Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 482: Analysis report on the combat power of the new world

Chapter 482: Analysis report on the combat power of the new world
"Are you a human!"

Uchi Bolunbu almost jumped up in fright!

I saw that the enemy leader who was so luxuriously dressed actually broke through his own water escape waterfall - and because this place is in the sea, his water escape power was about one-third stronger than usual!

However, there are only five enemies that can be defeated by the Jōnin's Water Release Ninjutsu. Overall, 21 against five is not a big problem!

"But the physical strength of this body is comparable to that of the tailless Kisame!"

Then, Uchipolumbu shrunk, held the scabbard with his left hand and put it back, and placed his right hand on the handle of the knife. At the same time, he tilted his body slightly and took small steps forward.


The navy captain, whose fists glowed with cyan light, suddenly showed a look of joy when he saw Rombu Uchiha facing him head-on!

The navy captain shouted angrily and took the lead in launching the attack!
First, the figure suddenly disappeared without a trace, and then appeared not far to the right of Uchiha Rumbu——

"Finger gun!"

He was still a little cautious, so he didn't attack at close range immediately.


Uchiha Rumbu, who seemed to be caught off guard, suddenly turned into a ball of smoke!

The navy captain was suddenly shocked——

There is such a way to die in this world!

Is it some kind of magical devil fruit?
Just when he was dazed, a blade of light from under the sea swung upwards from between his legs!


"Iron block!"

Before he could take a breath, the naval captain who felt bad first jumped with a moon step, then tensed his body, and at the same time, he was ready to use the impact of the sword light to use the moon step to escape from the attack range!

However, the disadvantage of the Six-Style Iron Block is that it is difficult to move freely after being used, and this naval colonel is not a famous general, so naturally he does not have the matching extended moves.

Uchibolunbu's sword light was impartial, and the end was just between the legs of the naval colonel!

This severe pain made the naval captain scream like a rooster!
The chicken may not have all flown, but the eggs have definitely been smashed!
This was the first thought that came to the Navy Captain's mind.

Although this was a critical moment in a life-and-death fight, he still had this nonsensical idea.

"Sakumo-sama's sword skills are really useful!"

Under the sea, Uchiha Lunbu formed a seal with one hand and used a water escape ninjutsu to interfere——

"Water Escape·Water Archery!"

Immediately, another stream of water arrows appeared on the sea and shot towards the naval captain in the air.


The navy captain suppressed his physical discomfort and was about to use his devil fruit power.

But then Uchiha Rumbu immediately broke out of the water, and the sword light pointed directly at his lower body!

"Despicable and shameless!"

The naval colonel immediately cursed!
But then three more Jonin surrounded him from the left, right and back.

"Paper painting!"

After narrowly dodging, the frightened naval captain continued to curse.

But Uchih Posonb and the three who came to help the upper end of the forbearance -because I couldn't understand!

Moreover, they are ninjas!Are you so stupid that you can't fight one on one like a samurai?

"Magic · The Art of Hanging!"

The three magatama flashed in Uchiha Rumbu's eyes as he rushed out of the sea, and he launched the Sharingan genjutsu towards the navy captain!

But the naval captain who was fighting with the three jounin just had a cold war and then continued to fight.


Uchi Bolunbu was shocked at first, and then realized - people in this world don't have chakra!

The naval captain who was disturbed was struck by the ninja swords of three jounin, but there were only a few shallow wounds on his body, and there was only a trace of black in the blood!

——Even the effect of quenching the poison is not great!
"What a tough guy..."

Uchi Bolunbu was not in a hurry to step forward to support him. Anyway, the most powerful enemy leader in white clothes had already been wounded in his lower body by himself. Even if he could continue to hold on, he wouldn't be able to withstand it for long.

He looked around and saw that the battlefield was indeed as one-sided as he had expected.

Whether they were regular troops in white clothes or pirates in various colors, they were basically killed by the dynasty navy.

As all the resistance collapsed, the ninjas of the Dynasty Navy also began to send out the Water Ghost Team to capture the defeated enemies.

However, although they have the upper hand, the fighting methods and abilities of these strange people from other worlds are still very different from those of ninjas.

"Illusion, The Art of Naruto Seeing!"

A navy ninja used a basic illusion skill familiarly, scaring the regular soldier in white clothes in front of him into screaming. Then two more water ghosts emerged from the bottom of the sea and pulled him into the sea water.

"how could be……"

Uchi Bolunbu's eyelids twitched.

Although he is an unconventional Uchiha ninja, it is impossible for his level of genjutsu to be inferior to that of an ordinary ninja!

Could it be...

Uchiha Rumbu suddenly thought of another possibility.

The principle of the Jiaohang Jutsu is to interfere with and control the chakra of the opponent through the pupil power of the Sharingan, causing the body to become stiff and enter a state of being slaughtered by others. Moreover, this technique is a dual control of the senses and chakra, which can make the person knowingly Even though he is being controlled, he can't break free!But if the opponent has no chakra and is strong, then the Shaohang Technique will be easily broken after losing the effect of chakra restraint!
But if we extrapolate from this, those low-to-medium-level illusions that only act on the mind, such as the Naraku no Jutsu, may have unexpected effects!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Rumbu immediately brandished his sword and joined the fight besieging the enemy chieftain in white clothes.

Although this tough enemy in white clothes kept making noises, Uchiha Rumbu, who couldn't understand, didn't care at all. Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity to look at each other and once again used his Sharingan to activate a strengthening version of spiritual illusion——

"Illusion Art of Kasumi Servant!"

The Marine Captain's attack begins to scatter!
Uchibolunbu also judged from its attack trajectory that it was trying to attack the black shadow illusion of the illusion. This can also fully prove that the illusion is effective!

But the naval colonel reacted immediately, no longer paying attention to the terrifying black phantoms that kept appearing in front of his eyes, and continued to fight with the three jounin.

"Illusion·The Art of the Fox's Heart!"

Uchibolunbu once again found the right moment and launched another low-level illusion!
This time, the naval captain who was barely floating about one meter above the sea suddenly stumbled and fell into the sea involuntarily!
"It actually has such a good effect!"

This surprised Uchiha Lunbu.

"Water Escape·Water Rush!"

A jounin immediately activated his water release ninjutsu, dragging the captain deeper into the sea.

They also noticed that the strong men on the other side did not seem to be good at fighting under the sea, and they also preferred to use an unknown ability to tread water or stay above the sea. Therefore, now that they had a big advantage, they did not Would you mind trying some more methods to test it out?

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

As soon as the naval captain struggled to break through the huge waves and undercurrents on the bottom of the sea, he was bitten by a huge water dragon and dragged into deeper waters.

"What's going on with this guy?" Uchiha Lunbu couldn't help but frowned.

It seems... seawater has some unexpected restraints on these enemies?
It's like the fire escape ninja came to the sea.

But this doesn’t seem to make sense!How can we still be restrained by the sea water after we are all on board?Why not serve on land?
However, as Uchiha Rumbu observed again, he seemed to find some differences.

Except for those enemies who use ordinary means, it seems that those strong men in leadership positions are more careful to avoid the sea water...

In particular, Uchipolenbu also saw a strange man who turned himself into a ball of flames. After being hit on the head and face by the Great Waterfall Technique and getting wet all over, he screamed and fell into the sea water, and was then captured with all his limbs weak. Living.

After testing, the ninjas of the Dynasty Navy also knew that ordinary sealing techniques were ineffective against these weirdos, so they changed their restraint methods to the water prison technique of water escape, and locked them in water balls one after another.

"Are these guys strong or weak?"

Uchi Bolunbu's brows furrowed even more.

If you look at the individual combat effectiveness, these powerful men from another world are undoubtedly extremely powerful. Even if three jounin of our own are besieging them, they can only trap the opponent's leader, and even the sharp ninja sword cannot cut off the opponent's head. limbs.

However, these strong men from another world are undoubtedly restrained by the sea water. Although the degree of restraint may vary depending on personal physical problems - for example, the one at the bottom of the sea is obviously not afraid of water, but what about this extremely obvious flaw? Will be allowed to exist by a strong man!

"Unless it's a universal drawback..."

Uchi Bolunbu said to himself.

"Commander Lumbu..."

A jounin came over.

"what happened?"

Uchibolumbu, who was thinking, asked casually.

"Would you like to salvage that guy?"

The jounin pointed to the bottom of the sea, "Otherwise, he will probably drown..."

"how is this possible……"

Uchi Bolunbu said something out of habit, but then he reacted: "...That's right, these guys are indeed a little afraid of water."

"Pick it up and then lock it up with water prison."

"As ordered!"

Immediately, the three jounin immediately escaped into the water and fished out the naval colonel who was still sinking.

"Inform us to clean up the battlefield, and then let's do a test!"

Uchi Bolunbu ordered casually.

"By the way, this guy..."

He pointed at the dying naval captain: "First cut off his hands and freeze them. Just don't die."


Perhaps because the body's strength was reduced after soaking in water, the jounin cut off the prisoner's arms without much effort and froze them one by one.

As for the captured unlucky guy, he didn't even have the energy to yell and scold, and he just kept blowing bubbles.

"Let all jonins conduct experiments..."

After jumping back to the flagship, Uchi Bolumbu confessed a few words to Chief of Staff Uzumaki Ichiraku, and then began human experiments.

What is rarely known is that Uchiha Renbu was Uchiha Demitsu and Orochimaru. During their earlier cooperation, they spent some time in Orochimaru's secret laboratory as a dispatched intern. Although this world He didn't learn any real skills, but at least he mastered the basic procedures of human experiments.


In the dead of night, Uchipolumbu, who had completed the human experiment, washed away the blood all over his body and began to write a report at his desk.

"...It has been discovered through experiments that seawater has an indescribable restraining effect on aliens in the new world. Although the overall effect varies from person to person, it will without exception weaken their power. Even an alien who is comparable to a chuunin has Possible death by drowning.”

Uchiha Rumbu paused, hesitated but still left these words.

Although this seems extremely ridiculous from a ninja's perspective, it is what it is.

"In addition, it has been found in practice that Water Release composed entirely of Chakra will not restrain aliens - and no matter how pure the Water Release's Chakra is; it can be inferred that the sea water in this world may contain Some unknown substance will cause interference to aliens."

"However, due to the limited conditions of our fleet and the lack of necessary reference materials, there is currently no way to separate and test seawater, and it is also difficult to purify effective restraint substances."

"Due to the language barrier and the lack of occult ninjas who are proficient in spiritual communication, this interrogation has not yet achieved effective results. However, special personnel have been arranged to learn the language with the surrenderers among the prisoners. When the level of language communication is reached, separate arrangements will be made. Trial matters..."

"Also about the level of combat power in this world..."

After writing this, Uchiha Rumbu paused, but continued to write truthfully: "In addition to the extremely obvious weakness of fear of water, the fighting power of aliens is generally stronger than that of ninjas, especially their bodies are strong enough to withstand chakra swords. Qi attack..."

"Following up, the headquarters will conduct interrogations to understand his practice system, in order to form a more specific and credible combat power analysis report as soon as possible."

After finishing writing, Uchipolumbu, who looked solemn, went to the telegraph room in person to send back this analysis report that was still full of assumptions.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate the foundation of a world..."

After sending the telegram, Uchipolunbu felt a little heavy.

Although we caught the enemy by surprise, nearly fifty ninjas died in the subsequent captures because they were not familiar with the opponent's methods. Although this battle loss ratio was not much compared to the final number of prisoners. But this is based on our own absolute battlefield advantage.

After thinking about it, Uchih Porzu sent another telegram.

"The strength of our dynasty's navy lies in the strength of its ships and the power of its guns, and its strength lies in the unity of its superiors..."

"Considering that the other party may have a certain fear of sea water, we can develop special ships that can dive and sail as appropriate, use wolf pack attacks to block all the enemy's sea ships from entering the battle, and concentrate our forces to divide and annihilate them in battle... "

After hesitating for a long time, Uchi Bolunbu added again: "The enemy army encountered this time may not be the strongest combat force in the other world. This analysis is for reference only."


After sending all the telegrams, Uchi Bolumbu breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the telegraph room.

"Come in!"

Chief of Staff Uzumaki Ichiraku opened the door and entered.

"I just dissected the alien who had a similar chakra transformation effect..."

Uzumaki Ichiraku, whose hands were still stained with some blood, said: "But if that guy has ordinary organs in his body, he is no different from us..."

"how can that be……"

Uchi Bolunbu felt a little headache: "Aren't the only monsters that can achieve chakra transformation? Tailed beasts and the like? How could there be organs and the like!"

"Dissect a few more half-dead guys and find out their characteristics and shortcomings as soon as possible!"

 Update today (2/2)

  The main reason why Devil Fruit users are afraid of water is that the water contains PYROBROIN, the active ingredient of Pyrostone. Although it is not as dense as Pyrobrite, it can also cause weak power users to feel weak.

  However, depending on the individual's physical fitness, the impact of Hailou Stone will be different.Some people instantly become paralyzed just by touching the sea floor stone. Some people can still move like ordinary people wearing sea floor stone handcuffs.But this is only resistance to the side effects of powerlessness, and it cannot prevent the Sea Tower Stone's sealing ability.

  Finally, I would like to add that not all strong men in the pirate world have eaten devil fruits, so the restraint of sea water or sea stone is not absolute - for example, Jinbei and General Garp of the Shichibukai have not eaten it; Uchi Boren in this chapter Bu's analysis results are based on the Navy Devil Fruit users he has encountered so far.

(End of this chapter)

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