Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 496 The Union of Fugitives

The fierce battle continued until dusk, and the admiral who approached the Kirigakure fleet was finally completely wiped out after a hard battle.

Among the Kirigakure ninjas who set out to fight in the sea, everyone was injured and exhausted; even Loquat Juzo's decapitating sword was completely broken in the fierce battle. At this time, the corpses were being collected to suck blood for recovery.

At this time, the Kirigakure ninja and even Loquat Juuzang did not have the joy of victory in their hearts, and they were all in silence.

Although the navy was defeated, the admirals who charged forward left a deep impression on all the Kirigakure ninjas.

Although in terms of fighting spirit, the two sides are actually on par, and even the Blood Mist ninjas who emerged from the bloody storm actually performed more ferociously and bravely, the so-called "armed domineering" of these naval officers also impressed the Kirigakure ninjas. profound.

However, because both sides also lacked knowledge of their opponents, the navy suffered a heavy blow at the beginning of the war; and after Loquat Juzo personally led the jounin into the battle, the Kirigakure jonins also suffered heavy losses.

The black energy emitted by the admirals can withstand attacks from conventional kunai and even detonating talismans. Their physical strength is comparable to those of Kumogakure jounin who are familiar with the thunder chakra body training technique. Even cluster rocket launchers cannot attack them. How much damage is caused; and the gas-like power wrapped around their fists is enough to blast the body of a jounin with one punch; especially the leader's movement speed is no less than the jonin's teleportation technique!
Less than thirty people attacked the Admiral Academy, but they were besieged by more than 60 Kirigakure jounin and special jounin, and killed as many as twenty Kirigakure jounin before being annihilated!

Among the surviving Kirigakure jounin, all were injured, and six of them were disabled.

It can be said that after just one battle, the Kirigakure ninja was severely damaged!

"...Where's the scout ninja?"

Loquat Juzo, whose face was as gloomy as water, put away his half-recovered beheading sword and asked his subordinate Mitsuke Goto.

Although the battle damage was tragic, Loquat Juzo would be even more unwilling to let go of those fish bellies transporting the 'Sky Gold'.

"...we were dispatched 15 minutes ago."

Goto Mitsuyo broke into cold sweat on his forehead, but he didn't dare to raise his hand to wipe it.

"Assemble the fleet and prepare for another battle!"

After Loquat Juuzang put down his cold words, he instantly returned to the flagship.

"We must vigorously develop armaments, and we must never engage in close combat again in the future!"

This was the first thought that came to Loquat Juuzang's mind after stepping onto the deck!

However, instead of waiting to detect the information about ninjas, Loquat Juzo ushered in a half-human alien.

"I am Myobokuyama Fukasaku..."

Fukasaku Sage lifted up his cloak and revealed his face.

Loquat Juuzang took a deep breath, suppressed the doubts and uneasiness in his heart, and looked at the immortal from the Holy Land quietly.

This is another world!

How did the Immortal from Mt. Miaomu appear here?It can't be its home in this world, right? !

Is it possible...

A bold idea came to Loquat Juuzang's mind.

"What you guessed is correct..."

Fukasaku Sennin seemed to see what he was thinking from Loquat Juzo's expression: "Mt. Myoki was destroyed by Uchiha..."

Loquat Juuzang opened and closed his mouth several times, but he didn't know what to say.

You can't just say it's a sign of condolences, right?After all, his own ninja village was also conquered.

Therefore, the two losers in the ninja world suddenly felt that they were in the same boat.

"The shogunate's violence is rarely seen in the world..."

Loquat Juuzang racked his brains to say two literate sentences in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.

Until this time, Goto Mitsusuke returned to the flagship with the extremely panicked reconnaissance ninjas. However, after seeing the face of Fukasaku Sennin, he did not dare to say anything. He just knelt down on one knee to apologize to Loquat Juzo.

"...Your target should also be that fleet, right?"

Fukasaku Sennin glanced at the scout ninja and understood.

"That's right!"

Loquat Juzo admitted very simply.

"That fleet has been captured by my ninja troops, and all the crew members have been completely slaughtered..."

Immortal Fukasaku said.

"...Congratulations to Miao Mushan."

Loquat Juuzang twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled reluctantly. "Miaomushan has got what he wants. Those treasures are of no use to us Ninja Frogs..."

If Fukasaku Sennin has something to point out.

Loquat Shizang's heart was pounding.

"...So, I plan to give all the treasures to Kirigakure's friends as a token of Myobokuyama's goodwill."

Sure enough, Fukasaku Sennin said what Loquat Juzo wanted to hear most!

Although these gold and silver jewelry are of no use to Ninja, the Kirigakure ninjas are different. After all, they are still 'human beings' and have every opportunity to sneak into the world through disguise to make purchases, so these gold and silver treasures are of no use to them. It's still very important - after all, you can't get all the necessities by raiding.

"On behalf of the Kirigakure Blood Mist lineage, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mount Myoki for his kindness!"

Loquat Juuzang immediately changed his expression again.

In this way, both parties understood each other's thoughts, and the communication between the two parties immediately heated up. After a while, they formed a blood alliance of life and death brothers with every word you said to me. One person and one frog left behind the post-war We moved to a hidden conference hall to prepare a banquet and continue communicating!
"Today's ninja world has been completely controlled by the evil forces headed by Uchiha Tokumitsu..."

After the two parties communicated for a long time, seeing that the time was right, Fukasaku Sensen dropped a bombshell.

Loquat Juuzang's expression changed slightly, but he just sighed with complicated emotions and prepared to change the topic.

"...Also, the passage to this world has been controlled by the ninja pseudo-regime established by him."

Perhaps because he felt that this news was not exciting enough, Fukasaku Sennin dropped another bombshell news.


Loquat Juuzang was so frightened that he crushed the wine glass in his hand!
Fukasaku Sennin nodded slightly.

As long as it scares you!

"...Then with the lofty views of the immortals, what should we do?"

After a long time, Loquat Juzo asked quietly: "...We can't, just because everyone comes from the ninja world, let's leave behind the blood feud of the past and join them!"

"And... the Blood Mist Sect will no longer become a knife in the hands of others!"

"I have a plan for the fourth generation of adults to refer to..."

Fukasaku Sennin flattered him quietly, and at the same time, his voice seemed to be mixed with a little relaxing and ethereal feeling.

"I hope the immortal can give me some advice!"

Loquat Juzo, who felt so refreshed after being photographed, immediately asked for advice sincerely.

"Build the city in secret, accumulate strength, and wait for the opportunity..."

Fukasaku Sennin said slowly, while using the corner of his eyes to observe the changes in Loquat Juuzou's expression.

"Even, if possible, we can also support the government forces in this world, or serve as their advisers, or serve as a third-party force to confront the evil Uchiha and its minions..."

"Furthermore, if Kirigakure rebuilds the Ninja Village, I think as long as the World Government can provide enough employment compensation, it won't be a big deal to perform tasks for it..."

"No matter how bad it is, we can control a kingdom and make us orthodox - just like the one-country-one-village system in the ninja world, and provide military services for it..."

Loquat Juzo is even more moving!

This is simply a close friend!

The reason why he wanted to ambush this fleet transporting the "Heavenly Gold" was just to force people to surrender by killing people and setting fires. By creating a huge momentum, he forced the World Government to admit his existence and take the opportunity to start to accumulate strength; now even Mt. Myoboku's The strategies proposed by the immortal all coincide with his own goals. It can be seen that recruiting people is the best way out!

"What the immortal said makes sense..."

But on the surface, Loquat Juzo still has to remain reserved.

"However, although your strategy is very good, how should it be implemented specifically..."

"Listen to me and explain this in detail to the fourth generation..."

Fukasaku Sennin suddenly became energetic and spoke out his plan.

The plan goes through!Successfully used the Kirigakure ninja as a shield for the Myobokuzan Ninja!
Fukasaku Sennin thought so in his heart.

very good!With Ninja as a supplement, we won’t need to kill so many Kirigakure ninjas when attacking from all directions in the future!

Loquat Juzo’s idea is also very beautiful. (End of chapter)

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