Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 463 The Torrent of the Times

Chapter 463 The Torrent of the Times

"The descendants do not kill!"

"Drop the ninja tool and remove the forehead protector to avoid death!"

With the envoys sent by the shogunate's main formation constantly shouting on the battlefield, and the threat of Sanshou Hanzo hanging the head of the Third Raikage, this battle finally came to a perfect end.

"Master Huang Tu, leave quickly!"

The three Iwagakure Anbu came to Huangtu and couldn't help but pick up Huangtu who was in a daze and escape.

Loess broke free from their hold.


Iwagakure ANBU was a little confused.

"Already defeated..."

Huang Tu shook his head and said with a desolate expression.

"There are nearly ten thousand ninja troops in the village and all over the country, we can still fight!"

The captain of the Iwagakure Anbu said hurriedly: "You are the future benchmark of the village. If you die in battle..."

Before he finished speaking, the captain of the Iwagakure ANBU was also stunned.

He understood what loess meant.

"Dust escape..."

Loess casually summoned a trusted jounin and asked him to go to each formation to ask the Iwagakure ninjas to put down their weapons. Then he said to the ANBU ninjas: "The dust release mastered by my father is the only bloody elimination in the ninja world... …Other than him, no one in Iwagakure can learn this secret technique of the Earth Shadow.”

"He died in battle, and Iwagakure lost his only support. In front of the shogunate ninja army, so what if our number of ninjas doubled, aren't we just giving them military exploits?"

Although these words sounded discouraging, the Iwagakure Anbu could not find a reason to refute.

After all, this battle was defeated too quickly.

Even in the traditional battle between the government and the army, the winner is rarely decided in one afternoon, let alone the ninja troops that come and go.

But this is also the most terrifying thing, which shows that the alliance between Iwagakure and Kumogakure is completely vulnerable to the Tokumitsu Shogunate.

Is it a problem of the gap in combat effectiveness of ninjas?
Or is there a huge disparity in ninja tool skills?
Or is it simply the level of command?
Although the Iwagakure Anbu were well-informed, they couldn't figure it out no matter how hard they tried.

But it doesn't matter anymore, Loess doesn't care anyway.

"You guys should go back to the village first..."

While both sides continued to be stunned, Huang Tu broke the silence.

"Then you..."

The ANBU captain hesitated.

"This is my Jonin squad leader's seal."

Huang Tu took out a golden seal and handed it to him, and said quietly: "Whether it is war or peace, it is up to the people staying in the village to decide for themselves, but if there are people who are unwilling to fight again, let them prepare themselves. "

After saying that, Huangtu took off the Iwagakure forehead protector from his forehead with trembling hands.

Several Uchiha ninjas appeared not far in front of him, but they did not rush to take action when they saw this situation. After looking at each other for a few times, they just stared at these Iwagakure ninjas with their Sharingan eyes.


Huangtu spread his hands and walked towards the Uchiha jounin.

"Transmit the results of the war back to the village and give the ninjas in the village one more chance to choose."

The Iwagakure Anbu looked at each other for a few times, and then two of them left in a flash. The other two took off their masks, took off their ninja swords and ninja tool bags, and also opened their hands and walked towards the Uchiha ninjas.

The Uchiha ninjas did not allocate manpower to intercept, but a jounin walked up to Loess, said "This is the procedure" and then put handcuffs on his hands without even sealing the chakra. He was taken away on his shoulders, and the two Iwagakure Anbu who chose to stay were treated the same way.

Huang Tu's originally extremely complicated mood suddenly relaxed a little.


Faced with the unstoppable trend, the Kumogakure and Iwagakure ninjas whose ninja skills collapsed, either fled immediately or abandoned their weapons on the spot. However, those diehards who planned to exchange for one without losing money had already lost their lives during the previous battle. They were all slaughtered.

However, Uchiha Tokumitsu's no-kill order was only for ninjas, and the ninja snakes in Ryūchi Cave were naturally not included, so the shogunate's celebration banquet included another meat dish.

This is a hearty victory!

Regardless of the number of enemies annihilated, the fruits of victory, or even the foreseeable series of chain reactions, this battle, officially named the "Battle of Taki's Wilderness" by Tokumitsu Uchiha, is a milestone battle that will completely establish the pattern of the ninja world. .

Yes, although both sides invested more than [-] ninja troops in this battle, and the Kumogakure Iwagakure Alliance had thousands of ninja snakes from Ryuji Cave to help out, but judging from the entire process of the fighting between the two sides and even the duration of the battle, this fighting was indeed not considered a battle. On the battle.

But no matter how it is defined, it cannot change the trend of the times.

After being brought to Uchiha Tokko, Huang Tu looked at the groups of silent and bowed Iwagakure silently walking into the newly renovated prisoner of war camp under the escort of the shogunate ninja army. He also lowered his head.

Iwagakure's will of stone has been completely defeated...

"This is the unstoppable torrent of the times..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said lightly.

"Maybe hatred will continue in our generation, but after another generation, the integrated ninja world will truly enter a new era."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out the only small stone that Ohnoki had left behind from his ninja bag and stuffed it into Huang Tu's hand.

"The will of stone will continue, but it can only be the will of stone of the shogunate. Do you understand..."

Huangtu's hands began to tremble.

This is just an ordinary stone.

However, the trace of blood on the gap gave this small stone another meaning.

"Iwagakure will have a place, and the inheritance of Iwagakure will also be passed down under the order and guidance of the shogunate." Uchiha Tokumitsu continued: "It's yours, I will give it to you; you can't take what I don't give. !”

"If you want to gain rights, be prepared to pay the blood tax. Everything is exchanged of equal value."

After that, Uchiha Tokumitsu patted Loess on the shoulder and left.

Two attendant ninjas also stepped forward to ask the tearful Huang Tu to rest in a specially arranged house arrest location.



In the Longdi Cave under the Nine Netherworld, the White Snake Immortal standing high above the temple slowly opened his eyes and sighed quietly.


Tian Xin Shenji knelt down at the foot of his steps, as if walking on thin ice.

And Xinya, who escaped back to Longdi Cave from the battle outside the wilderness, even though he had regrown all his reverse scales, was so scared that he lay on the ground and did not dare to move.

Since it escaped back to Longdi Cave, it has been lying in front of the White Snake Immortal until now.

No matter how powerful you are, maintaining the same posture for several days is unbearable.

"Asura's psychic contract is still there, but it has been sealed by him..."

Immortal White Snake said: "Tian Xin, try contacting it!"

"Reverse Psychic is not responding..."

Tian Xin Shenji reported the report cautiously.

You can't call it...

"You go to the ninja world and look for his existence..."

As expected, whatever he was afraid of came, Tian Xin Shenji was shocked by White Snake Immortal's instructions.

"Don't worry about the secret techniques that block psychics. Those are not something ordinary ninjas can deploy."

Immortal White Snake glanced at Tian Xin Shenji and understood what she was thinking. Then he threw out a charm with the word 'snake' written on it and said: "If you are in danger, get out immediately, I won't blame you! "

"As ordered!"

There was no choice but to worship Tian Xin Shenji again.

"As for you...Xin Ya."

Immortal White Snake finally cast his eyes on Xin Ya, who was lying on the ground.

"You're doing okay, let's go back and rest!"

The matter of escaping in front of the formation was lightly dismissed.

"Thank you, Great Immortal, for your kindness!"

Xin Ya was immediately overjoyed.

The White Snake Immortal closed his eyes, and Tian Xin Shenji and Xin Ya immediately understood and slowly backed away.


After a long time, the White Snake Immortal sighed: "The world has changed..."

But fortunately, it is not the worst. After all, Miaomu Mountain is in danger, and the White Snake Sage still has the opportunity to try to jump left and right during this period.

If Orochimaru's psychic contract hadn't been annulled by Orochimaru himself, there would probably be a little more room for maneuver.


"……that's it?"

After receiving the battle report from the front line of Taki Country, Hatake Sakumo was in an extremely complicated mood.

"Yes, the third Tsuchikage and the third Raikage have both died in the battle."

The attendant ninja who returned to Konoha to report the news respectfully replied.

Hatake Sakumo hesitated to speak, and just asked the attendant ninja to step back.

Tsunade and others also looked at each other.

This is indeed something no one expected.

Although the shogunate has always had an advantage in foreign wars, after all, it is facing two shinobi villages that have reached the pinnacle of military force. Konoha's senior officials unanimously believe that a complete victory requires at least five years of cultivation after wiping out Mt. Myouki. In about [-] years, the shogunate can be adjusted to its optimal state, and the economies of Iwagakure and Kumogakure can be completely brought down. By then, they can suppress all dissatisfaction in one go and unify the four seas.

But I didn't expect that such a seemingly ordinary 'confrontation' with just a larger number of people would turn into a key battle that determines the trend of the ninja world in a very short period of time!
Moreover, the death of Iwagakure Kumogakure no Kage in battle also represents the complete collapse of the old Five Kages order - although there is still a fourth-generation Kazekage, no one takes him seriously!

The two major ninja villages that lost their leaders either fought to the death in desperation and were easily crushed, or gave up their weapons and surrendered to Uchiha Tokumitsu in despair, or hid in the deep mountains and forests to fight guerrillas with the shogunate... except for these three possibilities Apart from this, Konoha's top brass couldn't think of anything else.

Anyway, what is certain is that Iwagakure and Kumogakure have no chance at all.

But where should Konoha go?
And where should these people who are at a distance from the shogunate system go?
What will the new order that Uchiha Tokumitsu intends to establish look like?
Even Tsunade couldn't help but feel a little uneasy at this time.

"I'll go to Taki Country tomorrow..."

Hatake Sakumo glanced at Tsunade, the Hyuga clan leader, and Mito Kadoen, and said quietly.

Everyone was indifferent and continued to look at Hatake Sakumo.

"Okay, okay, I'll leave later..."

The expressions of Tsunade and others softened.

 Update today (1/2)

  It's a hot day today and I almost got a heat stroke from the dusting in the sun, so the update speed is a little slow. I'm really sorry and hope you can forgive me~
  Please ask for votes at the end of the month~Please ask for monthly tickets and recommend votes~
(End of this chapter)

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