Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 491 Information First

In Uchiha Shiina's report, the New World was officially identified as the 'Pirate World' based on Uchiha Tokimitsu's formulation, and the Ninja World Government also used this as the official name for the New World.

Although this is just a small title issue, it can also weaken the inner resistance of some ninjas who are not very willing to participate in the war to a certain extent. It also reflects the views of the ninja world government - a world where pirates are raging. His Majesty Tokumitsu, who is so benevolent and virtuous, needs to send out the Ninja Army for 'rescue'!
Uchiha Tokumitsu also gave important instructions to the report of the expeditionary advance force: it must be based on the customs and customs of the pirate world, explore the real internal contradictions and pain points, strengthen intelligence collection and organizational penetration, and effectively mobilize the people at the bottom to support Opposition armed struggles in various parts of the country.

As the most trusted royal family member of His Majesty the Great Emperor, Uchiha Shiina followed the good example and added some assessment criteria to the intelligence ninjas dispatched: they must find and infiltrate an opposition organization of the One Piece World Government!


"Our Shiina-sama is really good at dispatching people..."

According to the map obtained by the torture station, the intelligence ninja who was taking a boat to try to lurk into the target area complained grumblingly after receiving the telegram from the rear headquarters: "I have just learned the language, and I have to infiltrate the opposition organization... How can it be so easy? of!"

"Captain Xinhu, you are also from a royal family. Do you want to apply to the headquarters to reduce the difficulty of the mission~"

Hinata Shinki, who was in charge of the radio station, complained to his captain Uchiha Nobutora.

"How about you take another language class?"

Uchiha Nobutora, who was dozing off with his legs crossed, didn't even bother to open his eyes, and said casually: "One more thing~ Do you know why you have never been promoted?"

"I know...you don't know how many times you've said it."

Hinata Araki muttered.

"Because you are too lazy. Even if you are strong enough to meet the standards, you have never shown a sense of responsibility that is enough to be a Jonin captain."

Uchiha Nobutora said: "If I hadn't pulled you to join the expeditionary force this time, I guess you would have continued to eat and die under the command of Warlord Hizashi, right?"

"...Hizashi-sama said that he would give me a wife."

Hinata Araki said a little pitifully.

The face of the fellow ninja Ino Shikacho turned red immediately, and the other five ninjas who lacked endurance began to laugh out loud.

"...Even if you have received professional training, you can definitely laugh out loud in this situation."

Uchiha Nobutora said expressionlessly.

In fact, he was also suppressing a smile.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

The three Inorakacho ninjas immediately laughed out loud.

"By the way, why haven't we encountered the so-called Neptune monsters all the way here?"

Hinata Shinju tried to change the subject: "Didn't the intelligence show that the so-called windless zone is full of large sea monsters?"

"I don't know..."

Uchiha Nobutora shook his head and said: "If we can capture a sea monster, maybe we can walk sideways in this strange world."

"It's a good thing we didn't encounter sea monsters..."

The Nara ninja who was studying grammar seriously raised his head and said: "With the strength of a squadron, it is still very risky to fight against a large sea monster of unknown strength..."

"Get some rest. After all, we have to float on the sea for ten more days."

The bored Uchiha Nobutora closed his eyes.

"The target location is the Shampoo Islands...what a weird place!"

Hinata Shinju took out the mission document and read it again, and found that everyone was closing their eyes to rest and adjust to the discomfort caused by seasickness, so he stopped talking and continued to be in a daze before returning to the radio station. The turbine-powered clipper continued to sail in the calm wind. Take sailing.


Due to the limited number of fast ships in the dynasty navy fleet that could withstand the storm, and the uneven progress of the ninjas in learning the common language of the pirate world, the first batch of intelligence personnel dispatched was only twenty batches of 200 people.

The goals of these intelligence agents' operations are different, but the first stop is the Chambord Islands, because according to the torture information of the prisoners, the Chambord Islands are the starting point of the so-called New World and the Great Line, and they are still in this world. The strongest armed force - Marineford, the headquarters of the World Government Navy. According to the research and judgment of intelligence personnel, the so-called Shampoo Islands naturally became the first infiltration location.

Of course, another more important reason is that the pirate world navigation tool they previously captured only has a memory pointer that can point to the outskirts of the Shampoo Islands.

Although the geographical knowledge of the ninjas cannot understand the relationship between the so-called great sea route in this strange new world and the four seas in the southeast, northwest and northwest, following the personal instructions of Uchiha Tokumitsu, the advance army headquarters decided to send the most capable personnel to Shampoo. Establish an intelligence workstation on the Earth Islands and begin various infiltration efforts - including but not limited to joining and even annexing various pirate groups.

"If you want to conquer the pirate world, you must first control the oceans of the old world; if you want to gain control of the seas of the old world, you must seize the Chambord Islands!"

Uchiha Shiina thought so.

Since there are currently only scattered small islands in the sea area where the expedition force is located, and there are no large-scale human gathering places, the expedition ninjas have not yet been able to piece together a complete geographical picture of the pirate world based on the intelligence they tortured, let alone a comprehensive picture. Under such circumstances, the current top priority is to colonize and develop the sea area where we are located - after all, according to the torture intelligence, the so-called four major pirate groups in the New World can number tens of thousands at every turn. It is too exaggerated. , if their strength is as exaggerated as Uchibarumbu's first encounter, then the ninja world's conquest of the pirate world will be an impossible task!
But what is certain is that the sea area that now emerges through the hurricane barrier should be the first half of the great route of the pirate world, and as the front door to the new world, the importance of the Shampoo Islands is self-evident.


After the fishery experts accompanying the advance army sent the aquatic information of the Pirate World back to the Ninja World, a large fishing fleet from the United Company also entered the new world through the hurricane barrier, and returned with a full load after a day and night of fishing!

And this time's harvest is comparable to the catch of the General Fisheries Administration of the United Company in one month!

This achievement has greatly stimulated the ninjas' enthusiasm for exploring the world of pirates - after all, profit is the best guide!

Subsequently, the second batch of more than [-] members of the expeditionary force also completed the formation training and began to prepare to enter the world of pirates. Their responsibility will be to establish a series of permanent bases in the 'Storm Islands' behind the advance force and build Shipyards and other supporting facilities, while also exploring minerals in the pirate world.

In general, although Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone is very high, he is still relatively cautious in his actions.

After all, it is not advisable to gamble on the fate of the country in an attempt to accomplish everything in one battle, and Uchiha Tokumitsu is still young. He has enough time and manpower to explore this pirate world that is not entirely consistent with the memories of his previous life.


When Uchiha Nobutora arrived in the outer waters of the Shampoo Islands, even though he claimed to be well-informed, he was stunned by this extremely strange island!

"This, is this an island..."

Uchiha Nobutora was the most surprised: "Even the legendary Wood Release can't do this!"

"It turns out this is the so-called Yarkman mangrove..."

Everyone in the squadron was shocked, and Hinata Araki even murmured to himself: "It's really a dream-like wonderland!"

"...There are still twenty kilometers away from the boundaries of the archipelago, let's get ready to disembark."

Nara Shusui, one of the Inogacho Ninjas who accompanied the team, was the first to come to his senses.

"Pack your personal belongings, I'm going to seal the ship!"

Uchiha Nobutora shook his head, took out a giant scroll more than one meter long from the cabinet, and instantly came to the deck. After everyone left the ship and stepped on the water, he used the sealing technique to seal the entire speedboat. !
Then, after tying the huge scroll behind his back, he put on a diving mask and was the first to jump into the sea water. The other nine subordinates also followed suit.

After sneaking slowly for nearly an hour, Uchiha Nobutora and his party sneaked into No. 16 Tree Island in the chaotic area of ​​​​the Shampoo Islands.


Not long after landing from the coast, Uchiha Nobutora and his party, who were wandering around and drawing detailed maps, were surrounded by a large group of "white uniformed navy" who looked very malicious.

"Who are you!" Uchiha Nobutora frowned and replied in the standard spoken language of the pirate world that he had learned.

The reason why he did not cover up his whereabouts is because Uchiha Nobutora is eager to make a name for himself - according to intelligence, fighting the navy is almost the most direct way for pirates in this world to make a name for themselves!


This group of 'white-uniformed' people who looked like non-kind people immediately started a commotion after hearing Uchiha Nobutora's spoken words.

"You, you are..."

The people in the 'white uniforms' who originally looked a bit sinister stammered and asked: "Is it the navy?"

"...How can you tell this?"

Uchiha Nobutora was a little confused.

He thought that although his party was wearing weapons, their clothing was very ordinary, and they couldn't see any conspicuous features at all!

"That's right! It's the navy's colloquial language!"

The 'white uniforms' shouted and then dispersed.

"What the hell is this..."

Uchiha Nobutora was even more confused.

"...It seems that the language textbook is the memory tortured from a navy man. Maybe there is something special about the spoken language?"

Nara Shusui said.

"...So, you mean, these guys in white clothes are not the real navy?"

Uchiha Nobutora was even more surprised: "We are going to join the pirates! How can we break into the pirate camp with a naval accent!"

"This place is indeed a lawless place. In broad daylight, there are still people who dare to pretend to be regular soldiers and deceive in public..."

Hinata Shinju clicked his tongue in surprise.

"Stop talking, hide immediately..."

Uchiha Nobutora looked at the merchants and pedestrians around him who were not surprised, and felt a little uncomfortable, so he immediately left with everyone. The merchants and pedestrians who witnessed this scene even showed a look of "Sure enough, you are the one" Navy's unsurprising appearance.

After entering a hidden alley and disguising himself through the transformation technique, Uchiha Nobutora decided to spread out the squadron and collect intelligence in groups of two.

"Remember, the most important thing is to get the map of this world."

After giving instructions to his subordinates, Nobutora Uchiha took Hinata Shinju back to the streets and wandered around again.

"Human trafficking and public auction... It's really a ridiculous world."

After walking around areas 1 to 29 of the archipelago, even Nobutora Uchiha, who was used to the atrocities of the nobles, was quite uncomfortable with the absurdity of this world.

"Next, we have to go to the shipbuilding area to have a look..."

Hinata Araki said carelessly: "Tonight, how about we temporarily arrange it in the hotel street? It should be easy to collect intelligence in this kind of place."

"The shipbuilding area is also fine..."

Uchiha Shintora, who felt a little heavy in his heart, nodded without thinking too much.

He was from the police department, and he was somewhat jealous.

"By the way, is the money enough?"

Suddenly, Uchiha Nobutora patted his head and asked.

"...There are still a lot of seizures, but I don't know the prices here."

Hinata Shinshu was stunned for a moment before answering.

"In that case, let's get more money."

Uchiha Nobutora put his hand on the handle of the knife and started looking for the target on the street.

"...Captain, isn't this bad?"

Hinata Araki stammered.

"How about the human trafficking shop over there? This kind of place should be very rich."

Uchiha Nobutora pointed to an obvious human trafficking business not far from the street and said.

"...It seems like they are a soft persimmon, but I don't know if they have a backend."

Hinata Shinshu immediately observed with a white eye on the street: "Well... the place where the money is stored is in the atrium of this slave shop. Just defeat their guards."

Although the Byakugan feature of the Hyuga clan is somewhat unique in the ninja world, in this world where everyone looks weird, it is extremely ordinary.

"Get it done in 5 minutes..."

Uchiha Nobutora pulled out the tachi from his waist in the street, "In addition, there is no limit on the degree of force used, and there is no concern about the battle affecting the crowd!"

"...There isn't a single good person in this area anyway."

Hinata Shinshu also had a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

As an outlier from the Hyuga clan, although Hinata Shinki's character is relatively lazy, his level of bravery and ruthlessness is not inferior to that of Uchiha Nobutora.

"The robbery begins!"

Uchiha Nobutora gave an order, and both of them disappeared from the street in an instant!


The guards at the slave shop had already noticed Uchiha Nobutora, who was gesticulating against them, so they were a little wary.

Especially after Uchiha Nobutora drew his sword in public and disappeared inexplicably, a guard captain immediately raised the alarm.

But before the guards could prepare, two figures rushed in.

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Leap Slash!"

The guard captain who raised the alarm was cut in two!
"Split up! I'll kill them all, and you go take all the money!"

Uchiha Nobutora wiped his face and said coldly. (End of chapter)

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