Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 468: Jonin Rank Evaluation and Ninja Councilors

For every ninja village, jounin is the absolute pillar of strength.

After all, wealthy clans such as Uchiha and Senju, which are rich in Jonin, are only found in Konoha.

Although the gap in strength among the jounin group may be greater than the gap between jounin and genin, for example, Uchiha Tokumitsu and grass ninja jounin are both jounin, but Uchiha Tokumitsu can instantly kill a group of grass ninja jounin; but from the power In terms of importance, the status of Jonin in each village is almost the same.

However, a unified ninja world government must first have a core ruling class.

The ruling class planned by Uchiha Tokumitsu is naturally the ninja, and the best among the ninjas, the Jonin, naturally becomes the target that must be fought for.

If it weren't for the fact that there was an unknown new world, Uchiha Tokumitsu wouldn't be too lazy to do these seemingly decentralized things.

Otherwise, there will not be enough cannon fodder for both the development and defense of the new world - we cannot use precious Uchiha ninjas to fill trenches!Uchiha Tokumitsu is still counting on these people to give birth to children at home and increase the family population!

Based on this principle, Uchiha Tokumitsu also won the support of most family jounin within the family secret meeting.

Of course, after all, there is a difference between closeness and distance. Uchiha ninjas still need special care, and those from other villages have to re-evaluate whether they can reach the qualifications of jounin. The reason is also very simple. It is very reasonable to redistribute power based on strength. .


"But, if this is the case, will there be any objection to the defeat of the Ninja Village and the Small Ninja Village? Moreover, it is not in line with the purpose of our Ninja World Alliance to rashly deprive the Jonin qualifications."

At the shogunate restructuring meeting held in Fubo City, the Hyuga clan leader raised a question.

Although nominally on the side of the great alliance of the ninja world, the Hyuga clan leader is most worried that his own ninja clan will suffer a big loss in the power distribution of the new order.

After all, although the Hyuga clan is still prospering like a raging fire, the divisions between the clan branches are actually becoming more and more serious, especially the branch ninjas who serve in the ninja army directly under the shogunate. Basically ignored the Zong family's orders and requests.

If the jounin title is re-evaluated and confirmed, the Hyuga clan may face a new round of reshuffle - the clan has only one lineage, but there are not so many jounin!
"It is the greatest insult to us to equate Konoha Jonin with those trash fish! I firmly support Lord Tokumitsu's wise decision!"

The Nara clan chief jumped out impatiently and retorted: "Only in this way can we reflect our fairness!"

"That's right!"


The Akimichi Clan Chief and the Yamanaka Clan Chief responded immediately.

Now that the Uchiha clan has become a dominant force, if the Ino, Deer, and Butterfly clans don't actively express their stance, they will never have a chance to have power.

After all, in the power system of the shogunate, even the status of the Kirigakure Guiyi clan is far above the ninja clan of the original Hokage line, such as Inoshikacho. If you want a treatment, you must perform well.


Because the Nara clan leader's reasons were too politically correct, the Hyuga clan leader had no way to refute, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Tsunade sat on one side expressionlessly, just observing the changes in everyone's expressions.

Just yesterday, a "surrender" from Sunagakure Ninja Village arrived in Fubo City. In the "surrender" of the Kingdom of Wind, Rasa paid the highest respect to Uchiha Tokimitsu and resigned from the Kazekage's post. position, indicating that for the sake of peace for the ninja world for eternity, he is willing to accept all arrangements of the shogunate!
Since then, the last political legacy of the one-village-one-country system pioneered by Senju Hashirama has been completely destroyed!There is no more ninja village in the ninja world!

It can be said that except for the shadow rock that has not yet been demolished, there are almost no traces of Senju Hashirama in Konoha today!
"Or... the old people have the same old methods, and the new people have new rules; from now on, just take back the jounin evaluation rights."

The Inuzuka clan leader suggested a little uneasily.


This time it was the turn of the mountain clan leader to jump out, "At least the weak ones among the defeated must be demoted!"

"That's right! Especially Iwagakure, their jounin is completely useless!"

The Akimichi clan leader immediately agreed.

Uchiha Tokko nodded slowly.

The leader of the Ino Shika Die clan, who had been paying attention to the change in Uchiha Tokko's expression, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!

It seems that this flattery is right!
"Senior Qiufeng, what's your opinion?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes turned to Akimichi Tifou, who seemed to be sleepy.

"I'm old, so my brain is a little bit dull, so my personal opinion is just to make suggestions..."

Akimichi Tofaze said slowly: "Whether it is in terms of merit or hard work, the Konoha ninjas and the ninja armies under the shogunate have paid a lot, so from a personal emotional point of view, the new government should be moderately inclined to them."

Uchiha Tokko nodded, and the ninja leaders immediately agreed upon seeing this.

"A group of villains who are following the trend!"

The Hyuga clan leader secretly cursed, but outwardly he smiled and nodded in agreement.

At most, he only dared to hide his dissatisfaction in the name of justice, but when faced with the Inorakacho Tribe who firmly stood on Konoha's position, coupled with Uchiha Tokumitsu's Attitude, the Hyuga clan leader could only retreat.

"However, Tokumitsu-sama's great alliance of the ninja world is the basic national policy to create peace for eternity, so even small ninja villages or the defeated Kumogakure Iwagakure must be taken care of to some extent, and the jounin title should not be deprived of them all. "

Akimichi Tofaze was also paying attention to the change in Uchiha Tokimitsu's expression. After seeing that there was nothing strange, he continued: "It would be better to re-evaluate all the jounin of Iwagakure Kumogakure and other Ninja Village. If there are any who do not meet the standards, go to the next level." Ninjas are reduced to special jounin, and special jounin are reduced to chunin. As for chunin and below, all their titles are retained. In this way, those ninjas who have defeated the ninja village can be divided, and even if they are dissatisfied, they will not make trouble. What's going on?"

"Senior Fengfeng is indeed mature and prudent."

Uchiha Tokumitsu expressed his attitude: "What do you think, Speaker Sakumo?"

"There is no objection."

Hatake Sakumo bowed and saluted.

"What do you think, President of the Quad Senate?"

Uchiha Tokko looked in all directions of Uchiha.

"Master Deguang is wise!"

The Uchiha quartet had no objections at all, and they didn't dare to have any objections.

"Everyone just mentioned Iwagakure Kumogakure, but there are also the various ninja villages under the shogunate. I would like to add something personally."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "In view of the contributions of the Kirigakure, Kusanagi, and Rain ninja villages over the years, it is planned to give Konoha the same treatment, and the titles of all personnel will be retained. If there are people who meet the strength standards due to the quota issue in the original ninja village, Those who fail to advance can participate in the temporary assessment and obtain corresponding titles..."

"The new government will be eclectic and meritocratic. Only in this way can fairness be shown!"

"Firmly support all decisions made by Lord Tokuguang!"

The leaders of the three Kirigakure clans immediately stood up and saluted.

"Lord Tokumitsu is wise!" Uzumaki Ashina finally got the chance.

The leaders of the ninja clan also spoke in agreement.

"There is also a joint council system for the ninja world..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to raise important issues.

After the Military Alliance Meeting is convened, Uchiha Tokko will reorganize the shogunate into a new government for the ninja world, and the Ninja World Joint Council will be the legal core of establishing the new government. Formation, and all members of the ninja world will have equal voting rights, which also means that being able to join the United Council can preserve the family's status and prevent it from being impacted by the tide of the times.

Moreover, the special jounin who is the product of the compromise can only have the right to participate in the meeting after the application is approved, but not the right to vote, which is why the leaders of the various ninja clans were so nervous just now.

The Hyuga clan leader was even more worried about the fact that the ninjas serving in the shogunate were all awarded the title of jounin. If the votes of those ninjas in the shogunate's council exceeded the number of jounin votes controlled by the clan, there would be trouble in the future.

"Both the Konoha Senate and House of Representatives and the Kirigakure Jounin Joint Conference system are retained, and their identities do not conflict with the Ninja World Joint Council, and they can serve concurrently."

Uchiha Tokko first gave everyone a reassurance.

No one was surprised by this decision. After all, Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo had already hinted at this issue in their secret meeting beforehand. It was just that everyone wanted to make progress.

"The Joint Conference of the Ninja World is also divided into two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Senate is nominated from the shogunate, Konoha and the existing ninja armies. The House of Representatives is composed of all those who can be rated as jounin in the ninja world."

Naturally, the leaders of the various ninja clans had no objections to this.

According to Konoha's practice, the Senate is responsible for legislation, and the House of Representatives is mainly responsible for supervision. However, everyone does not take the so-called power of members seriously. They just regard the status of members as a guarantee of family status; after all, as long as Uchiha As long as he was still alive, no one in the entire shinobi world dared to disobey his will.

In this way, the new government of the ninja world will completely determine who can become the top ninja in the future by controlling the evaluation power of the "ninja jounin", and the existence of the joint council of the ninja world will not form a monolith due to the complicated source of personnel. Conducive to the long-term control of the Uchiha clan.

"The future of the ninja world will be decided jointly by the United Council..."

"As for the Speakers of the two Houses, I plan to nominate Uchiha Yoshikata to concurrently serve as the Senate President of the Ninja World United Assembly, and recommend Hatake Sakumo as the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Ninja World United Council. What do you think?"

"Resolutely support!"

"agree completely!"

Naturally, the leaders of the ninja clan had no objection.

Moreover, they also noticed that Uchiha Shitaka was "part-time", while Hatake Sakumo was "in charge". This may mean that the Konoha House of Representatives that has been preserved will have a vacant position as Speaker~
Although in terms of weight, the position of Speaker of the Konoha House of Representatives may be a little lower in terms of power, but it can still be fought for to some extent. Moreover, even if you cannot win the Speaker of the Konoha House of Representatives, you can still seek other opportunities by taking advantage of everyone's promotion opportunities. Vacancies~
Uchiha Tokumitsu continued: "The tailed beasts and jinchuriki are kept by the Uchiha clan."

Although the first tail is still in Sunagakure's hands, Uchiha Tokumitsu has long regarded it as his own.

Moreover, given Rasa's character, he probably wouldn't mind using the tailed beasts in exchange for a few more members of the United Council.


The thought that had always been on his mind suddenly came to Uzumaki Ashina's mind again!

Moreover, from the current point of view, since the last time he proposed this suggestion, Uchiha Tokumitsu has not expressed any objection, indicating that this is completely feasible!
If the time comes and the Uchiha clan exists as the royal family, then the Uzumaki clan can become a descendant clan that shares power!

Thinking of this, Uzumaki Ashina suddenly felt that life was so beautiful that it bubbling with joy!

"Mr. Asura~"

Asura, who was invited to participate in the Mibing League, was wandering around Fubo City when a group of ninjas appeared in front of him.

"what's up?"

Asura recognized their identities, so he stopped staring at the 'weirdos' not far away.

And Kakuzu, who had been staring at Asura so closely, felt like a thorn in his back, and was ready to escape immediately.

"Hey! Kakuzu Jounin stay!"

The attendant ninja also noticed Kakuzu's presence and called out to him.

There was no other way, so Kakuzu had no choice but to walk over, while Asura began to look at him unscrupulously.

"You have simply transformed yourself into an inhuman existence!"

Asura couldn't help but said.

"The two jounin, in accordance with the unanimous resolution of the Ninja World Government Preparatory Meeting, are hereby issued to both of them with identity certificates as members of the Ninja World United Council."

The attendant ninja was too lazy to pay attention to the entanglement between the two people, and just said solemnly: "Mr. Asura, I am here to inform you that you have been elected by Lord Tokumitsu as the first senator of the Ninja World United Parliament. Are you willing to accept it?"


Asura hesitated, but nodded.

"Okay, here's your Senate certification."

The attendant ninja immediately handed over a nameplate and a job description.

"This thing..."

Asura couldn't help but click his tongue in surprise.

"Kakuzu Jonin, I would like to inform you that you have been nominated by the Ninja World Government Preparatory Meeting to serve as a member of the first House of Representatives of the Ninja World United Parliament. Are you willing to accept and perform your duties?"

The attendant ninja asked again.


Kakuzu said immediately.

He just received the certificate of participation from the League a few days ago, and now he has received an invitation from the Ninja Congressman. Kakuzu is really satisfied!
Kakuzu, who was now easily clean, happily took the nameplate of the House of Representatives from the attendant ninja, and then raised his head and glanced provocatively at Asura.

We are also people with official status!
"The Ninja World United Council will be officially established after the Mihou League establishes the new Ninja World government. Please do not travel far during this period. The latest news will be released through the Ninja World News Channel and the Ninja World United Daily. Please pay attention~ "

The attendant ninja explained some precautions and then left in a flash.

"Hello, Mr. Representative Kakuzu~"

Asura was also very interested, so he stretched out his hand to shake Kakuzu's hand.

"Hello, Mr. Senator Ashura..."

For the sake of his soon-to-be colleagues, Kakuzu also hesitantly extended his hand. (End of chapter)

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