Chapter 483
What a strange new world..."

In the conference room of the flagship of the huge fleet heading to Mt. Myoboku, Uchiha Tokumitsu carefully flipped through the battle analysis report on the New World, while Hatake Sakumo, Uchiha Fugaku & Shiina, and Sansho Hanzo were reading copies on one side. , Orochimaru, Tsunade and others all looked solemn.

"It took three jonin to suppress the opponent's leader...this is also..."

Water Wuyue Qiannuo's face is not very good -looking.

Because in the first sea battle with another world, two of the three jounin who assisted Uchibarumbu to suppress the enemy chief were Kirisu ninjas, and they were also famous jonins in the Kirisame ninja village. Such a record made He felt somewhat embarrassed.

"It can't be calculated that way. According to the battle description, Commander Lunbu can definitely kill the enemy chief. However, in order to test the opponent's strength more, the three jounin also let it go."

Hatake Sakumo is still the same kind and caring person as always.

Minazuki Chino's expression softened slightly.

"The strength of another world cannot be underestimated..."

Tsunade also said: "You must be careful when exploring another world."

Although Uchiha Rumbu is an atypical Uchiha ninja, his strength is unparalleled even among the powerful Uchiha clan. It is not surprising that he can suppress the enemy chief, but the question is how many like him can there be in the ninja world? What about Uchiha-like ninjas?

I am afraid that even in the ninja world government system, those jounin who can join forces to fight against enemy chiefs are the mainstream jounin level.

But in today's context, Tsunade's words are just correct nonsense. Uchiha Tokumitsu just nodded, and then turned his eyes to the two senior members of the same race.

“Be lenient when you anticipate the enemy, be lenient when you are prepared.”

Uchiha Fugaku said seriously.

Another correct piece of nonsense.

But it can also be seen from this that Uchiha Fugaku's character is too cautious and even a little indecisive.

"The New World is the Promised Land of the Uchiha Dynasty!"

In comparison, Chiha Shiina seems very ambitious.

Uchiha Tokko nodded, and then turned his attention to Orochimaru, who had been reading the battle report seriously.

"Orochimaru-san, what do you think?"

Orochimaru raised his head, licked his lips uncontrollably and said, "According to the report, there is an alien in the new world who can freely switch between a normal human state and a chakra-like state..."

"So, in theory, how do such aliens acquire such abilities? What are the limitations of such abilities? What is the basis of their resistance to sea water..."

Orochimaru listed a lot of questions in one breath: "Furthermore, why are the aliens that were dissected after being captured in a normal state of flesh and blood? How did they change?"

"But to be fair, it is obvious that the anatomy experiments and summary reports commanded by Lumbu are seriously not up to par! The experimental attachments to this report are full of all kinds of taken-for-granted conjectures, which are simply not enough to serve as a standard for evaluating a new world's combat effectiveness system!"

Orochimaru was very dissatisfied as he waved the report in his hand.

"...He once interned in your laboratory for a period of time."

Uchiha Tokko pointed out the key.

"Really, why don't I have any impression..."

Orochimaru looked at the report again without changing his expression: "Although the basic skills are not very solid, the theoretical level is still high, and the intention is actually not bad..."

"This report is the highest secret of the Ninja government. Except for the people, you must not mention it with others."

Since no one could say anything nutritious, Uchiha Tokumitsu also concluded: "But..."

"The future of the ninja world lies in conquering the new world and using the surplus from the new world to make up for the deficiencies in the ninja world. Only in this way can the overall advancement of the ninja world be achieved."

"And now that the enemy is clear and we are hidden, there is still enough time to plan and test carefully..."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Now that we are about to arrive at the outskirts of Miaomu Mountain, please go back and prepare for the affairs of the headquarters..."

After Uchiha Tokko finished speaking, everyone excused themselves and left.

"Pirate World..."

After everyone left, Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help but relax a little, and his face showed a rare embarrassed expression.

Chakra-like changes, fear of sea water, the white uniforms of the regular army, and those strange combat skills...

Isn’t this just Devil Fruit and Marine Six Styles!

If he remembered correctly, the strong men in the One Piece world are all famous for their long health bars!

Moreover, since people in the pirate world do not have chakra, the Uchiha clan's hard control illusions are basically ineffective against them. This is equivalent to abolishing a major method of the Uchiha clan!
And there is no natural energy in the pirate world!
There was no way to replenish Uchiha Tokumitsu's magic power, and even a personal expedition would be difficult to sustain.

But it would be a shame to give up this opportunity to open up a new world!
"You have to think of a way..."

Uchiha Tokko paced back and forth, thinking carefully.


Fukasaku Sennin, who left Mt. Myoboku, took a thousand of the most powerful ninjas and nearly [-] high-grade frog eggs. After taking a false shot in the direction of the Uchiha dynasty's route, he announced to the ninjas that the Great Toad Sennin Afterwards, amid the uproar among the ninja frogs, he used strong methods to force them to take another detour with him to the assembly point, waiting for the appearance of the Sage of Six Paths.

Although the Ninja people were turbulent or dissatisfied, they were suppressed by Fukasaku Sennin's great interest in continuing the survival of Mount Myoki, so they had no choice but to put aside the longing for their friends and children, and anxiously waited for the arrival of the new world.

For the vast majority of ninja frogs who have never left Mount Myoboku in their lives, they may risk their lives for the survival of Mount Myoboku, but it is also a bit difficult for the frogs to accept the drastic changes across the world as if nothing had happened.

Although Fukasaku looked gloomy, he was actually equally uneasy inside.

It has never seen what the new world looks like, let alone what kind of creatures exist in the new world. Whether the Miaomu Mountains can adapt and survive and thrive after migrating there...

Unknown and temporarily unsolvable questions kept echoing in its mind.

Moreover, according to Toad Sage's words, it seems that the Uchiha Dynasty has also noticed the existence of the new world, and may also have the same intention of colonizing and even conquest and plunder.

So, what should happen to the Mt. Myoboku family that escapes to the new world?
Thinking of this, Fukasaku Sennin couldn't help but touch his abdomen.

The bag of tips given by the Great Immortal Toad was stored in his belly.


As a strange breeze swirled, the water that was swept up gradually transformed into a tall human form, and Fukasaku Sennin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from the aura, it should be the Six Paths Sage who assisted the Miaomu Mountains to 'smuggle' into the new world!
The ninjas couldn't help but get a little commotion when they saw this strange scene, but they gradually calmed down when they saw Fukasaku Sennin's calm appearance.

Sure enough, after a while, the human body made of sea water took on the appearance of the Immortal of Six Paths.

"Great Immortal..."

Fukasaku Sennin immediately bowed and paid tribute. "No need to be polite..."

The voice of the Sage of Six Paths echoed in the vast dead sea: "Hasn't Gamamaru changed his mind in the end?"

Fukasaku Sennin did not speak, but bowed again.

"All right……"

The Immortal of Six Paths sighed slightly, but didn't say much.

"...Respect your choice!"

Subsequently, the breeze that originally only caused ripples in the sea gradually increased in strength, and gradually rolled up a vortex black hole on the sea surface.

"go in……"

The voice of the six immortals echoed again.


Although he was mentally prepared beforehand, even Fukasaku Sennin couldn't help but flinch when things came to pass.

This dark, bottomless vortex black hole, after getting into it, can you reach another world?
This is amazing too!

It also thought that the Immortal of Six Paths would open a door to a new world!
"I can only last 10 minutes..."

The voice of the Immortal of Six Paths sounded again.

After hearing this, Fukasaku Sennin immediately gritted his teeth and was the first to jump into the vortex black hole!
Although the selected ninjas were also hesitant, they all mustered up the courage to queue up and jump to the new world to find the promised land of the new Mt. Myouki!

Ten minutes later, the vortex black hole disappeared on time, and the Myoboku Mountain ninja frog also completed its 'smuggling'.

"That Uchiha brat is really cheap..."

The Immortal of Six Paths sighed, and then disappeared.

But maybe it was because the vortex black hole connected the sea of ​​the new world. After the Six Paths Immortal left, the sea water rolled back when the black hole returned, and a few extremely small octopuses rolled up.

But then the little octopus fell into the dead water again, and became silent again.


"Your Majesty, urgent report from the East China Sea!"

Just when they were about to arrive at the outskirts of Mt. Myoboku, a telegram from the hurricane barrier monitoring station was delivered to Uchiha Tokko.

When he unfolded it, Uchiha Tokimitsu was greatly surprised.

"...the hurricane suddenly weakened?"

根据一开始的估算,飓风屏障消失大概需要一年左右的时间,但在这次非常突然的风力削弱之后,根据驻守漩涡忍者的判断,最多过三个月飓风屏障就会削弱到可以通航铁甲舰的The degree!
Moreover, even the radio station of the observation station can directly communicate with the fleet ship-borne radio station in the New World. Although complete information cannot be sent for the time being, the key node signals can still be received.

And this also shows that the change in the hurricane barrier is not only a weakening of the wind, but also represents an intensification of the collision between two different worlds!

"...This is too sudden!"

Hatake Sakumo and others looked at each other.

"Three months ... It is a bit hasty to consolidate Yunyin and Yan Yin."

Uchiha Fugaku muttered.

"They are not surrendering troops."

旗木朔茂正色说道:“如今云隐岩隐已经不复存在,那些归顺忍界政府的前岩隐云隐们如今都是忍界的屯垦忍者,没必要过于强调旧时期身份上的区别! "

"...I made a mistake!"

Uchiha Fugaku responded immediately.

"It's better to enter the new world as soon as possible..."

Uchiha Demitsu said aloud: "We can send out advance troops to test while reorganizing the ninja army to prepare for battle."

"As long as we adhere to the principle that the enemy is in the light and we are in the dark!"

"Moreover, the first priority now is to destroy the alien settlements that do not accept kingship!"

As soon as Uchiha Tokumitsu finished speaking, a long horn sound came from outside the conference room.

When everyone heard this, they immediately became energetic!
This is the vanguard formation of the surface fleet that has arrived outside Mt. Myoboku!
"Let's go have a look together."

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood up and said: "After the demise of the alien ninja frogs, Mt. Myoboku may no longer be the scenic spot it is now!"

After walking out of the flagship conference room, Uchiha Tokumitsu also saw the legendary Mt. Miaomu for the first time.

Completely opposite to the wild sea area he was in at this time, Mount Miaomu was like a fairyland surrounded by clouds and mist. Even from a relatively long distance, Uchiha Tokko could sense the rich natural energy it contained!
Perhaps, the reason why the wild land is so desolate and dead, in addition to the influence of the Otsutsuki sacred tree in ancient times, is because the existence of Miaomu Mountain absorbs all the vitality!

Thinking of this, the murderous intention in Uchiha Tokko's heart became more intense!
"Notify all jonins to gather!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Shisui: "I will personally arrange this battle!"

"As ordered!"

Uchiha Shisui immediately went to the communication tower to make a report.

"Gentlemen, I hope you will go all out for the next battle!"

Uchiha Tokko turned around and said to Hatake Sakumo and others.

"I respectfully submit to your Majesty's will!"

Everyone immediately responded in unison!


Uchiha Tokko's eyes turned to Orochimaru, "Let Ryūchi Cave do the testing first!"

"As ordered!"

Although he understood that the snakes in Ryūchi Cave were being used as scapegoats, Orochimaru still responded without any psychological burden and quickly headed to the bow of the vanguard formation.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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