Chapter 467
"Teacher...are we going to attend this Mibing League meeting?"

Under the ice cave in the Land of Snow, Nagato asked anxiously.

Black Zetsu possesses a White Zetsu and has read the alliance invitation letter received from Snow Country countless times, but has never been able to make up his mind.

Whether to go or not to go is the question.

Even if Black Zetsu uses his non-existent brain to think about it, he knows what kind of medicine is sold in Uchiha Tokumitsu's gourd!

It's nothing more than taking over the power of the ninja world in the name of the alliance!
Then there is a set of standard procedures for party members to fight against dissenters and punish dissenters. What else can there be besides this!

But if you refuse or ignore the "kind invitation" from the shogunate...

Black Zetsu had no confidence in resisting the shogunate's subsequent invasion.

Especially now that it has broken with Ah Feiban, the power it can control has been greatly weakened.

"Let's participate..."

After much thought, Black Zetsu decided to pretend to be sincere to the shogunate, at least in this way he could understand Uchiha Tokumitsu's true thoughts and subsequent actions.

"You asked Fenghua Hayayuki to attend the alliance meeting, and except for the snow ninja, none of our people can show up."

Black Zetsu thought for a while and then added: "All White Zetsu can't go either."


Nagato pointed hesitantly to the northwest of the ninja world, "Over there in the southern part of Earth Country..."

"The Kingdom of Earth? A Fei?"

Hei Jue was stunned for a moment, "What happened to them?"

"It is said that a peasant autonomous organization has been established in the southern part of the Earth Kingdom, and the leader is the 'Free Iwagakure', and it has the acquiescence of the shogunate..."

Nagato said hesitantly: "Moreover, this 'Free Iwagakure' is not the puppet supported by the shogunate, but the one who started the rice riots in the first place..."

"That's Ah Fei and the others!"

Black Jue suddenly jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and shouted angrily: "What! Has it also received an invitation from the Mibing Alliance?"

"should be……"

Nagato replied in a low voice: "It is said... that after the Battle of Takino Wilderness, Jiji Iwagakure captured the Daimyo Prefecture before the shogunate ninja army entered the Earth Country, and hung all the Tachibana clan's daimyo on street lights, and even evacuated on their own initiative afterward. He gave up the Daming Mansion and received a commendation from the shogunate..."

"Those bastards in the shogunate! How can the ninja world be better with them! They can't even take the credit for conquering the Daming Palace, so what's the use of them! According to me, Uchiha Tokumitsu should depose those incompetent guys. right!"

Black Zetsu immediately yelled: "And those lawless White Zetsu are definitely a destabilizing factor in the Ninja world and should be wiped out! How can they be allowed to exist or even allow them to participate in the alliance! This is a huge insult to the Ninja world. !”

Nagato lowered his head and said nothing, but he also felt that the teacher Hei Zetsu's words were too inconsistent.

Aren't we also a source of instability in the ninja world...

But he also understood the love-hate relationship between teacher Hei Jue and A Fei, so he didn't say much.

After scolding for a long time, Hei Jue stopped, but he still looked angry.

"What do you think we should do?"

Hei Jue asked: "Do you want to move?"

"I think... we should have an interview with Uncle A Fei. After explaining our interests and concerns, I believe it will make sense."

Nagato whispered: "At least, ordinary White Zetsu cannot be allowed to participate in the alliance meeting. Just assign a normal Free Iwagakure to participate; otherwise, if he is discovered, it will be a disaster..."

"I see……"

Hei Jue thought for a moment and decided to lower his head to have a chat with A Fei: "I will take a trip."

"Then trouble the teacher..."

Nagato bowed and then prepared to leave.


Black Zetsu suddenly said: "Over there at Iwagakure... what happened to their two jinchūriki? Did they escape?"

"The four-tailed jinchuriki died in the battle when the shogunate ninja army attacked the Iwagakure Ninja Village, and the five-tailed jinchuriki was captured when the shogunate ninja army besieged it..."

Nagato shrank his neck and replied softly.

"So the Four-Tails is dead?"

Hei Jue asked quickly.

"I don't know about this..."

Nagato shook his head quickly: "Maybe he died, maybe the tailed beast was extracted before he died; our White Zetsu can't get any information on this!"

"……I see!"

Hei Jue's face was too dark, so he couldn't see the change in his expression.

Although the remains of the Ten-Tailed Heretic Golem are in its hands, the tailed beasts have never been part of it. Instead, they were basically collected by the shogunate!
Except for the unknown Eight-Tails that has been resurrected and the One-Tail passed down from generation to generation by Sunagakure, the other tailed beasts are basically in the hands of the shogunate. And looking at Uchiha Tokumitsu's current posture, it is no longer possible to snatch the tailed beasts by force. As for dividing the tailed beasts, it is even more impossible. Uchiha Tokumitsu is not an idealistic fool like Senju Hashirama, but if he urgently needs to hibernate, he doesn't know how many years it will take...

What's more, although Uchiha Madara's Samsara Eye was transplanted to Nagato's body, this thing will actually gradually age with the age of the host or the frequency of use, and it cannot be preserved permanently as a family heirloom...

And once this pair of reincarnation eyes is used up, Hei Jue doesn't know how long he will have to wait for another pair of reincarnation eyes to appear.

"What should I do..."

After Nagato left, Hei Jue couldn't help but sigh: " I really going to run up to that guy and offer him a heretic demon to seduce him..."

The problem is, at least for now, Black Zetsu doesn’t have the guts!


As the time for the Fubo Castle Military Alliance Meeting gets closer and closer, representatives of the remaining small and medium-sized forces from all over the ninja world have arrived one after another, and are waiting anxiously for the "final judgment".

Among them, the most uneasy one was the strongest ninja in the black market, Hashirama assassin, and the famous Kakuzu who wanted money rather than his life, who was "invited" by Kisame Inikisaki and his team!
Although Kakuzu was not willing to participate in this so-called alliance meeting in his personal capacity, because Kisame Kisame was polite and the hundreds of anti-terrorist ninjas were looking at him with eager eyes, he finally decided to adapt to the times. Dashio, escorted by anti-terrorist ninjas, got up to see him.

The reason why he was so guilty was because he had accepted a mysterious commission from the black market and launched an attack on Uchiha Tokimitsu, who was still only the "[-] million commander" at the time.

Although his attack was crushed and crushed by Uchiha Tokumitsu, it was an attack and ambush after all, and he didn't know if Uchiha Tokumitsu was willing to forgive him.

However, after staying in Fubo City's apartment for a few days, although he could not move around freely, Kakuzu's mood gradually became more relaxed.

After all, looking at this posture, he shouldn't use himself as a sacrifice...

"Knock knock!"

Just when Kakuzu was thinking wildly, there was a regular knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

Kakuzu was shocked and said quickly.

"Hello, Mr. Kakuzu..."

An attendant ninja opened the door and entered, greeting him politely.


Kakuzu returned the greeting a little unaccustomedly.

"By order of the League Organizing Committee, I will now provide you with proof of identity and seat number. In addition, you also need to register for chakra sampling..."

The attendant ninja unsealed a bunch of documents from the seal scroll and handed them to Kakuzu, and at the same time began to fiddle with a strange small instrument.

"personal I.D……"

Kakuzu was stunned, and hesitantly took the information and read it.

But in this way, he can be sure that Uchiha Tokumitsu has no murderous intention towards him!Otherwise, I wouldn’t have sent these things back!
Picking up the representative certificate and looking at it, Kakuzu suddenly discovered that what was written in it was——

"Taki-nin traditional delegation? Or the leader??"

Even though he had lost most of his emotions due to the local resentment and the influence of time, Kakuzu still couldn't help but exclaimed at this time.


The attendant ninja who was debugging the equipment said gently: "Since the Taki-nin were divided into Nan Taki and North Taki, they formed separate groups to participate in the meeting. In addition, because of your Taki-nin background, Tokimitsu-sama gave you the Taki-nin traditional sect. Represent identity.”

"...Who else is this traditionalist?"

Kakuzu couldn't help but ask.


The attendant ninja said without changing his expression: "Well... you formed a group alone; but you have the same voting rights as the heads of the Nantaki and Kitataki delegations on issues related to Taki-nin affairs."

“Can you still vote?!”

Kakuzu was stunned again.

Could it be that this alliance meeting...isn't it just a matter of saying hello?

Is there still room for negotiation? !
How can there be such a good thing in this world?Could it be that Uchiha Tokumitsu is a saint who surpasses Senju Hashirama?
"Yes, the jounin consensus system is the foundation of Konoha, the shogunate and even the ninja world."

The attendant ninja accidentally revealed a piece of information that made Kakuzu's heart beat.

Kakuzu was no stranger to Konoha's Senate and House of Representatives, Kirigakure's Jonin Joint Council system, and even Sunagakure's Inspectorate Council system.

But what he didn't expect was that one day he, a long-standing rebel, would have the opportunity to become a "respected Congressman"!
"If I become a member of parliament, will I get a salary?"

Kakuzu asked the question that concerned him the most.

"This... MPs should have performance allowances, and if they can serve on professional committees, there will also be other professional skills subsidies."

Although the attendant ninja felt that some people were still paying attention to the salary issue, he still politely replied: "All along, whether it is the shogunate or Konoha, Lord Tokumitsu will never treat his subordinates badly."

"That's good……"

Mr. Kakuzu was very relieved.

"Please inject chakra here. After registration, we will issue an identity document for you."

The attendant ninja pointed at the port of the instrument and said.

"All right……"

Kakuzu hesitantly pressed his finger on the port and carefully injected chakra.

"Due to your special physique, you need to inject five chakras with different attributes."

The attendant ninja smiled and said: "By the way, your Earth Resentment Yu mask should be completely replenished, right?"

"Already, already replenished..."

Kakuzu only felt a little numbness on his scalp, and then injected chakra with four other attributes into the device port.


The attendant ninja performed another dazzling operation on the device, and then the device spit out a small card.

"This is your identity certificate. Please keep it properly. If you lose it, you can only get it replaced at the Fubo City Ninja Household Registration and Management Office. It is quite troublesome..."


Kakuzu was stunned for a moment, then took the small card handed over by the attendant ninja.

"Also, this is a tour map of Fubo City. From now on, you can move freely in the colored areas with your ID or representative card, but try not to leave the city limits to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings caused by the patrol forces..."

The attendant ninja handed over another folded map, then saluted again before putting away the device and leaving.

"Can you move around freely?"

Kakuzu took the small ID card and looked over it several times, but couldn't see any clues.

One side of the ID card has the Uchiha clan's Uchiha fan logo, and the other side has Kakuzu's photo and the words "Senior Jounin", as well as a line of small font that says, "With this ID, you can travel freely within the scope of the law. All local authorities should grant it." necessary facilities and support'.

"It seems a little different..."

Kakuzu closed his eyes and sensed it, and found that the shogunate ninjas who were secretly monitoring the outside of the apartment had already evacuated, so he opened the door hesitantly and walked out.

No one stopped...

Jiaodu breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the ID card again, then solemnly put it away close to his body and started wandering around the streets.

The interface of Fubo City was bustling with people coming and going.

Among them, there are many ninjas who are wearing some small ninja village forehead protectors and looking around like country people entering the city. They are also high-priced items in Kakuzu's bounty book!

Although Kakuzu has a special status and even the Taki-nin traitor forehead protector has not been removed from his forehead, others only paid a little attention when they saw him and then went about their own business.

Kakuzu also noticed that most of the eyes of others were focused on his forehead protector, and after a moment of hesitation, he took the initiative to take off the rebel forehead protector.

After that, no one paid attention to him anymore.

"...How much does this skewer of meatballs cost?"

Kakuzu asked hesitantly as he stood in front of a four-color meatball stall.

"Five two or three skewers or twelve or eight skewers!"

The vendor immediately said with a smile on his face: "You are really discerning. These are the most famous four-color meatballs in Konoha! The Uchiha gentlemen really like this snack!"

"...Then give me eight skewers!"

Kakuzu hesitantly took out his wallet, pulled out a gold yuan coupon and handed it over.


The vendor immediately packed up eight skewers of four-color meatballs and took Kakuzu's gold yuan coupons to make change.

"No need to look for it, I've rewarded you!"

It was rare for Kakuzu to be generous.

Then he walked away with great gratitude from the vendors.

Although for the over-reformed Kakuzu, he cannot taste the true taste of the four-color meatballs because his sense of taste has long since failed, walking in the sun for the first time and shopping like a normal person is a new experience since he became a rebel. It's a new experience that I haven't had since I endured it.

"Free air..."

Although walking aimlessly is boring, Kakuzu enjoys it and seems to have found the joy of life besides money: "It's so sweet..."

After that, Kakuzu licked off the last bunch of four-color meatballs in one gulp, threw the bamboo sticks and packaging bags into the trash can in the same manner, and then walked into a ramen restaurant.


"Why is this guy so civilized?"

In the monitoring room of Fubo City's Sky Eye System, a Uzumaki ninja who was monitoring the screen in both corners couldn't help but said: "You can actually put garbage into the bucket, it doesn't look like an uneducated rebellious ninja!"

"The old ninja world turned people into ghosts, and the new ninja world turned ghosts into humans~"

Another Uzumaki ninja with a slightly older face answered.

 Update today (2/2)

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(End of this chapter)

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