Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 476 Cup Bow Snake Shadow

The strategic support force garrisoned in the former Takino Country area is the only integrated ninja force of the Uchiha Dynasty that can be mobilized at any time.

The other army defense forces have their own defense zones, and are also responsible for guarding newly conquered areas such as the original Cloud Kingdom and Earth Kingdom. Random transfer will not only affect local stability, but also lead to the leakage of intelligence due to excessive movement.

Although the order issued by Uchiha Tokumitsu was very sudden and did not clearly state the combat objectives, Uchiha Shiina, as the general, still did not dare to neglect. Not only did the first batch of ninja troops dispatched reach as many as four thousand, but There were also more than [-] people in the second batch carrying heavy combat ninja equipment to accompany the army.

This is equivalent to the dispatch of all strategic support troops.

Of course, in order to prevent the gathering of ninja troops from disturbing the treasures underground, Uchiha Tokumitsu's second order came just as the strategic support force had just arrived at the outskirts of the Snow Country.

As a result, the first batch of ninja troops led by Uchiha Shiina changed their uniforms on the spot and falsely called them ninjas hired by the United Company. They were mobilized because of the discovery of super-large chakra metal veins in the Land of Snow.

After Ashina Uzumaki led his troops to the Kingdom of Iron to join Uchiha Tokimitsu, he was also assigned a secret mission - to confirm the location of Black Zetsu's lair!

"Dean Ashina, this mission is very important!"

Before leaving, Uchiha Tokumitsu solemnly pointed out: "You must be cautious and pay attention to safety!"

"At the same time, we must not cause any disturbance to those targets."

"I understand……"

Uzumaki Ashina also immediately said solemnly.

"Also, the host of the Samsara Eye may be a Uzumaki tribesman..."

Uchiha Tokko hesitated for a while, and then said quietly: "Now his name may be Nagato, but..."

"No matter in the past, present or future, there is no one named Nagato in the Uzumaki clan. No matter in the Uzushio or Konoha period, no such person has been found..."

Uzumaki Ashina lowered his head and said: "So, it is very likely that he just has red hair by chance."


Uchiha Tokumitsu patted Uzumaki Ashina's shoulder and said nothing more.

Now that Uzumaki Ashina, the clan leader, has made a decision, he will naturally not say anything more.

Moreover, this battle is particularly special. The opponent is most likely to be a large number of White Zetsu. Although the White Zetsu's combat effectiveness is not strong, their camouflage and lurking abilities are almost unparalleled in the ninja world, so the power of the Uzumaki clan is also indispensable. of.

"Your Majesty, then I will lead the tribe and set off!"

Uzumaki Ashina said seriously.

"it is good……"

Uchiha Tokko nodded, and then asked with some hesitation: "By the way, if Kushina is willing..."


Ashina Uzumaki answered without thinking.

"The West Palace will belong to her..."

Uchiha Tokko didn't say anything else.
After all, doing the ideological work of Makoto Uchiha is troublesome enough.


"Hello, little Heizi!"

Namikaze Minato came into the interrogation room again, with a bright smile on his face, and greeted Black Zetsu in the cage full of energy.

"Hello, Director Watergate."

Black Zetsu also responded very politely.

It has been locked in the interrogation room for three days, and during this period it was particularly honest and never left the door. Even though the police station monitors were watching 24 hours a day, they did not find anything abnormal. .

Moreover, even the police station's reconnaissance barrier showed no signs of being triggered or alerted, and the chakra fluctuation monitor did not capture any abnormal chakra characteristics.

In other words, Hei Zetsu was isolated from the world for three whole days!

However, in the past three days, Minato Namikaze has come for interrogation three times, and Hei Zetsu has gained some basic understanding of the character of the young man Minato Namikaze - an official fan!
Moreover, based on the information obtained previously, Namikaze Minato, who is regarded as a 'lucky person', attaches great importance to his current position, so it is correct to include his position in the title!
The result was no surprise, and the smile on Namikaze Minato's face became even brighter.

"...It's like this, your situation is a bit troublesome."

After Minato Namikaze and Black Zetsu exchanged pleasantries, they began to get to the point: "Since there has been no way to obtain evidence and witnesses that can prove that you are an original spiritual creature in the ninja world, you may not be able to leave the control in the near future. I hope you can Understand and forgive.”

"Didn't I mention my usual place of residence?"

Black Zetsu muttered, seemingly dissatisfied.

"...According to the feedback from the front, it is probably because the Thunder Mountain Range is too vast, or the continuous war has destroyed the landscape, so the permanent location you described has not been found, so it is impossible to confirm your aboriginal identity... "

Namikaze Minato spread his hands and said rather helplessly.

"...Then how long do I have to continue living here?"

Now Hei Jue was really dissatisfied.

It described its disguised secret base clearly enough, but the idiots of the Ninja World Government couldn't even find it!

I don’t know how they wiped out several other great ninja villages!

Hei Jue secretly cursed in his heart.

Moreover, it has been away from the secret base of the Kingdom of Snow for some time, so I have to go back and take a look before I feel relieved.

"I also have a base, which is about 50 meters deep at the bottom of the main river [-] kilometers north of Zhongbei County in the Kingdom of Thunder. There are [-] gold coins in it."

Reluctant to let the child ensnare the wolf, Hei Jue once again revealed a piece of bombshell news.

"How much gold judgment?!"

Namikaze Minato was suddenly shocked

"Fifty thousand."

Black Zetsu answered honestly.

"...How many?"

Namikaze Minato immediately frowned.

"Thirty thousand pieces..."

Black Zetsu immediately changed his words.

But a closer look seemed that Namikaze Minato's expression was still serious, so he continued to change his words and said: "No, I can't remember the exact number of gold medals. You will need to send someone to search to find out."

"Then it looks like I have to trouble my colleagues!"

The bright smile on Namikaze Minato's face became bright again.

"I'm very sorry, it's me who has caused trouble to my colleagues in the Ninja World Government..."

Black Zetsu's attitude was very respectful, but in his heart he was very disdainful of Namikaze Minato!
It seems that the so-called police chief is just a money-grubbing person!

No wonder he became the Commissioner of Police at such a young age!
"It's okay. Even if no supporting evidence is found within seven days, I can still make the decision to grant you official status." Namikaze Minato said cheerfully: "And the process is just a process after all. You have already received His Majesty's approval, so as long as you meet the prescribed requirements Time, even if no trace of activity is found, it’s no problem.”

"That's good……"

Hei Jue then thought about it and it was right. He would be free after seven days anyway, so it didn't matter if he stayed for a few more days!

"How about this……"

Namikaze Minato said apologetically: "I will get you an identity certificate first, which will be officially effective in four days..."

"...that's fine too."

Hei Jue nodded happily.

"Please inject chakra or other energy into the machine port."

Namikaze Minato immediately unsealed a small instrument from the seal scroll, allowing Black Zetsu to inject chakra for identification.

Just a little chakra...

Black Zetsu hesitated for a moment, then formed a hand out of his mud body and input a little chakra into the port designated by Namikaze Minato.

"Hmm... It looks like it should be earth-type heterogeneous chakra. No wonder you are so confident in your earth escape ability."

Namikaze Minato also pretended to analyze a few sentences.

Hei Jue only felt calmer inside.

Sure enough, I saw the right person!
This so-called 'Director of Watergate' is an idiot!
'Crack! '

After Minato Namikaze tinkered for a while, a small card popped up above the instrument.

"This is your identification, please keep it with you."

Hei Jue took a look at the small identification card handed over and saw a line of numbers on it, as well as his own headshot and chakra attribute level. It seemed to be decent.

"Let's do this. I'll take you to the immigration prison later, and when you arrive, I'll let you out to move around on your own in the prison, so you don't have to stay in this small cage all day."

Namikaze Minato said kindly: "If you want to eat anything, just tell the supervisor then. As long as it's not too rare, I can get it for you."

"Thank you Director Watergate for your kindness..."

Black Zetsu complimented honestly.

"you are welcome……"

Namikaze Minato seemed to be particularly polite because he was about to receive the fifty thousand gold sentence. He picked up the small cage containing Black Zetsu and walked out of the interrogation room.

"... Phew, finally we don't have to keep staring."

The police ninjas in the surveillance room also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's so tiring to stare at a slime monster for days!"

Another police ninja complained as well.

"But in my opinion, Director Watergate's greedy expression just now does not seem to be an act. I suggest you ask the Independent Commission Against Corruption to investigate him..."

One of the police ninjas joked.

"It's true~"

The monitoring room suddenly burst into laughter.


On the fourth day of Black Zetsu's detention, an entire identification instrument with its chakra characteristics was delivered to the front station of Snow Country, and became a weapon for Uzumaki Ashina to lead his tribe to find an underground base.

After a day and night of exploration, the Uzumaki ninjas in the name of prospecting finally found a super large underground cave that seemed to have traces of humanoid activity based on the residual chakra fluctuations in the ground!
And this exciting result also made Orochimaru, who was also sitting in the Land of Snow, unable to sit still.

At this time, he was eager to know what the goal of this mission was!
However, the secretive Uzumaki Ashina was very tight-lipped and unwilling to leak any information. He just asked Orochimaru to arrange for the exploration team to continue to frantically dig various deep wells under the snowfields, and put all kinds of strange detections into the wellheads. instrument.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and had no intention of urging.

Anyway, Black Zetsu is currently nesting in the Konoha Immigration Prison, eating, drinking, and having a great time, so there is no need to be too anxious at this time.

And Nagato and the others below the ground were a little unbearable at this time.

Especially Scorpion, who likes to be quiet by nature, can't stand the life of living together with the Bai Jue after moving to a deeper underground base!

Therefore, he came to Nagato more than once and strongly requested a complete relocation, and he must move to an area where there were no ninja government activities.

However, Nagato considered that the teacher Black Zetsu had not returned yet, so although he was equally troubled, he did not dare to make a decision on his own, so he had no choice but to comfort the angry Scorpion, and then faced the unformed White Zetsu in front of Scorpion. They give lectures.

But even Scorpio knows that these shameless white monsters will always go their own way no matter how they scold them.

"How about this? I'll go to the surface and do some reconnaissance to see what conspiracy those Uchiha thugs are working on..."

Scorpion had no choice but to say to Nagato with the mentality of 'if you can't fight, you can always hide': "Otherwise, they might pose a threat to us..."


Nagato hesitated.

There have been too many "mining ninjas" gathered by the hesitant ninja world government in the past few days. In order to prevent their existence from being revealed, Nagato has taken the initiative to withdraw some of the white Zetsu who were monitoring the ground. So what are the ninjas on the surface these days? Not enough understanding of what is being tinkered with.

"Anyway, this base is still under expansion. We won't be able to create puppets for a while. Why don't you let me go out for some air!"

Scorpion continued.

But he didn't say it was okay. As soon as he mentioned Nagato, he became vigilant - could this guy escape in the name of special investigation?
That's not possible!The war puppets in the base also need scorpions to build!

"Not allowed!"

Therefore, Nagato decisively rejected Scorpion's request, "If you have nothing to do, just control the puppet to help dig the rock formations..."

"You damn red..."

Scorpion suddenly felt angry in his heart.

"What did you say?"

Nagato moved his long red hair away from his eyes very calmly, revealing his samsara eyes like mosquito coils.

"No, it's fine..."

Scorpion's anger disappeared immediately.

Originally, after Black Zetsu went out, he had bad intentions and planned to attack Nagato's reincarnation eyes, but he didn't expect that neither puppets nor poison techniques or even various escape techniques would have any effect on the red-haired brat. The puppet he controlled was blown away by an inexplicable force, and he himself was beaten to pieces!
Although after joining this inexplicable but real underground organization, Scorpion used various strange substances to transform his body twice, basically replacing his body organs, but in In front of Nagato's Rinnegan, he was still as powerless as a doll!
Therefore, after Nagato gave him a little scare, Xia calmed down and went to be a country boy with the White Zetsus.

But because of this, Nagato, who did not conduct timely reconnaissance and judgment on the ninja actions on the ground, also lost the opportunity to discover the clues of the ninja gathering!

"One day, I must get the Eye of Reincarnation!"

The scorpion controlled the puppet to excavate the rock formations, and said with hatred: "When the time comes, whether it is a red-haired kid, a muddy kid, or even a guy with such a wooden escape, I will make them all into puppet collections!" ( End of this chapter)

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