Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 462 The Thunder of the End

The extremely high-temperature flames completely burned Ohnoki, who had completely lost his will to survive, from top to bottom.

This time, Uchiha Tokko did not use the usual refining method, but allowed Ohnoki's remains to turn into ashes and disperse.

This is also the last tribute to Onoki as a Tsuchikage.


As the flames of Yan Dun gradually burned, Onoki's upper body was completely reduced to ashes, and the right hand he had been holding tightly was quietly released, and a small stone rolled out.

Uchiha Tokumitsu controlled the flame escape to avoid the small stone. After completely turning Onoki's remains into fly ash, he squatted down and picked up the seemingly ordinary small stone.

"...It is indeed the most ordinary stone!"

After looking at it for a moment, Uchiha Tokimitsu was very sure that the object Ohnoki still held tightly in his hands before he died was the most common and ubiquitous calcium carbonate in the ninja world - referred to as stone!
Moreover, the small gravels of different textures are held together with the force of the palm.

Perhaps, this is the reason why Ohnoki persisted until the end to support his faith!
Uchiha Tokumitsu wanted to throw it away, but after hesitating for a moment, he put the small stone with a trace of blood into his ninja bag.


"Thunderstorm Black Thunder!"

The Third Raikage released a black leopard-shaped lightning from his body, vaporizing all the poisonous sword energy wielded by Sansho Hanzo!

His situation was not easy either.

Although he surpassed the Sansho Fish Hanzo in terms of physical strength, reaction speed, and physical skills, he didn't dare to bet on whether he could withstand the poison of the Sansho Fish!
Moreover, even if he tried to attack suddenly, the huge body of the psychic beast Sanho Ibushi always protected Sanho Uibushi's rear. Even though the Third Raikage was confident that he could penetrate Sanho Ibushi's relatively soft body with the Hell Thrust, but Also taking into account the existence of poison, he did not dare to act.

After all, Hanzo's sword and poison skills are not easy to mess with. If he is poisoned, who knows if he has any special means to detonate the poison instantly!
Moreover, there is an obstructive three-tailed Jinchuuriki Goji Yagura who is beating the drum. Even if the Third Raikage wants to escape and attack those ordinary shogunate ninja troops, there is nothing he can do!
"Toxic spray!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo repeated his old trick, urging the psychic beast under his feet to spray a strong poisonous mist in the direction of the Third Raikage!

And behind the Third Raikage are a group of Kumogakure ninjas!
"Damn guy!"

The Third Raikage was so angry that he planned to crush his steel teeth!
"Lei Dun · Pseudo Darkness!"

But he had no choice. After all, he couldn't let his ninjas die in pieces from Sanshouyu Hanzo's poisonous attack, and he wasn't sure that he could completely bypass the coverage of the poisonous mist in an instant, so he had to spray it from his mouth. Use the big thunder spears to neutralize and destroy the poisonous mist!

Although the Third Raikage is no stranger to all kinds of thunder escape ninjutsu, this feeling of being restrained makes him really frustrated!


The Third Raikage couldn't help but roared: "You are also the leader of the dignified Ninja Village, why are you so wretched!"

"Don't play these tricks! Come and fight me openly!"

"Ha ha……"

Sanshouyu Hanzo once again waved a poisonous sword energy to push back the Third Raikage. The old god said on the ground: "I am a ninja! What ninja would go head-to-head with you, an idiot like you!"

In the beginning, Sansho Hanzo was originally going to compete with the Third Raikage in taijutsu. However, due to his indulgence in wine, meat, wealth, and sex for a long time, his shoulder regenerated, and his taijutsu and swordsmanship became a lot rusty. Although he had a period of recovery training before the battle, However, he still failed to return to his full strength, and was almost beaten to a bloody head in the fight with the Third Raikage.

If it weren't for Gotachibana Yagura and the psychic beast Sansho Uoi standing by to help, he would have been defeated on the spot, and his reputation as a demigod would have been lost!
Therefore, this kite flying tactic is still more comfortable!

The Third Raikage couldn't help but be furious!
"Water Escape·Water Mirror Technique!"

Just when the Third Raikage was provoked by Sansho Hanzo and became furious, Yagura finally found the opportunity to summon a water mirror to reflect the Third Raikage's figure, and then suddenly drew the tailed beast's chakra, and from the water mirror A 'Third Generation Raikage' was copied from it!

"Hurry up! Kill him!"

Goju Yagura shouted: "Tokumitsu is back!"


Sansho Hanzo and the Third Raikage were shocked at the same time!
Looking back in the direction of the chakra fluctuations, Uchiha Tokumitsu had returned to the shogunate ninja army formation, standing above the head of the Second Tails Brigade and looking at the chaotic battlefield!

"No more fishing!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo was immediately aroused and ferocious. Without saying a word, he jumped up from Sanshouyu and headed toward the Third Raikage with a poisonous mist!
"Legendary level Chiyo dance!"

The furious Third Raikage also showed no sign of weakness. He jumped up first, and then swooped down towards Sansho Hanzo with a black thunder light!

"Legendary level Chiyo dance!"

The mirror Raikage copied by Goju Yagura through the Water Mirror Jutsu also used the same ninjutsu and struck at the Third Raikage.

"What a crap!"

The Third Raikage shouted and stretched out his other hand: "Hell Thrust: Ipponori Hand!"

This taijutsu secret forcefully smashed the mirror image thunder shadow into pieces!
The swooping hand sword continued to strike at Sansho Hanzo's blade without losing momentum!
Goji Yagura was so frightened that she shivered!
Theoretically, the Water Mirror Technique can copy a person's entire power!

Unexpectedly, it was shattered by a single blow!

"Swordsmanship, chain and sickle two-stage strike!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo did not retreat anymore, but hooked the chain to the Third Raikage's hand sword, and at the same time turned the sickle and lifted it towards his abdomen!
"Hell Thrust·Ippon Hand!"

But what he didn't expect was that the Third Raikage actually changed his tactics temporarily and turned his sword into a single finger, wrapped in the extremely condensed thunder escape chakra, and stabbed Sansho Hanzo's heart!

Sanshouyu Hanzo was instantly blown up by the volley!

Then it turned into a ball of water and sprinkled down!
"Water out!"

The Third Raikage was even more furious!

Before the Third Raikage could take a breath and find Sansho Hanzo's hiding place, Yagura Tachibana rolled up the body of the tailed beast and rolled it quickly like a car, heading towards the Third Raikage with its huge size and weight. Crush it away!


The Third Raikage, who had no time to dodge, had no choice but to rely on the powerful power of the Thunder Chakra Mode to stimulate the physical arrival, and he withstood the crushing attack of Yagura, the tailed beast transformed into a wolfberry!

But dark red blood also oozed from his arm!
"Let me bomb!"

The Third Raikage ignored the injury to his arm, and after withstanding the crushing, he grabbed the tailed beast's transformed body, Tangerine Yagura, with both hands and lifted it up. At the same time, he injected violent thunder chakra into it, and then smashed it down viciously!

A huge bottomless pit suddenly appeared on the ground!

Goju Yagura, who was hiding in the tailed beast's body, was so shocked that he almost fainted, and the tailed beast's body also showed signs of dissipating.

"Swordsmanship: Juhe Slash!"

But before the Third Raikage had time to continue to attack Gotachi Yagura, Sansho Hanzo, who had originally avoided it, came back to kill him again, and at the same time, Sansho Ibushi began to spit out poisonous mist again!
"Despicable and shameless!"

Sansho Hanzo's blade crossed the Third Raikage's waist. After breaking through the thunder escape armor, it lost all its strength and only broke a layer of oily skin!
But even so, the third Raikage's small scratch immediately oozed black blood!

Feeling bad, the Third Raikage immediately pressed the small scratch on his waist with his palm, and used the Thunder Chakra to obliterate that part of the flesh to prevent the toxin from penetrating into his body!
"What a cruel person..."

Even Hanzo, who was as fierce as Sanshouyu, couldn't help but his eyelids jumped when he saw this scene.

But in this way, Goju Yagura, who was driven into the ground and couldn't be dug out, finally came to his senses and was able to break out of the ground.

"Water Escape·Blast Water Rush!"

"Secret Technique Poison Realm Soil!"

Sansho Hanzo's ferocity was also completely aroused, and he activated his secret technique to frantically extract the toxins of Sansho Ibushi, mixed it with his own chakra, and set off huge tidal waves while infiltrating the poison into it, heading towards The third generation of thunder shadows hides away!
The surrounding land was quickly blackened by the poison. Even Goji Yagura did not dare to stay any longer and had to quickly escape from the poison range!

"Blinking Technique!" The Third Raikage was not a fool, and naturally he would not fight this black energy and obviously something wrong with the water escape tide; so he immediately used the Flashing Technique to dodge!

"Secret Technique·Poison Realm Rain Kill!"

But Sanshouyu Hanzo completed the seal again, and the huge black tidal wave that was thrown into the air rose up and turned into rain needles, covering all directions!

"Water Escape·Water Cannon Technique!"

Goju Yagura's ninjutsu also shot towards the side of the Third Raikage who had just finished writing at the right time, cutting off his retreat!
Now, there is no escape, no avoidance!

"Thunderstorm Black Thunder!"

The Third Raikage, who had nowhere to escape, shouted, swung his fists quickly, and shot out streaks of lightning that turned the ubiquitous toxin rain needles into gas in the air!

But although the soil under his feet was still the normal color, Sanshouyu Hanzo's Poison Realm soil had already penetrated to the lower layers!

The Third Raikage, who had just completely wiped out the Poison Rain Needle, suddenly felt numb, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

When he looked down, he didn't know when the soles of his feet had turned black, and the shoes had long been eroded and rotted!

"So despicable! You deserve to be the head of a village!"

The Third Raikage roared again with inexplicable grief and anger.

But to Sanshouyu Hanzo's ears, his curses were nothing more than impotent rage!


Kotachi Yagura also hid behind Hanzo the Sanshouyu, and continued to use the tailed beast chakra to harass the Third Raikage who was struggling: "I don't dare to enter your poisonous area, you can kill him yourself." !”

"I've almost used up all my chakra, so I have to take it slow..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo's breathing sound was like a bellows, and he pulled off his gas mask and poured a soldier's food pill into his mouth while speaking.

"Speaking of which, you are really vicious~"

Goji Yagura looked at the direction of Uchiha Tokko, and then continued chatting: "There is such a vicious secret technique!"

"This is a secret art of war. It would be a pity to use it on just one person..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo's breathing eased slightly, and then he picked up the Scythe Ninja Sword and prepared to continue the charge: "Be careful to cover me..."

"Do not worry!"

Goju Yagura said swornly.


Uchiha Tokumitsu also looked away from the battlefield where Sanshouyu Hanzo and others were fighting, pointed at the battlefield in front of him and said, "Did these ninja snakes ambush underground in advance?"

"Yes, Lord Deguang."

Uchiha Shiina immediately replied: "When the ninja army was about to defeat the Iwagakure and Kumogakure coalition forces, these giant snakes suddenly burst out of the ground and caused us a lot of trouble..."


Uchiha Tokumitsu was very dissatisfied: "Without the Uzumaki clan's barrier, there would be no war, right? With so many white-eyed ninjas, no one noticed it!"

"...These ninja snakes seem to have secret techniques to escape Byakugan's vision."

Hinata Hizashi, who was also standing above Erwei Mata, kept wiping the sweat from his forehead.

But overall, the situation on the battlefield is still in favor of the shogunate.

Even though eight thousand ninja snakes swallowed up the forward of the shogunate ninja army, the ninja army who reacted immediately fired the chakra heavy cannon again, creating a fire bombing belt and cutting off the offensive momentum of the ninja snakes.

The ninja snakes that emerged from the foot of the shogunate's ninja army were quickly strangled by the shogunate ninjas who reacted.

"Overall, it's a small profit but not a loss..."

Uchiha Shiina said cowardly.


Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly.

Hinata Hizashi and Uchiha Shiina suddenly trembled.

"Travel again..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu lowered his head and said, "Do you want to move your body?"

"I've already been drained by you!"

Erwei Youlu muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Just go by yourself, I don't care about you, as long as you don't hurt your own people."

Uchiha Tokumitsu jumped up, and Hinata Hizashi and Uchiha Shiina also quickly jumped off the head of Futai Mata.


Although he was very dissatisfied, the two-tailed Mata Brigade, who was very honest, immediately jumped up like a runaway husky and pounced in the direction of the ninja snakes.

Among the Ninja Army of the Kumogakure Iwagakure Alliance, some people had long seen the figure of Uchiha Tokumitsu standing on top of the tailed beast, and understood what this meant.

However, relying on the anger in their hearts, most of the Iwagakure ninjas continued to fight to the death with the Shogunate ninja army.

But the sudden roar from the other side of the battlefield extinguished their fighting spirit——

"The Third Raikage - beheaded!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned around and saw Sanshouyu Hanzo standing on top of the psychic beast's head, holding a head high in his left hand!
And Goju Yagura also controlled the body of the tailed beast to wrap up into a ball and run towards the flank of the coalition forces.

The Third Raikage - died in battle!

Uchiha Tokuhika nodded.

Although the coalition forces either tried to fight to the death or abandoned their armor in despair, with the death of the third Raikage, this battle has come to an end.

"Notice and shout, those who surrender will not be killed!"

Uchiha Tokko turned to Hinata Hizashi and said.

"As ordered!"

"Also, send an order to Taki Ren and those weaklings to prepare a celebration banquet!"


“It’s perfect~”

Uchiha Tokko said to himself. (End of chapter)

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