Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 471 The Historic Meeting

Chapter 471 The Historic Meeting
"Mother, please give me some instructions!"

As the government of the Ninja World continues to spread, after the government ninjas from various agencies in the Ninja World are in place, in addition to reorganizing government affairs, another important task is to build the main temple of the Ninja World, and the priority of this matter It is the same as building a local government office building, so even the former Snow Country, which is located in the wilderness on the border of the Ninja Realm and the present-day Snowfield County of the Central and Northern Administrative Region, is no exception. There is also a renovated temple.

Since the temple had just been built and the place had not yet had time to arrange for witches and other temple consecration personnel, this place became the place where Hei Zetsu came to remember his mother all day long.

It's very painful inside.

Originally, it planned to rely on its almost endless lifespan to survive Uchiha Tokumitsu and then come forward to cause trouble. However, with the announcement of Uchiha Tokumitsu's accession to the throne from the Mihou League, Black Zetsu completely broke through. .

Every night, it wanders on the ground, looking up at the moon in the sky. While bathing in the moonlight like a mother's love, it also falls into great entanglement.

After the construction of the temple was completed, Hei Jue stayed in the temple as a whole, looking at the statue of the goddess Mao with sadness and joy.

I feel eclipsed because I have been defeated repeatedly, but I am overjoyed because my mother has finally been avenged!
"That treacherous son Yuyi must be extremely regretful at this time!"

When Hei Jue thought of this, he felt both hatred and happiness in his heart!
When he thinks that the order established by his brother Hagoromo and his descendants has been completely replaced, Hei Zetsu feels extremely relieved!
So here comes the question: Should Hei Zetsu, the filial son who has been devoted to saving his mother for ten thousand years, meet with Tokimitsu Uchiha, the man who rectified his mother's name?
"But if this is just a conspiracy of the descendants of Indra, then it will be troublesome..."

Hei Jue thought about it and was undecided.

This is why it is so hesitant.

Although he has no power on the surface, Kaguya Otsutsuki actually gave him the power of a blood-successor snare when he gave birth to it. Although the situation was urgent at that time, Kaguya Otsutsuki just made her entire offspring 'Have some life-saving ability to escape the blockade of the two Hagoromo Hamura brothers, but Black Zetsu regards this power as a treasure and is reluctant to use it. After the plan is successful, he plans to use it to backstab the reincarnation of Indra who was bewitched by it- —So even if it encounters a dangerous situation, it can still escape, but the power given to it by its mother is a consumable and will be gone after one use!

"No! Tokumitsu-kun is definitely not the reincarnation of Indra and Asura!"

Black Zetsu thought for a while and solved another problem that troubled it: "It can't be the reincarnation of the traitor in haloromo!"

After all, Uchiha Madara was beaten to death by Uchiha Tokumitsu!
Moreover, Uchiha Tokumitsu's dislike of Mt. Myoboku is well-known in the ninja world, so inferring from this, he is definitely not of the same lineage as the Sage of Six Paths!
Thinking of this, Hei Jue quickly took out "De Guang Quotations (One Million Copies Commemorative Edition)" and started flipping through it.

"found it!"

Finally, Hei Jue used his relatively good memory to find what he wanted to see, and read it out loud: "The enemy of our enemy is our friend!"

"So! I want to be Tokumitsu-kun's friend!"

Gritting his teeth, Hei Jue made up his mind.

But at this time it started to feel a little uneasy again.

Theoretically speaking, it belongs to the same generation as the Sage of Six Paths, and is the ancestor of Uchiha Tokumitsu. However, it is impossible for it to say this when meeting Uchiha Tokumitsu, and it does not make sense.

You can think about the reasons for striking up a conversation on the way, but... you can't go empty-handed when you want to meet a junior you like, right?Otherwise it would be so rude!

Therefore, Hei Jue felt that there was still a need for a meeting gift, so that the words he had thought out would be convincing enough!

"Outlaw Golem?"

The first thing that Hei Jue thought of was the Heretic Demon Statue, but as soon as this idea came up, it was rejected by it!

This thing is so precious!The only one in the ninja world who didn't say it, and it took so many years for him to be summoned by Uchiha Madara from the moon to the human world, but he couldn't bear to hand it over.

What's more, Uchiha Tokumitsu is about to gather all the nine tailed beasts. It will be troublesome if he figures out the connection between the tailed beasts and the heretic golems!

In fact, maybe Uchiha Tokumitsu will dismantle the Heretic Golem for study, and then Black Zeke will cry and won't be able to find a place to wipe his tears!

"Reincarnation Eye?"

No, it has to be kept as a trump card, and since Nagato is so filial, Black Zetsu can't bear to gouge his eyes.

"Bai Jue? That's not good!"

After all, Uchiha Tokimitsu already had this thing, and he got it through some not-so-good channels. Besides, giving gifts to silly White Zetsu could easily lead to trouble.


A seemingly suitable candidate appeared in its mind again, but after much hesitation, it rejected it again.

After all, Scorpion's weight is still not enough, and he really can't take advantage of it, and he has a dark mind and plans to make good use of it.

"So, what else..."

Hei Jue lay down under the altar, staring blankly at the statue of the goddess Mao.


Suddenly, Black Zetsu had a flash of inspiration and found that he had found a treasure that had been forgotten unknowingly-Uchiha Madara!
"Madara's body!" Black Zetsu suddenly became more and more excited as he thought about it.

Now that the Eye of the Moon plan has been ruined, Uchiha Madara's body is of no use, so it is natural to recycle it!

Moreover, for the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Madara's status is particularly special. Maybe, maybe, maybe, he can give it as a gift... maybe~
So, Black Zetsu excitedly escaped back to the underground snowfield ice cave. After a brief explanation with Nagato, he quickly sneaked into a secret cave that only he and Fei knew, and personally wielded an ice pick to dig out Uchiha Madara's coffin. Come out!
Moreover, in order to prevent Uchiha Madara's body from having some bad accidents on the way, Black Zetsu also carefully filled a pile of black ice into the coffin, then wrapped it with clay balls, and froze the clay in the ice cave. After doing a very complete job of keeping cold and fresh, he stretched his body to wrap Uchiha Madara's coffin and fled towards Konoha.


Just an hour after Hei Jue left, A Fei, who was shaking his head and swaying one step at a time, suddenly returned to the secret base of the Snow Country after a long absence.

It first greeted the reserved Scorpion familiarly, and then talked to White Zetsu who was guarding the base about the comfort of accepting offerings from civilians. However, since there was no sign of Black Zetsu, it went to ask Nagato. After receiving the same uninformed answer, A Fei was also a little confused.

"Does Little Heizi have another conspiracy?"

After scratching his head and feeling like his brain was about to grow, A Fei stopped worrying and decided to pay homage to Master Madara's remains before returning to his base.

However, when Ah Fei came to the ice cave where Uchiha Madara's corpse was stored, and when he saw the shattered black ice, his whole body went numb!
"Sir Madame!"

Ah Fei suddenly screamed strangely, "Where is my Madara-sama! Where is Madara-sama who is as big as me!"

"Isn't he alive?"

Then, a strange idea suddenly flashed into A Fei's mind!
So, it sat down and began to think about the possibility of 'Madara-sama being resurrected and running away'.


Kuro Zetsu, who had trekked all the way to the outskirts of Konoha in excitement, suddenly felt a little "cowardly in the countryside", and the strict barrier of Konoha also made him intimidated, so he did not enter the interior of Konoha Ninja Village immediately, but wandered around. After walking around, I found an excellent hiding place - Tokumitsu Shrine!
Moreover, Hei Zetsu simply hid directly under the statue of the mother-sama!
Simply perfect!
...Except for not waiting for Uchiha Tokumitsu!

After hiding under the main hall of Tokumitsu Shrine for more than ten days, on December [-]th of the year before the founding of the Emperor, Uchiha Tokumitsu led his people to worship at the shrine again!
"Finally waiting for you!"

After noticing the movement outside the palace and peering around to observe, Hei Jue suddenly became energetic, immediately gathered his aura and dived underground, ready to act like a ghost!
As in previous worship services, Uchiha Tokumitsu walked into the main hall alone after offering incense, observing the three statues in the hall with his hands behind his back.

The goddess Uno is in the middle, and the Uchiha ancestors and the Six Paths Sage are on the left and right. It can be regarded as the reunion of three generations of relatives separated by one generation.

It's just that when there are no other people, Uchiha Tokumitsu is too lazy to do anything, and just takes this opportunity to be lazy.

After all, the throne of the great emperor and great ruler is not easy to sit on!

When the Ninja World Government was first established, all kinds of customary affairs were naturally complicated and trivial, and all of them required Uchiha Tokumitsu to make decisions one by one - after all, his decisions would be passed down as 'historical inertia' or 'ancestral family law', and there was no way he could help it. He is not careful.

"There are also personnel rights, education planning, promotion echelons..."

Even at this time, Uchiha Tokumitsu's mind was still entangled with various government affairs, so when he looked up at the statue of the goddess Uno, the expressionless look on his face was seen in Hei Zetsu's eyes. , but so pious!
"As expected! It's a kiss from another generation!"

Hei Jue was filled with emotions and was ready to show up.

Then, a gray mist rose from the incense burner in front of the Six Paths Immortal statue, and gradually transformed into the appearance of an old man with a strange face.

And Hei Jue just adjusted the color of his body to be colorful, and "gushed" out from under the feet of the goddess Mao.

"what is this!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, Black Zetsu, and the old man's phantom composed of the mist were stunned at the same time!

"This is Black Zetsu!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu could see through the strange and colorful Black Zetsu at a glance!
But what about the foggy apparition of the old man’s phenomenon next to it?
Uchiha Tokumitsu looked sideways, and it seemed to be somewhat similar to the statue above...

"Six Path Immortals!"

"Otsutsuki Yui!"

Uchiha Tokko and Black Zetsu exclaimed at the same time!

"I can see at a glance that you are not human!"

The mist phantom that the Immortal of Six Paths transformed into was also a little excited.

 Update today (2/2)

  According to everyone's suggestions, the reign name in the previous chapter has been changed to "Kaihuang"

  Please ask for votes at the end of the month~Please ask for monthly tickets and recommend votes~
(End of this chapter)

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