Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 477: The Founding Emperor Sweeps the House

Chapter 477: The Founding Emperor Sweeps the House

"Under the super large cave with traces of biological activity, there is also a small underground base..."

Uchiha Tokko looked at the last reconnaissance report sent by Uzumaki Ashina and felt a little headache.

"Yes, the depth of the small underground base that responds to the characteristics of swarming life is about 500 meters..."

Uzumaki Ashina replied respectfully.

"But, can our steel barrier block such a deep underground space?"

Uchiha Tokko asked with a frown.

"Theoretically, about 3000 of the [-] ninja troops brought by Shiina-kun can be used to set up a super-large barrier that can cover the entire Snow Country..."

After having the experience of ambushing Asura with a super large barrier during the Battle of Toba Fushimi, Uzumaki Ashina has accumulated a lot of experience in how to lay out such giant barriers: "Moreover, as long as the amount of chakra is enough, It is completely possible to use a barrier to turn the entire underground soil of the Land of Snow into a hardness comparable to steel!"

"So...Tokumitsu-sama, let Kushina come over!"

Ashina Uzumaki suggested: "Just let her maintain the barrier with the ninja army on the periphery. In this way, even if the underground mysterious organization really has a secret weapon to restrain the tailed beasts, it will not cause additional damage."


Uchiha Tokumitsu hesitated for a moment and finally nodded: "Then the battle will officially begin at noon tomorrow!"

"In addition, it is up to you to dispatch the manpower on Zhu Mingjun's side. Make sure the barrier is foolproof!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu still wants to catch all the White Zetsus so that they can be sent to centrifuges to extract the 'sacred particles' on a large scale!

Moreover, if he could get a special version of the White Zetsu living body, he believed that using the White Zetsu Wood Release or Immortality as a temptation would make Orochimaru completely dedicated to serving the Uchiha clan for the rest of his life!

"I respectfully submit to your Majesty's will!"

Ashina Uzumaki responded immediately.

"Operation code——"

"Sweep the Lu!"


"His Majesty!"

The next day, as noon was approaching, a Uzumaki ninja came to Uchiha Tokimitsu and reported: "Everything in the ninja army is ready!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at his feet, and then looked up at the sky where the sun was shining brightly.

500 meters below his feet was the secret base of the mysterious organization that the Uzumaki ninjas had located.

"let's start."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said lightly, and then began to form seals and prepare to use the light and heavy rock technique to temporarily evade with the Imperial Forest Army who went out with him.

This is also the ninja army that Uchiha Tokko trusts the most and is the most powerful!

Although more than 6000 ninjas from the strategic support force were dispatched in this battle, more than 3000 of them were maintaining the sealing fulcrums of the Steel Land Barrier throughout the Snow Country, and about [-] were on guard outside the explosion zone. And will attack any creature in front of him without reservation until Uchiha Tokumitsu personally orders it to stop.

"As ordered!"

The Uzumaki Ninja immediately returned to the communication station and sent a telegram to the Uzumaki Seal Ninja and the Strategic Support Force Ninja Army posted throughout the Land of Snow——

"start to act!"

After receiving the telegram, Uzumaki Ashina immediately ordered: "Start blasting!"

"The blasting begins!"

As the order was issued, the sealing technique node methods published in various places began to execute the order.

The massive detonating symbols that had been put into the underground space along with the deep well were all detonated!
The blasting conducted by the Uzumaki Ninjas is to put cluster detonating symbols into deep wells dug in advance to achieve deep-hole roof-top directional blasting. The advantage of this method is that the use of detonating symbols is relatively economical and will not cause any damage to the underground. Cause too much damage - if White Zetsu is accidentally wiped out, Uchiha Tokko will suffer a big loss!

As for the environmental damage and pollution caused by this method of blasting... To be honest, who in the ninja world cares about this?


Everyone in Snow Country felt a muffled sound under their feet, and then the ground began to shake!

"Something bad happened, there was an earthquake!"

Mortals were instantly panicked!
But for Nagato, Scorpion and White Zetsu underground, it is not as simple as a moment of panic!

"Is there an earthquake?"

As the soil above his head was lifted layer by layer, Nagato immediately reacted - "It's not an earthquake!"

"It's a massive detonating talisman explosion!"

Faced with the muffled thunder-like explosion that came through the soil, even Scorpion, who had transformed himself into an inhuman existence, turned pale with fear!
Once the soil above your head is exploded and collapses, it's no joke!

This is a depth of 500 meters underground!For ordinary ninjas, let alone using Earth Release at this depth, the weight of the soil itself is enough to crush them into minced meat!
"It is indeed the smell of gunpowder smoke from the detonating talisman!"

As the explosion got closer and closer, an extremely strong Chakra fluctuation with the smell of gunpowder seeped into the ground. After the experienced Scorpion sensed this special smelly Chakra fluctuation, his expression immediately changed - —He even recognized that this was the special smell of the Uchiha clan’s secret detonating talisman!
"Enemy attack!"

The scorpion screams like an old hen with its neck cut off!
The Bai Jue who were originally stunned suddenly panicked like frightened quails!
But then, some of the most brainless low-level White Zetsus immediately jumped onto the soil above their heads with strange screams, intending to fight out and teach those guys who dared to offend their side a lesson!

At this time, the only thought in Scorpio's mind is this!
But then, when he was about to put on the new version of Fei Liuhu and use the technique of reflecting fish in the soil to escape under the heavy pressure of the soil, he discovered that the frozen soil under his feet had become as solid as fine steel. Generally hard!
"This is……"

Scorpion was surprised again!
"Sealing Technique Steel Earth Barrier!"

Now it is absolutely certain that it was a large-scale attack planned by the Uchiha Dynasty!
Scorpio is no stranger to this technique!
The time when he was seriously injured by a bomb and was picked up by Black Zetsu, it was because the shogunate's counter-terrorism force used this sealing technique to block the possibility of escaping!
But how was the secret base hidden so deep underground discovered?
Scorpio has no clue at all!
Moreover, after Xie pressed his palms on the ground to feel it, he shivered again.

"There is actually still the aura of tailed beast chakra..."

In other words, the Steel Earth Barrier is maintained by tailed beasts or jinchūriki who have theoretically infinite chakra, and this is destined to make breaking the barrier impossible!
While Xie was still thinking wildly, there was another muffled sound above his head, and then, the stalagmites, frozen soil, and ice cubes on the top began to fall crazily!

"The sky is about to fall..."

There is really no way to go from heaven to earth. At this time, Scorpio, who has no way to go, only feels deep despair!

"By the way, where is Nagato?"

Suddenly, Scorpion thought of a key figure!

Nagato, who possesses the Samsara Eye, is a bug-like existence. If he can fully activate the power of the Samsara Eye, he might have a chance to escape.

Even if there is a chance, I might be able to seize the opportunity to seize Nagato's eyes after he fully activates the Rinnegan and fight to the death with the Uchiha dynasty ninja army, and then either keep it privately or use it as money to buy his life. is a good choice.

But after scanning around, Xia found no trace of Nagato!
"Did he run away!"

Scorpion was so angry that he almost exploded!
"Your Majesty, the permafrost will be completely lifted in about ten seconds!"

Uzumaki Ashina's voice also came from Uchiha Tokko's earphones at the right time.

"very good……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was floating in the air through the light and heavy rock technique, was holding the sacred flame ball fan in his hand, and behind him were all the Uchiha ninja guards.

The reason why he personally led the Uchiha Imperial Army and took risks was mainly because the target this time was too special!Those are the White Zetsu, the Samsara Eye and even the heretic demons that Uchiha Tokko is most concerned about!


With the final muffled sound of the explosion, the permafrost layer below was completely lifted away, accompanied by countless pale white limbs and broken bones flying everywhere.

This is the White Zetsu who were preparing to launch a counterattack against the Dynasty Army in the hidden permafrost and were blown to pieces...

"What a waste of natural resources..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed, and then ordered: "Remember, you must pay attention to using senjutsu chakra to protect your body later. In addition... try to catch these white Zetsu alive!"

"As ordered!"

The Uchiha Guardsmen all drew their weapons.

"Then let's get started!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu formed a seal with one hand, slowly retracted the anti-gravity field of the Light and Heavy Rock Jutsu, and led more than 300 Uchiha ninjas to fall into the huge pit that was completely lifted!

"The enemy is coming!"

Seeing Uchiha Tokumitsu and his entourage descending from the sky like gods, the White Zetsus in the pit suddenly became commotion!
"Immortal Technique·Fire Escape·Dust Hidden Technique!"

When Uchiha Tokumitsu landed in the air, he immediately sprayed out a stream of high-temperature smoke and dust from his mouth that covered a wide range, and with the help of the wind escape of the Uchiha ninja of the Royal Forest Army, the high-temperature smoke and dust quickly spread!
Before the White Zetsus below could react, Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath——


"——Kaleidoscopic Pupil Technique·Great Country Lord!"

With the spread of the Mangekyō Sharingan Eye Technique, the eye powers of all the Uchiha ninjas present are interconnected and stimulated, and have been greatly increased!
And this is the reason why Uchiha Tokko dared to take the most precious royal ninja to the Black Zetsu lair!
Deeper underground, a strange wood-like monster crawled out from the tempered ground!
And standing above the wooden monster was a sweaty red-haired boy!


Uchiha Tokko quickly identified the red-haired boy based on his mosquito coil-shaped eyes!

As for that weird wooden monster, it should be the legendary heretic demon!

Uchiha Tokumitsu had already smelted the chakra of the nine tailed beasts, but after sensing the breath of the heretic demon, it seemed that the chakra in his body began to feel sticky!

Afterwards, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't think much, but directly condensed the magatama-shaped chakra polymer in Susanoo's giant palm!
"Yasaka Qionggouyu!"

But it's not over yet—

"——Kaleidoscope Eye Technique·The God-Emperor’s Spiritual Lord!"

A series of eight Yasaka Qiong Magatama amplified by the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique quickly hit the heretic demon!

At this time, Susanoo had just fallen into the pit, stirring up smoke and dust all over the sky!

"Go and catch them alive!"

After Uchiha Tokko said "ha", he urged Susanoo to rush towards the heretic demon!

At this time, Nagato still failed to control the heretic demon that seemed to be going berserk!
After the explosion, Nagato sensed that the heretic golem hidden deeper underground seemed to be showing signs of commotion. In addition, this monster was the most important thing to the teacher Black Zetsu, so Nagato did not dare to neglect and immediately escaped. Rush to the storage area and try to control the heretic golem!
However, although the Rinnegan Eye does have an unusual restraint effect on the outsiders' demons, because the teacher Hei Zetsu has never taught similar control skills, Nagato can only frantically pump out the chakra in his body to use the Rinnegan Eye to control the outsiders. Golem suppresses!

After the Steel Earth Barrier was fully deployed, perhaps because of the extremely weak Tailed Beast Chakra contained in the barrier, the 'sense of struggle' brought to Nagato by the Heretic Golem became weaker. It’s much better, and it’s much easier to control!

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Facing Uchiha Tokumitsu's Magatama attack, Nagato desperately activated the power of the Rinnegan, setting off a burst of invisible and colorless repulsive stance, which collided with the highly condensed chakra!
"Boom boom boom!!!"

However, Nagato's secret technique of the Rinnegan Eye did not successfully bounce Yasaka's magatama back. Instead, Uchiha Tokumitsu instantly detonated the magatama when the power collided, obliterating Shinra Tensei's repulsive force field!

In terms of the quality of chakra, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who has smelted the power of the nine tailed beasts, the senjutsu chakra and even the power of the kaleidoscope eyes, can be called the most special being in the human form of the ninja world!
"Wind Escape, Vacuum Continuous Waves!"

Nagato, who was sweating profusely, immediately used the wind release ninjutsu to try to deflect the aftermath of the explosion.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu had already driven Susanoo to kill him!
"Earth Escape - Weighted Rock Technique!"

"——Kaleidoscope Eye Technique·The God-Emperor’s Spiritual Lord!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu first used a soil escape ninjutsu to "add a burden" to Nagato, and then Susanoo's Odachi struck at the heretic demon!

He wanted to separate Nagato from the heretic demon.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

Because Uchiha Tokko's attack came so fast, Nagato's 'Shinra Tensei' had no time to complete the 'skill cooldown', and the earth escape secret technique enhanced by the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique really made him breathless, so In a panic, he used another secret technique of the Samsara Eye!

But as soon as the Vientiane Heavenly Guide was launched, Nagato immediately knew that he had made a big mistake!
Perhaps it was due to the lack of gravity caused by insufficient chakra. Not only was Uchiha Tokko's Susanoo not knocked down by gravity, but he was able to speed up his attack!

This is caused by a serious lack of combat experience.

Although Black Zetsu also taught Nagato some ways to use the Samsara Eye, Nagato, who grew up in a greenhouse, was no match for someone like Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was more experienced in military formations!

With one blow from Susana's sword, the heretic demon statue that was unable to move was knocked to the ground!
As soon as Nagato used the power of the Samsara Eye to break free from the shackles of the weighted rock technique, Uchiha Tokumitsu's Susano Giant Palm grabbed him!
In less than 3 minutes, the dust settled!
Uchiha Tokumitsu glanced around inside Susanoo and found that the situation was great!
The Uchiha ninjas of the imperial army, who were protected by magical chakra, were all like wolves and tigers, knocking the White Zetsus to the ground one by one and restraining them like moths rushing to the flame!

Except for a red-haired young man in the corner who controls a puppet to resist, the other areas are all one-sided!
"Simply perfect..."

At this time, Uchiha Tokumitsu felt that he was making too much of a fuss.

If he knew that Black Zetsu's lair consisted of these chickens and tile dogs, he wouldn't have to put so much effort into mobilizing so many ninja troops!
Uchiha Tokko's eyes turned back to Nagato in Susana's giant palm.

"You and I, the enemy who killed my father, are sworn in with each other!"

Nagato immediately yelled!


Uchiha Tokko was dumbfounded when he heard this.

You know, basically the remaining lineage of the Uzumaki clan comes from him and Hatake Sakumo. How come he and Nagato, a Uzumaki clan member, are involved in the murder of his father? !
"Who is your father?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked with some uncertainty.

"Uchiha Madara!"

Nagato said through gritted teeth.


Uchiha Tokumitsu was speechless.

Theoretically, he was the one who killed Uchiha Madara.

But...how did his old man get involved with Nagato? !

Although he changed the historical development trajectory of the ninja world, the changes are not so outrageous!
 Update today (1/2)

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(End of this chapter)

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