Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 492 Infiltration behind enemy lines

Chapter 492 Infiltration behind enemy lines

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Uchiha Nobutora viciously spat out a ball of fire, burning all the corpses on the ground into charred mummies to hide his swordsmanship characteristics.

The guards in these slave shops are just ordinary people who know a little bit about taijutsu. Their combat power is no better than that of ordinary genin. Even the strongest guard captain is only equivalent to a chuunin. In Uchiha Nobutora, a royal jounin, didn't even have the chance to fight for a few more rounds.

After all, although this place belongs to the "Lawless Land" of the Chambord Islands, even the most vicious pirates rarely attack these "legal slave shops" that wander in the gray area. After all, they still need a stable place to sell stolen goods. And maybe some large slave shops were jointly opened by the navy and pirates.

As for the strength of the guards - if you are a little capable, you can't go to sea or join the navy to get a salary. Who would want to be a watchdog!

"Captain, let's go!"

Hinata Araki ran out carrying a huge safe.

"Why are you holding this thing! Why don't you seal it quickly?"

When Uchiha Nobutora saw it, he immediately became angry again: "Are you still planning to jump around on this island with this thing?"

"...My sealing scroll cannot seal such a large item."

Hinata Shinshu muttered a little aggrievedly: "After all, I am just a member of the Hinata branch with no money. It is normal that I cannot afford the special scrolls of the Uzumaki clan..."

"Put it on the ground!"

Uchiha Nobutora had blue veins popping out on his forehead, "Please pay attention to your surroundings and pick up these corpses by the way!"


Hinata Shinshu immediately opened his eyes and at the same time arranged a detonating charm trap under the corpse on the ground.

"Captain, a team of ten people is coming from the northwest!"

Hinata Shinshu quickly completed the trap layout: "There are also several surrounding auction houses that seem to be gathering their manpower. They should be planning to take advantage of the situation and rob them!"

"Have all those slaves been released?"

Uchiha Nobutora put the safe into the seal scroll and asked casually: "You have to do a complete set for the show."

"I cut off all the locks, but they don't seem to dare come out, and you don't know..."

Hinata Araki said indifferently.

"Let's go, we'll talk to you later!"

Uchiha Nobutora quickly formed the seal——

"Earth Dungeon: The art of reflecting fish in the earth!"

Then he dived underground.

"...You can actually use the technique of reflecting fish in the earth in this damn place?"

Hinata Shinshu muttered, and then he formed some strange seals and performed magic to escape underground.

Within a minute, a group of guards of various shapes from the nearby slave shop rushed in. They were shocked at first when they saw the charred corpses on the ground, and then began to rummage through the boxes.

"Boss! The slaves are all still here!"

A grotesque guard shouted excitedly as he pulled a numb slave out of the backyard.

"Very good! Take them away quickly!"

The guard boss jumped up and down with his fists in excitement, and then kicked the corpse on the ground casually. After the corpse was kicked away, a piece of yellow sizzling paper was revealed.

"What the hell is this?"

"Looks familiar..."

But before they could react, another body lying on the ground suddenly exploded!

With the violent explosion, even Uchiha Nobutora, who was diving underground, felt a sense of shock!
After all, the soil layer in this archipelago is relatively thin and not solid enough.

How many detonating charms did this guy put out...

Uchiha Nobutora couldn't help but look back at Hinata Shinju who was following behind him.

"No wonder you have no money when you spend so much money!"


A group of marines landed on the smoke-filled Slave Street, looking solemnly at the raging robbed trading house.

As for the looters who were wailing in the flames and the frightened slave traders, they seemed to ignore them and didn't take them seriously at all.

"Colonel, we..."

After watching it quietly for nearly 5 minutes, a lieutenant couldn't help but stepped forward and tried to say something.

The colonel gave him a cold look, still showing no intention of helping him.

For a part of the navy with a strong sense of justice, they couldn't stand this kind of blatant slave trading behavior.

This is completely inconsistent with the word justice they carry!

Because even for these so-called legal slave shops that are open in the open, the source of their slaves cannot be legal at all. Either the slave catching team conducts private plunder, or the pirate group robs and sells the stolen goods through the black market and flows into the slave market.

And a large proportion of them are nationals from countries that have joined the World Government. There have even been bad incidents where newly enlisted sailors suddenly found their family members locked in cages while traveling!
And for the World Government Navy, which has always emphasized internal unity and friendship, this is simply a great shame!

But so what?So what if 1 members of the Justice Party in the Navy can't stand the existence of slave shops?

Who among these slave shops hasn’t ordered backstage yet?
Behind them are either the top brass of the navy or the big pirate group, and even the nobles of the participating countries and even the royal family - the royal nobles like to use this method to deal with the disobedient and the losers in the struggle.

In addition, there is another particularly important factor in the existence of the slave shop, and that is the Tianlong people!
The Celestial Dragons of the Holy Land Marie Joa, the seat of the highest institution of the world government after the Chambord Islands, like to go to the Chambord Islands to buy slaves for fun!
And if these slave traders did not exist to satisfy the Tianlong people's desire to wreak havoc, I am afraid that ordinary people living in the Chambord Islands and even the naval family members would suffer!
Therefore, the existence of slave traders is an extremely complex problem, and it cannot be solved by simple force.

But for the Navy, which has a righteous mind and is restricted by so-called rules and regulations, even if it cannot attack these "legal tax payers" in violation of regulations, it is still okay to sit back and watch.

After all, the navy is not a city defense force, so it has no obligation or need to take action for such things.

"...Let's go!"

Seeing that the fire was almost extinguished by other nearby merchants, the naval colonel shook his head regretfully and prepared to lead the team to leave.

"Why don't you take a look? What if it's some lone wolf pirates? They are the most harmful!"

The lieutenant, who was about to speak out, said again, which attracted the side glances of the accompanying naval officers.

"...Go and have a look, check carefully, piece together the corpses, and write a report to analyze the cause of death!"

The navy captain looked at him for a long time before sneering.

If it weren't for the sake of his colleagues and the fact that this lieutenant had special status and responsibilities, he would have wanted to kill this guy with a slave merchant family background in the street!
"...As ordered!"

The lieutenant who was openly covered with a big pot did not dare to refute at this time, so he accepted the order in despair and entered the ruins of the slave shop with only a few flames still burning.

However, after rummaging around, he unexpectedly found a broken ring handle and half a burnt yellow paper.

"This is……"

This thing looked familiar, but the lieutenant, who was famous for his lack of knowledge and skills, couldn't remember its origin for a while.

I just vaguely remember that I should have seen similar items at an internal intelligence briefing...

"what is it……"

The lieutenant bent his feet and picked up the broken handle.


Suddenly, he discovered that the ring of the handle seemed to be connected to a very thin wire.

And upon closer inspection, it seems that the short thin steel wire must have been torn off when picking up the handle.


The lieutenant seemed to suddenly think of something, and then a look of panic appeared on his face. He immediately stood up and tried to escape through the door.

But it's too late.The moment he stood up, a fierce fire completely engulfed him!

The navy outside the street only saw another extremely violent explosion in the ruins of the store, and even formed a small mushroom cloud!

The admirals looked at each other.

Although they hate this lieutenant, they don't intend to let him die!

And the most important thing is that after he dies, someone else will have to receive those Celestial Dragons who come to have fun in the 'earthly' world!
'Clap! '
A black, red, fragrant half-arm fell in front of the admirals. In its palm, perhaps because of too much nervousness, it still held a handle with a ring tightly.

"Really dead..."

A naval officer couldn't help but sigh: "Now that it's like this, there's no need to run in for rescue, right?"

"What else can I save~ People are so happy that they are flying~"

Another admiral with a resolute face said gloatingly: "Dying in a slave shop can be regarded as acknowledging your ancestors. This is much better than the miserable end of our demise overseas without knowing when!"

"We are all our own people, don't say sarcastic words..."

The navy captain slowly knelt down and said casually: "It will not be good for the image of the navy if word spreads about it."

"What image does our navy have? Boss, you are too confident."

The admiral muttered again.

At the same time, everyone's eyes were also attracted by the ring handle that the navy captain was looking at.

"I have a little impression..."

One captain scratched his head.

So itchy!It seems that a brain is growing inside a head full of muscles!

"I knew it……"

The navy captain roughly broke off the fingers of the severed arm, revealing the handle and half of the yellow paper held in his palm.

"as predicted……"

The navy captain's face showed an unsurprising expression.

The naval admirals who were watching suddenly suddenly realized.

Of course, regardless of whether you really understood or guessed it, if you don't have this understanding expression on your face at this time, you will only look out of place with your colleagues.

"It's almost exactly the same as the weapons used by the Kirigakure Pirates as shown in the intelligence..."

The navy captain said slowly: "A short-handled dagger-type double-edged weapon used for melee combat or throwing, coupled with this strange talisman that can explode..."

"It's actually those guys!"

The admirals were in a commotion.

After being reminded by his boss, no matter how uneducated he was, he still recalled some of the information he had read.

"Those guys aren't very strong, but it's really hard to catch them!"

"That's right! Their diving skills are not much worse than those fish-men!"

"But those guys of unknown origin have never come ashore, so why did they suddenly come to the Chambord Islands?"

"Yes! That shouldn't be the case! Their navigation skills seem to be very poor. They were wandering around the East China Sea before!"

The naval captain listened quietly to the arguments of his subordinates and pondered since ancient times.

"Maybe it's revenge~"

A naval commander said: "These pirates like to kill each other, so it would not be surprising if it was indeed pirates."

"But behind this slave shop, it seems that..."

Another admiral prepared to say it carelessly.

"Be careful!"

The naval captain interrupted him immediately.

"Maybe their goal is the New World."

A bald admiral pondered for a long time before speaking: "After all, what these pirates like to do most is to rush into the new world and kill each other after they feel they are powerful."

"It's also called adventure..."

The admirals suddenly burst into laughter.

The air was immediately filled with joy.

If it is confirmed that it was the Kirigakure Pirates, then there is nothing to worry about.

After all, this group of pirates with unknown origins and extremely cruel methods are not very strong. If they dare to enter the Chambord Islands on a large scale, they will only be easily wiped out by the rear admirals of the Navy Headquarters, even if their iron-hulled ships can escape. No matter how fast or weird the method of summoning the mist is, it will be useless!

"Report to headquarters..."

The naval captain kicked the severed arm away and said boredly: "Also, send someone to monitor all the coaters to see if any special ships have arrived recently."

"By the way, there is also a notice from Mermaid Island, asking those aliens to pay attention to the submarine lines..."

After saying that, the naval colonel left on his own.


"Get rich!"

In a luxurious suite on the hotel street, Uchiha Nobutora poured out all the money and belongings in the safe, and Hinata Shinshu jumped with excitement.

"...For us ninjas, what use is money? Let alone the money of this world!"

Uchiha Nobutora cursed angrily, and then unsealed the small radio station from the sealed scroll and began to send reports.

The navigation method of the Dynasty Navy is quite special. It mainly uses radio for direction positioning and navigation. Therefore, Uchiha Nobutora and the captains of other squadrons have one responsibility, which is to contact the expeditionary troops through intensive radio waves after arriving at the target location. Command, and keep it powered on during this period to facilitate the technical staff of the command to complete the final positioning.

"By the way, why don't we buy a house as a base!"

Hinata Araki said enthusiastically: "In that case, not only will there be an identity on the surface, but also a long-wave radio station can be established!"

"...The long-wave radio station is a bit conspicuous, after all, the power is so high."

Uchiha Nobutora was a little tempted, but still a little hesitant.


Hinata Shinshu said disapprovingly: "These backward indigenous people even rely on sail power for their ships. I guess they have never heard of the radio. How can they still conduct radio tracking?"

"It makes sense... then go and have a look."

Uchiha Nobutora was also a little moved, "It's best to find someone in a civilian area, so that they won't be too sensitive..."

"I understand!"

Hinata Shinshu finished his sentence and ran out happily.


Uchiha Nobutora shook his head, and then continued to send information tick by tick.

 There are two ways to travel to the New World, the second half of the Grand Line:

  The first is to make a request to the World Government, and then directly cross the holy land of Mariejoia at the top of the Red Continent. Therefore, we can only abandon the ship. Although it will cost a lot of money to buy a ship and the application is time-consuming, it is very safe - but not for pirates. Think about it.

  The second is to use Alkiman mangrove resin to coat the ships in the Shampoo Islands (a coater is required), then dive 3 meters from here, pass through a huge hole under the red continent, and pass through the "undersea route" Fishman Island Reaching the new world, but it is very dangerous (only [-]% of people successfully reach the new world).

(End of this chapter)

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