Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 484 The Difficulty of the Holy Land

Chapter 484 The Difficulty of the Holy Land
"Ninfa Wan She Luo Formation!"

After channeling Tianxin Shenji who came out of Ryūchi Cave, Orochimaru quickly formed seals with the help of Sheji, and then stretched his neck into the sea water, spouting countless venomous snakes from his mouth, covering almost the entire sea area, and in Under the command of Tian Xinji, he swam towards Mt. Miaomu!

The ninjas who saw the scene in front of them all felt their scalps numb and their hands and feet felt a little cold!
Although the power of these poisonous snakes is nothing to ninjas, but...

"This amount is too terrifying..."

A navy ninja couldn't help but sigh: "Did Ryūchi Cave take out all the family wealth?"

"They're just some junk snakes with no intelligence and no chakra!"

A well-informed jounin scoffed at this.

But as Orochimaru continued to spray snakes, the venomous snakes that appeared became larger and larger. Some of the giant snakes with chakra fluctuations were even larger than Orochimaru's body. It is not known how they were sprayed from his mouth. !
"...It's really a waste of money!"

This time it was the Jonin's turn to be stunned.

"Stop looking, hurry up and weave the phantom bombs and explosive bombs together, otherwise it will be too late for the rapid-fire cannon to fire!"

After a while, the Jonin who reacted immediately urged his subordinates to continue preparations for the battle.


Uchiha Tokumitsu's overall deployment is still the 'fire superiority tactic' that has been followed from the shogunate period to this day - to put it bluntly, it is non-stop fire bombardment to clear the ground.

Of course, in addition to this, due to the increasing level of training of the Ninja Army, today's Marine Corps and strategic support forces can already achieve "infantry and artillery coordination" in combat. This also means that the technology of artillery ninjas has improved after many years. After the baptism of the first war, it has been greatly improved - at least there will be no mistakes in pouring chakra shells on one's own head.

The most eye-catching thing is that the three-tailed jinchuriki Gou Tachibana Yagura and the nine-tailed jinchuriki Uzumaki Kushina and six shrunken tailed beasts, and the eyes of these six tailed beasts also have Sharingan. Magatama eye lines!This shows that the elite ninjas of Uchiha are controlling them.

As for the two tailed beasts, he squatted majestically beside Uchiha Tokumitsu, not even bothering to look at his stubborn tailed beast companions who never gave in.

"His Majesty……"

Uchiha Shisui teleported to the flagship watchtower, bowed slightly and saluted Uchiha Tokumitsu: "The entire army is ready."

"it is good……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded, and then Hatake Sakumo, Tsunade, Uchiha Fugaku and others also bowed and walked out of the watchtower and went to their respective combat positions.

At this time, as the venomous snakes summoned by Orochimaru continued to pour into the fog outside Mount Myoboku, the originally peaceful Mount Myoboku began to emit bursts of noise. Along with the gentle breeze, there was a strong smell of blood. Spread out.

After nearly 10 minutes, the fog outside Mt. Myouki became thicker and thicker, the smell of blood wafting out became stronger and stronger, the noise coming out became smaller and smaller, and Orochimaru also gradually stopped the 'body art' of spitting out snakes. .


Uchiha Demitsu nodded slightly to Shisui.

Subsequently, with an order from the command tower, the main guns of 24 battleships and 49 cruisers opened fire in unison!

With the roar that resounded throughout the world, the battleship was even pushed backwards by the recoil of the main gun!
There were even waves on the sea where the fleet was located!

Then, Miaomu Mountain turned into a sea of ​​fire!
"Three volleys of main gun fire!"

Uchiha Shisui ordered again according to the battle plan.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

With the successive bombardments of naval guns, the fog outside Mt. Miaomu began to be completely wiped out by the raging chakra storm and explosive flames!
And those ninja frogs who fought with the ninja snakes just took a breath, and before they had time to bandage their wounds, they were drowned in a sea of ​​fire!


The Great Toad Immortal in the palace also opened his eyes after hearing the violent explosion coming from the outside, and stepped down from the high seat with some difficulty.

Its mount, a toad, immediately jumped up to the great immortal.

Sitting cross-legged on the back of his mount Toad, Great Immortal Toad slowly walked out of the palace.

This was also the first time that its true form left the high seat of the palace after the battle to seal Kaguya Otsutsuki.

And this also represents the moment when Miaomu Mountain is about to die...

"Great Immortal!"

After seeing the Great Immortal walking out of his palace, the frightened and confused Ninjas worshiped him one after another.

"Withdraw from the perimeter, there is no need to go there..."

The voice of the Great Toad Sennin echoed through Mt. Miaomu: "All the frog ninjas disperse and enter the pit to stand by!"

The ninja frogs immediately dispersed under the leadership of the big toads, so as not to be caught by the artillery fire that was constantly coming forward.

"...I will live and die with the Myoboku Mountain lineage!"

As the ninja frogs dispersed, the Great Toad Immortal muttered something softly.

This not only clears your mind, but also encourages yourself.

Although they were aware of it beforehand, not everyone can face the horror of life and death calmly.


"The Marines are ready for battle!"

With the continuous bombardment of artillery fire, all the fog outside Miaomu Mountain has been driven away, and the defensive ninja frogs and traps laid in advance have been reduced to smoke and dust in the endless bombardment.

Under the orders of Hatake Sakumo and Minazuki Chino, three marine brigades began to charge in canoes to seize the beach!
At the same time, the battleship's main and secondary guns also began to spread in depth.

"not bad……"

Uchiha Tokko in the watchtower was very satisfied.

Putting aside the huge difference in personal combat power, although the tactical level and equipment technology of his ninja army are at the level of the First World War in the memory of his previous life, it is still more than enough to annihilate a heterogeneous group of bandits. .

"Kushina, it's your turn..."

Uchiha Demitsu personally issued the order through the communication device.

"Roger that!"

Uzumaki Kushina, who was full of energy, replied excitedly,
Then he jumped out of the sea and ran towards Mt. Miaomu, while quickly releasing the Nine-Tails Chakra.

Gotachibana Yagura also followed suit and launched a tailed beast charge!
The other six tailed beasts controlled by the Uchiha ninjas began to condense tailed beast jade in their mouths!
"Another brigade, this time we will continue to fight side by side."

Uchiha Tokumitsu gently plucked Matata's chakra hair. "Taiga Beaver!"

The arrogant big cat grinned and growled, but it did not object to Uchiha Tokumitsu's 'caress'.

Just when the Marine Corps brigade was about to wash up the beach, the tailed beasts from behind arrived first and viciously bombarded the devastated outskirts of Miaomu Mountain!
A towering mushroom cloud rose from the ground.

The huge chakra shock wave even set off a huge wave like a tsunami. If the Marine assault boats were not loaded with special anti-wind and wave equipment, they would probably be swept into the sea by their own attack at this time!

"Continue to extend the volley!"

Uchiha Shiina urged.

As a result, the artillery bombardment became more intensive and fierce!
And this is not over yet, the six tailed beasts that were heavily surrounded began to gather tailed beast jade again!

Sensing this scene that was like destroying the world, the Great Toad Immortal couldn't help but sigh, feeling helpless.

"Iwajuku Toad, come back..."

Following Toad Sennin's order, the outer perimeter of Mt. Myoboku, which had been almost flattened by the tailed beast jade and heavy artillery, suddenly collapsed!
A dark pit immediately appeared, and then a thick stream of plasma poured out, turning the pit into a pool of blood!
"It's actually the largest Iwajuku toad in Mt. Myoboku!"

Even Tian Xinji from Longdi Cave couldn't help but be shocked when she saw this.

If there hadn't been the Tailed Beast Jade bombing, the Marine Corps brigade that hurriedly landed would probably have been made dumplings by Iwajuku Toad!
Moreover, if the strength is not enough, no matter how many there are, they will not pose a fatal threat to the prehistoric giant toad!

"Don't make a fuss and embarrass yourself!"

Although Orochimaru was also startled, he still said calmly on the surface: "Everything is under your Majesty's control!"

"This way of fighting..."

Tian Xin Shenji couldn't help but lose consciousness.

Theoretically, a tailed beast with endless chakra could level the entire Myoboku Mountain to the ground!

The only way for the Ninjas to break the situation is to rush out and fight the Marine Brigade at close quarters before the next round of Tailed Beast Jade is condensed, creating a situation where the enemy is in danger!
But the battleship's giant cannon and the two jinchūriki are not vegetarians. If the ninja frogs want to rush over and engage in a melee with the ninja army, they must endure horrific casualties!

But how many ninja frogs can be squandered in Mt. Myoboku that has suffered many losses?
Tian Xin Shenji couldn't understand.

But it also knows very well that the era of alien psychic beasts wreaking havoc due to their size has completely come to an end!
No wonder Patriarch White Snake is willing to bow his head and submit so simply...


Standing in front of the Marine Brigade formation, Uzumaki Kushina and Gotachibana Yagura also began to fire tailed beast tama ahead.

But this time the tailed beast jade didn't hit the ground, but was blocked by a five-color light curtain!
This is also the last barrier of Miaomu Mountain - the mountain protection barrier that has never been opened!
"...Everything is over!"

The great Toad Immortal was sweating profusely as he tried to open his barrier to block the two tailed beast jade.

There is a crystal ball suspended in front of it, which reflects the scene outside the holy land.

It was seen that the logged-in Marine Brigade did not advance into the depths of the Holy Land, but instead built positions on the spot and deployed various war equipment; and among the ship groups behind it, groups of ninjas with somewhat chaotic formations were Coming across the water - that was the colonization unit deployed to fight, that is, the surrendered Kumogakure Iwagakure ninjas.

But even if these surrendered troops who serve as cannon fodder die in battle, they will not pose any threat to the rule of the Uchiha dynasty!

The Great Toad Immortal's second resistance plan failed again!
"Toad health!"

The Great Toad Immortal sent a message to the big toad that was ambushing in the underground pit: "Take the Ninja Frog and continue to burrow into the ground, and let this group of Ninja Army enter the Holy Land. You continue to wait for my order!"

Just as the sound transmission ended, the second round of Tailed Beast Jade attacks followed, hitting the mountain barrier of Toad Immortal.

This time, the barrier began to ripple with more intense chakra!
Then, the tailed beast tama of Uzumaki Kushina and Goju Yagura came again!

Accompanied by a crisp sound like broken jade, the barrier of Miaomu Mountain was broken!

An extremely fresh breath overflowed, and the ninjas who asked about this breath could not help but feel refreshed!
Even Uchiha Tokumitsu felt extremely comfortable, and the Senjutsu Five Release Chakra in his body seemed to be more spiritual.

From this we can see how rich the natural energy is contained in Mt. Miaomu!
"The main battery is deep bombing! The secondary battery barrage advances slowly!"

Uchiha Shiina also issued the order based on the prior tactical plan.

As a result, the artillery fire became more rapid!


"Gentlemen, it's time for us to fight to the death!"

Huang Tu, who was standing in the front row of the Reclamation Alliance, slowly adjusted the round fan on his forehead to protect his forehead and shouted loudly.

Beside him were Ai and Kirabi, who were born in Kumogakure. They were also dressed like loess, but said nothing.

"Use your military exploits! Use your blood! Fight to create a new life for yourself and your family!"

Huang Tu ignored Yunyin and the two who were still emotional, and shouted loudly: "Be loyal to His Majesty Tokuguang!"


The colonizing ninjas all drew their weapons.

Maybe they are not willing to be defeated, maybe they are not willing to accept their current situation, but these surrendering ninjas who were born in Iwagakure Kumogakure have no choice.

Uchiha Tokumitsu has pointed out a new path for them, which is to prove their loyalty with blood and death on the battlefield!


The leisurely whistle from the rear began to sound - this was the order for the ground troops to attack!


Under the cover of artillery fire, Loess stood up and was the first to charge towards the legendary holy land Miaomu Mountain!


Perhaps to vent their inner fear, or perhaps to vent their inner unwillingness, under the leadership of Huang Tu, the first batch of five reclamation regiments launched a desperate charge!

 Update today (2/2)

  Generally speaking, the backbone of the ninja world is weaker than that of the pirate world; but the unified ninja world + technological ninja tools will also have a certain combat effectiveness bonus, so the disparity will not be so one-sided.

(End of this chapter)

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