Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 475 What is a TM surprise!

Although the Ninja World Government has only been established for a short period of time, and due to the tight schedule and overloaded tasks, there are still many shortcomings in some aspects of government affairs, but if it operates at full speed, the efficiency is still very high!

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu only gave Orochimaru and Uzumaki Ashina a secret order to thoroughly investigate Xuanbing's origins, they are veterans of the shogunate after all, so they can naturally use the authorization granted by Uchiha Tokumitsu in the name of the great ruler. Personnel from Uttar Pradesh and the Union Administrative Region are searching the snowy mountains in the northern part of the former Land of Thunder and the ice fields of the Land of Snow.

Of course, the two of them are not fools. Although Uchiha Tokumitsu did not clearly explain the purpose of searching for the origin of Xuanbing, after discussing with Orochimaru and Uzumaki Ashina, they decided to start a big fanfare in the name of searching for chakra metal veins. Mobilize personnel from one state and one region to start carpet drilling.

As a ninja, it makes perfect sense to search for veins of chakra metal.

In addition, Orochimaru and Ashina Uzumaki are the deans of the Engineering Academy and the dean of the Research Institute. It is very reasonable to have them preside over such matters as professional counterparts!
Moreover, with the power of the current ninja world government, it is very normal to conduct blanket search and drilling using human sea tactics!
After all, in order to make this drama more real, the political ninjas of Uttar Pradesh and the Union Administrative Region also issued a mine bounty. Anyone who can find the chakra metal mine and report it can get an astronomical sum of money. Bounty, and there is no need to deduct taxes!
Therefore, even though this massive 'mine prospecting campaign' had just begun and disturbed Nagato and others who were deep underground in the Land of Snow, they only moved the base deeper underground and did not take this as a serious matter. What a big deal.

After the Ninja World Government was formally established and the original Snow Country Daimyos and even the Snow Ninja Village were banned, they were also ready to hide in the deeper underground world.


"Teacher A Fei..."

Nagato relied on the power of his Samsara Eye perception to find Fei, who was still sitting quietly at the place where Uchiha Madara's coffin disappeared.

"...Ah, it's Nagato!"

Although A Fei's tone was still off-kilter, Nagato could sense an extremely subtle hint of disappointment.

This is not like A Fei’s character!

Besides, for a White Zetsu, even if they are as advanced and powerful as A Fei, do they have such a thing as emotions?

They don't even have a brain!

However, Nagato put the disrespectful thoughts in his mind to the back of his mind without thinking too much, and asked respectfully: "We are going to move the base deeper underground. If it is convenient for you..."

"I want to wait for Black Zetsu!"

A Fei's attitude was very determined.

"Teacher Hei Jue said that he would leave for a while, and you are staying in this ice cave..."

Nagato said hesitantly.

He only thought that Black Zetsu left the base to find rebellious ninjas like Mr. Scorpion and bring them back to the organization. He did not know the true purpose of Black Zetsu's trip, nor did he know that this was where Uchiha Madara's body was stored.

"You are a good boy..."

Although A Fei was very angry at this time, he still very patiently said to the host of the reincarnation eye in his eyes: "However, there must be something to do and something not to do. I must wait until Heizi comes back! By then, if it doesn't come Here, you must also tell me as soon as possible!"


Nagato has long been accustomed to the love-hate relationship between Mr. Black Zetsu and Mr. A Fei.

The worst thing is that both sides can talk about it, so it won’t be considered a secret~
Perhaps it is because he has never suffered setbacks and severe beatings from reality since he was living under the ice field and snow cave since he was a child. In addition, in order to better control Nagato, Hei Zetsu has always intended to prevent the influence of Machiavellian tactics on Nagato. Although Men had some experience in governing the Kingdom of Snow, overall, his ability to understand people's hearts was still insufficient - even at this time, he felt that A Fei and Hei Jue just had conflicts and did not want to meet each other.

"They are really a couple who love and kill each other..."

Nagato, who still had a slightly silly tendency, couldn't help but secretly sigh.

"By the way, why do you want to move the base?"

Ah Fei suddenly patted his head and discovered his blind spot.

"Recently, the Ninja World Government has begun to search for minerals on a large scale. Due to exploration reasons, it may have a certain impact on the existing base, so Mr. Xie also suggested that we move the base to a deeper underground cave to avoid any accidents... "

Nagato replied immediately.

"Looking for minerals..."

Ah Fei looked thoughtful, as if he was thinking deeply about something.

But in fact, its head is empty at this time. Apart from the feeling that it is about to grow a brain, it has no other thoughts at all!

"If there were minerals, we could just dig them underground!"

Ah Fei suddenly said something: "In this case, those Uchiha scoundrels will have no choice but to return without success and will never bother us again~"

"...In that case, the remaining excavation traces in the mining area will expose our presence more clearly."

Nagato said very tactfully.

"Not bad! Actually, I'm just testing you!"

Ah Fei nodded repeatedly as if he was a teachable child.

Nagato nodded indifferently, and then returned to the base to continue working. Anyway, Fei had done a lot of nonsensical things, and this time's problem was already within the very normal category.


The search area Orochimaru was responsible for was the former Snow Country area, which is now the westernmost part of the United Administrative Region.

The Chief Administrative Officer of the United Administrative Region is Uchiha Shifang, the Senate President of the United Ninja Council and the Imperial Family, so the support he can mobilize is extremely large. In half a day, he gathered three thousand ninjas, plus the United The hired ninjas brought in by the company almost turned the Snow Country upside down!

However, they unexpectedly found three or four small chakra metal deposits within the boundaries of the Land of Snow, which can be regarded as worthy of this time's labor and effort.

But the extremely frozen black ice that Orochimaru is really looking for has never been found.

"None of this is right! The power of ice is still not enough!"

Although the ninja soldiers also found quite a lot of deep ice cubes in the name of sampling, after submitting them to Orochimaru, he could tell at a glance that the goods were not right.

The black ice that Uchiha Tokumitsu showed to him left a deep impression on him, and he also got a small piece of 'sample' before this trip, but even though the sample in his hand was only a small piece the size of a fist, the ice coldness contained in it was The force is much greater than that of these old ice cubes that are as big as millstones!

"Basically...we have sampled all the ice within the boundaries of the Land of Snow."

The ninja in charge of the exploration was also embarrassed, but he did not dare to refute directly, so he could only defend himself: "Perhaps, the special ice you mentioned is not produced in the Land of Snow..."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Orochimaru flatly denied it.

The reason why he chose to be responsible for the inspection of the Snow Country was because he subconsciously felt that the black ice displayed by Uchiha Tokumitsu was produced in the Snow Country!
If he were denied now, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?
You know, although the two academies in the field of scientific research of the Ninja World Government are fraternal units that work together on the surface, in fact, in private, various competitions have always existed in order to grab projects, funds, etc. Orochimaru, as a research institute Naturally, the dean was unwilling to lose to Uzumaki Ashina, who was in charge of the engineering academy!
Although Orochimaru also knew that Uzumaki Ashina and even the entire Uzumaki clan were trying their best to turn his family into a 'descendant clan' that shared weal and woe with the Uchiha dynasty, in fact, his thoughts were not very focused on research and projects, but On the contrary, it is even more impossible to lose!


The Jonin in charge of leading the exploration team had a grimace on his face.

"Use the method of well exploration to dig a deep well under the snowfield!"

Orochimaru said decisively: "When encountering resistance, the drill bit goes straight; when the resistance increases, the drill bit becomes thicker!"

"Ah this..."

When the jounin heard this, his whole body went numb!
Although it is true that drills and other equipment were prepared before departure, this was a world of ice and snow after all!In a place where an avalanche could occur if you are not careful, you just set up equipment to dig a deep well!

"We are already halfway through today, and our mission is to find ice that meets the specifications within one day!"

But Orochimaru snorted coldly and said sadly: "If you continue to waste time, you know the consequences of failing to complete the task!"

The jounin didn't dare to say any more.

He was just a grass ninja who was lucky enough to be included in the ninja army. His status was very different from that of Orochimaru, a shogunate and high-ranking official of the dynasty, so he naturally didn't have the courage to say anything more.

But the task is indeed a bit more difficult...

"Also, there are places marked by me on this map. Just follow them and dig a deep well!" Orochimaru handed over a map.

The jounin immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Also, I know that digging deep wells in the snow is dangerous, but this time I don't want to know the number of casualties. I just want to find Xuan Bing!"

Orochimaru turned his back, and his already gloomy tone was full of chill: "If someone dies, you report it and I will pay you a pension!"

"As ordered..."

Having said this, the jounin who felt unlucky could only bow down and accept the order and leave.


Ah Fei, who was still sitting in the ice cave, felt more and more uncomfortable!

As the ant-like dynasty ninja army tossed about on the snowy field, they returned after less than two hours.

Moreover, he didn’t know what he was doing this time. A Fei, who was nestled in the underground ice cave, felt that the noise coming along the ice was like countless drill bits trying to drill into his head, which made him extremely irritated. Endless!

"What the hell are these reptiles doing!"

Ah Fei was so angry that he was jumping up and down, scratching his head and forehead, almost unable to bear it anymore!

If it didn't still have some sense, it would have rushed out of the ground and used wood escape to teach these 'reptiles' a lesson!


Just when A Fei was getting irritated, an extremely thick drill bit shattered the ice above its head, and then four hooks popped out from around the drill bit, nailing part of the ice, and then pulled it up~

Ah Fei was almost stunned!

This is a distance of nearly 200 meters underground!

When did the Ninja World Government's mineral exploration methods become so powerful?

Suddenly, A Fei slapped his head.

"Xiao Heizi probably knew that someone might disturb Madara-sama's rest, so he mentioned moving the coffin!"

In this case, it makes sense!
A Fei, who consciously realized the beauty of what Black Zetsu had done, immediately felt very good, so he swung his head and ducked deeper underground. After having a casual chat with Nagato, he announced that he was going to return to the secret base of the Bird Country. Yes, there is no need to notify Black Zetsu when he comes back.

Although Nagato didn't know why Teacher A Fei had undergone a big change in just half a day, but based on his understanding of Bai Zetsu's out-of-touch character, he didn't ask any more questions.

Therefore, among the troops left behind by Uchiha Madara, the most powerful Mudun A Fei quickly fled back to his secret base with guilt and shame towards Black Zetsu.

"It seems that I wrongly blamed Xiao Heizi before!"

Along the way, Ah Fei also began to 'deeply' reflect on his past actions, and increasingly felt that there were many things he had done wrong.

So Ah Fei found a cave underground and stopped, took out "Tokumitsu's Quotations (Top Secret Edition from the Shogunate)" from his body and read it again.

Its memory is not very good, so it needs to be read frequently in order to 'review the past and learn the new'.

"Self-reflection is the secret to success! Self-criticism is the beginning of success!"

After Ah Fei read one of the sentences aloud, the guilt in his heart disappeared, and he continued to hide and escape, shaking his head.

Now that he has self-reflected and criticized, all the unpleasantness in the past has naturally disappeared without a trace - as for whether Hei Jue accepts it or not, it has nothing to do with Ah Fei!


"Master Orochimaru!"

The Jonin who had just been away for about two hours rushed back to Orochimaru's headquarters with excitement on his face.

"found it?"

Orochimaru immediately stood up and asked with a hint of urgency.


The jounin immediately unsealed a piece of black ice as big as a head from the sealing scroll as if offering a treasure.

"That's right, that's it!"

Orochimaru immediately confirmed that it was the type of black ice that this exploration was looking for!

In order to ensure that everything was foolproof, Orochimaru also took out a sample of Xuanbing and compared it for a long time.

Not only did the characteristics match, but judging from the impurities in the black ice, the sample in his hand was most likely produced from the deep cave discovered this time!
"But you still took the trouble to polish it~"

After confirming that it was correct, Orochimaru also said a rare casual word.

The cross-section of Xuan Bing is as smooth as a mirror, and it also has very fine wheel patterns. It can be seen that it has been carefully polished.

Moreover, the polishing effect is also very good, which makes it convenient for Orochimaru to observe the impurities inside the black ice.

"No, it's just like this when we fish it out of a deep well. Maybe this is the miraculous work of nature!"

The jounin didn't think there was anything unusual about this, so he answered cheerfully.

Orochimaru was stunned for a moment.

First, this rather inexplicable mission, then the sample of unknown origin in his hand, and then he unearthed mysterious ice under the snowfield that seemed to have traces of artificial processing...

Orochimaru couldn't help but start thinking.

But now is not the time to find out.

"Record the location of the wellhead and continue digging elsewhere!"

Orochimaru's face was solemn, and after a few casual instructions, he immediately walked away in the direction of Konoha.


Uchiha Tokumitsu also immediately obtained the Xuanbing mineral sample sent back by Orochimaru.

"Complete the task within one day..."

Looking at the Xuanbing ice cubes that were exactly the same as those in Uchiha Madara's coffin, Uchiha Tokumitsu was very satisfied with Orochimaru's performance!
"This all depends on the strong support of Army Ninja..."

Orochimaru said humbly.

It was enough for him to successfully complete the mission, and naturally he didn't mind showing off to the Army ninjas who were willing to take risks.

"very good……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded with satisfaction, then summoned the attendant ninja and said, "Notify Lord Shiina and let him lead the strategic support force to lurk into the Snow Country area!"

"Also, let Lord Ashina lead his troops back to the Iron Kingdom area and wait to assemble with the headquarters!"

After making arrangements, Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Orochimaru: "Get ready and come with me tomorrow!"

"When the time comes, there will be a big surprise!" (End of this chapter)

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