Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 470 The Sacred Heart’s Arbitrary and Decentralized Checks and Balances

Chapter 470 The Sacred Heart’s Arbitrary and Decentralized Checks and Balances

The Great Emperor of the Uchiha Dynasty of the Ninja World and the Great Ruler of the Ninja World Government—Uchiha Tokimitsu!

Whether it was a small border island in the Kingdom of Water or a wilderness oasis in the Kingdom of Wind, in just a few days, basically the entire intelligent beings in the ninja world knew that the world had completely changed.

The rapid transmission of information also benefited from the ubiquitous joint companies and the unremitting dissemination of increasingly popular broadcasting equipment, which tirelessly stuffed the latest news about the Ninja World Government into the minds of the illiterate 'savages'.

On December 42, Konoha [-], Uchiha Tokumitsu promulgated the first chronological year of the dynasty, announcing that January [-] next year would be the first year of the founding of the emperor.

At the same time, Uchiha Tokumitsu announced the long-awaited appointment and removal of new government positions by all parties in the ninja world in the name of the Ninja World Government.

"The Uchiha Sifang is hereby appointed as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Joint Administrative Region!"

"Hatake Sakumo is hereby appointed to concurrently serve as the Chief Administrative Officer of the North Central Administrative Region!"

These two appointments also surprised some people, because Uchiha Shifang and Hatake Sakumo were respectively appointed as the Speakers of the House of Representatives and the Senate during the Mihou League, and now they are in charge of an administrative region respectively. , which is equivalent to having both status and territory in hand, which may not be a good thing for a new dynasty.

But no one tried to dissuade him or anything. After all, Uchiha Tokko's power shocked the ninja world. As long as he was still alive, no one could make any trouble. Moreover, everyone thought that maybe His Majesty had other plans.

"Luo Sha is hereby appointed as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Southwest Administrative Region!"

"Uchiha Kamon is hereby appointed as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Yunzhong Administrative Region!"

"Chino Minazuki is hereby appointed as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Coastal Administrative Region!"

"Uchiha Shisui is hereby appointed as the Assistant Administrative Officer of the Central Administrative District!"

Except for the fact that Uchiha Shisui suddenly became one of the six district governors from a mere aide, there is nothing else about the above appointments. After all, he is either a veteran of the shogunate with great military exploits, or a member of a prestigious clan. Ninja; but considering that Uchiha Shisui is the first disciple, and is placed in the Central Government Area where the Ninja World Government is located, everyone just thinks that His Majesty intends to cultivate a new generation, and even those who have opinions can only shut up. .

"Hereby appoint Sanshouyu Hanzo as the governor of Uttar Pradesh, Masahiko Kito as the governor of Pingchuan State, and Hinata Hizashi as the governor of Iwajo State; and each will command two thousand ninja troops to station in the town to quell the chaos in the three kingdoms!"

Kito Masahiko has been serving as the chairman of Kirigakure's Jonin Joint Council for some years. It makes sense to move his position at this time. Moreover, he was thrown from the eastern archipelago of the ninja world to the mountains of the western ninja world in one go. I don't know if it was a blessing. It's still a disaster; but considering that the leader of the Guiyi clan got the position of chief of one district and one state, he can be regarded as the biggest winner outside Konoha.

"Sure enough, there are many benefits to surrendering early!"

For a time, the members of the first joint parliament of the ninja world were talking a lot, and they all felt that Uchiha Tokumitsu was too good to the Kirigakure lineage!
There is a reason why Uchiha Tokumitsu treats the Kirigakure lineage favorably.

After all, behind that hurricane barrier is a world full of stormy waves!

How could it be possible to conquer the new world without these Kirigakure ninjas who are proficient in water-based skills?

What's more, in addition to Uchiha Tokumitsu's official position, the head of the Ninja World government department who will be introduced soon will also check and balance them.

"The Konoha Police Department has been upgraded to the Ninja World Government Police Headquarters. Branches have been set up in each district and state, and they are vertically managed by the Ninja World Government!"

In this way, the police power was taken back into the hands of the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha ninjas were all members of the royal family, so there was no need to worry about their loyalty for at least three generations.

"The Konoha Internal Affairs Department has been upgraded to the Ninja Realm Government Internal Affairs Force, responsible for suppressing rebellions and rebellions in various places, and is vertically managed by the Ninja Realm Government!"

"The Konoha Intelligence Department has been upgraded to the General Intelligence Bureau of the Ninja World Government. It is responsible for intelligence and reconnaissance work and is vertically managed by the Ninja World Government's chief executive!"

"The Finance Department of Konoha has been upgraded to the General Finance Bureau of the Ninja World Government. It is responsible for taxation, fiscal expenditures and other matters, and is vertically managed by the Ninja World Government's chief executive!"

"Konoha Hospital has been upgraded to the Ninja World Government Medical and Health Administration. It is responsible for hospital management, medical ninja training, drug research and development and other matters. It is vertically managed by the Ninja World Government's chief executive!"


With the orders to upgrade the various departments of Konoha one after another, Konoha ninjas finally waited for the moment when "chickens and dogs ascend to heaven"!

In addition, except for Uchiha Nakagen who no longer serves as the chief of the internal affairs force due to his identity, the Hyuga clan leader and Mito Kadeni both rose to the top and became central officials; and Tsunade is naturally the best candidate to take charge of the medical field, so these There are no surprises in the departmental appointments.

Even Akimichi Tofaze was given the position of director of the newly established Safety Supervision Bureau in the Ninja World Department, which also made the Inokacho Tribe breathe a sigh of relief.

Even though it is a secondary department that only has supervisory power, it has a place in the government of the ninja world. From now on, the Inar, Deer, and Butterfly clan no longer have to worry about the decline of the family.

Moreover, with the clever minds of the Nara and Yamanaka tribes, they are also confident that they can gradually find their way into the new order and rise to the top!
After the departmental setup and personnel arrangements of the Ninja World Government were basically completed, Uchiha Tokumitsu began to reorganize the Ninja Army from all over the Ninja World.

Even compared to the police department, which can be called a stacked house with extremely redundant officers and soldiers, the ninja army system of the shogunate and Konoha is very complicated.

During the shogunate period, Uchiha Tokumitsu had under his command the ninja army directly under the shogunate, the four major border defense forces, the joint anti-terrorism force, the naval fleet, the ninja army stationed in the occupied area, the remaining troops in the country of whirlpool, Kirigakure Yoshitsune, and the ninja recruited by the rain ninja village. , the United Company employs ninjas, etc.; even Konoha has police patrol forces, standing columns and reserve columns, etc.

Coupled with the surrendered Kumogakure, Iwagakure ninjas and their ninja army structures, the various ninja armies of the Sunagakure ninjas in the Land of Wind...the variety stacked up is enough to be dazzling.

Therefore, in order to unify the military power, Uchiha Tokumitsu must completely reorganize the various ninja armies.At the same time, what he also needs to establish is the principle of 'separation of military and political affairs', that is, the Ninja Army will no longer interfere in local government affairs, and this is one of the reasons why he appointed those strong people as local political affairs officers.

In addition, all ninja armies will also be directly led by the great emperor of the Uchiha dynasty, Uchiha Tokumitsu, and his direct successors, completely separating them from the ninja world government.

The first to be completely abolished was the name of the four major border defense forces. Since the ninja world was unified, there was no need for so-called border defense. Therefore, the original border defense forces were merged into the First Dynasty Army Defense Army, which had eight alliances under its jurisdiction. Each regiment has a thousand ninjas under its command. However, due to the initial determination of the ninja world, these army regiments have only changed their names. Even the military commander has not been appointed yet. They are still stationed in the same place and will cooperate with the internal affairs. Troops fight against insurgents and more.

The registered ninja armies of Konoha's standing column and reserve column were unified into the Dynasty Army Defense Second Army, which had five regiments of [-] ninjas, and Uchiha Kageki was appointed as the first general.

Uchiha's background was as a secret guard captain, and he also had experience as a border defense force commander and shogunate guard commander. With him in charge of the standing troops of Konoha Ninja Village, Uchiha Tokimitsu felt more at ease.

The Joint Anti-Terrorism Force was reorganized on the spot into the Dynasty Army Strategic Support Force, and the remaining troops of the Northwest Guards were merged into it, reorganized into seven regiments of more than [-] ninjas, with Uchiha Shiina still serving as the general.

The naval fleet and Kirigakure ninjas in Fubo City are organized into the Dynasty Navy Headquarters, which has three naval fleets and four naval task force brigades. They will be the cornerstone of Uchiha Tokko's development of a new world.

As for Sunagakure, 4000 of the original [-] Sunagakure ninjas were selected to form the Dynasty Army's Third Defense Army, with Rasa's archrival Yakura serving as the general. The remaining Sunagakure ninjas were divided into joint companies or as reserves. existence can be regarded as giving them a good way out.

Luo Sha naturally had no objection to this. After all, the military and political affairs were separated, and he would have nothing to do with Ye Cang from now on. So after he sent Yiwei to Fubo City, he happily returned to the Southwest Government Affairs Region as his Chief Administrative Officer.

As for those Kumogakure and Iwagakure ninjas who were defeated, surrendered or captured, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't have much trust in them for the time being, so he simply organized and controlled them into 22 colonization regiments, but did not issue new weapons. The Ninja Tools have not appointed higher-level commanders, and their role will be to be temporarily assigned to various ministries to reorganize the Ninja Army as line-filling troops in the future Myoboku Mountain Expedition.

Of course, if they perform well in battle and perform well in 'reform education', Uchiha Tokumitsu wouldn't mind giving them official ninja status - after all, the expedition to the new world also needs slightly more obedient cannon fodder. !


"Senator Ashura and Representative Kakuzu, I have kept you waiting for so long..."

After arranging the general military and political affairs, Uchiha Tokumitsu summoned Asura and Kakuzu, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Salute to Your Majesty!"

Kakuzu said nothing and bowed his head!
This decisiveness made Asura a little dumbfounded - after all, you are also a respectable and inhuman strong man, so how can you be so disrespectful of face!

But if Asura were asked to worship him in the same way, he would really be embarrassed - after all, he was the same generation as the ancestor of the Uchiha clan! "No need to be polite~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu personally stepped forward to help Kakuzu, who was prostrate, and said amiably: "Rep. Kakuzu and I have never known each other, but we haven't seen each other since the First World War in the East, and I miss him very much now. …”

"Your Majesty, it was Guan Bai from the Country of Fire who ordered it in the first place! I was just deceived!"

Kakuzu quickly defended himself.

"It's okay, it's okay~ It's all over..."

Uchiha Tokko smiled even more.

"It's like this. I called the two congressmen here because they each have tasks to entrust to you."

"The mission must be completed!"

Kakuzu spoke first.

At the same time, it blocked Asura's intention to ask questions.

"Very good! Very spirited!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was generous in his praise.

"Representative Kakuzu, in today's ninja world, there is still the last bastion of feudal power..."

"The Land of Fire...the Great Lord Genji!"

Kakuzu understood immediately and changed the title in time.

"Yes, I intend to let you take charge of the task of abolishing Genji's territory and reorganizing his private army."

Uchiha Tokko said solemnly.

"This...is such an important task, we must go all out and never let down His Majesty's trust!"

Kakuzu was shocked at first, then ecstatic, and immediately patted his chest and showered him with gifts.

"very good!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded with great satisfaction, "After solving the Genji, I plan to merge the Genji private army and the Taki-nin into the Fourth Dynasty Army Garrison Army, and make you the general general. What do you think?"

"Swear to serve His Majesty to the death!"

Kakuzu bowed again without saying a word!

"Very good! Then go down first."

Uchiha Tokko said: "Shisui is ready, he will bring people with him to assist you."

"As ordered!"

Kakuzu kowtowed again, then stood up and left of his own accord.

"what about me!"

Asura also asked impatiently.

"Is such that……"

Uchiha Demitsu said leisurely: "The government of the ninja world is newly established, and the personnel are extremely complicated, and there are many people with weird minds among them. If they are allowed to act recklessly, it may have a serious impact on the civilians of the ninja world, so I plan to serve as a member of the royal family. The Independent Commission Against Corruption will be established under the Central Government to take charge of anti-corruption work..."

"no problem!"

Before Asura could finish speaking, Asura immediately patted his chest and said, "I can do it!"

"Then I will appoint you as the Director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, won't I wrong you?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled with satisfaction.

"Don't be wronged!"

Asura swears by it.

"That's good!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately signed the letter of appointment and handed it to Ashura: "I have prepared all the personnel for you. They are all elites drawn from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Intelligence. I hope you can work hard for the integrity of the Ninja World Government. make a contribution!"

"I am doing this for the countless common people in the ninja world!"

Asura happily accepted the letter of appointment, but at the same time he still refused to fully surrender.

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't care either.

After all, this kind of powerful but baseless and idealistic ninja is definitely the best tool to use. Although he is a bit mean-mouthed, a bit stubborn, and a bit arrogant, it doesn't matter. Since he can tame Omata Brigade, he naturally doesn't care about taming another Asura.


After the pleased Asura left, Uchiha Tokumitsu began to think: "There is another Indra, and he must have been reincarnated!"

"But who will be reincarnated..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu hasn't found this out for a while.

But the problem is not big. When the time comes, taking control of Asura is equivalent to taking control of Indra. No matter what, he will not be able to stir up trouble.

Nowadays, in addition to government affairs and creation of human beings, Uchiha Tokumitsu is most concerned about the legendary "Heretic Golem".

"Really... Your mother has been made the chief priest of the ninja world, why hasn't the filial son shown up yet?"

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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