Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 490: The Mad Dog of the Ninja World Emerges from the Cage

Chapter 490: The Mad Dog of the Ninja World Emerges from the Cage

On March [-], the first year of Kaihuang's reign, the hurricane barrier weakened as scheduled to the point where ships could safely pass.

And after countless calculations and tests by the Research Institute and the Academy of Engineering, it can be determined that this inexplicably appeared 'world channel' will not only not disappear suddenly, but will become more stable as time goes by.

Therefore, no matter which angle you look at it, if you want to seize the initiative in the future collision of worlds, the ninja world must strike first.

On the other side of the world passage, Uchi Bolumbu, who had finally regained his starting point after positioning at the transfer station, was leading three cruisers that needed to return to port for maintenance and were silently waiting for the passage order.

After another test, Uzumaki Ashina reported: "Your Majesty, it has been tested and it is safe to pass!"

Orochimaru on the side also nodded, signed his name on the safety inspection report, and then handed the report to Akimichi Tifeng, the director of the Safety Supervision Agency.

Before getting the position of director, Akimichi Qifeng thought that he was just an idler with a false name. He never expected that one day he would have the opportunity to leave his name at such an important moment.

Although he couldn't understand the various terms in the safety inspection report, Akimichi Tifeng still read the report carefully before signing his name.

"Your Majesty, the Safety Supervision Administration has confirmed it is correct!"

Qiu Daofeng said seriously.

"Thank you for your hard work, Senior Fengfeng..."

Uchiha Demitsu responded very gently.

Although Uzumaki Ashina's report is also credible, his words just now were based on the identity of the "descendant" of the Uzumaki clan, while the report signed by Akimichi Torifu represents the "professional judgment" of the Ninja World Government.

Although this seems to be just red tape, for a new regime, it represents an order that can unite everyone - even His Majesty, the strongest emperor in the Ninja world, exercises power within the framework of the Ninja world government. of great power.

Therefore, the upcoming war will definitely be the will of the Ninja World Government, and it will be the resolution of the Ninja World United Council. It is also the long-cherished wish of all the people of the Ninja World!

Of course, this is just an illusion.

But it is not impossible for illusions to become consensus.

Uchiha Tokumitsu suppressed his inner thoughts and turned his attention to the first batch of expeditionary advance troops that were ready to go.

They are all elites drawn from the active ninja army, and they also cover areas that ninjas are involved in such as combat, torture, medical treatment, sealing, and even engineering construction. At the same time, they have gone through half a month of training beforehand. After arriving in the new world, their first task will be to join the task force to establish a forward base and conduct various reconnaissance activities while interrogating existing prisoners.

In addition, there are also economic experts from the United Company - they will be responsible for statistics on the resources of the new world and planning development matters; at the very least, they must find suitable fishing grounds so that the Ninja World's fishing fleet can carry out large-scale fishing.

After all, the most fundamental reason for a war to continue is to be able to continuously benefit from the war.

"Remember, after arriving in the new world, your first priority is to arrange for torture ninjas to compile the language of the new world into teaching materials through torture, and at the same time send spies to explore the distribution and strength of forces in various places..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu warned Uchiha Shiina, who served as the general of the advance army.

Although the declaration before the Ninja World United Council was extremely violent, in actual actions, Uchiha Tokumitsu was still very cautious.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the current ninja world is not fully prepared, but the principle of knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is also the main factor.

Moreover, ninjas are also accustomed to taking action only when they have sufficient information, so they don't think Uchiha Tokumitsu's move is anticlimactic. They just think that His Majesty the Holy Emperor is gathering strength to prepare for a thunderous strike.

"Understand that language is the most fundamental prerequisite for penetrating the enemy."

Uchiha Shiina also replied solemnly.

This time, the expeditionary advance force assigned to his command totaled more than 3000 elite ninjas, and they were all the core ninja troops during the shogunate period. They were the backbone of the dynasty and should not be thrown away lightly on the battlefield. For this reason, Uchiha Only Deguang would appoint his relatively average cousin as general.

"Go...be sure to come back safely."

Uchiha Demitsu patted his cousin on the shoulder to encourage him, and then nodded towards Orochimaru.

Although it was a bit regretful that he could not become a member of the first advance army, Orochimaru still commanded and launched the sealing technique dutifully, and a beam of light shot into the storm under the influence of chakra.

Later, the task force in another world sent back a telegram: "Docking successful!"

This light pillar will also be a lighthouse beacon for future traffic. The advance army will build a lighthouse in the direction of the light pillar and use it as the starting point to guide the ninja world to launch an expedition.

"You gentlemen!"

Uchiha Shiina cheered up and came to the waiting advance army formation: "Get aboard and go to war!"

"Follow the mission!"

The advance troops shouted in unison, and then boarded the battleship in an orderly manner. After the whistle sounded, the first exploration ship slowly sailed towards the new world in the storm.

Next, there was waiting in silence again.

Nearly 10 minutes later, the task force sent back a telegram: "The exploration ship successfully sailed out of the hurricane barrier!"

Everyone, including Uchiha Tokko, breathed a sigh of relief.

"The task force's rotational personnel return to port!"

Uchiha Tokko immediately issued the order.

After nearly 10 minutes, three tall armored cruisers appeared in the storm!
This also means that the communication between the two worlds is completely interoperable!

"set off!"

Uchiha Shiina gave an order, and the ships on which the advance army was riding all pulled their whistles and sailed slowly into the storm.

"It's a small step to a new world, but it's also a giant leap to the world of ninja!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha Shigata.

"From now on, the ninja world will work hard outwards and devote all the energy used in internal fighting to the development of a new world."

Hatake Sakumo deeply agrees.

"Your Majesty has created the eternal prosperity of the ninja world."

All Uchiha complimented.

For the ninja world that has entered a death spiral, every resource obtained from the new world is a valuable increment.

"Seizing the land with the kunai of the ninja for the plow of the common man."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said this slogan that completely took the ninja world by storm in a very short period of time, and his eyes towards the hurricane barrier also contained expectations.


After arriving in the new world, Uchiha Shiina immediately contacted the remaining ships of the task force stationed at the edge of the windless zone, and at the same time arranged for personnel to draw charts based on radio wave positioning and routes along the way.

But the richness of the new world really opened his eyes.

"... Such a big fish was blown onto the boat by the wind without being caught!"

Uchiha Shiina also received the same treatment as when Uchiha Rumbu was traveling.

As the ship sailed, large fish of various colors were constantly being caught in the wind and waves in the storm and thrown onto the deck. "This is a gift from the new world!"

The ninjas in the advance army all believed that this was a good sign, and it also meant that the ninja world's expedition to the new world would be unfavorable!

"If calculated according to the standards of the ninja world, every sea area we sail through can be regarded as a high-quality fishing ground..."

said economists at Associates.

"... Are you serious?"

Uchiha Shiina couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

"Can this be fake?"

The economist snorted dissatisfiedly: "I, Dazna, am an old expert who has been employed since the United Fisheries period!"

"It's my fault!"

Uchiha Shiina immediately put on a kind expression: "However, even if the New World has rich fishery resources, it won't be able to meet the standards of high-quality fisheries everywhere, right?"

"If you say so, then the ninja world is too barren..."

Another advance guard ninja who was fishing said casually.

As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled up a big fish again!
"Look, this guy's fishing skills are enough to catch fish, which completely shows how fertile the waters of the New World are!"

Economist Dazuna pointed at the vanguard ninja who caught a big fish and said: "If you were in the ninja world, your level would only feed the fish!"

"Fishing is not about fish... Fishing is about cultivating sentiments... Hunting is a man's romance..."

The advance guard ninja blushed and defended.

"Also, look under the boat..."

Dazuna said pointing to the sea.

After attracting Uchiha Shiina's attention, he threw a large piece of bread into the sea.

Then countless big fish immediately jumped out of the originally calm sea, and for a while, silver scales surged on the sea, vying for food!
Uchiha Shiina was almost stunned!
"The command ship has special fish-finding equipment. The sea areas we pass are like this..."

Dazna, who had been shocked countless times along the way, said calmly.

As an employee of the United Company who was born in the Land of Waves, Tatsuna knew the situation of the fishing grounds in the East China Sea of ​​the Shinobi World very well.

Although the fishing grounds of Ninja World have always maintained a relatively high yield, this is based on the continuous upgrading of fishing equipment.And as the number of fishing boats in the joint company increases, fewer and fewer fish can be caught each time the net is cast.

As a civilian with expert status, Dazna believes that this is the depletion of fishery resources caused by overfishing. Unless the fishing intensity is reduced, there will only be fewer and fewer fish in the sea, and fishing profits will only become lower and lower.

Therefore, before leaving, Dazna had imagined launching a proposal to implement a 'closed fishing season' system to gradually restore fish stocks through ocean regulation.

But after entering the new world, the idea of ​​a closed fishing season was completely thrown out of the window.

Forbid it!It is the truth to quickly sail all fishing boats to the new world!

With such rich fishing resources, even a fool as a boat owner can catch a warehouse full of big fish!

Moreover, after all the fishing boats have moved to the New World, it will also be conducive to the recovery of the local fishery resources in the Ninja World, and there will be no need to implement the obnoxious fish ban. As for individual fishing, it is equivalent to feeding the fish, which will only benefit the fish stocks. Ecological restoration!

"Sure enough, the new world is the future of the ninja world..."

Uchiha Shiina murmured to herself as she was shocked.

"It is really outrageous for the natives of the New World to let such rich resources go to waste!"

Then, Uchiha Shiina suddenly felt a sense of indignation deep in his heart: "If it were us, all the fry in this sea would have to be fished out to extinction!"


Dazuna didn't bother to talk to him anymore.

He wants to send a report to the United Company to apply for sending fishing boats to the New World first!


After several days and nights of sailing, the advance fleet finally successfully met up with the task force and obtained advance intelligence and the indigenous people captured in the naval battle.

The first thing Uchiha Shiina did was to follow Uchiha Tokumitsu's instructions and arrange for the ninjas of the Yamazaka clan to search the brains of the captives, take out the knowledge about language from their memories and compile it into language teaching materials.

Then they arranged for the advance ninjas who had learned the language of the new world to disguise themselves as various identities and go to the target direction for detection and review.

Moreover, Uchiha Shiina also discovered a piece of information about the ninja world——

"The Kirigakure Pirates..."

This also reminded Uchiha Shiina of the Loquat Juzo fleet that once sailed across the sea to the east.

"A ferocious pirate who can control the thick fog that obscures the ocean. His ability to control winds and waves is comparable to that of a Neptune-like creature. Wherever he goes, he is destined to become a looted ruin..."

This description is also very similar to the impression of Kirigakure ninja.

"It turns out they are the pioneers of the ninja world!"

Uchiha Shiina felt very unhappy.

Moreover, the torture intelligence showed that the origins of this pirate group are very mysterious. No one in the New World knows their origins so far. Even though the regular army of this world - the World Government Navy organized many encirclement and suppression campaigns, they were either defeated or escaped by them. The main character is a ferocious and cunning pirate who is nothing like the iron-headed pirates that are abundant in this world.

"No wonder His Majesty calls this world the pirate world. I didn't expect that there are so many pirate groups!"

While flipping through the information, Uchiha Shiina shook his head.

Regarding the kingdoms, world government, navy, pirates and even powerful men with various names in the intelligence, he needs to send personnel to verify them one by one, and determine the future stance of the ninja world government towards them based on the contact situation.

Pulling one faction to fight another is also one of the guiding principles of the Ninja World Expedition.

Moreover, according to the logic that the ninja world is happy if they have enough to eat, the living environment of the civilians in this world is really good - just throw a net into the sea and you can catch enough fish for food!But in fact, the reason why pirates are so prevalent is because civilians have no opportunity to advance and find it difficult to get food and clothing, so they flock to join pirate groups of all sizes, thus plunging the entire world into turmoil.

He couldn't understand how cruel and cruel the government was to cause such a huge contrast and allow so many pirates to appear in such a rich world.

However, emotions are emotions and work is work. After Uchiha Shiina completed the arrangement of intelligence personnel, he began to compile reports and report to the headquarters.

Thousands of words can be summed up on paper, but in one word, that is——

"The products are rich and the people are in dire straits. The army is coming quickly!"

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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