Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 472 The Thunder Rolls

Theoretically speaking, although Uchiha Tokumitsu has always had a fishing mentality and planned to seduce Black Zetsu to take the initiative to bewitch him, and then use a trick or something, of course, the key is to grab the heretic golem; but, no matter what, He didn't even want to deal with the Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, who didn't know whether he was alive or dead!

Of course, Uchiha Tokko didn't think that this kind of thinking was because he was afraid of him, but just because he didn't want to appear in front of a living dead - after all, with the lifespan and characteristics of the descendants of Otsutsuki, even Asura and Indra Being able to reincarnate continuously, who knows how much strength the Immortal of Six Paths has accumulated hiding in the dark!
At this time, Hei Jue also felt like he was struck by thunder!

After saying "Aba Aba" for a while, Hei Juecai slowly turned his head back like a mechanical rust, looked at the statue of the Six Paths Immortal standing on the side of the goddess of Mao, then turned back and looked at the finger. The Otsutsuki Hagoromo who was watching him scold him as "not a human being" - that is, his eldest brother who was a compatriot from his mother, whom he had never met, and who held a grudge and wanted to kill him with a thousand knives!

Black Zetsu has always believed that since it left its mother's arms, it has been very careful to hide its whereabouts. Even Bewitching Indra guided it sideways by tampering with the content of the stone tablet. Basically, except for Uchiha Madara's smooth cultivation and evolution After emerging from the samsara eye, he took the risk and appeared once, but he never appeared in front of the world at other times!

But, this time!
I had a face-to-face meeting with its 'good brother'!



I have failed your request!

"Why do you let the monsters roam around and harm the world!"

The phantom of the Sage of Six Paths accused fiercely: "Don't you know that the duty of a ninja is to seal and exorcise monsters and protect the world!"


I am a monster!

It's the same monster that was sealed and used by the witches!

Black Zetsu suddenly felt that the door to a new world had opened and he had found his own 'identity' again!
I'm just a monster, what am I afraid of!

Therefore, Hei Zetsu, who consciously completed the transformation from the "incarnation of Madara-sama's will" to the "unknown monster", twisted his mud-like body, put on an appearance of choosing people to devour, and bared his teeth and claws towards the void of the Six Paths Sage. Shadow Phantom pounces!
"Five-color divine light!"

Uchiha Tokko calmed down, waved a five-color divine light to freeze the arrogant Black Zetsu, and then looked at the illusion of the Six Paths Sage standing on the pinnacle of morality and feeling cold.

After Hei Jue was hit by the five-color divine light, he immediately felt as if his body was filled with lead, and almost all functions were frozen and disrupted - but in general it can be broken and escaped!

But out of caution, it still fell to the ground with a 'plop'!

"This acting skill is really incredible..."

Even Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help but look at it a few more times!
No wonder he was able to fool Uchiha Madara around - not to mention anything else, just this flexible and adaptable state of mind is enough!

After the illusion of the Six Paths Sage saw Uchiha Tokumitsu subduing the mud monster that emerged from the ground with a burst of chakra light, he no longer hesitated, but turned his attention to Uchiha Tokumitsu, who happened to be The light is also looking at him!
Maybe this is just a coincidence?Maybe the monsters were just attracted by the power of wishes...

"I am the founder of Ninja Sect, the source of chakra, and the founder of Ninjutsu..."

The empty, lonely and meaningful voice of the Six Paths Immortal Vision echoed in the temple.


Hei Jue cursed secretly!
"Otsutsuki Hagoromo, the eldest son of the goddess Uno, right..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu interrupted the Sage of Six Paths very calmly.


The illusion of the Immortal of Six Paths suddenly got stuck!
After all, what appeared at this time was just a shadow that was barely transformed through the power of the incense offered by the sacrifice. Coupled with the 'delay' in the transmission of information, he was stunned by Uchiha Tokumitsu's question!

"You little monster, how dare you appear in front of me?"

Uchiha Tokko ignored the stuck illusion of the Six Paths Sage, but turned his gaze to the stiff version of Black Zetsu on the ground, and asked lightly.

Then, regardless of whether Hei Jue could answer or not, he once again condensed a divine light in his palm and pointed it at Hei Jue, as if he was going to smash it to pieces.

Black Zetsu was immediately startled, his green bean-sized eyes staring closely at the divine light in Uchiha Tokumitsu's palm, and at the same time he was ready to break out of the trap and escape!

But if you run away on the spot, you may be discovered by the traitorous brother in front of you when you use the power given to you by your mother, and your identity will be discovered. That would not be good!Moreover, he will also lose the opportunity to stay with Uchiha Tokumitsu and bewitch him all the time. In this case, it will be a big loss!
What's more, the coffin containing Uchiha Madara's body that was brought here as a souvenir after traveling thousands of miles is still hidden in the ground and there is no time to put it away!If he escaped, the loss would be too heavy!

At this time, Hei Jue was extremely confused.

Escape or get beaten?This is a dilemma!

"The way of tolerance has the virtue of living well..."

At this time, the illusion of the Six Paths Sage, who had returned to normal, forcibly got rid of the identity and origin issues that Uchiha Tokumitsu had just raised, and planned to continue to seize the moral high ground: "Even the ancient evil gods and monsters are only sealed so that they will not cause harm. The human world is fine, but indiscriminate killing is..."

Uchiha Tokko turned the divine light in his palm towards his shadow.


The illusion of the Immortal of Six Paths stopped.

His descendant seems to be countless times more arrogant than he imagined!

Logically speaking, since he knows the existence of the two Indra brothers and knows his relationship with the goddess Uno, there is no reason why he should not know his origins with the Uchiha clan!
So, have you always been so brave?

The illusion of the Immortal of Six Paths wanted to take action, but after putting on a posture, he realized that he was just a projection of his wish power and had no power at all!
Then, a divine light shot out from Uchiha Tokko's palm, shattering the illusion of the Six Paths Sage and the statue behind it!

Although he couldn't speak, Hei Jue was screaming loudly in his heart!

So happy and desperate!
Simply perfect!
As expected of an Uchiha whose hands are faster than his brain!
At this time, Hei Jue suddenly felt calm in his heart!

It likes this kind of Uchiha the most!He is talented and powerful but he never tolerates others!Even his ancestors can hit him without fail, he is simply the most perfect tool man in the world!
"Good job..."

Black Zetsu secretly encouraged himself in his heart, and then started to 'tick-tick-tick' and began to spin his eyes crazily, trying to attract Uchiha Tokko's attention.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu just glanced at it, and then turned around, waving towards the attendant ninjas who were about to rush in after hearing the abnormal noise in the temple, indicating that they did not need to enter, and then turned his attention to the people who were struggling to regroup. The Immortal of Six Paths who is an illusion.

Hei Jue's behavior can be regarded as ogling a blind man.

But Black Zetsu was not discouraged, but insisted on rotating his eyes, waiting for Uchiha Tokko to turn his attention to it again.

"Great! The fish is hooked..."

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu looked away, he had actually been paying attention to Black Zetsu's movements.

Seeing the look of him persistently trying to attract his attention, Uchiha Tokumitsu was extremely satisfied!

Sure enough, this is a world where good people are rewarded!

You should be transcendent and immortal!
Although Uchiha Tokumitsu, who had gathered the nine tailed beasts, looked at the Sage of Six Paths who was gradually condensing the phantom illusion back, he was filled with joyful thoughts in his heart.

The Samsara Eye and the Heretic Demon Statue in Black Jue's hand, as well as the pit-filled valley filled with White Jue!These are all good things!


This time, the Six Paths Sage Illusion may have been afraid that Uchiha Tokumitsu would continue to be unreasonable, so he stopped talking nonsense: "The new world is a great opportunity for all living beings in the ninja world!"

"Oh? You're already dead and you still care about this?"

Uchiha Tokko raised his eyebrows and said provocatively: "What? Are you not going to pay attention to those toads from Mt. Miaomu?"

"...Miaomu Mountain is a gathering place for supernatural beings. It has its own magical opportunities. Moreover, I am the master of the Ninja Sect, so my position is naturally impartial!" The illusory voice of the Six Paths Sage echoed in the main hall.

...I don’t know what the big toad in Miaomu Mountain will think when he hears it.

Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head and said: "So, why are you showing up as a dead man? Pretending to be a ghost to scare me?"

"I come for the new world..."

The voice of the Six Paths Immortal's illusion echoed again.

Black Jue, on the other hand, was listening intently to this 'inside' information that he had never heard before, and even forgot to look around!

Could it be!There is another world besides the ninja world!
Oh my God!This is the first time I’ve heard of it!

Sure enough!
It’s definitely worth taking the risk!
Black Jue is proud of his 'decisiveness and perseverance'!
"What does the new world have to do with you?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said lightly.

"Taking the resources of the new world to make up for the shortcomings of the Ninja World - this is the will of the Ninja World!"

The voice of the Immortal of Six Paths was long and silent, and seemed quite profound: "After this is accomplished, you will have the opportunity to improve your bloodline and achieve the Eye of Reincarnation!"

"Do you think I don't know what's on the ancestral stone tablet?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered and said: "You still need to teach me how to do this!"

At the same time, the five-color divine light once again condensed in his palm, but it was suspended without releasing.

Well done!Hit him!

Hei Jue secretly shouted in his heart!
It feels the best at this moment in so many years!

"You are the co-leader of the current ninja world, but the power of time is irresistible. No matter how glorious the hegemonic dynasty is, it will eventually fall. But if you make up for the shortcomings of the ninja world, you can not only extend your life, but also Leave a name that will last forever, as immortal as me..."

The Immortal of Six Paths said leisurely.

"Ha ha……"

Uchiha Tokko couldn't help but laugh.

But Hei Jue was secretly worried.

My Lord Deguang!Don't be deceived by this unfaithful brother!

"I can take what I want myself. I don't need charity from others, and I don't need anyone else's pointers, even if you are the Immortal of Six Paths!"

Uchiha Tokko's tone suddenly became extremely tough.

"As the leader of the ninja world, you should contribute to the ninja world!"

The illusion of the Six Paths Immortal said again: "Even after the dynasty is destroyed in the future, the blessings and benefits will benefit the descendants, just like the ancestor of the emperor, even after the rule collapses, his descendants will still be the great name of the country! And the power of the Six Paths will also protect your descendants. Descendants!"

"Since the goddess Mao returned to heaven, power determines everything in this world."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered and said: "The most shameful thing is talking about Fuyin!"

"If one day my descendants become useless like daimyo, then their demise is doomed!"

Black Zetsu noticed what Uchiha Tokimitsu said - the goddess Uno returned to the sky!
What does this show!
It shows that Uchiha Tokko doesn't fully understand everything that happened in the past!

Therefore, there is still a chance to guide its deviation!
The bad water in Hei Jue's heart began to gurgling.

"Besides, do you think it's possible to only talk about dedication and not about reward..."

As soon as Uchiha Tokumitsu finished speaking, the divine light in his palm shot out again, shattering the illusion of the Six Paths Sage who was about to say something!

At the same time, the divine light shines out, erasing the dispersed shadow mist one by one!

This time, the Six Paths Immortal was unable to regroup and manifest himself.

Black Zetsu noticed that Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes were directed towards him, and he began to move his eyes crazily again to attract Uchiha Tokumitsu's attention!
"...Can you understand human speech?"

Uchiha Tokko squatted down and said to Black Zetsu: "If you can understand, just slide your eyes up and down."

As a result, Hei Jue's mung bean eyes changed from mosquito-repellent coils to vertical lines - the speed of turning up and down was too fast!
"If you can understand people's words, then I will leave you alone..."

Uchiha Tokko grabbed Black Zetsu's suspected neck and said viciously: "So, you useless thing must die!"


Hei Jue was immediately startled, and began to quickly roll his eyes again. At the same time, he secretly mentioned the power given by his mother, and was ready to escape!

"...Do you have something to say?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.

Black Zetsu's eyes immediately turned into sliding up and down.

"Then let me give you a chance...after all, you can't be punished without teaching!"

Uchiha Tokko took back part of the power of the five-color divine light, allowing Black Zetsu to recover part of his body functions.

"Lord Tokumitsu! I was asked by the goddess of the moon to assist you!"

After getting out of trouble, Hei Jue immediately whispered.


Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed to the tall statue in the middle of the main hall in great astonishment.

"Yes, I am one of the messengers of the Goddess Mao left in the world!"

Hei Jue is ready to use his sharp tongue.

"The messenger of the goddess is so useless? It seems that I can't keep you even more! Don't let the news spread and ruin the reputation of the goddess!"

Uchiha Tokko said fiercely.

At the same time, the five-color divine light in his palm was ready to press down on Hei Jue's head.

"No, no, no! The goddess is kind-hearted and never bullies others with her power! So as a messenger, it is very reasonable for me to have no power!"

Hei Jue quickly shouted: "By the way! I still have a gift! I have a big gift for you!"

"Is it……"

Uchiha Tokko immediately smiled. (End of chapter)

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