Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 469 Mi Bingmenghui and the establishment of the new government

"It has been 42 years since the two ancestors of the ninja world, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, established the ninja village and established the one-village-one-country system."

On December 42st of the [-]nd year of Konoha, the much-anticipated Mibei League meeting was officially held in Fubo City of the Tokumitsu Shogunate. Representatives from all over the ninja world gathered together to listen quietly to Uchiha Tokumitsu's "Goon Declaration" ".

"From now on, the bloody wars in the ninja village era will end, and a new era belonging to ninjas will officially arrive!"

"Those daimyo nobles who are full of food and have nothing to do all day long, and are bent on provoking conflicts and internal strife in the ninja village, have been completely swept into the garbage heap of history!"


Uchiha Tokumitsu paused and looked at all the ninja representatives participating in the meeting.

The representatives' breathing was about to become rapid.

"It's our time!"

Uchiha Tokko said loudly.

"Wan Sheng!"

Led by the shogunate ninjas, all participating representatives stood up and shouted in response.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Long live!"

"Long live Lord Deguang!"

Suddenly, cheers rang through the sky, almost lifting the roof of the venue!
This is true for both the representatives of Xiao Ninja Village and the defeated representatives of Iwagakure and Kumogakure!
In the past 42 years, a total of two wars involving the entire ninja world have occurred, causing huge trauma to the five major ninja villages, even the small ninja villages, and the free ninja clans, and wars and plundering have never stopped everywhere. , oppression, and massacre, which makes the peace that the ninja world desires most become a luxury!
Even the most powerful Konoha has been troubled by the siege of the four great ninja villages!

But all this will become a thing of the past with Uchiha Tokumitsu's declaration!

Because, in the expectation of all participating representatives, a new ninja world government born from power is about to be born!

Ninjas advocate freedom, but they also admire strength!
And Uchiha Tokumitsu, who is full of martial virtue, is not only powerful and distinguished in military power, but more importantly, he is also willing to share his power with the jounin of the ninja world - even if he needs to pass the assessment threshold, this is also a particularly valuable magnanimity. !
What is a saint?

Uchiha Tokumitsu is a saint!
Therefore, Uchiha Tokumitsu must become the co-leader of the ninja world, even if the Sage of Six Paths comes, it will not be easy!
"I suggest--"

Uchiha Demitsu said solemnly:
"From now on, the original ninja management and ninja village authorities of Iwagakure and Kumogakure will be disbanded and completely abolished, and the ninja village organization and the name of ninja village will be retained!"

"From now on, among the ninjas of Iwagakure and Kumogakure who have returned to the uprising, the new government of the ninja world will re-select the representatives of the ninja villages and join the new government and the joint council of the ninja world!"

"To show respect for the purpose of the Ninja Alliance, the above proposals will be voted on by a show of hands by all members of this alliance!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the representatives raised their hands.

Even the ninja representatives Iwagakure and Kumogakure were able to attend were no exception.

"The above proposals were unanimously approved!"

Hatake Sakumo, who was in charge of venue discipline, observed for a while and then reported to Uchiha Tokimitsu.

Afterwards, the representatives of Iwagakure and Kumogakure all took off the old Ninja Village forehead protectors and knelt down on one knee to swear allegiance to Uchiha Tokimitsu.

The attendant ninjas also came forward to distribute brand-new Uanfan forehead protectors to them, which meant that they accepted their allegiance.

"From now on, I plan to reorganize the shogunate into a joint government of the ninja world. As the only public governance body in the ninja world, I now request all members of this alliance to vote by a show of hands!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said again.

Another unanimous vote passed.

"According to the discussion resolution of the preparatory meeting of the Ninja World Government, it is proposed to elect Uchiha Tokumitsu as the chief executive of the Ninja World United Government. All members of this alliance are asked to vote together with a show of hands!"

Hatake Sakumo then said.

This time, it was a more tidy unanimous vote.

"...I swear that I will exercise the power of the Grand Council with the greatest enthusiasm. I will listen to the voice of every jounin and understand their needs and expectations. I will be committed to creating a just, fair, and harmonious ninja." Realm, so that the hundreds of millions of people in the Ninja Realm can live and work in peace and contentment!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu solemnly announced: "The Ninja World Government is established today!"

"Salute to His Majesty the Great Consul!"

Under the leadership of Hatake Sakumo, the participating representatives all drew their swords and raised them between their eyebrows, expressing their allegiance to the new government in a ninja manner.

"In order to fulfill the purpose of the great alliance of the ninja world, it is now planned to establish a joint council of the ninja world outside the ninja world government. It will be divided into two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. They will jointly perform their duties and decide the future of the ninja world through public discussion!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to announce: "In the name of the great ruler of the Shinobi World Government, I nominate Shitaka Uchiha as the Speaker of the Senate of the United Parliament! Nominate Sakumo Hatake as the Speaker of the House of Representatives!"

The venue once again burst into thunderous applause and cheers.

"The justice and justice of the ninja world will be supervised by you!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu presented tokens representing their identities to the two of them respectively.

Afterwards, the alliance entered into other ceremonial agendas, and Uchiha Tokumitsu handed over these affairs to the Uchiha Quartet to preside over on his behalf.

After all, there will be more important "recommendations" later, and Uchiha Tokumitsu always has to 'avoid suspicion' a little bit.

After seeing Uchiha Demitsu leave the table, Rasa quickly stood up and ran towards the backstage of the venue.

"...Master Deguang!"

"Mr. Luo Sha, thank you for traveling all the way to attend the meeting."

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Rasa shook hands cordially and said.

"... As for Sunagakure, please take care of us. We also hope to integrate into the ninja family."

This was also the place where Luo Sha felt most uneasy.

In the past few days, whether from inquiries from various parties or judging from today's alliance resolution, Uchiha Tokumitsu has not clearly announced a plan to deal with the Kingdom of Wind, which also makes Luo Sha extremely uneasy.

After all, the unification of the ninja world is the general trend, and it is probably impossible for the ruling government of the Kingdom of Wind to continue to exist. In this case, it is better to use it as an exchange condition to find a good deal for the Sunagakure ninjas living in the desert. way out. "What do you think Mr. Luo Sha has to say?"

Uchiha Tokko asked with a smile.

"The ruling government of the Kingdom of Wind is willing to completely hand over the political power of the country to the Ninja World Government, hand over the tailed beasts, and have the Ninja World Government re-appoint managers at all levels!"

Luo Sha said sincerely.

"Mr. Gao Yi..."

Uchiha Tokko couldn't help but sigh.

Luo Sha also breathed a sigh of relief immediately.

Bet right!
Fortunately, I came early!
Otherwise, Ye Cang might rob this opportunity!

Uchiha Tokumitsu's words made Luo Sha's heart hang up again.

"After all, you have always done a very good job in the Kingdom of Wind, including your coordination with the joint company and the anti-terrorism force..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also said sincerely: "So, I hope Mr. Rasa will continue to stick to the Country of Wind, so that he can help the people of the Country of Wind and the Ninja World Government."

"what do you mean……"

Luo Sha's heart moved and she was ecstatic.

"I plan to reorganize the former Country of Wind into the Southwest Regional Government of the Ninja Realm, and make you the first regional administrative officer and head of the joint parliamentary delegation..."

Uchiha Demitsu said leisurely: "Mr. Rasa, are you willing to continue to fight for the welfare of the people of the ninja world?"

"Follow your will!"

Luo Sha replied immediately.


In Uchiha Tokumitsu's plan, the ninja world will completely abolish the names of nations and redivide it into several large administrative regions.

Among the territories directly under the shogunate, the Country of Fire was restructured into a central administrative district and served as the central seat of the Shinobi World Government; the Country of Water was restructured into a coastal administrative district, and the other scattered small vassal countries were merged into a joint administrative district; as for the southern part of the original Land of Thunder The occupied areas and the small buffer countries between Thunder and Fire were merged into the North Central Administrative Region; the Kingdom of Frost and the Kingdom of Taki were merged with the Kingdom of Grass and the Kingdom of Rain to form the Yunzhong Administrative Region.

As for the territory of the defeated Iwagakure Kumogakure, the formerly controlled territory of the Kingdom of Thunder was reorganized into Uttar Pradesh; the Kingdom of Earth was re-divided into the Iwajo State in the north and the Hirakawa State in the south based on the boundaries of the original Daimyo Prefecture.

Since then, the structure of six districts and three states in the ninja world has initially taken shape.

The difference between administrative regions and states is that the three states will be under military control by the Ninja World Government until the transformation of the two major Ninja Villages is completed.

Uchiha Tokumitsu directly changed the Country of Wind into an administrative region, which can be regarded as a sign of trust in Rasa.

After returning to the alliance meeting place, Rasa couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief again after hearing Hatake Sakumo's announcement about the re-division of the ninja world.

"...Herein, in order to express my utmost respect to His Excellency Uchiha Tokimitsu, the great ruler who unified the ninja world and forged peace, I respectfully proclaim His Excellency Uchiha Tokimitsu as the co-lord of the ninja world and the emperor of all generations!"

Taking a deep breath, Hatake Sakumo shouted out the final agenda of the Miho League with the loudest voice in his life.

"Emperor Deguang!"

The Uchiha ninjas all shouted!
"Salute to the supreme Emperor Tokko!"

The ninjas of the pro-nin clan then responded.

"Please ask Emperor Deguang to ascend the throne!"

The League once again cheered.

"Mr. Deguang..."

In the lounge at the back of the venue, Uchiha Makoto hugged his lover.

"Let's go together."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took Uchiha Makoto's hand and walked to the alliance meeting venue.

"From now on, you are my queen!"


"Salute to the supreme Emperor Tokko!"

As Uchiha Tokumitsu and Uchiha Makoto appeared again, the atmosphere of the alliance reached a higher level.

"...Inherit the destiny of all people, inherit the peerless imperial lineage, inherit the wisdom of our ancestors, commit ourselves to the prosperity of the ninja world, and create peace for all generations!"

Surrounded by thousands of people, Uchiha Tokumitsu slowly issued his declaration of accession to the throne.

The era of the Uchiha Dynasty in the ninja world has officially arrived!

"The goddess of the ninja is established as the chief priest of the ninja world, and Uchiha is respected as the royal family of the ninja world. With the combined power of one hundred thousand ninjas..."

In the underground ice cave of the Land of Snow, Hei Jue, who was listening to the radio, was stunned as if struck by lightning.

"This this……"

Hei Zetsu, who has suffered countless setbacks since his birth, and whose mental toughness has been honed through repeated defeats and defeats, suddenly broke through!
It ignored the surprised looks of Nagato, Scorpion and others, and jumped into the rock formations and snowfields. Regardless of the fashion, it ran to the sun as time passed.

Hei Jue raised his head and looked at the sun in the sky, trying to find the moon obscured by sunlight.

"My lord..."

Hei Jue collapsed on the ground, fully unfolding his black mud-like body, and venting his long-depressed emotions to his heart's content. (End of chapter)

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