"How about this……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu released chakra to take the coffin board back, and covered Uchiha Madara's body lying in the ice. Then he looked at Black Zetsu who was full of hope: "I accept your sincerity... …”

Hei Jue's mud-like face immediately revealed an expression of surprise.


Uchiha Tokko changed the subject, and Black Zetsu's heart immediately trembled!
"You must undergo a period of review. After your origins are clarified, you can live well within the prescribed limits."

"It makes perfect sense!"

Black Zetsu naturally had no objection at all.

As for the interrogation, it didn't take it seriously at all.

Because it has basically never appeared in front of mortals or ordinary ninjas, it would be a ghost if we could find traces of it!

As for the rhetoric to deal with the censorship, Hei Jue has already thought about it - it is just a weak, timid little monster that happens to be somewhat educated. It has no strength at all, so it does not dare to appear in front of humans. It’s also reasonable!

Therefore, it is logical that no trace of its activities can be found!
"By the way, what's your name?"

After Uchiha Tokko put the age spots and the coffin into the defense scroll, he asked Black Zetsu casually.

"Your Majesty, I don't have a name, why don't you give me a name?"

Black Zetsu immediately followed Uchiha Tokumitsu's words and requested.

"...That's it~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said thoughtfully, "You are covered in black, so let's call you Kuroko!"

"Are you satisfied?"

"Very satisfied!"

Hei Jue nodded like a pound of garlic.

"Not reluctantly?"

"Don't dare to force it!"

"That's fine..."

Uchiha Tokko didn't care about Hei Zetsu's speech impediment and nodded with satisfaction.

He was still in a hurry to have someone analyze the origin of the black ice in Madara Uchiha's coffin, so he didn't have much time to argue with this little black guy.

Therefore, Uchiha Tokumitsu casually recruited an attendant ninja and ordered him to find Namikaze Minato.

After a while, Minato Namikaze appeared in a straight police uniform and knelt down on one knee in front of Uchiha Tokko.

"Your Majesty! Salute to you!"

"You don't have to be polite, Minato-san~"

Uchiha Tokko nodded and asked Minato Namikaze to stand up, then pointed at Black Zetsu and said: "This is a monster..."

Namikaze Minato followed Uchiha Tokumitsu's direction and looked at Black Zetsu.

He noticed the 'mud' when he arrived in a flash, but at first he thought it was some kind of chakra creation, but he didn't expect it to be a legendary monster!
It seems to have little power...

Namikaze Minato looked at Black Zetsu and secretly evaluated it in his mind.

"Although the monster is an alien creature, this little black guy is considered to be well-educated and admires Wang Hua, so he took advantage of the situation to cast his vote..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu opened his eyes and told lies: "But rules are rules after all, and review is still needed."

"So, I leave this matter to you."

"I sincerely obey the emperor's wishes! I will definitely fulfill my mission!"

Namikaze Minato immediately bowed and responded.

"Little Heizi, please cooperate with Minato-kun in the investigation..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "In terms of time... within seven days, you will be free by then!"

With the power of the ninja world government, it can take at most three days to identify the origin of Xuanbing, and then spend two days to confirm the target location. One day is enough to eradicate those uncooperative bastards. On the last day, Uchiha Tokumitsu still has time to deal with it. Black Zekai taunted.

seven days...

Black Zetsu thought for a moment and felt that it was okay. After all, he could use his weapon to escape at any time, so he obediently climbed into the small cage brought by Minato Namikaze and was taken back to the New District Police Station of the Police Department for examination.


"Director Watergate!"

After entering the small cage, even though Minato Namikaze thoughtfully covered the cage with a layer of black cloth, Black Zetsu could still clearly hear the names that others called him as Minato Namikaze walked around.

Due to the establishment of the Ninja World Government, the originally relatively sufficient number of Uchiha ninjas was immediately insufficient. Even Namikaze Minato's former boss, the new district police chief Uchiha Yashiro, was transferred to another appointment, and Namikaze Minato was transferred to another appointment. Then naturally and as expected, he became the new director, and even the police rank was promoted two levels in a row. He was promoted to the rank of chief superintendent in one fell swoop, becoming the No. 1 outside the Uchiha clan in the police department!
And the ambitious Minato Namikaze will never stop here. All the ninjas in the police department believe that if he is not sent out to serve, he is very likely to go one step further and become a high-level figure at the level of assistant chief!
And Namikaze Minato thought so too.

Therefore, it is very important to handle every task assigned by Uchiha Tokko!
Especially this time, although Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't say much, Namikaze Minato still smelled something unusual.

This time it won't be as simple as just a routine interrogation...

After returning to the new district police station, Minato Namikaze first placed the small cage containing Black Zetsu into the interrogation room, then tore off the black cloth, briefly explained a few words, and left on the pretext of handling official business, and then returned to the monitoring room to stare at Watching Hei Jue's every move in the cage.

And Hei Jue also very patiently lay motionless in the cage.

In this way, the night passed.


"This kind of ice will only appear in the high mountain caves of the Kingdom of Thunder or the Kingdom of Snow."

After Uchiha Tokumitsu found Orochimaru and Uzumaki Ashina, he gave them the black ice used to 'ice' Uchiha Madara in the coffin for inspection, and Uzumaki Ashina, who was considered well-informed, immediately marked out the production of ice cubes. area.

"Senior Ashina is right. Such extremely cold ice cannot form in ordinary snowfield areas, at least not in the Iron Country."

Orochimaru also gave his opinion.

"So, if we need to find similar ice cubes, how long will it take?"

Uchiha Tokko picked up Xuanbing and weighed it.

Although it has been some time since it was taken out of the coffin, this piece of black ice still shows no sign of melting, which shows how long the cold power contained in it is.

This is no less than the chakra ice cubes created by the Minazuki clan using the ice escape secret technique. In nature, such black ice will only appear in certain areas that have been extremely cold since ancient times.

Therefore, the judgments of Orochimaru and Uzumaki Ashina are also somewhat related to Uchiha Tokumitsu's conjecture.

"An area can be inspected within two days."

After the two looked at each other, Uzumaki Ashina came forward to answer.

"Then add more people and try to search the Snow Mountains of the Land of Thunder and the entire Land of Snow within two days!"

Uchiha Tokko made a decision immediately.

"Your Majesty!" Uzumaki Ashina and Orochimaru immediately saluted.

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu's psychological expectation was to complete the inspection of areas that may produce black ice within three days, according to the usual practice, he only gave two days. Anyway, when they arrived at Orochimaru and Uzumaki Ashina's place, their request must be within one day. Searching mountains and seas to complete the task.

This way, you have plenty of time!

And according to Namikaze Minato's progress report, he has indeed understood what he meant and has a good grasp of the progress of the interrogation...


"Sorry, little Heizi..."

After Black Zetsu was left in the interrogation room for a whole night and a morning, Minato Namikaze opened the door and returned with an apologetic expression: "It's mainly because I was too busy with official duties, so I kept you waiting for a long time."

"It's alright~"

Hei Jue immediately said very politely: "This is the most secure and comfortable night I have ever had since I awakened my self-awareness!"

"You don't have to worry about being attacked by wild beasts, and you don't have to worry about being captured and sealed by ninja wizards and priests to use as tools. Instead, you can sleep peacefully and rest. This feeling is really great!"

"Living under His Majesty's rule, even as a monster, I feel extremely at ease!"

Black Zetsu sighed repeatedly while Namikaze Minato nodded.

——This kind of ability to flatter anyone anytime and anywhere is definitely not something that a wild monster can master without a teacher!

Namikaze Minato first made a mental note to Black Zetsu, and then said with a smile on his face: "That's for sure, the place where His Majesty is stationed must be the safest place in the entire ninja world."

Although there was an interrogation transcript and a pen in front of him, he did not start recording immediately. Instead, he started talking with Hei Jue.

One person and one monster were chatting about the scenery of the ninja world in such a lively manner.

"Where is your birthplace?"

After waffling for a long time, Namikaze Minato had a rough idea of ​​the interrogation, so he opened the notebook and signaled the start of a formal examination and interrogation.

"It was in a swamp, but I probably wasn't smart enough at the time, so I can't remember exactly where in the ninja world it was..."

Hei Jue said with a melancholy face: "My initial memory, apart from the swamps, is endless wandering, hiding, and avoiding all kinds of natural enemies..."

"Then when did you start to gain wisdom?"

After Minato Namikaze listened for a while, he wrote and drew in his notebook for a while before asking again.

"In my impression, it should be during the period when the war between the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan was the most intense..."

Hei Jue said a little uncertainly: "As for the specific year, I don't know, because I didn't fully wake up until I saw His Majesty's quotations a year ago. Before that, although I had self-awareness, I could only remember things and distinguish things. They are just human words, generally speaking, they are still ignorant and do not understand the ways of the world..."

Namikaze Minato was speechless.

Can this kind of horse skills really be understood by reading Deguang's quotations? !
Regardless of whether others believe it or not, he doesn’t believe it anyway!
So there must be something fishy in this!
"Your talent is really good! You are indeed a spiritual creature raised by nature!"

Namikaze Minato's attitude immediately became more amiable.

But in Hei Jue's eyes, he only felt that it was because of the good impression he mentioned about Deguang's quotations!
As a result, Hei Jue became more confident!

"So, before coming to Konoha, where were your main activities?"

Namikaze Minato continued to ask.

"...It should be the coast of the Kingdom of Thunder, right?"

Black Zetsu seemed a little unsure, but still answered very seriously: "I remember that there were many Kirigage ninjas passing above my habitat, and they scared me at the time!"

"Really... war is indeed a very terrible thing!"

Namikaze Minato also sighed.

The Kingdom of Thunder, Kirigakure Ninja...

When these two pieces of information are connected in series, it was probably during the Kumogakure conquest launched by the Third Mizukage after the Second Ninja War.

And judging from the location, Heizi's habitat is probably the northern coast of the Kingdom of Thunder, because the Kirigakure ninjas at that time mainly attacked the northern part of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Therefore, Xiao Heizi's confession sounds okay.

But even though Namikaze Minato was carefully taking notes, in fact, he didn't believe every word Hei Zetsu said!
"It's really scary! The fight between the Kumogakure ninja and the Kirigakure ninja was so bloody that it scared me..."

Hei Jue still seemed to be a little frightened.

But this still did not prevent Namikaze Minato from becoming more suspicious of him!
"But not long after, it is said that with His Majesty's mediation, Kumogakure and Kirigakure also shook hands and made peace, and I finally dared to come out of the ground and bathe in the baptism of the moonlight..."

Black Zetsu continued to sigh.

Namikaze Minato continued to nod.

And his look of approval also doubled Hei Jue's confidence, and he became more confident in making up random things - anyway, if there is anything unreasonable, you can just blame it as just a monster at the time, and it is reasonable to have unclear memories.

As everyone knows, Namikaze Minato has already preconceivedly labeled it as extremely suspicious in his heart!
"Besides other experiences, do you have any witnesses in your habitat at that time?"

Namikaze Minato asked.

"No...I never dare to appear in front of humans..."

Black Zetsu said cowardly as if he lacked confidence.

"It's okay. Do you still remember the habitat before you came to Konoha?"

Namikaze Minato was not impatient.


Black Jue nodded repeatedly.

As the mastermind behind the ninja world, the number of secret bases it operates is definitely the largest in the ninja world. It can just give out any one.

"So, where is the specific location?"

Namikaze Minato asked kindly.

"At the end of the Thunder Mountains in the Land of Thunder, enter a small cave entrance on the waterfall cliff, and then go through the stalactite tunnel."

Hei Jue felt at ease in his heart and felt that there was basically no problem in the interrogation, so he confessed a place where he had haunted - its strategy was nine lies and one truth, and the most critical part was to give the true information. In this way This will better deceive the ninja responsible for the review.

"...There are no specific coordinates."

Namikaze Minato nodded and continued to write in the notebook, "In this case, your review time may be slightly extended, is that okay?"

"After all, the new government has just been established, and many people in the police department have been transferred away, resulting in a shortage of manpower, so the review task may be a little bit slower..."

After putting down the pen and paper in his hand, Namikaze Minato twisted his wrist as if he was tired of writing, and said with a smile: "No objection?"

"No comment!"

Hei Jue felt extremely excited! (End of chapter)

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