Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 473 Taking advantage of ancestors as a favor

"Hand over it!"

Uchiha Tokko said in a tone that left no room for doubt.


Seeing the divine light in Uchiha Tokumitsu's palm dissipate, Black couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling that he was not far away from gaining Uchiha Tokumitsu's trust.

But this question made him a little stunned.

"Where is the gift the goddess gave me?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said in a tone that left no room for doubt: "If this gift is heavy enough, then you can finish what you want to say. Whether you can survive or not depends on your role!"

"I am very useful!"

Hei Jue quickly shouted: "Since ancient times, there is nothing I don't know! I can help you solve your problems and answer your questions!"

"Is it……"

Uchiha Tokko seemed a little hesitant.

"That's right!"

Black Zetsu nodded crazily and said: "I know all the secrets including the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan! Just ask me if you have anything!"

"…But what about more advanced knowledge?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.

"no problem!"

Hei Jue just patted his chest as a guarantee.

"What is the nature of the world? How do we understand the world? What should we do?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately came to question the third company.

"Ah this..."

Heijue felt that his mind was completely blank!
Is this a question people can ask?
Aren't you a ninja?

Aren't you the Uchiha who advocates power the most?

Didn't you hear the reincarnation eye that Brother Niyue said just now?

Aren't you curious about power and evolution?

"Aba Aba..."

Hei Jue stammered and stopped talking.

"You don't even know such a trivial matter, yet you have the nerve to call yourself the messenger of the Goddess of Mao!"

Uchiha Tokko's expression seemed a little disappointed, and the five-color divine light in his palm was faintly visible again.

"Ah, Lord Tokumitsu is like this!"

Hei Jue shouted quickly: "You can ask me some historical questions. After all, as a messenger without power, it is reasonable for him not to think about such profound questions!"


Uchiha Tokko pondered for a moment, Black Zetsu's eyes were full of expectations!

"How was the universe created? When was the universe created? How will the universe end?"

Uchiha Tokko asked seriously.


This time Hei Jue didn't even feel like 'Abba Abba' anymore.

Forget it, tired!
Destroy it!
as early as possible!

Tired and unloved, Black Zetsu planned to use the power given by his mother to break free from Uchiha Tokko's control and return to the underground wall of Snow Country to think about it.

"Forget it, it seems you are just a little monster who occasionally finds a treasure!"

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face: "Actually, you don't need to be proud of your identity. It's fine to be an ordinary little monster..."

A glimmer of hope once again ignited in Hei Ze's heart.

"...I didn't expect you to see through it."

Hei Jue forced a sad expression on his black mud-like face.

"That's right...it's still a good monster to correct your mistakes after you realize them!"

Uchiha Tokko's smile became more amiable: "So... where is your generous gift?"

Unknowingly, Uchiha Tokumitsu's voice contained some bewildering and confusing feeling!


Black Zetsu immediately sensed the traces of genjutsu from the tone of voice and the almost imperceptible chakra fluctuations!
But Hei Jue still very considerately changed his expression to one of confusion and stupidity: "I hid the gift under the statue of the goddess..."

"What is the gift?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to follow the instructions.

"It's Uchiha Madara..."

The seemingly stupid Hei Jue Youyou replied.


This time it was Uchiha Tokko's turn to be stunned.

Originally, he was thinking about what he could give this little black boy!
This is it? !
I have the Samsara Eye of the Heretic Demon and the White Jue that is full of pits and valleys!
I was eaten by you!

And it’s okay not to give away those treasures!You still use my ancestors as favors and gifts? !
Is this something humans can do?
...Oh, I forgot that Hei is definitely not a human being.

"...Alive or dead?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was stunned for a while, then he simply lifted the illusion and asked directly.


Black Zetsu pretended to be waking up from a dream and screamed.

Uchiha Demitsu watched its performance in silence.

"Madara...is dead!"

Black Zetsu said with a cowardly look: "But I just saw his body at that time. I just considered that Uchiha Madara was a hero of the ninja world and should not be thrown into the wild, so I collected his remains on his behalf." That’s all…”

"Then how could you take the corpse of an ancestor of my race and give it as a gift?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed out sadly: "That is the most respected heroic ancestor of our Uchiha clan!"

"And I am the lord of the Uchiha clan! Your behavior really makes me sad!"


Ah yes yes yes!You are right!

If Black Zetsu hadn't known that Uchiha Madara was beaten to death by the shameless man in front of him, he would almost have believed Uchiha Tokumitsu's evil!

Black Zetsu secretly felt cruel in his heart, and was determined to make this shameless Uchiha into the lowest level White Zetsu after rescuing his mother!Let’s see if he can still be so shameless!
"So, his body decomposed?"

Uchiha Tokko stood up and asked, "Did the maggots eat him up?"

"No, it's very good!"

Black Zetsu replied immediately.

"So...all four limbs?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu came under the statue of the goddess: "Is it here?"

"Yes, yes, just hide it underground..."

Black Zetsu said quickly: "Madara-sama's limbs are complete, his body is intact, and there is no trace of decay!"

"Shouldn't be..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved out rays of divine light and carefully swept away the soil on the ground under the statue, and said to himself: "In the impression - I remember that the age spots on my hands and feet were all broken by my Susanoo That's it!" "By the way, the age spots won't jump out and hit my knees, right?"

"Oh, no...he can't even beat me now..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to himself.


This time Hei Jue really had nothing to say.

"So, why do you think this is?"

As the divine light gradually vaporized the soil, an extremely exquisite nanmu coffin appeared, but Uchiha Tokumitsu still didn't stop nagging: "Obviously I broke his hands and feet, how did this old guy do it?" What about those who have recovered? I don’t think even the great Madara-sama can do such advanced medical ninjutsu as limb restoration..."

"Maybe it's because Madara-sama is so powerful..."

Hei Jue stumbled and said: "Actually, I don't know the specifics. I am just a weak and ignorant little monster who will do whatever it takes to seek shelter!"

"Really...but what you said makes sense..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu seemed to have no intention of pursuing the matter further.

The hope in Hei Jue's heart is getting bigger and bigger!

Although there were many deviations from the expected scenario, overall it was very smooth!

Moreover, the character design has also been established - a little monster who was lucky enough to pick up Uchiha Madara's body, and then brought it over to seek asylum!
It's just perfect!
Sure enough, my wisdom comes from the supreme mother!

Black Zetsu is almost overwhelmed by his intelligence!
"By the way, you speak quite logically. Have you read books before?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was preparing to pry open the coffin board of Uchiha Madara, but he suddenly turned around and asked something that made Black Zetsu's hair stand on end.

"I I I..."

Hei Jue tensed up his nerves again, "I'm literate and I've read a few books!"

"what book?"

Uchiha Tokko stopped prying the coffin board and looked back at Black Zetsu with interest.

"...I can't move."

Black Zetsu gestured to take out the book, but his body was still stiff.


Uchiha Tokumitsu formed a seal casually and took back the five-color divine light remaining in Black Zetsu's body.

"This book……"

After regaining his composure, Hei Jue immediately spit out a book from his body——

""Deguang Quotations (One Million Copies Commemorative Edition)"..."

Uchiha Demitsu was also shocked!
Never thought of it!

"It was your wisdom that guided me here..."

Without saying a word, Hei Jue spread his body into a pile of mud and spread it on the ground, saying in a fervent tone: "Your Majesty, your kindness touches the world. Although I am just a little monster, I am also humbled by your supreme wisdom. I was so moved that I rashly stood up to worship and offer gifts. Although I was wrong to pretend to be the messenger of the goddess, this is just a delusion, and I hope your majesty will punish me!"

"Originally, I was just a wild monster who had just learned to read but had no sense of etiquette or shame in my heart!"


Hei Jue changed the subject: "After reading your work, I just feel that the whole world has become cheerful!"

"Your supreme wisdom has illuminated my originally dark life as a demon!"


Uchiha Tokko was about to speak but stopped.

Is this what an inhuman being can say? !
This flattering skill has exceeded 90% of Uchiha ninjas, okay!
No wonder it can play tricks on all the Indras of the past!

"very good……"

It took a while for Uchiha Tokko to come back to his senses, and then Youyou said: "I am willing to provide you with shelter and identity, and I will no longer pursue your short-term mistakes..."

"Monsters are not saints, and mistakes are excusable, so don't blame yourself..."

"Your Majesty, your grace! The little devil bursts into tears with gratitude!"

Hei Jue quickly pretended to cry.

Singing and harmonizing, it can be called a duel between movie kings!

"It's okay, it's okay, I understand..."

Uchiha Demitsu also quickly comforted.

But the movements of his hands were not slow at all.

After prying up a corner of the coffin board, Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his foot and kicked the coffin board away!


The precious nanmu coffin board was kicked and cracked!

Hei Jue's eyelids jumped!

Good guy!
Hei Jue couldn't help but said in his heart that he couldn't afford to offend him!

Such a duplicitous person should be Bai Juecai's assistant to his mother!Only in this way can we completely defeat people with weird thoughts like Brother Ni!
Hei Jue suddenly felt that he was extremely wise and that he was truly a Saint Jue who did not care about personal grudges!

As the coffin board was kicked open, a cold air came out from inside.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyebrows jumped, and he looked at the remains of Uchiha Madara, which was frozen hard but still lifelike overall, and remained silent.

"I picked up the ice cubes in the Kingdom of Thunder. I used them locally where Madara's body was found..."

Hei Jue said quickly: "Perhaps due to the limited conditions at the time, it was not well kept, but I hope your majesty will forgive me!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at the black ice and remained silent.

Sometimes, the shape of an ice cube can reflect its origin.

Especially this kind of extremely cold black ice can only be excavated from an extremely cold snow cave!

There are only a few places in the ninja world where there is ice and snow...

"The Kingdom of Iron? The Kingdom of Thunder? Or the Kingdom of Snow?"

Uchiha Demitsu was silently calculating in his heart.

However, it doesn't matter.

After finding out the specific place of origin based on the shape of the ice cubes, you can probably figure out Hei Zetsu's lair!Thus catching them all in one fell swoop!
Including those hidden heretic demons, reincarnation eyes and a large number of Bai Zetsu!
"Be calm and don't lose your composure..."

Uchiha Tokko closed his eyes and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

After a while, in the midst of Hei Zetsu's anxiety, Uchiha Tokumitsu said leisurely: "Ah...my poor ancestor, he has actually fallen into such a miserable state..."

Black was unmoved.

And gave Uchiha Tokumitsu's acting a failing grade.

Sure enough, as Black Jue expected——

"Great! It looks like he is really dead!"

"I was so dead and frozen for a second!"

"Good death!"


Uchiha Demitsu's laughter became more and more perverted.

Hei Ze's mood is becoming more and more stable.

It seems……

Plan pass? (End of chapter)

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