Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 486 The dead end of Miaomu Mountain

Chapter 486 The dead end of Miaomu Mountain
"Those who offend the Holy Land will be killed without mercy!"

Although the Great Immortal Toad is old and weak, his power has not diminished at all.

Facing the mighty Susanoo falling from the sky, it shouted loudly, waved its arms repeatedly, and extended its frog arms to fight with the mighty Susanoo's weapon in the air!
"Your physical skills are pretty good, old toad!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu controlled the mighty Susanoo and launched an attack as fast as a storm, but was still blocked by Toad Sennin with his huge arms.

"The inheritance of the Holy Land for ten thousand years is something that you, the younger generation, cannot underestimate!"

The old face of the Great Toad Immortal was extremely solemn, and his pair of frog arms were waving faster and faster.

"Ninja Technique: Iron Cannonball!"

Taking advantage of the gap in the fight, Toad Sennin bulged his mouth and sprayed out a rapid and dense ball of chakra water to hit the chakra demon statue of Susanoo!

The extremely ferocious force knocked the mighty Susanoo staggering, and even cracks appeared on the demon statue.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu increased the strength of tailed beast chakra extraction, and the Susana rift was immediately repaired!
"Immortal Art · Five Escapes · Five Dragons Combo!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately retaliated. Five celestial dragons with different chakra attributes entangled with each other in the huge mouth of the demon's head, and fiercely attacked the Toad Sage.

After Toad Sennin succeeded in the iron cannonball, he was preparing to continue to expand the victory with Frog Kumite, but he did not expect Uchiha Tokumitsu to react so quickly, and it was inevitable to avoid the oncoming Senjutsu dragon!
"Immortal Magic: Frog Immortal Sect!"

The Great Toad Immortal shouted loudly, pressed his giant paw to the ground and summoned a huge toad statue to stand in front of the Immortal Magic Dragon——


The toad statue shattered in response!

But the Immortal Dragon's remaining power remained unabated, and it viciously struck the Great Immortal Toad!

Then, Susana's giant sword swiped towards the neck of Toad Immortal, who was staggering due to the explosion!

The Great Toad Immortal took a deep breath and retracted his entire head into his chest!He avoided the owl's giant sword in an extremely dangerous manner!
But then the other five weapons of the mighty Susanoo's giant arms bombarded it!
Before the Great Toad Immortal could even stretch out his head, he was beaten to the point where all his internal organs were injured, and blood spurted out of his mouth and gushes out from his shrinking neck.

This is one of the reasons why strong men often use physical skills as a means of decisive battle - it's straightforward enough and neat!
The unforgiving Uchiha Tokumitsu freed his arms to catch the two clans after Toad Sento fell to the ground, and the other four giant arms were about to tear him into pieces!

"Frog slough!"

But after the big sword was swung down, it only smashed into pieces the skin bag left by the Great Toad Immortal, but his true body had already escaped through the cover of the frog's slough!
"It's kind of interesting..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled and continued to control the powerful Susanoo to kill.


Behind Uchiha Tokumitsu, the battle between the Iwajuku Big Toad and the two jinchuriki continued, but no surprise, the advantage was completely in favor of the jinchuriki.

Although the ninjas could not participate in a monster battle of this level, after the colonizing ninjas and the Marine Corps launched a full-scale assault, the already suppressed ninja frogs collapsed and were killed with corpses everywhere. !
After the ninja army continued to advance, Tianxin Shenji also joined the battle group besieging Iwajuku Big Toad.

It first escaped into the ground and then transformed into the prototype of a giant snake. After sneaking under the feet of the big toad, it lurked patiently and waited. After it was knocked to the ground again, it quickly emerged from the ground, opening its mouth and biting the big toad viciously. After injecting venom into his left eye, he immediately let go and tried to escape.

Using the talent of burrowing to launch unexpected attacks is the specialty of Longdi Cave!

"Quack quack quack!"

The big toad of Iwasu immediately let out a shrill scream. At the same time, Zuo Qi grabbed Tian Xinji's snake body and squeezed it hard!

Tian Xin Shenji suddenly felt that her internal organs were about to be crushed by the huge force!

Fortunately, Gotachibana Yagura once again gathered the tailed beast's body and rolled forward, pushing the Iwajuku giant toad down to the ground again, and the nine-tailed demon fox transformed by Uzumaki Kushina also grabbed the neck and bit it again, and was beaten. The confused Iwajuku Big Toad couldn't help but let go, and Tian Xinji took the opportunity to use snake slough to escape!

"What a terrible battle..."

After escaping back underground, Tian Xin Shenji still felt lingering fear.

Although she has always been the strongest person in Ryūchi Cave No. [-], in the previous battles between the two holy lands, she had fought equally with the two immortals Fukasaku and Shima on her own, so she was quite confident about her own strength. Being so confident, it didn't take the giant toad of Iwajuku seriously.

However, after trying it for a while, Tian Xin Shenji felt that this huge toad was really not easy to mess with, and it could easily cause irreparable damage to herself.

"Forget it, just go deep into Miaomu Mountain and find a chance to have a good meal..."

After thinking about it, Tian Shinji continued to dive deeper underground and felt that fighting was not worthwhile, and swam towards the gathering place of ninja frogs in Mt. Myoboku.



The Toad Immortal, who was being chased in a panic, swallowed the blow from Susana's giant sword, and used the momentum to jump back.

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately controlled the powerful Susanoo to cover up and kill him again.

"Magic Toad Sings!"

As soon as Toad Sennin's right foot hit the ground, he immediately bulged his mouth and made a noise that almost shattered the space toward the powerful Susanoo——


Uchiha Tokumitsu was suddenly shocked and dizzy.

The Great Immortal Toad did not intend to take advantage of the situation to pursue him, but began to make a rare double-foot seal.

"This is……"

After recovering, Uchiha Tokumitsu saw Toad Sennin's handprints and laughed so hard that tears almost flowed out.


Then, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was hiding in Susana's head, swung out a stream of five-color divine light in all directions seemingly at random.

The Great Toad Immortal was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned blue.

——It found that the spell it was preparing could not be activated!
"You want to use Konoha's jutsu against me?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu taunted loudly while covering up the kill: "You don't even think about whether you are worthy or not!"

"...The Pure Land is the world of the dead controlled by the Immortal of Six Paths. How on earth did you do it!"

Great Toad Immortal asked unwillingly.

"Although I can't tell the origin of your technique, judging from the posture of the hand seals and the chakra aura, it should be a technique similar to the reincarnation of the earth to summon the dead!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's offensive became more and more fierce. Not only did Susanoru Arms continuously swing and slash, the Toad Sento could only parry, but the Demon God Sanshou continued to spray out the five escape ninjutsus of water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder, blasting the Toad Sento to pieces. covered in wounds.


The Great Immortal Toad just parried and didn't reply.

"Sun halo dance!"

After fighting for a long time, the exhausted Toad Immortal showed a flaw. Uchiha Tokumitsu seized the opportunity to control Susanoo to activate the sword style and cut off his right arm at the root!
"Sacrifice yourself and explode!"

Toad Sennin is also a ruthless frog. When his right arm was cut off, he immediately shrank back. At the same time, he used his still active right arm to grab one of Susana's giant arms, and then detonated it!


However, after the mushroom cloud formed by the explosion rose, Susanoo, whose huge body had some cracks but was constantly recovering, slowly walked out of the smoke, much to Toad Sennin's disappointment.

"...I'm afraid I would never have imagined that a descendant of Indra could reach such a height as you."

The Great Immortal Toad couldn't help but sigh.

In its impression, even Indra, the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, was probably not much stronger than Tokumitsu Uchiha.

For the blood successor ninja clan, surpassing the bloodline ancestors is almost impossible!
But Uchiha Tokumitsu did it, and at such a young age.

Looking at the arrogant-looking Tokimitsu Uchiha in the majestic Susanoo, Toad Sennin was full of emotions: "If Uchiha is born, how can Mt. Myoki be born?"

"What happened today is all the fault of Mount Miaomu!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu controlled Susanoo to raise the giant sword, and pointed the tip of the sword at the head of Toad Sennin and said: "As an alien, since you dare to interfere with the trend of the ninja world, you privately select the so-called son of prophecy in an attempt to become an alien. The heart replaces the Manifest Destiny of the ninja world, and you have a way to die!"

He was not in a hurry to attack, after all, the fierce battle just now put a heavy burden on him.

"Manifest Destiny..."

The Great Toad Immortal sighed sadly.



Tian Xinji, who sneaked under the frog group, broke out of the ground and swallowed a huge frog in one mouthful.

"Bah, bah, bah! He's actually a stupid stone frog!"

However, as soon as this stone frog entered her stomach, Tian Xin Shenji felt that something was wrong with her taste, and she felt very unhappy.

The frog group that was suddenly attacked suddenly became chaotic.Tian Xin Shenji looked around and saw that most of the frogs were stone frogs, mixed with a few younger Ninja frogs who looked very interesting at first sight.

"Fortunately, I went right..."

Tian Xin Shenji stretched out her snake letter and hissed, her fiercely gleaming snake eyes fixed on the trembling ninja frogs, about to start devouring them.

"Ninja Technique: Water Iron Cannon!"

Suddenly, a series of condensed water escape chakra balls were shot towards Tian Xinji's seven inches, forcing it to pull back and dodge.

"It's you!"

Tian Xinji turned her eyes and looked at the visitor, and was suddenly shocked: "Old Toad Fukasaku, you didn't go to save your immortal?!"

The dull-looking 'Fukasaku Sennin' ignored Tianxinji's words and formed a seal to use his spell to kill Tianxinji.

"Do you still think I'm afraid of you?"

Tian Xinji, who was disturbed from her "eating" mood, also jumped up in anger and killed her old rival "Fukasaku Sennin".



On the other side, the Iwajuku Big Toad, who was knocked to the ground again by two tailed beasts, struggled to get up. However, due to the severe injuries on his body, excessive blood loss, and confusion in the alien space in his abdominal intestines, he was unable to get up. .

"Tailed beast jade!"

Uzumaki Kushina condensed a small tailed beast jade and blasted the right arm of Iwajuku Big Toad into a bloody foam, completely ending its final struggle.

The giant Iwajuku toad that fell to the ground gasped rapidly, preparing to explode the power of space in its intestines.

But Goju Yagura came over again and crushed his right leg until it was completely broken!

"That's too late……"

Although Iwajuku Big Toad felt that he was not completely ready to self-destruct, he had no time to let it continue to brew.

And just when it was about to explode, two golden chains shot out from the nine-tailed demon fox's mouth, locking its left arm and right leg!

"King Kong Blockade!"

Uzumaki Kushina, who had long noticed that the Iwajuku giant toad was an extraordinary species, was extremely excited and prepared to capture this rare species as research supplies.

The Iwajuku Big Toad was blocked by King Kong, disrupting its chakra and preparing to self-destruct out of control.

Afterwards, its intestines were rolled over and disappeared without a trace. The light in the right eye of the giant toad also disappeared, and there was no life left at all.


Even Uzumaki Kushina was shocked: "Can King Kong blockade still kill people?!"


"it's time!"

Sensing the death of the great toad of Iwajuku, the eyes of the Great Toad Immortal dimmed, and the deathly aura on his face became more intense.

And in the depths of Mt. Myoboku, Fukasaku Sennin, who was fighting against Tian Shinji, suddenly froze and was bitten off by Snake Princess who saw the opportunity and swallowed it in his belly.

"How could I kill this guy so easily..."

The somewhat surprised Tian Shinji felt that it was not enough after devouring 'Fukasaku Sennin' and continued to kill those trembling ninja frogs.


After recovering the power of the clone, Toad Sennin's belly bulged, and he sprayed a beam of white light towards the mighty Susanoo, smashing the two giant arms into pieces in one fell swoop!

"This is……"

Uchiha Tokko was also a little surprised!

He didn't expect that the Great Toad Immortal could come up with such sharp means after being forced into this situation.

However, after sensing it for a while, I realized that the aura of the Great Toad Immortal was declining rapidly.

"It seems you are risking your life..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly.

The Great Toad Immortal ignored it, and after taking back the white light, it hung above his head and turned into a spinning ball.

"bring it on……"

Uchiha Tokko was also ready.

"go to hell!"

The Great Toad Sage roared angrily, turning the ball above his head into a more condensed silver light with all his strength, and blasted it towards the powerful Susanoo!

"Five-color divine light!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't show any weakness, and immediately shot five-color divine light from the three heads of the Susana Demon statue, and withstood the fatal blow of Toad Sennin!
"This is……"

Feeling that the power of burning life is constantly being resisted and wiped out by a force that spins the endless cycle of birth and death, the Great Immortal Toad is deeply shocked!


Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath, and the Mangekyō Sharingan in his eyes turned faster and faster——

"Kaleidoscopic Pupil Technique·God Emperor Produces Spirit Venerable!"

In an instant, the five-color divine light enhanced by the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique immediately suppressed the original white light of the Great Toad Immortal, and blasted it on its already decayed body in one fell swoop!

With one blow, Great Toad Immortal's body dissipated like dust, leaving only a last word full of regret.

"It's really difficult..."

Uchiha Tokko finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He had to use all his means to kill the Great Toad Immortal. This battle was not easy for him.

Looking around, the Ninja soldiers were defeated like a mountain, and the Ninja army was invincible.

The big picture is set!

Uchiha Tokumitsu sent a signal to inform the tailed beasts behind to stop bombing.

After all, a holy place with such rich natural energy would be a good place for him to use as his own practice. It would be a pity to destroy it all!

On a ship floating on the ocean in the pirate world, a pirate leader with a crescent-shaped white beard was drinking and having fun with his subordinates on the deck.

Suddenly, without warning, a huge piece of meat as big as a hill and extremely bloody appeared out of thin air, crushing him and his subordinates underneath!
"who is it!"

The white-bearded leader screamed strangely and punched through the huge piece of flesh, flying out and screaming!

As for his subordinates, they were crushed to pieces by the sudden onslaught of flesh and blood, and even the waterline of the ship was sinking.


A subordinate who struggled to crawl out of the pile of flesh and blood just stood up and suddenly pointed to the distant sea in great surprise.


The extremely unhappy leader of the white-bearded pirates roared angrily, and then looked in the direction pointed by his subordinates.

"Sea monster!"

I saw the waves rolling in the distance, and the extremely thick limbs were making waves, carrying huge waves like tsunamis towards them.

Moreover, the target is the ship you are on!

"This pile of flesh and blood is a bit strange..."

The white-bearded leader seems to have realized something.
He looked again at the pile of flesh and blood that was weighing down his ship and almost sinking. The more he looked at it, the more it looked like the intestines of some huge creature.

"It might be delicious if braised..."

Although the thoughts in his mind were very strange, the white-bearded leader still took a deep breath and prepared to deal with these sea monsters without eyes first.

"Zhenzhen Fruit——"

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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