Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 493 The Great Geographic Discovery

In a very short period of time, the advance army headquarters located in front of the hurricane barrier world gate and near the windless zone has built military facilities such as shelters, ship repair docks, and small smelting plants. Although the scale is small, it is also This alleviates the need for armament supplies to a certain extent.

In addition, as naval ships continue to explore the surrounding area, and when it is safe to do so, the fishing fleet of the United Company has also continued to expand the fishing area. At the same time, there are also numerous civilian facilities such as sorting lines, freezers, etc. Ground is also being broken on buildings such as factories and refrigerated warehouses.

At the same time, researchers from the Ninja World Government Research Institute and the Royal Academy of Engineering also received personal instructions from Uchiha Tokumitsu and began to send personnel into the pirate world and conduct extraction and analysis of the seawater, trying to analyze the effects of the seawater on the world. Substances that cause negative effects such as loss of power on the person with abilities.

"Not only that, maybe we can also conduct extended experiments and use the principle of seawater extract combined with poison to make special medicines..."

Orochimaru, who was approved to enter the pirate world and was responsible for setting up the laboratory, said very excitedly: "And, if we can obtain the legendary Devil Fruit, then we can analyze it more directly and prescribe the right medicine!"

"if that's the case……"

Uchiha Shiina couldn't help but feel excited when she heard this.

He originally wanted to immediately issue an order to collect Devil Fruits to all the intelligence personnel heading to the Shampoo Islands, but fortunately, his reason that reset in time prevented him from doing so.

After all, their current main mission is to establish an intelligence base and continue to collect the customs and customs of the pirate world. Too varied and arduous tasks will interfere with the work of the intelligence ninjas.

Moreover, according to the torture information, even in this world, Devil Fruits that can gain certain special abilities after eating them are very rare items. Except for a few lucky people who get them by chance, the prices on the market are all high. Sky-high price.

As for the intelligence ninjas who are just about to take root, they have no financial resources to buy a Devil Fruit on the open market - and they almost know with their toes that the World Government of the Pirate World will definitely deal with those who purchase Devil Fruits. Conducting audits or surveillance is tantamount to self-destruction for intelligence ninjas.

As for robbing devil fruits...

If given the chance, Uchiha Shiina believed that the twenty squadrons of intelligence ninjas would handle such matters on their own, without him having to worry too much.

"We must believe in the subjective initiative of frontline ninjas..."

Uchiha Shiina recited a sentence from "Tokumitsu's Quotes".

Orochimaru glanced at him inexplicably, and then continued working.

"By the way, can you send me some more consumables? We need anatomy experiments next, and the poison masters from the Southwest Administrative Region will also arrive in two days. By then, a lot of them will be needed for drug experiments..."

Orochimaru said while installing the experimental equipment.

"...I will allocate ten people to you, but I can only give you one so-called Devil Fruit ability user, so you have to use them sparingly, after all, there are only so many prisoners."

Uchiha Shiina looked at the metallic laboratory again, and felt that there seemed to be an extremely cold murderous intention in the cold metal reflection. At this time, the clean laboratory would soon be filled with blood.

"Fortunately, this cold-blooded guy belongs to our side..."

After glancing at Orochimaru, who was stroking the experimental equipment with great interest, Uchiha Shiina, who was shivering all over, hurriedly left the laboratory.

"Is that obstructive guy gone?"

As soon as Uchiha Shiina left, a Uzumaki researcher poked his head into the inner room and asked.

"left already."

Orochimaru replied without raising his head.

"Then the human experiment equipment can be installed~"

The whirlpool researcher said happily.

"Install it..."

Orochimaru said casually: "By the way, Ashina-senpai, why don't you come to the laboratory?"

"Clan Chief Ashina has a new mission recently..."

Researcher Uzumaki said casually, but then hesitated before telling everything: "His Majesty arranged to develop a fax machine. Due to the extremely high technical difficulty, Chief Ashina needs to personally lead the team..."

"fax machine?"

Orochimaru suddenly became interested, put down his work and looked at the Uzumaki researcher.

"Well...it's a machine that transmits images remotely."

Researcher Uzumaki said: "The main function is to convert the text and images to be transmitted into radio wave signals and then transmit them, but the most difficult thing at the moment is encoding..."

"...What a genius idea!"

After Orochimaru thought for a moment, he couldn't help but sigh.

"This is the theory proposed by His Majesty and pointed out the direction of research. We are just containers to hold the fruits of His Majesty's thoughtful thoughts of divine wisdom."

Researcher Uzumaki said modestly yet proudly.

For Uchiha Tokumitsu, whenever he plans to promote a core equipment research task, the first thing he thinks of is the Uzumaki clan of blood alliance and in-laws.

Just like research involving human experiments, blood inheritance limits, and unknown substances, Orochimaru would be troubled.

"Your Majesty is indeed a God-given wisdom..."

Orochimaru complimented casually.

He didn't take it to heart about the hidden showoff of the Uzumaki researcher - because the Ninja World Government Research Institute had much more funding than the Engineering Academy!

With the continuous exploration of the advance fleet, and after combining the geographical information continuously sent back through text descriptions from the Shampoo Islands, Uchiha Shiina finally determined his current location - north of the Demon Triangle after crossing the windless zone. wild areas!

For the pirate world, the sea area they are currently in is no man's land.

However, this also has advantages, that is, there is no need to rush into direct combat with the regular armies of this world. There is enough time to plan every step of colonization and expansion, and continue to feed back the ninja world to strengthen one's own strength.At the same time, after every medium-sized island explored by the advance fleet, they did not dislike the lack of resources on the island. Instead, they built lighthouses and automatic telegraph signal stations without exception to guide subsequent ships.

And relying on this seemingly clumsy method, the advance fleet was forced to explore a brand new map of the East China Sea without the commonly used navigation tools in this world: such as memory pointers or south-south sighting birds!

Although there are still no large islands where humanoid life is permanently found, even these uninhabited islands and actually controlled sea areas are enough for the advance army and the joint company fishing boat formation to digest them for a long time.


"About the large-scale cultivation and improvement plan of ninja crop seeds in the pirate world..."

In the government affairs hall of Konoha Palace, Uchiha Tokumitsu was carefully reviewing various documents related to the development and colonization of the pirate world.

"Agriculture is a good thing, but we must pay attention to the selection of crops. In addition, we must control the spread of improved crops, and at the same time, we must avoid negative effects during the breeding process from affecting the natural crops of the ninja world."

For this kind of document, Uchiha Tokumitsu naturally had no reason to disallow it, and then casually signed and agreed to the document on expanding fishing boat production and recruiting fishermen.

Although the Ninja World's expedition has not yet officially started the continuous war of blood and fire, its beneficial effect on the Ninja World has already been reflected in a very short period of time.

The most obvious thing is that the price of One Piece World's dried salted fish has hit rock bottom in one fell swoop. With the transportation capacity of the United Company, it only took a short month for the Ninja World Government to distribute it throughout the territory.

For example, it is of great significance to the people at the bottom of the three military-controlled states - the extremely salty One Piece World salted dried fish can even be used as table salt, allowing the mountain people to no longer rely on Pingchuan State with extremely high impurities. of mineral salt.

Although for ninjas, this is just equivalent to a few more dishes on the table - after all, ninjas can get frozen fish from the world of pirates, which only increases their ability to fight against the war that is bound to happen in the future. It’s just an expectation; but for those civilians who have been troubled by insufficient salt intake all their lives, this is simply a great blessing from God!

The strong support for expansion from the bottom of the ninja world and their willingness to pay blood taxes are the real basis for the ninja world government to launch cross-border expeditions.

"Comparative test of metal properties in two worlds and discussion of new alloy formulas..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu showed great satisfaction with this project. He then looked at the initiator and found that it was the Royal Academy of Engineering, so he was even more satisfied!

Then with a stroke of a pen, the funding was directly increased by another 20% based on the funds applied for, and then the progress requirement was marked to be increased by 50%!

As for whether it can be completed... Uchiha Tokumitsu believes that those whirlpool researchers whose work intensity is far from saturation are capable.
"Requesting for instructions on special military operations... Is it actually to fight pirates and capture prisoners for experiments?"

After Uchiha Tokumitsu signed the report document on the scientific research project, he began to shift gears to deal with military and political affairs, and the first one was the request document from the expeditionary advance force headquarters.

Although the principle of the enemy being overt and we being covert cannot be given up, considering the adaptability issues in future operations, Uchiha Tokumitsu agreed to the request after much hesitation, and also marked on the document:

"The pirate groups to be attacked must be carefully selected, and the most vicious ones must be targeted for sanctions. Their identities must be concealed, and multiple identity disguises may be considered. After making a name, strive to fight in open battles within a short period of time. Destroy a puppet government navy and use it to recruit opposition forces."

In this way, he can not only gain the name of 'Rogue' by disguising his identity, but also conceal his true identity. Although it has not yet been determined what timeline the current pirate world is in, Uchiha Tokumitsu still considered it. The factors of the so-called revolutionary army.

"...Discussing the techniques and tactics of immortal magic sustainment combat without natural energy environment, this is very good!"

The last document was sent back by Orochimaru in the name of the institute.

And this item also made Uchiha Tokumitsu interested.

He originally planned to cultivate the outsider golem for a period of time after thoroughly studying it, inject a small amount of tailed beast chakra and then transplant it to the pirate world to see if he could absorb the natural energy of the pirate world to form a fruit. The fruit of the sacred tree - if that doesn't work, you can also try using the Devil Fruit ability user in the pirate world to debug and create some special versions of White Zetsu to see if it can have any effect.

But now Orochimaru's research topic seems quite interesting. Then he looked at the funding application: it's only one billion taels!

Perhaps it was poverty that limited Orochimaru's imagination. It was only a funding application of one billion taels, but he actually wrote a report that was more lengthy than the Uzumaki clan's tens of billions of funding requirements. It was really embarrassing for him...

"That's it!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't bother to look carefully at the various implementation details proposed by Orochimaru in the document, and approved it with a stroke of his pen.

Then, he shook the bell on the table and called in Uchiha Shisui who was stationed outside.

"His Majesty……"

After asking for permission to enter, Uchiha Shisui bowed respectfully.

"Just call me teacher..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu stretched and said, "Are there any documents that have not been processed?"

"Well... there is also the selection examination for the Central Government Affairs Region..."

Uchiha Shisui took out the memo and planned to report.

"You can just handle matters in the central government district yourself, don't report them to us!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu interrupted Shisui.

In addition to being personally responsible for all matters in the pirate world, Uchiha Tokumitsu is responsible for the government work in various parts of the ninja world based on the principle of grasping the big and delegating power to the small, decentralizing checks and balances. The ruling government's requirements for each region are actually There is only one thing - to manage the region well while continuously providing more useful ninjas!
"By the way, there is another question about literature and history..."

Uchiha Shisui quickly flipped through the memo and found the latest request for instructions: "Request for instructions from the Dynasty History Compilation Bureau on the issue of era division..."

The compilation of history and even the so-called history book editing bureau also come from Uchiha Tokumitsu's personal hobby.

Perhaps due to the deep-rooted influence of the memory of his previous life, Uchiha Tokumitsu is particularly keen to "finalize" something, and he also pays more attention to the inheritance of culture than the ninjas; in addition, since the ninja world has not been around since the Warring States Period, It is a unified dynasty, and the records of the daimyo nobles are most likely to be moldy in the pile of old papers, with no chance to flow into the people and play the role of history books in shaping a common consciousness.Therefore, the memory of history is constantly disappearing from the ninja world - even the Sage of Six Paths has become a mythical figure in the minds of ninjas.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu understood very well that "if you don't occupy the position of public opinion, it will be occupied by others sooner or later." At the same time, in order to more conveniently establish himself as the true god or true savior of the ninja world, the History Book Editing Bureau came into being. And born.

"The first year of Konoha is the era of the Five Heroes of Ninja Village, the first year of the founding of the Emperor is the era of the Empire, and as for the new world gate in March of the first year..."

After pondering for a moment, Uchiha Tokumitsu said leisurely: "It can be described as the period of geographical discovery..." (End of this chapter)

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