Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 480 Brave New World

"It's a brave new world..."

After Fukasaku Sage left, the illusion of Six Paths Sage said, "Are you really not going to leave?"

"I said it before……"

Toad Immortal's tone was extremely tired, but he was trying his best to control the rhythm of his breathing: "Hagoromo, you know my character."

"This is not like your character, Gamamaru..."

The illusion of the Immortal of Six Paths was very disapproving.

He couldn't understand the great Toad Sennin who had been plotting the ninja world for thousands of years.

The Six Paths Immortal didn't believe in any excuses such as resettlement and relocation. To put it bluntly, the Toad Immortal simply had no choice.

Except for him, no one in the entire ninja world could 'smuggle' the ninja frog to the new world in advance before the hurricane stopped.

And if the Great Toad Immortal were to leave, then the Immortal of Six Paths would not be able to take many ninja frogs with him.

For Toad Sennin, who values ​​his tribe more than himself, instead of continuing to survive, it would be better to give this opportunity to those strong tribesmen and fight to the death with his mortal enemies, the Uchihas.

"What will Fukasaku do in the new world?"

The Six Paths Immortal, who did not wait for Toad Immortal's reply, asked again.

"If the Uchiha dynasty is destined to be hostile to the so-called world government of the new world, then this time the Ninja lineage will support the orthodoxy of the world..."

The great Toad Immortal replied: "I have left enough hints for Fukasaku in the brochure, and I also believe that his wisdom will allow the Ninja lineage to flourish in the new world!"

"Besides, in that powerful and immoral world, even the political power established by the tribes with human heads and fish bodies and fish heads and bodies can be recognized as a member of the world, so the Ninja lineage is not a bad idea..."

"Is it……"

The Immortal of Six Paths was noncommittal.

"What if the so-called world government treats the Ninja lineage as invaders?"

"It doesn't matter, the New World is so vast. If you just find an uninhabited island and live there for a few decades, the Ninja lineage will become an undiscovered indigenous group in the New World."

Even on this issue of identity, the Great Toad Immortal has already thought about it.

"But once Fukasaku leaves, the Uchihas who haven't seen its body may not give up..."

Six Paths Sage added: "It will take me fifteen days to move Fukasaku Sage and the ninja frogs away."

In other words, after deducting the ten days or so that the Ninja World Expeditionary Force spent on the road, the Six Paths Sage did not believe that Mt. Miaomu could resist for another five days.

"a piece of cake……"

The Great Toad Immortal opened his mouth and spit out a hard-shelled giant egg nearly one meter in diameter.

Then the dome cracked open, and a ninja frog exactly like Toad Sennin came out.

Then, the newly born Ninja wiped his face and transformed into Fukasaku Sage.

"...It seems you are really planning to fight to the death."

The Immortal of Six Paths couldn't help but sigh: "I even used the most precious flesh and blood clone..."

"After the destruction of Mt. Miaomu, everything is meaningless."

The Great Toad Immortal closed his eyes again.

"...Don't worry, I will take good care of them."

The Immortal of Six Paths was speechless, and after finishing his sentence, he turned into a puff of smoke and left.

"New world..."

In the palace where deathly silence had returned, only the sigh of Toad Immortal full of exhaustion and longing echoed.


Atop the endless stormy sea, Uchi Bolumbu stood in front of the flagship's tower telescope, looking at the fierce battle going on at the sea level in the windless zone.

"Command sir!"

Chief of Staff Uzumaki Ichiraku ran up to the observation tower to report: "All battleships are ready and can be dispatched at any time!"

"Activate the latent shadow barrier!"

Uchi Bolunbu immediately ordered.

"The latent shadow barrier is activated!"

Uzumaki Ichiraku immediately shouted through the walkie-talkie on his shoulder.

Immediately, after a vague chakra wave stirred up, the air around the battleship seemed to begin to twist, and even the huge battleship seemed a bit blurry to the naked eye.

Uchipolumbu stopped talking and continued to observe.

At such a long distance, if it weren't for the special tower telescope, it would be impossible to detect the warship battle in the distance with eyesight.

But after opening the barrier, Uchipolunbu took no further action.

He and the entire fleet were still waiting for an order.

A battle order from His Majesty Tokimitsu, the Great Emperor of the Uchiha Dynasty!

Nearly half an hour later, a communications ninja hurriedly ran up to the tower and handed the telegram order from the transfer station to Uchiha Rumbu.

"Permission to go to war, be sure to annihilate them all and conduct interrogation and torture!"

Uchi Bolunbu read out the contents of the telegram.

Before this, Uchi Bolunbu's fleet had only encountered some aliens with fish heads and human bodies, and at first glance they were stragglers like pirates and bandits. In addition, in order to conceal their whereabouts, Uchibolumbu had always asked not to stay. He will not be tried alive.

But this time, Uchiha Tokumitsu clearly issued an order to interrogate and torture prisoners of war, which also showed his strong interest in the new world from the side!

A rare bloodthirsty smile also appeared on Uzumaki Ichiraku's face.

Everyone on the fleet is a ninja, and they are all fanatical ninjas who love fighting and bloodshed. They have long been tired of killing fish in this inexplicable sea area all day long!
The fleets fighting in the distance will be their first decent opponent after appearing in this world.

"Pressure the boiler!"

"Pressure completed!"

"Advance three!"

"Three advances!"

Following Uchi Bolunbu's order, the long-dormant task force activated its engine units and prepared for battle.

"Load the main gun!"


The passionate naval ninja immediately completed the tactical action.

"Set sail! Hang the bloody battle flag!"

Uchibarumbu jumped up to the top of the flagship, drew out his ninja sword and slashed at the distant naval battle scene, shouting with all his strength: "Annihilate them!"


Twenty armored warships sounded their whistles in unison, but due to the existence of the latent shadow barrier, the sound did not spread.

Subsequently, the ten cruisers maneuvered to the left, and the ten battleships lined up in a straight line and slowly advanced forward.

"This is the first battle of the Ninja World Conquest!"

Uchiha Rumbu, who was still standing at the top of the tower, was extremely excited, and the three magatama in his eyes were spinning faster and faster.

"I will be His Majesty's first naval commander!"


"Your Majesty, the telegram sent to the task force has been received!"

In the Konoha Palace, Uzumaki Ashina respectfully reported.

"That'll be fine..."

Uchiha Tokko nodded, putting his worries about the new world behind him.

"This time in the battle against Miaomu Mountain, I plan to have all nine tailed beasts go into battle, so I'd like to thank the Uzumaki clan for your troubles..." "Others should be fine, but what should we do with the eight tails we just captured..."

In this regard, Uzumaki Ashina was a little hesitant.

Among the nine tailed beasts, except for the three-tailed jinchuriki Gou Tachibana Yagura and the nine-tailed jinchuriki Uzumaki Kushina, the others are in the tailed beast state.

It’s just that except for the two-tailed brigade who is a mount and the eight-tailed Gyushi who was captured by Uttar Pradesh warlord Sanho Hanzo not long ago and sent to Uchiha Tokimitsu, the one-tailed, four-tailed, five-tailed and six-tailed ones are all 'Each has its own role' and is used as a source of power and energy for various types of war equipment.

Even the weakest one was used by the Uzumaki ninjas as a stabilizer for the sealing technique.

But after all, the Eight-Tails is the most powerful tailed beast after the Nine-Tails. Uzumaki Ashina is very worried about whether the Uzumaki ninjas can control the Eight-Tails while controlling the other four power-type tailed beasts.

"...I'll let Shisui lead the team to assist. His illusion skills are pretty good, so he can help somewhat."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a moment and then made a decision: "Also, you might as well tell those tailed beasts in advance. If those guys in tailed beast form are willing to obey and become the guardians of the dynasty, they can be given after this battle. They are second only to the freedom of the two tails.”

"Your Majesty, isn't this a bit rash..."

Regarding this, Uzumaki Ashina had some doubts: "These are tailed beasts of natural disaster..."

Except for the strong men of the Uchiha clan, even the weakest one is a nightmare in the ninja world.

Therefore, Uzumaki Ashina's doubts are normal.

"Qing Wei Ming, we are about to have the entrance to a new world..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head: "But, what is the strength of that world? We still have to wait for Lunbu-kun's battle report."

"But this is not enough. One battle cannot explain everything, and the vast world requires us to gather the power of the entire ninja world to conquer..."

"But the tailed beast..."

Uzumaki Ashina was still a little uneasy.

After all, if the tailed beast breaks out and causes chaos, except for a very few strong ones, everywhere it goes will be reduced to ruins!
"When the time comes, I'll let You Brigade do their ideological work."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also understands that prejudice cannot be eliminated in a short time, so he is not persistent: "Just treat it as a painting first. It is always good to coax them to behave better when fighting."

"As ordered!"

Since Uchiha Tokko had no intention of withdrawing his request, Uzumaki Ashina no longer disobeyed.

After all, it is enough to set up loyal and honest admonishers to this extent. If it goes too far, it will become annoying.


After Uzumaki Ashina left, Uchiha Tokumitsu did not continue to deal with government affairs, but looked in the direction of the door in trance.

After a long time, you finally said, "Aren't you planning to come in?"

"...Your Majesty has such a keen sense!"

The air at the door rippled, revealing the illusion of an old woman on crutches.


"White Snake Immortal, I have long admired your great name."

Uchiha Tokumitsu interrupted White Snake Sage's self-introduction with a smile.

"...Your Majesty is indeed a god born with knowledge!"

The illusion of White Snake Immortal also bowed his head slightly in salute.


Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered: "If I hadn't asked the secret sentry along the way to release the blockade, do you think you can come to me with a magic clone?"


With the snap of fingers, a building projection appeared on the wall of the office, and one of the zigzag lines was the sneaking trajectory of the White Snake Immortal!
The face of the White Snake Immortal clone suddenly turned pale!
As a clone of an immortal, he didn't even know that he was discovered. This is too scary!

"You aliens living in the remote countryside, don't use your barren cerebellum to try to figure out the creativity of ninjas..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu mocked, and then said: "Tell me your reason..."

"Also, there's no need to pretend. If this could scare you, Longdi Cave would have been destroyed long ago!"

Following Uchiha Tokumitsu's words, the White Snake Sage clone who had been trying to maintain a pale face suddenly returned to his indifferent appearance.

"Your Majesty is indeed a god..."

The White Snake Immortal cloned himself and bowed in salute: "I have offended you, please forgive me..."

"Ryuji Cave under the Nine Nethers shouldn't have to worry about the Ninja Army's conquest..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked with great interest: "After all, the underground lava alone is an insurmountable barrier for ninjas who are flesh and blood."

"Your Majesty is joking..."

The White Snake Immortal laughed dryly: "Asura has become a minister of the dynasty, how can Longdi Cave stay out of the matter..."

"Asura is Asura, White Snake Immortal, you are different..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head: "Is it easy for you to let go of the death of two goddesses and countless ninja snakes?"

"If you die, you will die. It is the misfortune of the living to dwell on the dead..."

The clone of Immortal White Snake said sincerely: "So, Longdi Cave doesn't want to end up like Miaomu Mountain where the whole family is destroyed."

"No need, the Ninja World Government has no idea about Ryūchi Cave."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

"Then... how about His Majesty order to stop the renovation project of the volcano above Longdi Cave?"

The White Snake Sage clone destroyed Uchiha Tokko's excuse without hesitation.

"That's not possible. Volcanic transformation is the core project of the Shinobi World Heating Project."

Uchiha De's smooth face does not change his color.

"Your Majesty doesn't believe in Longdi Cave?"

The White Snake Immortal clone asked again.

"Do you believe that volcanoes are not harmful to Ryūchi Cave?"

Uchiha Tokko couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Just like the White Snake Sage didn't believe that the volcanic transformation above his head was harmless, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't believe in the Ryūchi Cave that suddenly came calling for refuge.

"What does Your Majesty want? As long as Longdi Cave can offer it, I will not be stingy!"

The clone of the White Snake Sage said decisively: "As long as His Majesty opens his mouth, everyone in Ryūji Cave will go all out! Even if it means participating in the Myoboku Mountain expedition!"

"It's not necessary..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu felt a little strange: "But Ryujidong is willing to make such a big sacrifice, what is it for?"


The White Snake Immortal clone replied.


Uchiha Tokko was particularly puzzled.

"The opportunity to transform into a dragon!"

The White Snake Immortal explained: "There may be an opportunity in the new world for the Dragon Earth Cave lineage to transform into a dragon!"

"Is it……"

Uchiha Demitsu was very surprised.

"In that case... Let's talk to Ryujidong and Dean Orochimaru first. If he is willing to forgive, I wouldn't mind accepting Ryujidong."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while and then said: "But we must also be prepared to be the pioneer in opening up a new world!"

"I respectfully submit to His Majesty's wishes!"

After saying that, the clone of Immortal White Snake turned into a ball of blue mist and left. (End of chapter)

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