Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 489 Prelude to Iron and Fire

Ever since the Six Paths Sage imparted chakra, the ninja world has been in constant war.

Although there are not continuous wars, small-scale conflicts and killings have never stopped.

Although in a sense, the relatively more advanced and powerful combat profession of ninja has successfully eliminated the priests, witches, samurai, etc. of the old era, and under the leadership of Indra, basically killed the monsters that ravaged the ninja world. Kill them all, but it is also undeniable that the damage caused by ninjas to the world is actually more serious.

In order to obtain more chakra metal, the ninjas will completely hollow out a mountain; in order to obtain a certain precious herb, the ninjas will completely eradicate all factors that may endanger the growth of the herb. As for the ecological chain, they have never been able to do so. Issues to consider; as for forest fires, landslides, ground cracks, water pollution and other issues caused to verify the power of ninjutsu, there are endless problems.

Not to mention anything else, the large-scale environmental damage caused by the Ninja World War alone has caused nearly one-fifteenth of the cultivated land in the Ninja World to lose its farming value.

When this bloody data was placed in front of the members who participated in the plenary session of the Ninja World United Council, everyone felt heavy in their hearts.

Today's ninja world can be considered the best era.

Except for the brief period of peace when Senju Hashirama calmed down the troubled times and founded the Ninja Village, the Ninja world has never been so stable and peaceful.

However, when the report of the Ninja World Government was placed in front of the congressmen, they realized more clearly that behind the peace and prosperity, the ecology of the Ninja World had actually reached a precarious situation.

Of course, this is also Uchiha Tokumitsu's 'great idea' - after all, even if you only heard about the Green Party and environmentalism routines in your previous life, moving to this relatively backward world is enough to cause a dimensionality reduction blow.

No one doubts the authenticity of this report, because the cases described are actually commonplace things around them.

But when these realities are all tied together, the conclusions are a little scary.

For a moment, there was some commotion in the parliament hall, and then fell into dead silence.

Everyone's heart is heavy.

"...Why waste so much time and nonsense on these insects? Why don't we just announce the mobilization of the Ninja World to expand to the new world?"

In the back hall of the parliament, the elder Setsuna, as the representative of the royal family, muttered with some dissatisfaction: "Tokumitsu, sometimes you are just too conservative..."

"I need the entire ninja world to work together, so I must give the upcoming war a great meaning."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "Even if he is a ronin genin, as long as he is willing to go to the battlefield with the goal of fighting for the future of the ninja world, then he can truly play a greater role than a chuunin who is forced to go into battle. .”

"But what's the use..."

Elder Setsuna was still a little disapproving: "New World is not a soft persimmon that can conquer a town with just one genin."

"That's why more ninjas are needed to serve as warriors to support the upcoming bloody battle."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed: "Great Elder... Human hearts are made of flesh. Now let alone the newly attached ninjas, even the civilian ninjas born in Konoha actually have a kind of kunai stored in the treasury and enjoyed comfortably. The trend of peace."

"If we didn't have the righteousness for the future of the ninja world, how could we still put the ninja sword across their necks and drive them to the battlefield?"

"...Even within the family, many people are war-weary."

Uchiha Nakagen, who was sitting on one side, also said aloud.

"Changing people's minds is always a thankless task."

The great elder Mosha also shook his head helplessly: "Today's family is really inferior to every generation!"

"However, Nakagen and Emiko, your greatest achievement in this life is Tokimitsu-kun. Otherwise, if Fugaku, the weakling of the Shifang family, takes over, the family will be doomed!"

"...Fugaku is actually okay."

Uchiha Nakagen, who was revered as the Emperor, smiled awkwardly.

"He's just a guy with a fierce face but an indecisive heart. Even if he's lucky enough to awaken the kaleidoscope, so what? He's just a waste who doesn't dare to use his power!"

The great elder instantly snorted: "His child is said to have pretty good talent, but that guy is still hiding it. I don't know what he is afraid of!"

"Could it be that Tokuguang-kun can still harm him?"

"...You mean Itachi, the eldest son of the Fugaku family?"

Uchiha Tokko couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

That's right, it seems like I haven't heard much about Uchiha Itachi's deeds!

If he goes by his past life memories, Itachi should have shown 'precocious wisdom' and talent at a very young age!

"never mind……"

As the bells in the parliament hall rang, Uchiha Tokumitsu temporarily gave up his conjecture: "Next, it is time to officially announce the existence of the new world."

"...can you win?"

Suddenly, the Great Elder Setsuna couldn't help but ask.


Uchiha Tokko couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard this.

It’s not like these words can come out of the mouth of the Great Elder Setsuna!

"Actually, I also understand the mood of those clansmen. It's just that the family's power is like sailing against the current. If it doesn't advance, it will retreat. It's a last resort..."

At this time, the Great Elder Suna finally spoke his mind.

"Great Elder, have I ever lost?"

A bright smile appeared on Uchiha Tokko's face.


"All rise!"

As the members of the royal family slowly entered the parliament hall, under the leadership of House Speaker Hatake Sakumo, all the members stood up to salute the Emperor and the Grand Ruler Uchiha Tokimitsu.

The agenda of this joint council is divided into three parts, namely the government work report of the ninja world, the investigation and analysis report of the ninja world, and the upcoming imperial tutelage.

"Since the establishment of the Ninja World Government, remarkable achievements have been made in governance. Public security in various places is basically stable, and civilian production has gradually returned to normal. This is all worthy of recognition..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said slowly.

The parliament hall was solemn and everyone was listening to the 'Royal Sound' quietly.

"But behind the prosperity and stability, there are always hidden dangers that cannot be ignored. In the report, I believe all members can see it and draw a definite conclusion..."

"That means the ecology of the ninja world is in danger!"

"The damaged environment will certainly not be able to support the needs of a growing population in peacetime. This is the problem we need to face."

"Whether ninjas can always maintain their rule over the world in the future is also a question that deserves great attention." Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone began to become serious: "We will not allow another Six Paths Sage to appear... …”

The parliament hall was commotion for a while, and then returned to solemn silence.

Although these words seem a bit disrespectful to the Six Paths Sage, the origin of ninjas, there are no crazy followers of the Six Paths Sage among the ninjas who have their own strength. Combined with the words of Uchiha Tokumitsu, "Ninjas will rule for eternity." ' refers to the intention, and the legislators accepted this statement without any burden.

What's more, as the strongest man in the ninja world, Uchiha Tokumitsu is willing to talk to them nicely, so what else do you want?
"However, there is an opportunity in front of us..."

Uchiha Demitsu's tone suddenly became high-pitched.

The appetites of the MPs were immediately whetted.

They also realized that what was about to be announced was the 'major resolution affecting the historical process of the ninja world' that was announced to everyone on the eve of the parliament.

"New world..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said slowly.

Most of the congressmen who didn't know the inside story looked at each other in confusion.

"Behind the hurricane barrier of the East China Sea, passing through the stormy sea, you can reach a whole new world!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued: "A beautiful new world that is so rich that even the seafood from a single sea area can support everyone in the ninja world!"

The parliament hall was suddenly in an uproar!
"Similarly, it is also a new world with powerful natives!"

Uchiha Tokko changed the topic.

The parliament hall immediately fell into silence.

The political ninja in charge of the hall affairs began to distribute information, and the councilors couldn't wait to read it.

Then, after a while of looking at each other and whispering, the parliament hall returned to calm again, and everyone's eyes were on Uchiha Tokko.

Even Kakuzu, who considers himself a careless person, is no exception.

Anyone who can become a Jonin is not a fool, and they naturally understand what this means.

Combined with the previous actions of the ninja world government to organize reserve ninja troops with great fanfare, the congressmen also understood.

However, although not everyone may support war or like war, when facing the future ecological dilemma of the ninja world, it seems that only war can alleviate the upcoming crisis.

"So, I need more ninjas to form more ninja armies..."

Nearly half an hour later, after the MPs who were exposed to the existence of the new world for the first time became a little calmer, Uchiha Tokumitsu slowly scanned the auditorium, bowing his head wherever he looked and responded: "It is even more necessary to continue to launch a new war. !”

As soon as this statement came out, not only the congressmen were in a commotion, but even Hatake Sakumo could not sit still - this is too direct!

He originally thought that Uchiha Tokumitsu would promote the development of the new world in a cyclical and gradual manner, but he did not expect that he would directly issue a call for war in such a drastic way.

"As a ninja, as the ruler of the world, you need to use the ninja's kunai and detonating charms to obtain land for the plows of the common people in the ninja world, and obtain enough food for future generations!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone became more and more excited: "In the name of the Great Ninja World Government, we plan to launch a war against the New World! No matter how long it lasts, no matter how much the price is paid, no matter what the outcome is, for the sake of the Ninja World In the future, I need war!"

"Members of Congress, please make your own decisions for the future of the ninja world!"

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Tokko turned his back to all the MPs.

"The Southwest Region unanimously supports His Majesty's war resolution!"

Luo Sha was the first to jump up due to his relatively superior strength.

"Members of Congress, please show your hands and vote!"

At this time, Senate President Uchiha Shifang, who had just recovered, quickly took charge of order.


Everyone stood and raised their hands in agreement.

"The first plenary meeting of the Ninja World United Council unanimously passed the war resolution!"

Uchiha Quartet immediately shouted loudly.

"Fight for the future of the ninja world!"

Influenced by fanatical emotions, the MPs chanted in unison.

Uchiha Tokko slowly turned around and faced everyone's calls again.

At this time, he also felt a sense of relief.

"In the name of the Great Emperor of the Ninja World..."

Uchiha Tokko spoke again.

The council hall immediately fell into silence, and everyone was quietly listening to the upcoming judgment.

"From the day the passage to the new world is officially opened, the ninja world will completely enter a state of war!"

"At the same time, in the name of the royal family, I will ensure that every ninja who fights for the ninja world has no worries. Every ninja who has made meritorious service in the war will receive the rewards and honors they deserve. Every ninja who fights for the ninja world will have no worries. The heirs of the heroic ninjas who sacrificed their lives in the future of the ninja world will be able to fully inherit the wealth and glory of their fathers!"

"Uchiha, share the world with ninjas!"

Uchiha Tokko made his own sacred promise.

"Fight for the ninja world!"

"Fight for the future!"

"Fight for honor!"

The congressmen immediately shouted loudly!
"This is also an expedition of iron and fire for ninjas!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu drew his ninja sword and saluted all the congressmen who supported the war with his eyebrows raised.


The congressmen all drew their weapons and showed their loyalty to the Supreme Emperor with the same gesture!

"Conquer the new world!"

The sound was like thunder, resounding throughout the heaven and earth. (End of chapter)

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