Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 495 Strong ships and powerful guns are the foundation of a Ninja village

Chapter 495 Strong ships and powerful guns are the foundation of a Ninja village

Fukasaku Sennin prides himself on being a respectable frog, so in principle he hopes that the intercepted fleet will obediently hand over the "travel money".

After being sent to this 'new world' by the Six Paths Sage, Fukasaku Sennin first led the ninja frogs to lie dormant for a period of time, and sent intelligence frogs to detect the basic situation of this world, and also participated in many battles between the navy and pirates. We have a general understanding of the combat effectiveness level of this world.

But these actually don't matter much. Fukasaku Sennin has made up his mind to hide in the dark from now on. He will only contact the World Government after the ninja army officially enters the world, and take the opportunity to rise to power as a counselor.

As for his fellow Thousand Ninja Frogs, Fukasaku Sennin did not intend to let them get involved in bloody wars anymore.

However, it also needs to solve another problem - that is, how to ensure that the next generation of Ninja frogs does not suffer from serious racial degeneration in this world where natural energy does not exist!
Moreover, if this problem is not solved, not only will its own strength be greatly restricted, but even the frog eggs it brings will not be able to hatch - even if it is forced to hatch, it will only hatch ordinary frogs without intelligence. , and now the Ninja lineage will either be completely extinct or completely reduced to irrational behemoths after the migration generation has died of old age.

So, Fukasaku Sennin opened the first bag of tips left by Toad Sennin.

“When you are in the country, do as the Romans do and change your roots.”

And this seemingly understatement put an end to Fukasaku Sennin's plan to let his fellow ninja frogs completely cultivate their health, and he was forced to start looking for various sources of power in this world that could replace natural energy. .

However, the problem is that although this world has seemingly mysterious and mysterious training methods such as 'Haki', due to the limited scope of activities of the ninja frogs, they only know that there is such a situation, but they cannot get a full picture of it, let alone Learned from above.

Therefore, when he learned that this fleet, which was jointly formed by various kingdoms and was used to transport the 'Heavenly Gold', contained several legendary 'Devil Fruits', Fukasaku Sennin couldn't help but be moved.

Of course, it doesn't have a big heart, and ordinary gold, silver and jewelry are of no use to the Ninja lineage, so after organizing the Ninja frogs to set off a huge wave to trap the fleet, it just shouted to ask it to hand over the devil fruit.

But this fleet, which is mainly composed of mortals and a few so-called armed and domineering strong men, not only does not have the hands to offer the Devil Fruit, but they even dare to resist!

"Great Immortal..."

After the confrontation for nearly half an hour, the Ninja under his command became a little unbearable: "How about we just take action..."

"Moreover, if we send them all to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish, we don't have to worry about the news leaking and affecting our future development of relations with the world government..."

"Just wait another 10 minutes..."

Fukasaku Sennin hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "It's better not to take action rashly, otherwise there will definitely be trouble in the future..."


The Ninjas looked at each other.

If you continue to wait, you will have many nightmares!

"The Internet cafe will be closed first...but it is said to be a group of strange-looking toads."

On the naval fleet flagship at the rear of the transport fleet, a rear admiral put down the phone bug in his hand and said to his subordinates very calmly.


The subordinates immediately stamped their feet and saluted, then walked out of the command cabin and began to give orders.

With the concerted efforts of the oarsmen and sailors, the naval fleet, which had lowered its sails and waited silently, began to draw an arc with the help of ocean currents and sea winds and sweep towards the flank of the transport fleet.

This is also a navigation route adopted in order to implement an all-round encirclement and annihilation. After all, if Dalasara faces the charge directly, the rear admiral will also be worried that these 'big fish' that were finally caught will run away!

However, all plans are good when they are put on paper.

But reality often makes people less perfect than sand table deduction.

"Discover the enemy!"

Observers from the Kirigakure fleet and the World Government naval fleet sounded the alarm!
"It's actually a naval fleet!"

Loquat Juzo was shocked!What was discovered during the reconnaissance was obviously the belly fleet transporting the 'Sky Gold'!

"It's actually the Kirigakure Pirates!"

The rear admiral was equally shocked!The information reported by the phone bug was obviously a group of large frogs whose origins were unknown!

The top leaders of both sides are a bit cautious at the same time, fearing that this is a trap for the other party.

But it was Loquat Juzo who was the first to make the decision.

In full view of the public, as a man of the Blood Mist Shadow who aspires to rebuild the Kirigakure Ninja Village in the pirate world, he must not show cowardice in front of these war lunatics under his command!
"The battle line seizes the T position!"

Loquat Juuzang ordered coldly.

"As ordered!"

The Kirigakure ninjas who were staring at their leader immediately let out fanatical shouts.

Subsequently, the six armored ships all drew a wavy arc on the sea with their left rudders full, and in a very short period of time, they lined up in a long snake formation to intercept the course of the naval fleet!

The sailboats that were mainly used to carry fighting ninjas began to lower their sails and switched to the power of the boiler unit to outflank the other side.

The rear admiral who witnessed this scene looked extremely ugly.

Apart from anything else, there is no commander in the naval fleet under his command or even in the entire navy who can achieve such a clean and neat formation change!
However, according to the previous summary report of the battle between the Navy and the Kirigakure Pirates, although this group of unknown pirates behaved violently and cruelly, they seemed to only fight with the wind, and once they entered the close combat phase of joining the gang, they would He took the initiative to disengage and fled. Therefore, based on this existing intelligence, he made tactical judgments and the rear admiral quickly made the most correct judgment under the existing conditions——

"Raise the sails and blow up the wind! Let those rowers work hard for me. If you slow down, they will hit me hard!"

The rear admiral ordered: "Send all the sailors' flintlock guns. The sailors and generals must be prepared to jump into gangs!"

He has eight naval battleships under his command!
And these warships equipped with new artillery, both in terms of firepower and speed, are far beyond ordinary pirate ships. Often one naval warship is enough to clear out pirates in a large area of ​​​​the sea, and although there are more than a dozen Kirigakure pirates in front of them, Ships, but still not enough in front of the Navy!

"We! We are the heroic navy! We are the kings who rule the oceans!"

"Advance at full speed and use the main gun and ramming angle to overwhelm this despicable pirate formation!"

The rear admiral drew out his saber and pointed it in the direction of the Kirigakure fleet, making a false strike, and issued the order for a decisive battle with all his strength!

The naval fleet responded to the commander's orders with fanatical war horns.


"The range of their artillery is far inferior to that of our chakra cannon. At most, it only has half the range of the side rocket launchers..."

Loquat Juzo, who had successfully seized the T-position, stood at the bow of the flagship and chatted and laughed with the jonins surrounding him. He was full of energy and impassioned when he pointed out the enemy: "Moreover, even the steering of the naval gun cannot be achieved, it is simply useless! "

"Send the order. After the enemy ship enters the four-kilometer range, prepare to fire the main gun salvo. The side guns and launch tubes will be silent!"

After observing the lineup and formation of the naval battleships again, the original anxiety in Loquat Juuzang's heart has been completely thrown out of the sky.

"In the final analysis, technology is combat effectiveness..."

Touching the cold iron bulwarks, he sighed: "When the village was defeated by the shogunate, it was because the shogunate's ships were strong and powerful, so our brave and capable ninjas suffered a big loss!"

"Now, we have to let these navy suffer the consequences!"

The faces of the Kirigakure jounin also showed bloodthirsty smiles full of pleasure.

They were really frustrated!

Because Loquat Juuzang always acted with a certain amount of fear before, he never had a direct confrontation with the naval forces he encountered. He basically ordered a retreat after encountering slight setbacks, although this move also saved the life to a certain extent. The precious Kirigakure ninjas, but in fact, for the ninjas of the Blood Mist sect who take death lightly for their bellicosity, this is simply a shame!

If it weren't for the disparity in strength and the bloody suppression by Loquat Juzo, these jounin might not be able to help but challenge his authority.After facing this particularly sudden encounter, Loquat Juuzang's first reaction was to believe that this was the world navy's encirclement and suppression of him. Naturally, the ferocity that had been dormant for a long time was completely aroused. How can the Four Emperors of Wuhai and others be recruited if they don't kill people and set fire to them?

"Every ship prepares!"

The command from the staff ninja came from the observation tower. At this time, the leading battleship of the naval fleet had already entered the standard range of four kilometers!

Loquat Juuzang nodded slightly, and the trusted ninja beside him immediately waved the command flag to send the permission signal.

"Target enemy's first ship! Main gun fire!"

As the loudspeaker of the command tower issued the order, the Kirigakure armored ships fired in unison!

The roar resounded throughout the sea and completely alarmed Fukasaku Sennin who was still confronting the fleet.

"This is……"

The astonished Fukasaku Sennin listened carefully and recognized that it was the sound of the shogunate's naval gun!

"Go and investigate quickly!"

It immediately sent a team of intelligence frogs to investigate, and then looked at the fleet that was still in a silent confrontation with a ferocious expression: "Attack! Kill them all!"

As long as all the witnesses are killed, no one will know that he did it!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The chakra shells fired by the six armored ships all hit the navy's lead ship, completely submerging it in smoke!
Suddenly, everyone in the naval fleet who witnessed this situation was stunned!
Just talking about the range of the main gun, in fact, the navy's naval guns can also shoot this far.

However, if you are right, it can only be said to depend on fate.

However, the leading ship in the queue was hit by the concentrated fire of a mere pirate's naval gun so accurately that there was not even a single near-miss!
What does this show!
It shows that the real ones with strong ships and powerful guns are the Kirigakure Pirates!

The whole navy suddenly felt like they had fallen into an ice cellar!

As the thick smoke dissipated slightly, the naval battleship hit by the main gun fire revealed its miserable appearance.

I saw the mast was broken, the oars were gone, poisonous smoke and flames were spreading everywhere, countless terrifying craters were all over the hull, seawater was pouring in, and there were corpses on the deck. Only a few had armed Haki or had eaten Devil Fruits. The navy commanders can still protect themselves-but before, the sailors were arrayed on the deck ready to jump gangs!

The power of one blow actually hit a battleship to such an extent!

Looking at the miserable battleship, the rear admiral was also stunned...

Is this still a pirate?

How come it has more firepower than the navy!

The rear admiral, who was used to asymmetrical battles with pirates, was unable to react at all.

"Boom boom boom!"

The second salvo of naval guns woke up the rear admiral who was still stunned.

"Disperse the formation! Charge at full speed!"

The ferocious-looking rear admiral looked at yet another warship engulfed in smoke, and let out a heart-rending roar: "The main guns will counterattack immediately!"


The hurried navy began to pull the gun bolts and counterattacked the Kirigakure fleet in a chaotic manner!
"They are all barbarians!"

Loquat Shizang's eyebrows danced with joy as if he had drank sour plum soup in the dog days of summer, and the smile on his face almost made flowers appear on his ferocious face!

"Strong ships and sharp cannons are the foundation of a ninja village, and being brave and good at fighting is the foundation of a ninja!"

Loquat Juuzang smiled to the left and right: "In the future, as long as we persist in developing with this belief, the whole world will be ours sooner or later!"

"That's right!"

"Best regards, Fourth Generation Sir!"

The Kirigakure jounin immediately flattered him.

"Turn on the boiler with full power, immediately accelerate to open a distance, stagger the front of the enemy fleet and prepare for cross-course bombardment!"

Juuzang Juuzang, who felt itchy for a while, picked up the microphone on the bow of the ship and gave the order himself.

"As ordered!"

With an order, the Kirigakure fleet immediately sounded their whistles and accelerated, sailing out of the navy's chaotic bombing area at a speed that the sail battleships could not match!

Subsequently, with Loquat Juzo's flagship as the lead ship, the Kirigakure armored ship turned its rudder 45 degrees again, and it didn't take long before it changed its course to head towards the naval fleet!

The rear admiral's face turned even paler after witnessing all this!

This time...it's probably going to be over!
No matter how clever the naval commander is, he cannot perform such an operation because the performance of the sail warship simply does not allow it!
Moreover, he also saw a lucky naval gun hit the opponent's hull, but the black pirate warship opposite was unscathed, as if the attack was not effective at all!

After a minute of silence, the rear admiral took out a phone from his pocket and gave it to the adjutant, and said, "Report the process and results of this battle to headquarters!"

Then, he stepped out of the command cabin and shouted loudly: "All the domineering naval officers gather at me!"

"The fleet disbanded on the spot and broke out individually!"

The opponent only fired two rounds of salvos and turned two of his own warships into torches. If they continued to fight in this way, it would only be a matter of time before the entire army was annihilated.

As a rear admiral of the navy and commander of the fleet, instead of escaping in despair and being sent to a military court, he might as well gather his men and go to sea to fight. As long as he can break into the Kirigakure pirates' ship, he would be confident to create A lot of damage!
This is also his way of atonement!

"Master Yondaime, the other side seems to have escaped easily!"

A Kirigakure jounin who was holding a telescope for observation said hurriedly.

"Oh...it's late!"

Loquat Juuzang sneered and said: "Send a signal flare and have the motor and sailboat formation prepare to outflank!"

Then, he focused his eyes and saw the naval officers jumping into the water one after another, swimming, or treading water towards his own fleet!
"remarkably brave……"

Loquat Juuzang seemed to comment approvingly, and then his face became more ferocious: "It's also extremely stupid!"

"Aim the secondary guns and launch tubes at the sea surface for cleaning!"

Picking up the beheading sword, Juuzang Loquat walked to the side of the ship and said, "Jōnin, do you have the courage to fight?"

"Kill them all!"

The Kirigakure jounin let out cheers filled with murderous intent.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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