Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 478 The family is gone

Chapter 478 The family is gone
Uchiha Tokko couldn't imagine what Nagato had to go through to recognize Uchiha Madara as his father when he was held in Susan's palm!
Moreover, he was very sure that Nagato did not have the blood of the Uchiha clan!
Not to mention his blood-red hair and the surging amount of chakra, the fact that Uchiha Tokumitsu's Kaleidoscope Eye Technique and the Divine Emperor's Soul Master had no effect on him is enough to illustrate the problem—— After Uchiha Tokumitsu activates the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique, all Uchiha clan members within the range can increase their eye power to varying degrees!
"You are a member of the Uzumaki clan and have nothing to do with our Uchiha clan..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu paused, feeling that he was about to gouge out someone's eyes after all, so he had to be comforted: "But it doesn't matter, you will be able to become a complete Uzumaki tribe member soon..."

Afterwards, Uchiha Tokumitsu first released the Flame Release Flame, burning all the chakra in Nagato's body in Susanoo's giant palm. Then he dispersed Susanoo, and while holding Nagato in his arms, he arranged it on his abdomen. He obtained the seals of the Four Symbols and placed the evil seal between his eyebrows.

Although these two sealing techniques are not very advanced secret techniques, they are more than enough to control a small whirlpool where the chakra has been burned away.

After Uchiha Tokumitsu landed on the ground of the deep pit, the White Zetsu who saw him holding Nagato under his arms immediately rushed toward him like crazy and ignored him, but this irrational move caused them to be The Royal Forest Army knocked them to the ground at a faster speed, and sealed and restrained them one by one!

"About 1000 Bai Zetsu..."

Uchiha Tokko glanced around briefly, feeling a little disappointed.

He didn't know whether he had arrived early or Bai Jue had another base, but the number of these thousand Bai Jue was still far less than he had expected.

However, after having the Heretic Golem...

Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored the arresting actions of the Imperial Army ninjas, but slowly walked to the outside demon statue and looked at it carefully.

"Knock Knock~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu reached out and carefully tapped the material of the Heretic Golem. It felt like wood but not wood, like flesh but not flesh. It was an innumerable and unknown strange texture.

The body of the demon that fell to the ground looked like a dying tree in color, and the ten protruding pillars behind it looked like the scars left after the branches were cut off.

"Otsutsuki's sacred tree..."

Uchiha Tokko's gaze was extremely hot.

This is a treasure that the whole world cannot compare with!

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his head and looked at the sky. He didn't know if the old man of Six Paths, who was dead but not stiff, had noticed this moment.

At this time, as the Royal Forest Army advanced, all the Bai Jue were captured, and the only one who was still resisting was the red-haired man who controlled the puppet.

Most of the Uchiha ninjas in the imperial army were busy reinforcing the seals of the White Zetsus. Only seven or eight Uchiha ninjas were constantly fighting with the red-haired man as if they were playing.

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved and called over an Uchiha medical ninja.

"Can you perform eye surgery?"

"no problem!"

The medical ninja replied without hesitation.

"Did you bring your spare eye?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to ask.

At the same time, he reached out his hand and rolled Nagato's eyelids.

"...Only one pair of Sharingan."

The medical ninja shrank his neck and replied quietly.

"Okay, let's change it for him."

Uchiha Tokumitsu picked up Nagato and placed him on the portable operating table unsealed by the medical ninja, but just in case, he still strangled Nagato's neck with his right hand.

The medical ninja immediately took action. First, he opened Nagato's eyelids with an eyelid opener, and then injected a powerful anesthetic into his neck. Then he took out the scalpel and quickly picked out his two samsara eyes. Come out!

After putting the two Rinnegan eyes into the cultivation bottle to soak in potion, the medical ninja roughly 'pressed' the spare Sharingan eye into Nagato's eye socket, and then——

"Palm Immortal!"

With the effect of medical ninjutsu, the originally crooked and slightly convex Sharingan 'melted' into Nagato's eye sockets.

The entire eye removal and replacement process takes less than 5 minutes.

The hot-swappable eye replacement in the ninja world is convenient...

Uchiha Tokko held the bottle containing the Samsara Eye and looked at it for a while, then put it away close to his body.

Except for the red-haired man who was still struggling to his death, the other Bai Jue had already been packed up.

And when they saw that even the heretic demons had been captured and their reincarnation eyes had been dug out, the Bai Jue were all listless and seemed to be about to wither.

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

After noticing Uchiha Tokumitsu's gaze, the imperial guards who were besieging the red-haired man no longer held back, and jointly launched high-level ninjutsu to blast the red-haired man's puppet to pieces in one fell swoop!
"Uchiha flow·Halo fog!"

The two Imperial Guards Jonin joined forces to rush in from the left and right wings, and in the flash of their swords, they chopped off the red-haired man's left and right arms.

Then, two more Imperial Guards Jonin stepped forward, captured the seriously injured red-haired man and sealed him away!

"Get ready to retreat..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu first used magic chakra to emit a beam of light. After confirming that no fish had slipped through the net, he ordered everyone to evacuate.

The heretic demon statue was also captured by the five-color divine light.

As for the more than 1000 White Zetsus, after counting their numbers, the Imperial Forest Army ninjas carried them out.


Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath, and the Mangekyō Sharingan in his eyes quickly rotated, condensing the Susana Demon Statue again, and then controlled his wings to fly out of the pit with the Heretic Demon Statue!
"He actually ignored me! He actually ignored me!"

After seeing Uchiha Tokumitsu flying away with Susanoo, the arrogant Scorpion couldn't help but feel the surge of anger and blood. Coupled with the restraining effect of the sealing technique on his body, the energy and blood hit his heart and he rolled his eyes. I had to faint!

Since then, Black Zee's lair has been officially completely destroyed!

"Director Watergate!"

Hei Jue, who was languishing in immigration prison for some reason, suddenly felt an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

So, it began to slap the fence of the isolation room and shouted that it wanted to see the director.

"You can see Director Watergate whenever you want!"

The police ninja stationed at the Immigration Prison immediately yelled and cursed: "If you continue to make trouble unreasonably, I will cancel your admission qualification!"

"At that time, you will have no choice but to return to the wild and live a precarious life!"

“…I just want to know when I’m going to be free.”

Black Zee immediately put on a pitiful expression and said.

"Police Department regulations stipulate that the processing cycle is seven days! You can go out in two days at most!"

The police ninja said impatiently, then turned and left.

"Would you like to go back and see..."

Although there was no flaw in the police department ninja's words, Black Zetsu still felt uneasy in his heart.

But if he just escapes, the five days in custody will be wasted.

Moreover, it will be even more difficult to get into Uchiha Tokumitsu's side by then!
Therefore, for the sake of the nine-tailed beast and for the sake of his mother, Hei Jue gritted his teeth and ignored the uneasiness in his heart, and continued to act like he was sleeping with his head covered.


The day after Black Zetsu's lair in the Land of Snow was destroyed, and the sixth day after Black Zetsu was detained for review, Black Zetsu, who had been waiting so hard, finally saw Minato Namikaze with a smile on his face again.

"Good morning, Director Minato!" Black Zetsu immediately got up and greeted Minato Namikaze loudly.

"……You are welcome."

Namikaze Minato smiled unaccustomedly and said: "From now on, we will all be His Majesty's subordinates..."

"Did my ID pass?"

Black Jue was overjoyed.

"Hey~ Haven't I already given you the identity certificate? I just went through the process and supplemented the procedures these days."

Namikaze Minato apologized for his 'negligence' in the past two days: "If there is any lack of care, I hope you can forgive me!"

"You are welcome..."

Hei Jue immediately changed into a look of fear and fear.

"Come with me, His Majesty wants to see you."

Namikaze Minato personally opened the fence door of the isolation room and said kindly.

"...Don't I need to go into the cage?"

Hei Jue twisted his body a little unaccustomedly.

After spending countless years in the darkness, it is no longer accustomed to the feeling of walking in the sun.

"That's not okay. You are already a standard citizen of the ninja world government. You cannot be treated like a criminal or an illegal monster!"

Namikaze Minato said righteously.

"Director Watergate..."

Hearing this, Hei Jue was also a little moved: "You are quite a nice person!"

Namikaze Minato smiled without saying a word.

But he was thinking silently in his heart, if Xiao Heizi can still laugh later, then it can only be considered that it is really awesome!
But Kuro Zetsu, who was full of joy and felt that the plan worked, happily put on a cloak and followed Namikaze Minato as he walked swaggering into the sunshine.

It has to be said that Konoha, as the seat of the shinobi world government, is indeed extremely prosperous, and even Black Zetsu, who is obsessed with conspiracy and conspiracy, can see it with relish.

It didn't take long for Namikaze Minato to bring Black Zetsu to the temporary palace that had been converted from the original Konoha Governor's Palace, and register his visit.

And Hei Jue left his name with a stroke of his pen - Xiao Hei!
Although the Uchiha ninja who was responsible for the security mission felt that the name was a bit like the nickname of Cat and Dog, seeing that Black Zetsu's identity certificate was also signed in this way, he didn't ask any questions and let him go.

"It's really heavily guarded..."

Although Hei Jue walked in the palace corridor with a fixed look, he was also secretly peeping and sensing everything around him.

As the place where the great emperor resided before the construction of the imperial palace was completed, the palace was densely covered with secret sentries and various seals emerged in endlessly. Hei Jue felt that even he would find it extremely difficult to escape from such a heavily guarded place.

"Why does it feel a little bad..."

Black Zetsu became even more worried.

However, when things came to a head, he couldn't back down, so Hei Zetsu bravely walked into the elevator and went straight up to the door of Uchiha Tokumitsu's office.

After Namikaze Minato signaled Hei Zetsu to wait, he knocked on the door, reported his intention, and then waved Hei Zetsu to walk in.

And the office door also closed with a bang!
Hei Jue was so frightened that he couldn't help but tremble!
But it wasn't over yet. After Hei Jue looked around the office, his scalp was numb with fear!

"Why are you here!"

"And he also dyed his hair black!"

"This is just the apparent effect of the Flame Escape Seal Technique, no need to make a fuss..."

Uchiha Tokko stood up and walked behind Nagato who was sitting on the soft couch, put his hands on his shoulders, and said with a smile: "By the way, should I call you Black Zetsu?"

As soon as he said this, even though he was as tough as Hei Jue, he almost fainted from fright!

"This this this..."

At this time, Black Zetsu noticed that Nagato's eyes had changed!
——Why is it red!

"Why is it the Sharingan!"

"Double magatama, not bad... These pairs of eyes are one of the few spare parts of the Uchiha clan. They were voluntarily donated by a certain hero before his death. The purpose is to allow the descendants of the family to see the light again. Now they are used Regarding Nagato, I actually lost some money..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a smile on his face: "Furthermore, with Nagato's strength, it should be possible to evolve these eyes into the three magatama state. Although the magatama state cannot be turned off, it will continue to consume chakra, but I think this is very important for a person." It shouldn’t be a problem for the Uzumaki clan members who claim to be descendants of Madara Uchiha!”


At this moment, Hei Jue was really desperate!
It is very sure that during the few days it has been squatting in the immigration prison, its home has been ransacked!


My reincarnation eye!My heretic golem!My Bai Jue!My tool man Nagato!And those Uchiha Madara’s secret ninjutsu!
Black Jue's heart is full!

"No need to leave in a hurry..."

Uchiha Demitsu said leisurely: "I also want to talk to you about the goddess of the moon, Otsutsuki Kaguya..."

Hei Jue heard this and immediately stopped allocating life-saving forces in an attempt to break the seal and escape.


But it makes people unable to believe their ears.

"As the youngest son of the Goddess Mao, you shouldn't know your mother's name, right?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "But it's not surprising. After all, your brother didn't recognize you last time, right?"

Black Zetsu was stunned!

"By the way, there is one more question..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu patted Nagato on the shoulder: "This child...why does he call the ancestor of our clan, Uchiha Madara, who was beaten half to death by me, his father?"

"How did you educate him?"

"Can you tell me?"

Faced with Uchiha Tokko's death gaze and Nagato's helpless eyes, Black Zetsu opened and closed his mouth several times, but he could only make the sound of 'Aba, Aba', but could not say anything meaningful.

What the hell is going on!

Aren't you the mastermind behind the ninja world?Why is it so easily grasped now?
In fact, Hei Jue wanted to escape.

But now that the Nine-Headed Tailed Beast and the heretic demon statue have fallen into the hands of Uchiha Tokumitsu, if it wants to rescue the mother-in-law...

Therefore, Hei Jue bowed his head.

 Update today (2/2)

  There will be double monthly tickets at the beginning of the month. I hope all readers can support Xiaopoujie... Please vote~ Please give me monthly tickets and please recommend votes~!

(End of this chapter)

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