Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 487 The prototype of the prosperous age

Chapter 487 The prototype of the prosperous age

The death of Toad Immortal also means the complete destruction of Miaomu Mountain.

Even if a few ninja frogs plan to fight to the death after witnessing the tragic death of Daisennin in battle, they are just as helpless as a mantis in front of the ninja army with absolute numerical superiority and more powerful combat weapons.

Moreover, since Uchiha Tokumitsu no longer needs to use these ninja frogs for experiments, the captured ninja frogs are either thrown to Orochimaru and others or given to Ryūchi Cave as a reward for fighting.

And this also made Tian Xinji, who was so idle and even a little bit "sorrowful" after a full meal, very excited, and that little bit of compassion was immediately thrown out of the sky.

For Uchiha Tokko, the more important harvest is Mt. Myoboku itself!
This holy land, which is so rich in natural energy that it can even allow frogs to develop spiritual intelligence and even evolve step by step to give birth to a great immortal, has now become the treasure of Uchiha Tokko!
"From now on, there will be no Miaomu Mountain in the world."

Standing in the palace of Toad Immortal, looking at the throne where Toad Immortal was sitting on, Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Shisui very proudly: "This will be the Takamagahara of our Uchiha clan!"

"Gao Tianyuan..."

Uchiha Shisui was in a trance.

"You go out first..."

Suddenly, Uchiha Tokumitsu gave an order with a serious look on his face.

Although Uchiha Shisui was a little confused, he was immediately ordered to leave immediately.

After a while, a breeze rose up from the candlestick in the palace, sweeping up the candlelight and turning it into a human-shaped illusion.

"It really is you...Sage of the Six Paths!"

Uchiha Tokko sneered.

"You are willing to give it up. Are you afraid that I will destroy this palace and lose sight of my old friend?"


The illusion of the Six Paths Sage did not speak, but looked at Uchiha Tokko with an inexplicable expression.

Uchiha showed his Mangekyo Sharingan brightly, looking at the illusion of the Six Paths Sage with a cold and murderous intention.

"...What exactly do you want?"

After a long time, the Six Paths Immortal said quietly.

"The Uchiha dynasty will last forever, and I will live forever as the God King."

Uchiha Tokumitsu expressed his ambition without hesitation.

"How can there be such a thing in the world..."

The Six Paths Immortal Illusion couldn't help but shake his head.

"If you think it's impossible, then why do you want to appear in front of me?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu stretched out his left hand and pointed it at the candlestick, and the five-color divine light in his palm flickered: "You are not so naive that you want to persuade me to change my mind with some extremely weak moral kidnapping, are you? If so, you are too naive!"


The illusion of the Six Paths Immortal planned to say something.

But Uchiha Tokko no longer had the patience to listen to an old man's nonsense.

As the divine light from the palm of his hand shot out, the illusion of the Six Paths Immortal and the candlestick were completely wiped out at the same time!

Uchiha Tokumitsu still couldn't understand his hatred, and then walked out of the palace and ordered his ninja army to completely demolish the palace, erasing the last trace left by Toad Sennin.


On the third day after the war, after all the ministries had completed their rest and the bloody battlefield had been cleaned up, Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered all ministries to withdraw their troops in batches, and the original "Mt. Myoboku" was now closed by Kushina Uzumaki. boundary.

However, according to Uchiha Tokumitsu's wishes, she did not confine all natural energy in Takamagahara too persistently, but allowed about one-tenth of the natural energy to escape.

Uchiha Tokumitsu hopes that through the overflow of these natural energies, he can slightly improve the environment of the wild land. Even if it cannot become a beautiful place, it must at least have some green vitality. After all, it would be true if the outside of the sacred mountain of the Uchiha clan is still deserted. A bit ugly.

And he didn't stay in Mt. Myoboku for long. After the ninja army completed their withdrawal, Uchiha Tokimitsu also returned to Konoha.

There is nothing that can be done about it. After all, the hurricane barrier that separates the two worlds has been determined to be less than three months old.

Even if he will not launch a full-scale attack on the pirate world immediately, Uchiha Tokumitsu still needs to make appropriate preparations and precautions to deal with the impact of the new world on the ninja world.

"The emergence of the new world is both a crisis and an opportunity!"

At the imperial meeting in the palace, Uchiha Demitsu said solemnly.

And this sentence will also be the future action plan and sacred edict support of the ninja world government.

All the important ministers also knew this very well.

This means continuous expeditions and continuous sacrifices for decades and even generations to come.

But for the ninja world, it's all worth it!
Especially after the first round of the ninja world's census was completed, heavy pressure fell on the shoulders of these important officials in the ninja world.

"According to the first round of census, the ninja world has a population of approximately 11 billion."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said in a serious tone: "Moreover, this population is only slightly less than the real situation."

All the important officials nodded.

Since the ninja world was first established, the original Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Earth had already caused a large number of people to flee due to excessive expropriation. In addition, a large number of people were either hiding in the barren mountains or ridges, or they belonged to fishing and hunting tribes with no fixed settlements. , coupled with the time relationship, it is very normal that the statistics are not in place.

According to estimates by a group of important ministers, the true population of the ninja world is approximately 14 billion.

And these people are just mouths waiting for food.

Although being a ninja has no intention of running the world and benefiting the people or helping the common people, this does not mean that civilians are not important.

Because, according to the analysis report of the United Company, based on the current productivity of the ninja world, it takes about 1 people to support the growth of a ninja, that is, to reach the chunin level.

Although this also reflects the backward productivity of the ninja world, from another perspective, population is actually the cornerstone of the number and combat power of ninjas.

Becoming a ninja requires qualifications.

Although in theory, as long as there are enough resources, even pigs can be piled up into a ninja pig with chakra, this is not actually in line with the logic of ninja training.

The training of ninjas is also something that needs to be cost-effective.

After all, there is an essential difference between using the same amount of resources to train one ninja and three ninjas.

Moreover, the future use of force against the new world will require a large number of middle- and lower-class ninjas to serve as the 'tactical execution layer' - that is, cannon fodder, so the importance of population is highlighted.With a large enough population, enough outstanding ninja seedlings can be selected, and ninja students with better qualifications mean that the resources required are relatively less and more efficient, so for those who have made up their mind to go crazy. For the Shinobi World Government, the importance of population is self-evident.

But as the war in the Ninja world has completely subsided, according to the United Company's estimates, the Ninja world will enter a period of explosive population growth. To provide enough food for these new populations and allow them to function, external expansion and colonization are needed.

Therefore, a peaceful environment promotes population growth, and the sudden increase in population is conducive to ninja rebellion. After the ninja rebellion, the ninjas will go to war and plunder resources. Some of the plundered resources will be fed back to the ninja world and further promote the prosperity of the ninja world, and even promote the development of the ninja world. Further growth in the population of the ninja world.

And this is the prototype of the prosperous ninja world that the United Company drew based on Uchiha Tokumitsu's instructions.

Although smart people like Orochimaru can also see something wrong, most of the important ministers, including feudal officials such as Hatake Sakumo, lack the necessary political experience, coupled with the " I am not familiar with emerging topics such as sociology, so I naturally believe in the colorful reports of United Company.

"Although the ninja world is now at peace, we cannot allow the younger generation of ninjas to indulge in pleasure and degenerate. Otherwise, the fate of the samurai will be a lesson to others!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo, who has an extreme preference for military expansion, nodded repeatedly, feeling that the contents of this "Ninja World Social Survey Report" simply spoke to his heart.

Tsunade and others, who originally had some doubts about starting a war that might last for a hundred years, felt that this made sense.

"Born in sorrow, died in peace..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu added: "Mr. Hanzo is worthy of being a senior in the ninja world. He really has great insights!"

The flattered Sansho Hanzo quickly stood up and saluted, but at the same time, he also felt that his thinking level had been raised to an unknown number of levels - originally he only wanted to keep his ninjas from being idle, but he didn't expect that it would actually affect the future of the ninja world!
"The ninja world is the world of ninjas..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued: "It was in the past, it is now, and it will still be the same for generations to come!"

"However, as Lord Hanzo said, this does not mean that you can rest on your merits and enjoy peace. The emergence of a new world is also a challenge!"

"Not to mention anything else, just based on the richness of the seafood described by Commander Lunbu, maybe as long as we can build a large enough fishing boat, maybe we can feed the entire ninja world just by fishing!"

Minazuki Chino also nodded repeatedly, and his longing for the new world slowly emerged.

In addition, he also thought of another issue, that is, before Kirigakure surrendered to the shogunate, there was a ninja fleet that sailed eastward across the sea under the leadership of Loquat Juzo and has since disappeared. Now that he thinks about it, it may have arrived by chance. A new world...

Minazuki Chino originally planned to take the initiative, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not the right time for people to talk too much, so he made up his mind to report his judgment privately after the imperial meeting.

“…Creating a new world should always be done with caution.”

After thinking about it, Hatake Sakumo changed a word to describe his plan to conquer the pirate world: "Furthermore, it is very necessary to find out the combat power level of the new world."

"That's true. The current contact with the New World is only the battle commanded by Lunbu, but overall it does not provide enough data..."

Tsunade nodded in agreement.

"These are our ninja's old skills!"

The Nara clan leader smiled and said: "It's nothing more than spying on intelligence, reconnaissance behind enemy lines, and assassination and destruction. It's perfect for the new world."

"Until conclusive and comprehensive intelligence is obtained, we should try to maintain the enemy's overt and covert situation."

Qiudao Qiufeng also echoed.

When it comes to matters such as intelligence and reconnaissance, especially in the new world that no one has ever ventured into, there is probably no one more suitable than the three groups of Pig, Deer and Butterfly.

"But no matter what, military expansion remains the top priority."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was too lazy to pay attention to everyone's thoughts and announced to himself: "Today's ninja army is still far from enough. We must strive to train another [-] ninjas within ten years."

"Lord Orochimaru..."


Orochimaru immediately stood up and responded.

"There is something I need you to take charge of."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said seriously: "That is, he is responsible for the selection of suitable-age ninja students in the ninja world. The first batch of 1 people will be tentatively selected..."

Although there are major problems with Frankenstein's character, Uchiha Tokumitsu just believes in his vision.

After all, in the memory of his previous life, Orochimaru was able to create a large sound ninja village with his bare hands, which shows that he has a good eye for recognizing people and training.

"I respectfully submit to your Majesty's will!"

Orochimaru responded solemnly.

"In addition, Senju Housing and Hyuga Construction are jointly undertaking a key project..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu then threw out another piece of cake: "Build a new Academy City on the west side of Konoha New District as a place for ninja training in the future."

"Follow orders!"

Tsunade and the Hyuga clan leader immediately stood up and responded.

"Final words..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu hesitated for a moment, "About the new world, let's formally announce it to the members of the House of Representatives and the Senate in another month!"

"Your Majesty!"

"You can't leak the secret!"

The important ministers hurriedly tried to persuade him.

"The jounin public meeting is the foundation of the ninja world, and it is also the meaning of the existence of the ninja world government."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said sternly.

"Moreover, the meeting of the House of Representatives and the Senate is the best place to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy..."

All the important officials immediately understood.

Say it earlier!
Although the price of leaking information about the new world may be a bit high, it is actually worth it to find out the thoughts of those congressmen.

At the same time, no one would question Uchiha Tokko's determination to initiate internal cleansing.

After all, it was Uchiha Tokimitsu who put forward the theory that one must first pacify the domestic situation in order to resist foreign aggression.

And for these wealthy families who were born in Konoha or the shogunate, a purer ninja world after cleansing would be more conducive to the government of the ninja world and even the rule of these wealthy families for thousands of generations.

Of course, the premise is that he will continue to express his loyalty to Uchiha Tokko and even the entire royal family.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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