Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 481 The initial collision of the world’s combat power system

In order to transport [-] combat ninjas and more than [-] logistics ninjas to the outskirts of Mt. Myoboku, the Imperial Navy went out in full force, and also looted all the large and small ships remaining in the joint company and even the old ninja villages, forming Created an extremely large armada!

Uchiha Tokumitsu also led the imperial army to the West Pole Port of the Southwest Administrative Region, the gathering place, with a group of important officials of the Shinobi World Government and secret weapons.

"Your Majesty, the Commander of the Navy's First Fleet, Inikaki Kisame, has been entrusted by the headquarters to report to you the combat readiness and assembly situation of the Navy Headquarters as follows!"

"... As of January 24, the first year of Kaihuang's reign, 49 battleships, 120 cruisers, [-] arsenal ships, [-] hospital ships, [-] transport ships, [-] offshore mobile repair docks, and the above ships and The attached navy ninjas have all been deployed and are waiting for orders at any time!"

Dried persimmon Kisame was the first to report it.

"Your Majesty, the ninja troops of all the army departments have been assembled. The total number is 5000, and they have all completed adaptive training!"

Uchiha Shiina reported immediately.

"The joint logistics headquarters has completed assembly and rehearsal, and will fully support frontline logistics and medical affairs!"

Tsunade then stood up and said.

Among the important officials of the ninja world government present, she was the one with the most complicated mood.

After all, the Moist Bone Forest she contracted with is also one of the so-called Three Holy Lands. Although the Great Slug Master has a quiet personality and is not contentious, he only said "I am greatly shocked" to Uchiha Tokumitsu's decision to destroy Mt. Myoboku. He remained indifferent.

Even Tsunade tentatively asked Slug Sennin if he was willing to accept the summons during the war, Slug Sennin only said that he would not participate in the direct battle with Mt. Myoboku, but there was no problem in summoning its clone to treat the ninja army of the dynasty.

And this slightly coquettish attitude also clearly revealed Shigulin's stance.

Although it is not as direct as Ryujidong, it still has some hint of showing goodwill to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

When she thought of Ryūchi Cave, Tsunade couldn't help but glance at Orochimaru.

And there was Snake Girl holding her arms tightly beside him...

"Obviously she is the goddess of Longdi Cave, second only to the Great Immortal White Snake, but she is so shameless!"

Seeing Tian Xinji hitting someone with the ball in public, Tsunade was very unhappy!

Moreover, the most important thing is that it is bigger than myself, so——

"It must have been transformed by secret techniques! Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so defiant!"

After Tsunade finished her report, she sat back down expressionlessly, but no one knew that her inner changes were so rich at this time.

"The institute has successfully produced enough hallucination pills based on the secret medicine provided by Longdi Cave."

Orochimaru immediately reported the news.

There is a natural fog barrier that shrouds the perimeter of Mt. Myouki all year round, and there are countless traps deployed by the Ninja Frogs. Although the Dynasty Ninja Army will use various means to drive away the fog and conduct carpet bombing to destroy the traps, but just in case, Uchi Bo Deguang decided to distribute hallucination pills developed based on the secret medicine of Longdi Cave to all participating ninjas to avoid unnecessary harm caused by residual fog or traps.

"The Engineering Academy is fine!"

Uzumaki Ashina's report was very brief.

However, this was also because he had already confirmed various matters regarding the sealing class and the Tailed Beast Control Department with Uchiha Tokumitsu beforehand, and this was also top secret and it was not convenient to say it in public.

"very good……"

Uchiha Tokko slowly stood up.

Uchiha Makoto and Uzumaki Kushina, who were lined up on the left and right, also stood up.


Important government ministers and senior Ninja Army officials also stood up and paid attention.

"I declare..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu drew out the tachi from his waist and made a virtual slash in the direction of Mt. Miaomu:
"Everyone board the ship! Let's go to sea for an expedition!"

"I wish you all——"

"Martial arts flourish forever!"

Important government ministers and senior Ninja Army officials shouted loudly!

New world, windless sea.

Standing at the top of the flagship, Uchiha Rumbo clenched the Ninja Sword in his hand. A pair of three magatama sharingan eyes exuded an ominous blood light, and he stared quietly at the two fleets in front of him that were fighting fiercely.

"It's actually an old antique sailboat..."

Uchi Bo Lunbu looked at his majestic iron-clad battleship, feeling full of pride in his heart.

Since the fleet had already activated the latent shadow barrier, Uchipolumbu planned to directly launch a main gun bombing after approaching, and send these wooden garbage to the seabed as a fish nest in one fell swoop.

"3000 meters away from the fighting area!"

The voice of Chief of Staff Uzumaki Ichiraku came from the earphones.

"Prepare for school shooting!"

"Get ready for the school shooting!"

"2000 meters away from the fighting area!"

A voice came from Uchi Bolunbu's earphones again.

The expected combat distance has been reached!

"A school shot!"

Following Uchi Bolunbu's order, the flagship main gun fired the first shell!

An enemy ship with a black-bottomed skeleton sail had its mast broken by a cannon!

Then the shell fragments and flames splashed everywhere, setting off a sea of ​​​​fire on the deck!
"It turns out to be such rubbish!"

Uchibolunbu was determined, and the anxiety of facing an enemy in the new world for the first time immediately disappeared: "Main gun salvo!"

Following the commander's order, ten battleships opened fire in unison, firing twenty cannonballs towards both warring parties!

Then the battleships turned their rudders in unison, forming an arc on the sea, converting the side-by-side formation into a battle line bombing front, and cut diagonally towards the warring parties!
When the Dynasty Navy fired its first artillery shell and hit the first ship, the two warring parties were not aware of the sudden appearance of a third party!

But after the main gun salvo tore open the latent shadow barrier, the ironclad ship suddenly appeared not far from the sea, frightening both sides of the fierce battle!

The huge gun barrel, the dim light of the ship's hull, and the murderous ship-borne combatants on the deck almost have the words "unkindness" written on their faces!

But before they could react from the panic, twenty huge cannonballs viciously hit the ships that had been aimed!
"Boom boom boom!!!"

This time in the salvo, Uchibarumbu used explosive bombs that created damage and flames!

"Second salvo!"

At the same time that the main gun hit the enemy fleet, the Dynasty Navy battleship formation completed the battle line change, and Uchi Bolumbu issued the second order.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The twin heavy guns mounted on the stern roared again!
But this time, the armor-piercing projectiles fired were used to destroy the hull!
Originally, the conventional naval tactic was to use armor-piercing bombs to destroy the enemy's hull first, and then use explosive bombs to clear the deck personnel. But since the other side was in a state of war, Uchiha Rumbu decided to strike first and clear the area first!
"Enemy attack!"

Although it was unclear where this terrifying-looking fleet came from, the World Government Navy Captain who was suddenly stunned during the battle immediately let out a heartbreaking cry when he saw another huge cannonball coming. roar.

"Return to the team immediately! Defensive counterattack!"

Following his roar, the World Government Navy wearing white navy uniforms immediately broke away from the battle and jumped back to their own ship; while the messy pirates no longer bothered, but they were still scurrying around on the deck like headless flies. Channel.

As the battleship formation of the Dynasty Navy cut diagonally, the distance between the two sides became closer and closer. Standing on the top of the flagship, Uchi Bolunbu even heard the other party's chaotic screams. "What a bunch of boring quails..."

After making a ruthless taunt, Uchiha Rumbo ordered without interest: "The side guns can be fired freely in units of this ship!"

Although the well-trained World Government navy quickly broke away from the entanglement with the pirates, the cannonballs that poured down like a rainstorm smashed the power of their battleships. Although the sailors in charge of damage control tried their best to make repairs, But the flames, the poisonous smoke, and the constantly punctured hull made all their efforts in vain!
And the ragtag group of pirates began to panic and prepare to paddle away!


Although he was about to run away after winning the battle, the World Government Navy Captain just cursed and then continued to command his fleet to try to organize a counterattack!
But the secondary battery bombardment of the Dynasty Navy's battleship shattered all his efforts!

And in front of the pirate fleet that was trying to escape, ten slightly smaller but more slender warships suddenly appeared again!
——This is a cruiser formation conducting a roundabout outflank!

The captain of the World Government Navy felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his body was weak and his mind was empty.

Although he has eaten Devil Fruit and has good strength, he is not a very strong presence in the navy with so many strong men. Moreover, the reason why he rose to the top is more due to the bonus of his family's family status, but his battleships were destroyed. With such a bombardment, even if you escape back, you will have to wait for approval in prison!

But immediately, an extremely strong murderous intention arose in the World Government Navy Captain's heart!
"Even if I die! I can't die in prison!"

He immediately blew the conch horn and summoned all the naval officers to prepare for a cross-sea springboard melee fight!

As for the warships and ordinary sailors, he planned to give up!
"If we can rob these warships, maybe we can atone for our sins..."

For some reason, the captain of the World Government Navy felt that the armored ship in front of him seemed familiar, as if he had seen it in some intelligence materials, but he couldn't remember it for a while.


Uchibolunbu, who was at the top of the flagship, also noticed that the guys in white uniforms began to gather.

Although the opponent did not have chakra, and his strength could not be judged by conventional means, his strength was definitely not bad based on his agility, so Uchi Borumbu was not careless at all.

After all, caution is the key to saving your life!
Therefore, he ordered: "Aim the main gun at the enemy's gathering ships and fire a volley of explosive shells!"

Unless absolutely necessary, he would not want to fight with the opponent directly!

not to mention--

"Cannons are a man's romance!"

Following Uchi Bolunbu's fanatical shouting, the front and rear main guns of the ten battleships all aimed at the enemy ships that were gathering manpower, making the most violent roar since the battle.


With the roar of the huge cannon, the ship shattered!

"This is the greatest art..."

Standing at the top of the flagship, Uchibolunbu's face turned red and he was extremely excited!
Several figures flew out of the thick smoke not far away and jumped towards the flagship!

"It won't kill you!"

Uchiha Rumbu was suddenly shocked!
"The detonating talisman Kunai Phalanx intercepts!"

Uzumaki Ichiraku in the command cabin calmly issued the order.

Subsequently, the 'boxes' on the deck were immediately opened, revealing countless kunai that had been wrapped with detonating talismans and aimed at the sky.


The densely packed detonating talisman kunai almost completely obscured the sky, and almost instantly, the admirals who were attacking from the air were enveloped in it!

"Tips for carving insects!"

Although kunai exudes a sharp light, the admirals who rely on their physical strength do not take these "weak" cold weapons in their eyes; especially the admirals above the captain level have basically eaten devil fruits. Possessing a variety of special abilities, and also mastering one or two 'Navy Six Styles', even if they were beaten by the sudden bombing, they still did not flinch!
"Paper painting!"

"Iron block!"

Although they were still in the air, the naval admirals who had undergone rigorous training still used the coping methods they had mastered, and were ready to land on the ship with the help of "cold weapons" to kill them!

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

But then came the continuous explosion of detonating talismans, blowing up all the more than 20 naval officers into chaos!

In addition, it is extremely difficult to relay in mid-air, and not everyone can use the Sixth Form of the Navy and the Moon Step skillfully, so the naval officers who could not dodge during the explosion were blasted to the sea!

"He's not dead yet!"

This time it was Uchiha Rumbu's turn to be surprised!

Who are these people!

He actually managed to survive being bombarded by the detonating talisman's explosive belt. Even Yunyin, who has a thunder-escaping body, would find it difficult to do that!

"The enemy still has 12 people treading water to stabilize!"

Uzumaki Ichiraku's voice came from the headphones.

"Jounin, come with me to fight!"

Uchi Bolunbu roared angrily and took the lead to kill him instantly!
And there were twenty more jounin on the boat who all tried to kill him.

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

As the largest water monster in the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Rumbu's first ninjutsu was to set off a huge wave, covering the admirals who had just stepped on the sea!

"Water Escape·Water Dragon Ball Technique!"

"Water escape……"

Twenty jounin also used various water escape ninjutsu to cooperate at the right time.


The admirals who had just stood firm on the sea were shocked again!

Although the sea water will not cause direct loss of power to these well-trained Navy Magic Fruit users, the impact is still there!
Moreover, the 'tide waves' covering almost all directions left them with almost nowhere to escape!
"The Kirigakure Pirates!"

A naval lieutenant colonel suddenly remembered, "Their abilities are almost the same as the mysterious pirate group that called themselves Kirigakure that appeared a few years ago!"


The naval captain was surprised at first, and then finally recalled this key information.

Battleships made of similar materials, fierce artillery fire, and the ability to set off huge waves...

But only then did I remember that it was a little too late.

The navy captain gritted his teeth and roared: "Those Kirigakure pirates are just squishy, ​​let's rush up and fight them in close combat!"

Then, he was the first to charge against the waves!
——The intelligence from the World Government Navy Headquarters is indeed like this.

A brutal pirate gang appears mysteriously, and they sail across the oceans with sophisticated warships. They possess a variety of abilities that are slightly inferior to Devil Fruits, and are good at assassination and poisoning but have a weak constitution.

This is what the World Government Navy says about the mysterious 'Kirigakure Pirates'.

No one knows where they came from, but the 'Kirigakure Pirates' are undoubtedly a big problem for the World Government Navy - Slippery Hands has never been able to catch them!

--Melee!Must fight in close combat!Once you get close, you can punch one!
This is a battle note left by a certain navy rear admiral who once defeated the "Kirgakure Pirates" unit.

This time, the naval captain plans to imitate his predecessors and kill everyone with close combat! (End of chapter)

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