Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 479: Nashou comes to pay homage

Chapter 479: Nashou comes to pay homage
When things came to a close, Hei Jue suddenly realized that it wasn't actually that difficult to accept in his heart.

But it only bowed its head and did not kneel down to worship like a minister of the dynasty.

"Uchiha Madara's plan has come to nothing, and the plan you have been planning since ancient times has also completely come to nothing..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu unconcernedly revealed Black Zetsu's plan from the side in front of Nagato: "Also, do you think I will be stupid enough to activate the Eye of the Moon after becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki... You know, I’m not that idiot Uchiha Madara!”

But when this sentence fell into Nagato's ears, he heard a different meaning!

The education he has received all along is that Black Zetsu is the incarnation of Uchiha Madara's will, and Uchiha Madara is his father...

Although this concept is extremely nonsensical in Uchiha Tokko's view, for Nagato, who has lived in the White Zetsudui since childhood, it is indeed a natural truth.

However, if we analyze the words of Uchiha Tokumitsu now, it seems that the 'truth' that we have always believed to be true is about to collapse!

Moreover, it seems that Hei Zetsu, the teacher he has always respected, has no intention of refuting!
"If you want to save Kaguya's crown, who else can do it besides me?"

Uchiha Tokko ignored Nagato, who had a look of collapse on his face, and continued: "So, Black Zetsu, you don't want to either..."

"His Majesty!"

Hei Jue no longer hesitated and immediately bowed his head.

"very good!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was very satisfied.

Although he also knew that Hei Jue, a thousand-year-old cunt, could never be sincere, but so what?
As long as you pay a little attention, Black Zetsu's power will not pose any threat to you, and you can also use it as a very useful tool.

After all, with the Heretic Golem, mass production of Bai Zetsu is no longer impossible!

Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head and pressed the button on the table, calling in the Imperial Guards who were waiting outside, and ordered them to take Black Zetsu away, and then called in Namikaze Minato who was waiting outside.

"Your Majesty, I salute you!"

Namikaze Minato's attitude was as respectful as ever.

"Have the two chunin from the Information Section of the New District Police Station returned from their mission?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.

"You mean Yahiko and Konan?"

Namikaze Minato said cautiously: "They had already completed their mission and returned to their offices when Representative Kakuzu and Assistant Administrative Officer Shisui began to reorganize Lord Genji's private army."

In the entire new district police station, these two people may be the only ones whose names Uchiha Tokumitsu can remember.


Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "You take this kid and let him form a team with Yahiko and Konan, and you will personally supervise him, and you will arrange the specific tasks..."

Although Nagato was a little surprised, he remained calm on the surface.

He thought he would stay in a dark prison for the rest of his life.

"It's just that this kid seems to have some anti-human personality, so you should pay attention to it..."

Uchiha Tokko patted Nagato's shoulder again and said meaningfully.

Nagato's body trembled slightly, but he didn't say much.

The reason for making such an arrangement is, firstly, that after losing the Rinnegan, Nagato, who was forced to install the Sharingan, was no longer a threat; secondly, in the final analysis, he is still the blood of the Uzumaki clan, whether it is from waste The mentality of taking advantage is still the mentality of loving talents as a superior. Uchiha Tokko doesn't intend to leave this tool man who may be better trained and useful in prison.

Moreover, according to Uzumaki Ashina's inspection, it was judged that he should be the child of a ninja couple stationed on the northern coastal border of the country of Uzumaki at that time. However, because the outpost was destroyed first under the attack of the Sannin Village coalition forces, the Uzumaki clan always thought that they had already He had already been killed; not only that, from the perspective of ninja qualifications, Nagato was considered an outstanding genius among the current Uzumaki clan, otherwise he would not have been taken away by Uchiha Madara.

As for Nagato, although he has never said anything about Uchiha Tokumitsu's series of arrangements, it can be seen that after Black Zetsu surrendered, the ideological seal formed by his childhood education began to shake to some extent.

However, Uchiha Tokumitsu is quite looking forward to whether Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato, whose life trajectories have been completely changed, can still create different sparks like the memories of their previous lives.

"The Pleasant Goat, the Beautiful Goat, and the Boiling Goat... are simply a perfect combination!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was very proud of his arrangement.


January [-]st, the first year of Kaihuang.

The task force that opened the Mt. Myoboku route worked hard in three shifts for months, fought against the excessive attrition of the reef-breaking ship and the vigilant protection of the fighting ninjas, and smashed the attacks and plots of the Mt. Myoboku ninja frogs again and again, and finally at the last moment. The task was successfully completed in one day, and with this achievement, the long-cherished wish of presenting a gift to His Majesty was fulfilled in one fell swoop!

This day is a day of celebration in the ninja world, and it is also the day when the Uchiha dynasty's army and navy gather for the first time on a large scale!
“The 20st to [-]th Regiments of the Strategic Support Force, the [-]st to [-]rd Regiments of the [-]nd Army Defense Corps, the [-]st to [-]th Regiments of the [-]rd Army Defense Corps, and the [-]st and [-]nd Regiments of the [-]th Army Defense Corps are hereby dispatched. The team, as well as the temporarily established No. [-] to No. [-] Reclamation Regiments, will assemble at the West Pole Port in the Southwest Administrative Region within five days!"

"The First and Second Fleets of the Royal Navy and the company's transport fleet are hereby required to complete supplies and assemble at the West Pole port within three days!"

Following Uchiha Tokumitsu's order, the Ninja Army, which had been calm for less than a month, became busy again.

This time, the ninja army dispatched has as many as 3 combat ninjas. In addition, many medical ninjas and joint company security ninjas will also be dispatched with the army. The total number seems to have exceeded [-]!
For the ninja world, it is absolutely unprecedented to dispatch so many ninjas into a battle!

The government of the ninja world also launched a propaganda machine to vigorously promote to the ninja world the conspiracy of Mount Myoboku that has been trying to secretly 'mislead' the direction of the ninja world, as well as the justice and necessity of the Uchiha dynasty's conquest of Mount Myoboku!
"No alien can influence the fate of the ninja world!"

"Every ninja is the master of his own destiny, and any conspiracy that attempts to control the destiny of the ninja world will be destroyed!"

With the continuous broadcasts, the Myoboku Mountain expedition launched by Uchiha Tokumitsu spread throughout the world.


Even the Ninja lineage of Mt. Myoboku, who are outside the wild land, have received conclusive information.

The ninja crusade is really coming!

But surprisingly, since Gamabunta and Gamahiro, who led their troops in an ambush, were killed in battle, the Great Immortal has not taken any countermeasures.

Even the subsequent attacks that the task force encountered when opening a route were just some ninja frogs doing their own thing.

Even at such a critical moment, the Great Toad Immortal still closed the door of his palace tightly, seemingly not caring about the upcoming epic enemy.

Although some Ninjas comforted themselves by saying that Toad Sento had already prepared, and Mt. Myoboku's trump card would surely destroy all Uchiha's lackeys, but now most of the Ninjas no longer believed in such words.

If Mount Miaomu really has some world-destroying trump card, can they still know about it?Now that even the giant ninja frog in the main battle force has been almost damaged in the battle, is there any method that has not been used?

However, even though frogs all over Miaomu Mountain were panicking and rumors were spreading, the Great Toad Immortal still did not issue any orders.

As time goes by, the Miaomu Mountain Ninja Frogs once again received the latest information - Ninjas all over the world have gathered at the port in the far west region of the original Land of Wind, and began to install various weapons on the fleet and conduct adaptive training!
According to the estimations of the Ninja Frogs, the fleet setting sail from the Ninja World Continent can reach the outskirts of Mt. Myoboku within ten days at most!

And the fog barrier outside Mt. Miaomu can't withstand the attack of tens of thousands of ninja troops!

As a last resort, Fukasaku Sennin came to the palace again and knocked on the door, intending to try his best to disturb the Great Sennin and make him explain!
"Come in..." Wanwa was looking forward to it. Just as Fukasaku Sennin raised his hand to knock on the door, an old and extremely tired voice came from the palace, and at the same time, the palace door opened without any wind.

The Ninjas were immediately overjoyed.

Fukasaku Sennin was surprised at first, and then ecstatic!

What's surprising is that from the sound, it sounds like Toad Immortal has done something big that caused him to consume too much energy. What's surprising is that if this is the case, Miaomu Mountain may be saved!

After adjusting his coat a little, Fukasaku Sennin stepped into the palace.

Afterwards, the door of the palace was quietly closed, and I felt the movement in the palace and the expectant looks of the Ninjas.

However, this time the palace was not as brightly lit as usual. Instead, there were only a few giant candles emitting a slightly dim light, which made the extremely tired look of the great Toad Immortal even more gloomy.

But to Fukasaku Sennin, it seemed that there was an inexplicable light in Toad Sennin's eyes.

"Great Immortal..."

Fukasaku Sennin bowed his hands and was about to say something.

"I know what you mean……"

Toad Sage interrupted Fukasaku Sage's words, "Besides, I also 'saw' the coming Uchiha army..."

"Then we..."

Fukasaku Sennin perked up and asked immediately.

"The future of the Ninja lineage no longer depends on Mt. Miaomu..."

Great Toad Immortal Youyou said: "It's time to make the decision to move the whole family."

"Then we're just running away without a fight!"

Fukasaku Sennin suddenly became anxious: "The Great Sennin is confused! If Miaomu Mountain is lost, how many years can the Ninja lineage continue? We can't hope that we can preserve our tribe by being displaced in the wild sea! And we can't survive it either. When the Uchiha dynasty collapses!"

Fukasaku Sennin understands the barrenness of the barbaric land, including the lifeless overseas world, all too well!

Ordinary ninja frogs even feel that the natural energy of the Ninja World continent is too thin and uncomfortable. If they wander in the more desolate and barbaric sea, it is estimated that the ninja frogs will die out naturally without the Ninja Army attacking!

"A new world is about to appear before our eyes..."

The voice of the Great Toad Immortal was full of excitement and bewitching despite his exhaustion: "And whether we can go further depends on whether we can seize the opportunity!"

"New world?"

This time Fukasaku Sennin really couldn't understand.

Today's ninja world has been completely explored for a long time. In addition to the ninja continent and the offshore islands, is there a new continent that no one knows about hidden in some corners? !

"Nature's uncanny workmanship..."

There was a hint of awe in the voice of the Great Toad Immortal: "You only need to cross a storm barrier to reach a new world that is vaster and richer..."

"And in the new world, our Ninja lineage might have the opportunity to transform our clan into a nation, and we no longer have to control the number of our own clan due to resource issues..."


Fukasaku Sennin couldn't help but take a breath!
Ninja frogs can lay dozens to thousands of eggs per litter, and the stronger the ninja frogs, the fewer eggs they will lay. However, due to the resource problems of Mt. Myoboku, female frogs can only incubate the best ones, and most of them Frog eggs are voluntarily given up.

If Ninjas can be cultivated unscrupulously, it won't take many years for the Ninjas to grow to one million people!
Even though most of them are ordinary frogs with little power, once the number reaches a certain level, they will naturally change from quantitative to qualitative. For the ninja frogs, this is a fate-changing event!

"Then we..."

Fukasaku Sennin suppressed his inner excitement and asked tentatively: "The ninja army will arrive in about ten days. When will we move?"

"You choose a thousand Ninja Frogs, go out first and then transfer to the north. When the time comes, you will be guided by will..."

Great Immortal Toad said quietly.

"Isn't that..."

Fukasaku Sennin became anxious upon hearing this.

"Yes, other tribesmen will join me to fight against Uchiha's army..."

The Great Immortal Toad sighed and expressed his plan.


Fukasaku Sennin was unwilling to accept such a decision.

"Because my power can only move a thousand ninja frogs to the new world before the hurricane stops..."

A leisurely and ethereal voice sounded in the palace.

Fukasaku Sennin was immediately shocked.

Then, a breeze blew up from the ground, and the phantoms of the Six Paths Immortals appeared.

"Six Path Immortals!"

Fukasaku Sennin did not dare to neglect and saluted immediately.

"...This is a tips bag for you, as well as the juniors in the breeding room. You can take away whatever you can."

Toad Immortal spit out a brocade bag from his mouth and manipulated it into Fukasaku Sennin's trap: "After arriving in the new world, you should act according to the jade book in the brocade bag."

"Great Immortal..."

Fukasaku Sennin planned to say something else.

"I am already old, and life and death have long been ignored."

The Great Toad Immortal closed his eyes, "Besides, let me give up Miaomu Mountain... I can't do it!"

After a long time, Fukasaku Sennin bowed silently and left.

 Update today (1/2)

  There will be double monthly tickets at the beginning of the month. I hope all readers can support Xiaopoujie... Please vote~ Please give me monthly tickets and please recommend votes~!

(End of this chapter)

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