Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 497 The pace of the attack

"The rebel ninjas of Kirigakure actually got together with the remnants of Mt. Myoboku?"

After receiving this information from the pirate world, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was above the Imperial Council, was deeply surprised.

The reason why the Expeditionary Advance Force was able to obtain this information so quickly was from a very simple source - the World Government's Most Wanted Order!
After all, eight naval battleships were sunk by the Kirigakure Pirates!

Even the four emperors of the new world dare not pat their chests and claim that their pirate group can fight against eight naval battleships - after all, whether it is naval guns, speed, protection capabilities or even the sailors' ship-handling skills, from the average In terms of value, there is still a huge gap between pirates and the navy.

"There must be some unknown communication method in the pirate world!"

The Hyuga clan leader said with great certainty.

The intelligence officers stationed in the Shampoo Islands by the advance army saw the wanted notice two days ago, and the battle time shown on the wanted notice was two days ago, so the wanted notice was placed in the pirate world within only two days. A comprehensive report shows that the communication methods in the pirate world may be more advanced than the current mainstream telegraph system of the ninja world government!
For ninjas, the first element of war is intelligence, and communication means are necessary to ensure the stability of the source of intelligence!
"... Shisui, notify the advance army and ask them to collect information about the phone bug."

Uchiha Tokko pondered for a moment and then ordered: "In terms of form... it should look like a snail."

The words of the Hyuga clan leader also suddenly reminded him of the various magical species that exist in the pirate world.

"As ordered..."

Shisui stood up and saluted without hesitation, and then left the Government Hall to send the telegram in person.

"And how is the situation of the suppression and appeasement of the three countries?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked again.

"Uttar Pradesh has completed the clearing of the Kumogakure Nami in the scattered areas, and four new settlement regiments have been formed."

Uttar Pradesh Warlord Sansho Hanzo said.

"The Yancheng State has completed all the clearings, and at the same time, two new reclamation regiments have been formed."

Hyuga Hizashi reported the report with a respectful expression, while not squinting his eyes. From the beginning to the end, he did not have any eye contact with his father, the head of the Hyuga clan.

"Pingchuan State has formed a new reclamation unit..."

Ghost Light Masahiko whispered: "The Free Rock Hidden Organization disappeared without a trace again, and no traces of them have been found so far..."

"In that case..."

From Black Zetsu, Uchiha Tokumitsu also learned that the so-called "Free Iwagakure" was actually A Fei leading a group of White Zetsu who were afraid of chaos in the world to play cosplay. Previously, due to the new government of the ninja world, various affairs had become complicated. Wanxu really couldn't take any action, so he didn't take the initiative to eliminate or try to integrate them. However, now that the ninja world has been generally integrated, it is time to dig out these rats.

"Asura Qing..."

Uchiha Tokko's eyes turned to Asura sitting in the corner.

"How about you organize the cleanup?"

"Am I not in charge of the Independent Commission Against Corruption?"

Asura couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Can civilians also command the ninja army?"

All the important officials of the Shinobi World Government immediately had bright eyes.

"I don't plan to send out either the army or navy."

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained: "However, you can mobilize the settlement wing and reserve wing for coordinated operations."

"As for the person who is partnering with you is also an old acquaintance of yours, don't worry."

"As ordered."

Ashura nodded.

Although there was indeed some lack of etiquette, Ashura still maintained his status as a subordinate in words.

Uchiha Tokimitsu, who knew his identity, didn't care much, but it was different for a group of important ministers. Moreover, Asura was in charge of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, which was directly affiliated with the royal family. His usual job was to catch their pigtails and treat him well. His face is strange.However, Asura, who was accustomed to amusing himself, didn't take it seriously. Instead, he began to happily imagine the scene of commanding the second-line troops in combat.

"In addition, it's time to mobilize the second batch of expeditionary force members..."

After simply deciding to finalize a series of government affairs, Uchiha Tokumitsu formally mentioned the issue that everyone was most concerned about.

Afterwards, the breathing of all the important ministers immediately became rapid.

Different from the intelligence collection and colonization development responsibilities that the advance army is mainly responsible for, what will be dispatched into the pirate world this time will be a large number of combat troops, which will not only come entirely from the front-line standing ninja army, but will also be equipped with various ninja world government efforts to build A variety of war equipment, and even the battleships are the latest models of [-]-ton steel-armored full-gun battleships and fast cruisers. If one can command such a ninja army and win the first round of the war, then it will be easy to leave a name in the history of the future. Nothing more!
Since the first batch of historical materials from the Dynasty History Compilation Bureau entered literacy education schools across the ninja world, both the ninja families and important officials have seen great benefits from it.

Leaving a good name in the history books is equivalent to leaving a broad road for your family and future generations to live together with the country!

"Your Majesty, I am willing to resign from the position of military governor and become a pioneer in the ninja world!"

Before the important ministers could react, Sanshouyu Hanzo stood up with a 'shushing' sound.

"We are also willing to march forward for His Majesty!"

Uchiha Kage, Uchiha Fugaku, Kakuzu, Minazuki Chino and other important military and political ministers also immediately stood up to petition.

"I understand your thoughts, but don't be impatient yet..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu reassured: "The expansion of the ninja world does not happen overnight, and there will be opportunities in the future."


Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes turned to Sansho Hanzo: "Mr. Hanzo, except for you, there is no one in the Rain Ninja who can serve as the governor of a country. If you resign from this position..."

"Your Majesty, there are no more Rain Ninjas. Now there are only the Rain Areas under the United Administrative Region!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo said resolutely: "Besides, if we don't fight again while we still have some fighting strength, I'm worried that we will enter a period of complete decline in strength in a few years!"


Although Sansho Hanzo's request was very reasonable, Uchiha Tokumitsu was still hesitant.

In terms of strength, Sansho Hanzo is indeed quite suitable, and he is a rain ninja and is particularly familiar with water warfare. He is very suitable as the commander of the first batch of combat troops of the expeditionary force.

But what Uchiha Tokumitsu also needs to consider is the balance of forces among the Uchiha dynasty and even the ninja world government - not only must the absolute control of the Uchiha clan be ensured, but more importantly, the balance must be maintained so that ninjas from different forces can all Have a backstage or takeover position that is substantial enough to encourage them to climb up.

The reason why the three states were handed over to powerful people other than the royal family was based on this consideration.

Sansho Hanzo's petition is tantamount to giving up the protection of the descendants of the rain ninja in exchange for the position of commander of the front army - after all, with Sansho Hanzo's strength and qualifications, except for Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo, No one dares to be his superior.

"In this case, let's expand the recruitment of the water ghost troops in the rain area. This can also be regarded as an explanation to the rain ninja..."

For most ninjas, being able to serve in the standing ninja army is undoubtedly a sign of trust in their strength, and it is also a good job to receive a high salary.

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while and then made a decision: "As for the designation, let's set it as the First Legion of the Expeditionary Force. I will allocate seven thousand to you for the ninja army under my jurisdiction. I will supplement or expand it later depending on the situation; in addition, The newly developed Wolf submarine will also be assigned a test force to your command."

"We will fulfill our mission!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo immediately saluted.

"Jonin Renbu, you will serve as Commander Hanzo's adjutant."

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at Uchiha Rumbu who had 'discovered a new world': "I hope that the two of you can unite sincerely and achieve another honor in the future!"

"I respectfully submit to your Majesty's will!"

Uchipolumbu immediately stood up and stamped his feet to salute.Sanshouyu Hanzo was also very satisfied with the result.

Although as an adjutant, Uchi Bolunbu must have certain responsibilities of supervising the army or checking and balancing, but due to his special status as a royal family with superlative meritorious service, he must have a great say in the formation of the expeditionary force and even subsequent supplies, and As a commander, Sanshouyu Hanzo is actually happy to see this happen.

Rather than grow old amid busy government affairs, Sanshouyu Hanzo hopes to burn his last drop of blood on the battlefield!

After all, it is a whole new world!


"We hereby order all units of the advance army to begin active exploration of naval stations around the pirate world, and may choose opportunities to conduct limited exploratory attacks to find out the strength of their garrison troops, so as to facilitate subsequent ninja attacks!"

At the edge of the windless zone in the pirate world, the advance army headquarters received a direct order from the throne.

For the advance army who are still conducting intelligence testing and pretending to be a pirate group, this is undoubtedly the last shackles that have been completely loosened!

Nowadays, intelligence from the Shampoo Islands continues to flow back to the headquarters, coupled with the continuous voyages of the exploration fleet, the navigation chart of the entire East China Sea region has been drawn without the Ninja World Government Navy still knowing nothing about it.

In addition, the dynasty navy ninjas disguised as pirates also controlled three powerful pirate groups behind the scenes, so today's advance army is fully capable of launching a battle-level war.

"Commander Shiina, Mr. Lumbu is calling..."

In the combat planning room of the headquarters, an intelligence ninja hurriedly ran over and said to Uchiha Shiina, who was planning the offensive of the East China Sea alliance countries.

"Senior Lunbu? How could he..."

Uchiha Shiina was a little surprised and immediately took the telegram translation.


After quickly reading the content, Uchiha Shiina's face immediately showed a smile.

"Commander Hanzo of the First Army and Adjutant Lunbu agreed that the main battle force needs a target of sufficient weight, so we need our assistance in operational planning..."

Uchiha Shiina said to the jounin.

"If you say that...then we will be responsible for the participating countries in the East China Sea?"

The jonins were immediately overjoyed.

Although the war is cruel, the fruits of victory are also very sweet. In fact, they are not very willing to see someone divide their war zone.

"Not only that, Commander Hanzo will also assign three additional armored ships and a regiment to the headquarters..."

Uchiha Shiina's face almost burst into laughter.

There are only about [-] ninjas in the advance army. Not only do they need to be dispatched to the Shampoo Islands and other places to collect intelligence, but there are also some capable personnel who disguise themselves as pirates to form branch forces. In addition, some personnel must be retained to station in various colonization areas, so the military strength is considered It was very tense.

Uchiha Shiina originally planned to mobilize a thousand ninjas and five armored ships as an attack force, but if it is supplemented now, his battle plan can be more bold.

"Very good, very good!"

The jonins were equally happy.

After all, they were facing a war, so they naturally hoped to have as many ninja troops under their command as possible.

"But... where should we help the First Army choose a combat target?"

A Jonin in charge asked: "So far, our exploration of the South China Sea is still very limited."

The implication is that the advance army will completely encircle the East China Sea. Even if it cannot capture the major alliance countries and even the naval bases in various places, it will still monopolize the source of profits from private plundering in the East China Sea during the operation.

"Is there any follow-up to the contact with the Amazon Lily Kingdom in the Windless Zone?"

After Uchiha Shiina hesitated for a while, he asked the jonin in charge of intelligence.

"No, according to the envoy, the ruler of this pirate kingdom hates men so much that they didn't even have a chance to land on the island to meet. Instead, the group of pirates planned to hijack our warship..."

The intelligence jounin shook his head: "They should be very wary of our warships being able to sail freely in the windless zone."

"Then... report it to Nine Snakes Island?"

Said a Jonin who was in charge of the Oniden family.

"Inappropriate... Although they claim to be a country, they are a group of pirates after all. Our target should be the navy."

Uchiha Shiina thought for a moment and shook her head.

"What about the Seven Waters City in the South China Sea? Or the City of the Queen of Spring is said to be very wealthy."

Another jounin suggested.

"But we have no charts and no navigation and positioning..."

Uchiha Shiina spread her hands, expressing her helplessness.

"Then let's go to Justice Island or Impel Down City!"

Chief of Staff Uzumaki Ichiraku looked at the chart again, and then suggested: "These two places are important naval towns and must be rescued. They are also conducive to the First Army's encirclement and reinforcements."

"Are these two places too close to the Navy Headquarters..."

"Besides, that is not a simple naval station..."

The jounin looked at each other in confusion.

"It is impossible for you to monopolize the military exploits in the East China Sea region!"

Uzumaki Ichiraku did not hesitate to expose the thoughts of the jounin, "Moreover, if the First Legion is placed in the South China Sea, if our unit is subject to a large-scale counterattack, even rescue will be too late!"

"What's more, Commander Hanzo might have guessed your little thoughts, otherwise how could he allocate a regiment here for no reason? Do you think the First Army has so many troops that you don't know how to use them?"

The shocking rebuke made the jounin who had their own thoughts unable to hold their heads up. Uchiha Shiina, whose little thoughts were also exposed, was also a little embarrassed.

"How about pushing into the city..."

Uchiha Shiina touched her nose and said, "The Intelligence Department should work hard to explore the types of giant sea monsters on its periphery as soon as possible, so as to provide assistance for the First Legion's attack..."


"Impel City? The largest prison of the Pirate World Government?"

Hanzo Hanzo and Uchiha Rumbu were a little surprised when they received the telegram back from the advance army headquarters.

"The advice from the advance army headquarters is very good, and the significance and influence after the capture of this place is also very important!"

Uchi Bolunbu first affirmed, but also expressed his concerns: "However, I guess the first legion alone is not enough. How about asking for additional troops as much as possible?"

"Then I'll bother you, Lunbu-kun~ I'll compile the specific battle plan!"

Sanshouyu Hanzang follows goodness like flowing. (End of chapter)

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