Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 461 The Last Dance of the Will of Stone

Chapter 461 The Last Dance of the Will of Stone

As Onoki opened his palms, a translucent cube continued to rotate between his hands, but unexpectedly, there was no chakra fluctuation like the tide of ordinary ninjutsu, but it seemed to have endless charm, which attracted Uchiha. Guang's gaze attracted him.

"The legendary blood successor was eliminated..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who flew into the air with the powerful Susanoo, couldn't help but admired: "It is indeed a secret technique created by a generation of heroes. It can be called the pinnacle of chakra ninjutsu!"

"The Uchiha clan has a person like you! I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse for the ninja world..."

Onoki sneered, and the translucent cubic meters between his hands became more solid with the infusion of massive chakra.

Onoki had no idea how powerful the complete and powerful Susanoo could be.

After all, Uchiha Madara single-handedly defeated his teacher, the second generation Tsuchikage Mu, the creator of Dust Release; and the powerful Susanoo, it was Uchiha Madara who betrayed After Konoha, during the battle in the Valley of the End, he coerced the Nine-Tails to fight against the god of the ninja world Senju Hashirama, the most powerful blood succession technique!
It's just that the red-eyed Uchiha boy in front of me, his partner in wielding the mighty Susanoo, is the much weaker Two-Tails...

"I also want to see the peak of ninjutsu..."

Under the control of Uchiha Tokumitsu, the mighty Susanoo stretched out his four arms forward, and also condensed a colorful light in the gathered palms, "After all, compared with the limited power of blood, human's Wisdom is indeed infinite…”

"What the hell is this!"

Ohnoki looked at the mysterious light in Susana's giant palm and couldn't help being shocked. Then he increased the speed of extracting chakra regardless of his physical fatigue.

"Do not worry!"

The voice of Tokumitsu Uchiha, who was hiding in the powerful Susanoo, kept echoing between the three heads of the devil, and said with a trance-like magic power: "I'm ready, just take your time! "

"Don't worry! I won't make a sneak attack! I'm Uchiha Tokumitsu!"

"...How arrogant!"

Onoki smiled coldly.

However, being able to delay it for a while also allowed him to successfully accumulate the power of the dust escape secret technique to an unprecedented height!
Even during the Second Ninja War, during the desperate battle with the Third Raikage, he was unable to display such a powerful Dust Release!

After all, although Chen Dun is strong, the preparation time is too long!


Onoki could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The Dust Escape Cube rotating between his palms has finally condensed to an extreme level!

"Next, let me weigh Ohnoki in two days——"

"Weigh your courage! Your Excellency, the General of the Uchiha family——"

"Dust escape—"

A ray of light far exceeding the brightness of the sun burst out from Onoki's palm, then quickly converged and turned into a cylinder——

"The art of stripping away the realm!"

"It is indeed the most powerful secret technique in the ninja world!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu shouted loudly, and the mysterious light condensed in the palms of the four arms of the powerful Susanoo also shot towards Ohnoki's Dust Escape Light Pillar!

"Five-color divine light!"

In an instant, two beams of light with the power to destroy heaven and earth collided fiercely, and with the will of their respective masters, an extremely violent annihilation explosion broke out!

A huge ball of variegated light burst out between the light pillars on both sides.

The light ball first converged inward, and then exploded into fireworks that filled the sky like glass shattering.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also controlled the powerful Susanoo in time to retract his giant arm, and looked at Ohnoki again, who seemed to be floating in mid-air after the fireworks dispersed.

"I didn't lose!"

Even though the strongest attack failed, Onoki still refused to admit defeat!

"The secret of dust escape is indeed extraordinary...but you are getting old after all."

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not refute, but gave an objective evaluation: "With an old body, he can burst out such power, which is already much stronger than Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

"Hum hum……"

Onoki sneered and quickly adjusted his breathing. At the same time, he put a secret medicine into his mouth by wiping sweat without leaving any trace: "Compare me to that dead monkey, who are you looking down on!"

"I just feel that time is not forgiving, don't get me wrong..."

The giant arm of the mighty Susanoo formed a 'Yin' under the control of Uchiha Tokumitsu, and the other four giant arms condensed swords, bows and arrows: "But your strongest technique is no longer effective, and it depends on you This state cannot happen again... So, are you willing to surrender?"

"The Will of Stone is my lifelong belief!"

Onoki's body quickly fell towards the distance to avoid the impact of the battle between the two on the Ninja Army. "Come on! Let me see the strongest power of the Uchiha clan!"

"Then I will fulfill you!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at the battlefield below, and saw Sanho Hanzo and the psychic beast Sanho Uibushi fighting fiercely against the Third Raikage. The two sides should not be able to make a move for a while, and Gouju Yagura had also finished. Transformed into a beast, he took care of the battlefield while assisting Hanzo the Sanshouyu to fight against the Third Raikage.

Overall, the shogunate's ninja army is in great shape, and the defeat of the Iwagakure and Kumogakure coalition forces is apparent!

Uchiha Tokumitsu then controlled Susan's wings to shake and fly towards the direction where Onoki fell.

"Tu Dun·Gangli-style technique!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's mighty Susanoo had just landed. With an angry roar from Onoki, a rock giant that was almost as high as Susanoo's shoulders immediately rose up from the ground and punched at the Susanoo hiding in the ground. Hit Uchiha Tokko off the abdomen.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu just urged the Susanoo giant arm that was forming the seal to move forward to block the attack of the rock giant. Then the weapons in the hands of the other two Susanoo giant arms swung in unison, killing the stone giant on the spot. Cut into three pieces!
At the same time, there were two giant arms holding bows and arrows respectively, bending their bows and setting arrows, aiming at Ohnoki who was squatting on the ground not far away and performing spells!

"Uchiha Haya!"

As the giant chakra arm quickly drew the bow and released the arrow, chakra light arrows were shot towards Ohnoki!

The chakra light arrows were simply thicker than a human body. Even Onoki did not dare to block them lightly, so he had to give up the plan of serial ninjutsu attacks, launch a ninjutsu and then escape in an instant.

"Tu Dun·Yansu Collapse!"

"Tu Dun·Huangquan Marsh!"

A mountain collapsed and the ground cracked under the feet of the mighty Susanoo, and then a highly viscous mire quickly emerged, trying to engulf the extremely tall demon.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted, and then the purple flames of flame escape were quickly released, burning the gravel, rock collapse, and swamp into lava!The binding effect of ninjutsu is naturally broken!

"Come on! Let's continue a showdown between strong men!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu took the initiative to reduce the height of the powerful Susanoo to half, and then killed Ohnoki who had just dodged and landed.

"Tu Dun · Tulong Spear!"

"Tips for carving insects!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not dodge, and used his mighty Susanoo's huge body to crush the stone spears that were rising from the ground.

"Tu Dun·Tulu returns!"

Onoki slapped the ground with his palm, lifting up a huge rock slab, and with a swing of Susanoo's mighty sword, he smashed the rock to pieces!

This is the strongest point of Susanoo of the Uchiha clan!
The unparalleled power brought by the huge size is enough to destroy all the bells and whistles!
Then, the giant sword struck again at Onoki, who was still pressing his hands to the ground!
Cut it off!

But then, Ohnoki's remains turned into a streak of sand!
"Earth clone!"

Susana's giant sword shook, and all the remnants above the sword's edge were wiped away.

The long knife held by the other giant arm stabbed the ground.

"Earth Escape · Earthquake Core!"

Onoki's figure appeared on the other side, and then completed the sealing technique again.

"I told you! Ninjutsu is ineffective against me!" A surging Senjutsu Five-Escape Chakra poured into the ground along with the long knife inserted into the earth, completely destroying Ohnoki's Earth-Escape Ninjutsu before it could be completed. !

Onoki's eyes almost popped out!

This was the first time he saw that ninjutsu could be broken like this.

"Stop making unnecessary resistance!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu once again activated his mighty Susanoo to kill him, and at the same time, he used the two Susanoo giant arms with his bare hands to form a spell——

"Fire Release·Ashes Burning Technique!"

The gray gas wrapped in high-temperature smoke and dust quickly spread towards the surroundings.

"Water escape……"

Ohnoki originally wanted to use Water Release to deal with it, but he never expected that the Water Release Ninjutsu would be evaporated by the high temperature before it was spit out, and even his throat would be scalded and blistered!
"Cough, cough, cough!"

There was no choice but to continue to dodge Ohnoki, jumping up and down like a gopher under Susanoo's attacks.

But if this continues, defeat is only a matter of time.

Moreover, Ohnoki also knew very clearly that even if he took the secret medicine with explosive potential, his already old body could no longer extract more chakra, and Uchiha Tokumitsu's powerful Susanoo Because it has the power of the tailed beast, it can be drawn as much as it wants, but its battery life is almost unlimited!
"Tu Dun · Tu Ling Tuanzi!"

After being dodged by Susanoo, Ohnoki took the time to use ninjutsu to dig up a boulder from the ground, and threw it towards the powerful Susanoo, but as soon as it flew out, it was smashed by the giant sword. It's just a futile effort.

But he didn't expect this ninjutsu to have any miraculous effects. It would be fine if it could delay the attack a little.

Then, Ohnoki pressed his hands on the ground again and activated the ninjutsu——

"Earth Dungeon Kaitu Shengbori!"

In an instant, the powerful Susanoo's feet turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the rolling magma contained in it was about to explode!

However, Uchiha Tokko's Susanoo sword was still in a slashing state and he had no time to withdraw it.

"break out……"

Ohnoki was immediately overjoyed!
"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

Three jets of water spurted out from the three heads of the Demon God Susan, instantly extinguishing the lava beneath his feet!

At the same time, it also extinguished Ohnoki's smile.

"Water, water, water..."

No matter how knowledgeable he is, Onoki has never seen this kind of magical operation of water escape to extinguish lava!
"The Five Escape Changes are just a way to create a counterattack!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly, and once again activated the powerful Susanoo to charge.

But Ohnoki's chakra has been almost exhausted.

"I can't even risk my life..."

But he was not willing to wait for the kill, but he was completely unable to resist Susanoo's attack, so he had no choice but to extract chakra and use the teleportation technique to try to escape from the giant sword.

"Earth Escape·Shantu Technique..."

But as soon as the hemispherical mountains of earth on both sides took shape, they were smashed to pieces by the impact of the powerful Susanoo, and the ninjutsu techniques also collapsed. Ohnoki once again gained nothing from his efforts, only consuming a few of them. Chakra.

"I knew it……"

Onoki weakly raised his right hand to welcome the giant sword coming towards him!
"Tun Dun·The Arm of the Rock!"

But the newly formed huge rock arm was also unable to withstand a blow from Susana's giant sword.

At the same time that the rock arm was shattered, Onoki was also swept away by the huge Susana sword.

If Uchiha Tokumitsu hadn't twisted the blade in time to slap the blade, Onoki would have died on the spot!
"Cough cough cough..."

Onoki, who was knocked away like a broken bag, tried to struggle to get up, but the broken bones and completely consumed chakra were no longer able to support this most basic movement.


Uchiha Tokumitsu also breathed a sigh of relief, slowly retracted the Susana sword, and looked at Ohnoki who was trying to straighten his back with the last bit of strength.

"I would like to call you..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu dispersed the powerful Susanoo, and asked the two tails to wait on the side. He slowly walked to Onoki, who was still half-kneeling and refused to fall, even though he had lost all his strength. The index finger pointed on his forehead.

"The strongest among the five shadows!"


Onoki couldn't help but laugh.

Along with laughter, streams of blood mixed with internal organs spewed out of his mouth.

"Even now, are you still unwilling to bow your head?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked: "No matter how seriously injured you are, as long as you lower your head, you can survive... I can even allow you to continue to take charge of Iwagakure Ninja Village."

"The will of stone is indestructible!"

Onoki, who couldn't stop coughing up blood, had a sad smile on his face: "This is my lifelong belief! It is the way of ninja that will never be deflected!"


Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed slightly, and his right index finger began to condense the Flame Escape Chakra; "If this is the case, then you will never see the new world again."

"The new world..."

Onoki's mouth widened with a miserable smile: "It's a pity, there is no longer Iwagakure in the ninja world..."

"Isn't Kirigakure still there?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said lightly.

The Flame Release Chakra at his fingertips has been condensed into a purple light group the size of a rice grain, suspended between Onoki's eyebrows.

"Is the stone that has been crushed into pieces and then glued back together still the original will of stone?"

Onoki's voice became smaller and smaller.

He lost.

In fact, from the moment Chen Dun failed to shoot down Uchiha Tokumitsu, he had already been defeated!
All subsequent struggles and contests were nothing more than unwilling death struggles.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.


Ohnoki's voice was intermittent, "If Iwagakure is willing to surrender, I hope I can give them a chance... Also, my body should not appear on the test bed."

"If Iwagakure is willing to surrender, then after accepting the reorganization of the shogunate, as long as he contributes his due strength in the battle against Mt. Myoboku, then I will treat him equally."

Uchiha Tokko said: "As for your funeral..."

"Fulfill your wishes!"

Then, a purple ball of light hanging between his eyebrows burst out, wrapping Ohnoki's body in Flame Release Chakra.

A generation of heroes in the ninja world, Ohnoki -


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(End of this chapter)

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