Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 494: The Struggle History of Ninja Pirates

The pirate world, the Grand Line Paradise, the edge of the windless zone.

A mixed fleet of ironclads and paddle-wheel sailing ships lurked in a thick fog, quietly waiting for the order to start plundering.

Near dusk, a speedboat without any flags approached the outside of the fog. A Kirigakure ninja wearing an old-style forehead protector whistled skillfully for a while. After receiving a response from within the fog, he jumped into the water. Into the mist.

This is the last member of the Kirigakure ninja village, and the last remnant of the era of the five great ninja villages in the ninja world - the die-hard Kirigakure ninja who traveled east across the sea under the leadership of Loquat Juzo.

In the traditional geographical understanding of ninjas, whether you set sail from the extreme west of the original Kingdom of Wind or cross eastward from the Kingdom of Water, you will end up in a lifeless and extremely desolate wilderness.

In Loquat Juuzang's original idea, he actually just planned to lead his troops eastward to the outskirts of the wilderness, rely on the power of ninjas to establish a series of strongholds on the edge of the wilderness, and use this as a base to wait for opportunities to counterattack.

It's just that people are not as good as heaven.

On the third day of the voyage, the Kirigakure fleet encountered a fierce hurricane that the Kirigakure ninjas had never seen in their lives. The Anzai ships in the fleet were basically lost. Only the six ironclad ships purchased from the shogunate at that time were safe and sound. As for those in the fleet, The imitation paddle-wheel sailing ship lost nearly half.

Naturally, all kinds of consumables and supplies that Loquat Juzo had specially collected in order to build the base sank into the sea.

But just when the Kirigakure ninjas fell into despair, they discovered that the sky is the limit.

They seemed to have reached a sea area that had never been seen before, and it was also an extremely fertile sea area.

Even the Kirigakure ninjas who were born in the archipelago country have never seen such a fantastic thing as the deck is full of fish washed ashore by the waves after a storm.

Although he was completely blown off course by the hurricane and all navigation methods were completely disabled, Loquat Juuzang was still full of anxiety. On the surface, he announced with great passion to all the Kirigakure ninjas: They had arrived at the promised land of the Kirigakure ninjas. ——Although we haven’t found land yet!
Afterwards, they continued to wander at sea, and even encountered a merchant fleet by chance after more than a month of sailing.

As a matter of course, the Kirigakure ninjas, who were already angry from eating too much fish, swarmed up and looted the merchant fleet.

Loquat Juuzang also discovered something was wrong from the prisoner's appearance and language. After interrogating the ninja to obtain the prisoner's memory through spiritual magic, Loquat Juuzang discovered that he had unknowingly traveled to another world!
Then there were internal strife among the Kirigakure ninjas and even calls to break up due to the leakage of this news.

But this time, Loquat Juuzang no longer held back, but used iron fist to massacre all the opponents who tried to intensify conflicts to achieve his own goals, and called himself the "Water Shadow of Blood Mist" while walking in a pool of blood.

From now on, no one in the Kirigakure ninja who worshiped the strong had the guts to challenge Loquat Juzo again.

After the hurricane and civil war, the Kirigakure ninja army, which numbered three thousand when they set out, only had about two thousand people left.

Although their power was greatly damaged, the Kirigakure ninjas who were reunited as a whole by the bloody massacre once again achieved a superficial unity, and then began the primitive accumulation stage of looting caravans and capturing cities in this rich new world. '.

But after developing enough arrogance in the battle with the royal armies of the participating countries, the Kirigakure ninjas began to suffer heavy blows - the World Government Navy began to organize forces to encircle and suppress this unknown and ruthless pirate group!
After many encounters, the Kirigakure ninjas did not suffer much damage due to the performance and good water properties of the ships, but all the looted property was 'captured' by the navy, even the newly established The base was also destroyed, and the Kirigakure ninjas returned to wandering around the sea and looting.

However, the still determined Loquat Juzo was not discouraged despite the defeat. After holding a meeting with the jonins to discuss countermeasures, he began to learn from his "peers" in this world, and completely became a team with a secret base but whose main force is at sea all year round. A pirate group that cruises and robs.

Although the pirates of about 2000 may not be considered much in the second half of the New World, they are already considered a large pirate group in the first half of the Grand Line, and the Kirigakure ninjas are already bloodthirsty. War, so things are going well.

It's just that the chance to counterattack the Ninja Continent has been completely ruined.

But this time, the Kirigakure Pirates, led by Loquat Juzo, are preparing to ambush a fleet of allied countries transporting 'Heavenly Gold' on the Great Line!

"Fourth generation adults!"

After boarding an armored ship from the fog, the Kirigakure reconnaissance ninja immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted Loquat Juzo who was standing at the bow of the ship.

"Has the voyage of those fish-belly fleets been determined?"

Loquat Shizang asked.

"It's confirmed, it will arrive in the nearby waters in about an hour!"

The Kirigakure reconnaissance ninja reported immediately.

"very good!"

Loquat Juuzang nodded with satisfaction, and then ordered: "Notify down and prepare to pull the net!"

"The defense detachment prepares the Kirigakure technique to block the sea area!"

"Start the boiler, add fuel and light the fire!"

"Prepare for war, prepare for war! All the slackers who are still sleeping, get up!"

As the order was issued, the originally deathly silent fleet suddenly became lively. The Kirigakure ninjas who were originally lying lazily began to work lazily under the urging of their respective jounin.

Although the Kirigakure ninjas are still as ferocious as ever, their discipline has dropped a lot compared to the Ninja Village era!

But this is something that can't be helped. After all, everyone knows the current situation. Let alone counterattack the ninja world, they don't even know where the way back is. And these Kirigakure ninjas who have gradually lost their goal are addicted to it all day long. The bloody killings made him less interested in other things. If it weren't for the strength of the jounin and the intimidation of Loquat Juzo, this fleet would have dispersed long ago.

Loquat Juuzang naturally understands this truth, but he has no choice.

The last time he suppressed the civil strife, he decisively wielded the beheading sword and killed all the opponents. But now the fleet is too lazy from top to bottom. He can't kill the entire fleet!

Of course, he also understands the reason why the Kirigakure ninjas are so lazy - it's just that they don't have a solid base, so they have no sense of goal and lose the motivation to fight!
Moreover, due to the natural distrust of the natives of this world, the Kirigakure ninjas have not recruited even a single newcomer in this world; so if this development continues, the Kirigakure Blood Mist Sect, which has no way to recruit personnel, will only grow worse as time goes by. Gradually it was destroyed amidst constant battle losses.

And this is something that Loquat Juzo cannot tolerate - after all, he is now a man who calls himself Mizukage!

But not long ago, he was inspired by an unexpected piece of information: the World Government recognized the status of a large pirate group in the New World, and granted it the title of the 'Shichibukai', allowing it to seize a sea area. Do whatever you want!
So Loquat Juuzang suddenly had an idea and came up with a brilliant idea: to intercept the Grand Route and rob all fleets trying to transport the 'Sky Gold', so as to create pressure on the World Government and force it to recognize its status!

Although this forced recognition of status is not stable, and the World Government will not hesitate to destroy these large pirate groups as long as it gets the opportunity, but this does not hinder the status and opportunities it brings - establishing a A base for sustainable development and allowing the ninjas under his command to rediscover their goals!
As for the so-called 'King Shichibukai', it is located on the other side of the Red Earth Continent, but so what?

Loquat Juuzang believes that as long as he makes enough noise and shows strong enough strength, maybe the Ninja World Government will follow suit and provide similar 'treatment' in the paradise~
Even if he can't get a separate claim and becomes the only 'Eighth Martial Arts' in the paradise, it's not unacceptable for Loquat Juzo!
As the ship started its engine unit, the huge ironclad ship began to slowly sail out of the hidden sea area, heading for the preset battlefield under the cover of the Kirigakure ninja's Kirigakure technique.

Using Kirigakure's art and appropriate light and shadow illusions as a means to conceal their whereabouts is also the result of the Kirigakure ninjas' battle of wits and courage with those cunning merchant ships and navies in this world. So far, the results have been remarkable and they have gained a lot. rich.

"We must build a shipyard by then, and we must imitate such an ironclad ship!"

Loquat Juuzang said to the jounin under his command: "Today's paddle-wheel sailing boats are still not very useful!"

"...After all, we need to rebuild the Kirigakure Ninja Village, otherwise everything will be empty talk." His subordinate Goto Mitsusuke sighed: "We need enough steel ingots, many technicians, and a large shipyard... Without these, we can't build Even a paddle-wheel sailing boat is pretty good.”

"And today's secret bases are mostly used as places to hide property and provide supplies, which is not enough to give everyone a sense of belonging..."

"everything will be fine!"

Loquat Juuzang said seriously: "As long as we gain status and get rid of the entanglement of the navy, it is definitely not difficult to establish a ninja village!"

"After all, we were close to success last time..."

Goto Mitsusuke Jounin couldn't help but nodded.

Loquat Juuzang stopped talking, but silently watched the Kirigakure ninjas' numb but neat maneuvers of maneuvering the boat, and their eyes began to turn red, revealing a gloomy and inhuman murderous aura.

This kind of temperament has only been seen by Loquat Juzo in the former Kirigakure ANBU - this is the most typical killing machine!

The performance of the Kirigakure ninjas also reflects common psychological problems - apart from the excitement of wandering between life and death when killing, they are no longer interested in other things.

That's why Loquat Juzo came up with this seemingly absurd strategy to force the World Government to make concessions and gain the opportunity to build a Ninja Village.

Moreover, Loquat Juzo has thought about it, and if possible, he is even willing to let the new Kirigakure become the sword of the World Government - just like the relationship between the Ninja Village and the Daimyo in the Ninja World.

Just when Loquat Juuzang was thinking wildly, time passed quickly.

But nearly half an hour after the expected arrival time of the fleet, there was still no trace of the sails on the sea level!
At this time, the Kirigakure fleet began to become a little commotion, and even Loquat Juuzang was a little unbearable.

"...Send out the osprey psychic beast along the route to see what's going on!"

Loquat Juuzang did not care about the risk of leaking his whereabouts, and immediately ordered: "In addition, the fleet is ready to pursue the pursuit with boiler supercharged horsepower at full speed!"

"As ordered!"

Goto Mitsusuke immediately rushed forward to deploy the mission.

Subsequently, several ospreys were released by Kirigakure ninjas to explore along the fleet route shown by the intelligence.

After the fleet completed the boiler pressurization, it fell into dead silence again.

"Fourth generation adults!"

Ten minutes later, the Kirigakure ninja who released the psychic beast hurried over, knelt down and reported: "Trace of the treasure ship fleet was found ahead!"

"Then we take the initiative!"

Loquat Juzo made a prompt decision.

"...It's just that they seem to be confronting a group of creatures like giant frogs."

The Kirigakure ninja whispered.

"Giant frog?"

Loquat Juuzang raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: "Is it a special race similar to fishmen or mermaids?"

"It's not that...it seems that the costumes of those giant frogs are somewhat similar to those of ninjas."

The Kirigakure ninja's voice became even quieter.

He also knew that such an intelligence report would most likely be questioned by Lord Mizukage. After all, where did the ninjas come from in this weird world?

"Giant frog..."

Loquat Juuzang's face suddenly darkened.

He thought of the legendary holy land Mt. Miaomu...

However, if they are really those aliens, how did they arrive in this strange world?

Moreover, as a psychic beast in the Holy Land, why did it confront the humans in this world?
There are a hundred thousand whys in Loquat Juuzang's mind.

But Kirigakure ninjas have one thing in common, that is, don't think about things you can't figure out, do it first!

"Leave them alone!"

Loquat Juuzang gritted his teeth and made his own decision: "Osprey Navigation, full power!"

"We take the initiative to attack!"

Randomly, the Kirigakure fleet cheered!
"The main gun is ready!"

"Bomb loading!"

"The cluster detonation talisman launcher is ready for use!"

With the shrill sound of the whistle, the Kirigakure fleet sailed out of the foggy ambush area, and at the same time, various weapons on board were ready for launch.

Although these weapons are the first generation products of the Shogunate, and due to the lack of some repair parts, their power has been reduced after the "suitability modification" of the Kirigakure ninjas, but in this world, they are still considered to be extremely powerful. Naval warfare weapons.

"When we build a village in the future, we must vigorously build gunboats!"

Loquat Juuzang calmed down, slowly took off the beheading sword from his back, and was also ready for the battle. (End of chapter)

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