemed quite uneasy.

The shogunate ninja army was already gearing up and eager to try.

Compare the two sides and make a judgment!
Uchiha Tokko took out a slow breath.

To be honest, the decision to decide this decisive battle was indeed very hasty.

If Ohnoki hadn't suddenly gone mad and invaded Taki's country, he wouldn't have wanted to launch a full-scale war so early.

However, based on the current combat readiness situation, although the Shogunate Ninja Army still has some shortcomings, there is no doubt that the Kumogakure Iwagakure Alliance Army opposite has more problems.

"You gentlemen!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu patted the two-tailed Mata Ryu's shoulder, and it immediately rose up to meet the wind, returning to its original size, allowing Uchiha Tokumitsu to jump on top of its head.

"The war in the ninja world continues to this day, it's time for it to end!"

With the spread of wind release ninjutsu, Uchiha Tokumitsu's voice floated in the shogunate's position.

"From family feuds during the Warring States Period to wars between nations during the Five Great Ninja Villages era, we ninjas have endured too much suffering!"

"Nowadays, the daimyo nobles have become yesterday's news, but the most stubborn bastion of evil in the ninja world still tries to resist!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu drew out his flame fan and pointed at the Allied Ninja Army's position in the distance.

"The unification of the four seas is our long-cherished wish, and eternal peace is our goal!"

"Today's battle should be the beginning of eternal peace in the ninja world!"

"One ninja world! One will! One voice!"

"Wan Sheng!"

The shogunate ninja army suddenly cheered!

Even Hanzo the Sanshouyu couldn't help but sway, he drew out his scythe and pointed at Uchiha Tokumitsu from afar!

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately waved his flame fan and issued an order loudly.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Nearly a thousand Chakra heavy cannons deployed in the shogunate's position roared in unison!

The fiery red explosive bombs smashed fiercely towards the Alliance Ninja Army's position with thunderous momentum!

Even though they were ready for the battle, Kumogakure and Iwagakure were still in a panic by the ferocious bombardment!
Barriers collapsed, tunnels collapsed, mazes shattered... It seemed that all the pre-war arrangements were as fragile as gossamer in the face of fierce artillery fire.

"Three rounds rapid fire!"

Uchiha Tokko ordered again.

Immediately, accompanied by fierce heavy artillery bombardment, the Alliance Ninja Army's position was completely plunged into a sea of ​​fire.

The shogunate ninja army also gradually tightened their nerves, paying close attention to the orders of the jonin in each department, and getting ready for battle.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu was not in a hurry, but quietly looked at the Allied Ninja Army positions that were flooded by artillery fire.

"The barrage is advancing! The artillery fire extends for one kilometer!"

After a while, Uchiha Tokko gave the order again.

And the Iwagakure and Kumogakure who had just crawled out of the remaining tunnels or were urgently driven to the front line by the jounin suffered another disaster.


"...When did the ninja war become like this?"

Behind the alliance ninja army, the Third Raikage, who was waiting for the opportunity to take action, suddenly said.

Onoki floated next to him, his face ashen.

"Ninja...shouldn't it be a small team that makes surprise attacks, kills everywhere, and destroys behind enemy lines?"

The Third Raikage said to himself: "You will never dare to fight until the enemy has shed all his blood, exhausted his manpower, and is absolutely invincible; this is what a ninja is!"

"It was like this in both Ninja World Wars! Why has it changed so quickly now?"

"...So we were all defeated in the Second Ninja War!"

Onoki still said stubbornly.

"But why on earth...are we reduced to fighting in formation like those samurai?"

The Third Raikage didn't mean to complain. After all, with the current momentum, there was no point in continuing to complain.

"What we learn is..."

Ohnoki was about to say a few words of defense, but suddenly got stuck.yes!

Why can't I take advantage of the traditional advantages of ninjas and go in the direction that the shogunate is best at?
This kind of learning, in the face of today's overwhelming firepower, is completely like a tiger and a classification dog!

"Is it wrong..."

A wry smile appeared on Ohnoki's face.

"That's right..."

The Third Raikage shook his head: "You are right, and so am I; we are all following the ninja army route of the shogunate..."

"It's just that we are all lagging behind."

After the defeat, the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Thunder, whose economies were far inferior to those of the Kingdom of Fire, were really unable to support their respective ninja villages in forming a ninja army of shogunate standards; the Kingdom of Thunder, in particular, not only needed to cede territory and pay compensation, but It still needs to withstand the exploitation of the United Company, and even the daimyo can't squeeze out the money.

And the so-called 'New Ninja Army' who have learned all kinds of things... now it seems that they are as powerless as a three-year-old child in front of the shogunate!
"...If you fall behind, you will be beaten!"

Looking at the Iwagakures who were constantly dying in the artillery fire at the forward position, Onoki closed his eyes in pain.

It would be great if we didn't launch an invasion rashly!

It would be great if we continue to be brave!

How wonderful it would be without the freak Uchiha Tokimitsu!

"There is only one death..."

The Third Raikage suddenly said in a very lonely tone: "Perhaps, our rear has been cut off at this time."

Ohnoki's face was ashen and he said nothing.

Information about the defeat and surrender of the Iwagakure Construction Corps of the Kingdom of Frost had been sent by ANBU, but Ohnoki chose to conceal it.

But now it seems that there is no point in hiding it.

"...By the way, are those aliens from Miaomu Mountain here?"

Third Raikage asked again.

Onoki just shook his head.

This is not surprising, after all, what prompted Onoki to choose to make a desperate move was the invasion of the shogunate navy reported by the ninjas of Mt. Myoboku.

"What about Longdi Cave?"

The Third Raikage continued to ask.


Onoki pointed at the bottom of his feet.

"How many have you come?"

"Eight Thousand Ninja Snakes!"

"Really~ It's a waste of money."

The voice of the Third Raikage was also surprisingly gentle, not at all as fiery as usual.

"It's just a fight to the death."

Ohnoki said coldly, and then activated the light and heavy rock technique and flew higher into the sky!

At the same time, he dropped the next sentence: "Tsuchikage assists Loess to take over the command of the entire army!"

The Third Raikage also gave a few instructions to his subordinates, and then he also used the Thunder Chakra Mode to jump forward.

If the shogunate ninja army is allowed to continue bombing, there is no need to officially start the war. If it takes a little longer, it will collapse on its own!


"Don't be stingy with artillery shells, continue to clear the ground and bomb!"

Uchiha Tokko continued to order.

As round after round of barrages washed away the ground, as far as the eye could see, the Alliance Ninja Army positions were covered with broken arms and remains, and Yunyin Yanyin was littered with casualties.

As Tsuchikage Onoki soared into the sky, the Alliance Ninja Army that had completely collapsed began to make a few desperate attacks, but then died in the non-stop bombing.

The shogunate's ninja army's artillery fire was so intensive that even ordinary jounin could not completely dodge it!

But then the Third Raikage rushed out from behind, wrapped in thunder and lightning, and swung out streaks of thunder chakra in mid-air to explode the projected chakra shells!


Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly and continued to urge.

He didn’t believe it!Could it be that one person could withstand the thousands of heavy artillery pieces of the shogunate!
However, Onoki flying in the air is indeed a threat that must be guarded against, and no one else on our side can resist him.


Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a moment, then summoned Uchiha Shiina and said: "You will take over the command for the next battle!"

"Remember, as long as we don't get into trouble, we won't lose no matter what happens, just hold on!"

"The specific combat strategy is available from the staff ninja. You can just choose the opportunity to order all the ministries to go into battle!"

After saying that, Uchiha Tokko looked at Ohnoki again who was condensing chakra in mid-air.

"Chen Escape... what a disgusting thing!"

After snorting coldly, Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Sansho Hanzo again: "Mr. Hanzo, the Raikage opposite will trouble you to take care of him!"

"No problem!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo waved the scythe in his hand and replied calmly.

"And you...Yakura Jounin!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to lower his head and warned: "Remember to use the Tailed Beast Jade to support each department in time!"


The short Goju Yagura waved the iron staff in his hand and said helplessly.

Among the five tailed beasts or jinchūriki under the control of the shogunate, he has been called into battle the most times, but who can say that he has the best compatibility with the tailed beasts, and even his life is under the control of Uchiha Tokumitsu. middle!

At this time, Ohnoki in mid-air had already condensed an amazing amount of chakra and began to construct the technique!
"Just wait until the arrangements are made!"

After that, Uchiha Tokumitsu opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, and first cast a pupil technique——

"Kaleidoscopic Pupil Technique·Great Country Lord!"

The violent eye power swept across the ninja army, stimulating all the Uchiha ninjas to open their Sharingan.

The Uchiha ninjas only feel that they are stronger than ever before!
Afterwards, the power of the pupils merged with the chakra and was quickly released into the body of the demon god, wrapping up Tokumitsu Uchiha and Erwei Mata—

"Susanohu, the perfect body!"

Along with the violent chakra tide, a huge and unparalleled three-headed, six-armed and double-winged demon statue rose from the ground!

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who controlled the complete Susanoo, activated the demon god's wings and also flew!

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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