Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 499 When the war is burning

"Propulsion City, the Navy Headquarters, and Judiciary Island together form a triangular sea area. There is a huge vortex in the middle, and the periphery of the vortex is a fast channel dedicated to the world's government agencies. With the help of the vortex, the three major institutions can quickly Let’s support each other!”

Sanho Hanzo, who led his troops to the advance army headquarters, listened carefully to the battlefield explanation given by the chief of staff of the advance army, Uzumaki Ichiraku, and the wonderful and self-consistent marine environment of the pirate world was an eye-opener for Sanho Hanzo.

"What a marvelous work of nature..."

Even Sanshouyu Hanzo couldn't help but marvel at this magical marine environment: "Marinford, the naval headquarters, Aeneis Hall on Judiciary Island, Impel City Impel, and there are fast channels between the three places... This strategic pivot loop built around vortices is really neat!”

"Furthermore, according to public intelligence, Impel Down City is not a natural island, but a man-made prison with the bottom space going straight to the bottom of the sea!"

Uzumaki Ichiraku said seriously: "Although from the current point of view, the combat effectiveness of our ships far exceeds that of the puppet government navy in this world, it can also be seen from the construction and structure of the impel city that their technology is also unique, so it is definitely Don’t take it too lightly!”

"This is true..."

Uchiha Lunbu on the side nodded with satisfaction.

"On the occasion of dispatching troops for this battle, right at the gate of the world, His Majesty took my hand and told me..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo said slowly: "Strategically, you can underestimate the enemy, but tactically, you must take it very seriously!"

The faces of all the jounin immediately became solemn.

"This is a world after all, a world with a complete system..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo tapped the sea map lightly and said faintly: "As pioneers, we know that certain times are indeed difficult, but we still have to do it."

The jonins all nodded in agreement.

The benefits that the world of One Piece brings to the ninja world are not the slightest bit.

It’s not just the endless sea fish that can be caught, it’s not just the salted fish that everyone in the ninja world can eat, it’s not just the ores mined in desert island areas and the special alloys formed by smelting metals in the ninja world, it’s not just the It was just the re-expansion of ninja power in the era of great unification - more importantly, these ninjas who suddenly entered the peaceful era and did not know what to do even if they joined the army found a way out again.

The process of being promoted from genin to jounin is a single-plank bridge that gets narrower and narrower. In this process, not only personal strength and luck are required, but also sufficient background - especially in the dynasty era when jounin generally obtained the status of councillors. Being recognized as a Jonin is not only an affirmation of strength, but also a shortcut to directly gaining power and becoming the ruling class.

Although war is cruel, it is also the fastest way for genin to be promoted, and it is also the best way to transfer internal conflicts outward.

Therefore, although many ninjas are a little war-weary, more people are happy to hear war.

"At the imperial meeting, Your Majesty gave me a standing army of seven thousand..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo sighed again: "Then I felt that it was not enough, so I went to the imperial palace and begged for more troops, so His Majesty temporarily transferred three regiments from the Fourth Army to gather an army of [-] troops!"

"Moreover, the five most powerful full-gun battleships are all under my command. In addition, there are twelve ironclads and thirty cruisers. The navy's ships are almost deployed!"

"So, in this battle, we can only win and not lose!"

'boom! '

Sanshouyu Hanzo casually threw out a kunai and nailed it to the location of Impel Down City on the map, and said coldly: "Impel Up City must be defeated! It must also be captured!"

"The next question is how to fight!"

A group of staff immediately began to prepare for tactical deductions.

"The combat force of our headquarters will dispatch [-] ninja troops, and together with a regiment assigned by Hanzo, they will form a fleet on the headquarters' armored ships and troop transports, and attack in the direction of the East China Sea!"

Uchiha Shiina stood up and said: "At the same time, in order to maximize the momentum, the headquarters will sweep the port cities of the participating countries in the East China Sea region along the route, and try to conduct in-depth landing operations in suitable cities to capture the capitals of three to five kingdoms! "

"What's the point?"

Uchi Bolunbu asked aloud.

"One is robbery!"

Uchiha Shiina said unabashedly: "Secondly, the headquarters will launch an offensive before Hanzo takes command, and fully mobilize the pirate gang currently controlled to maximize its momentum, so as to attract the attention of the World Government Navy!"

"Even the navy headquarters has limited ships; not to mention that after luring them to the East China Sea, even if they finally discover our true strategic purpose, they will not be able to bypass the commonly used waterways for support in a short period of time!"

"If this is the case, then Shiina must be very cautious when directing this battle..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo nodded at first, but then shook his head.

"From the navy's wanted order, combined with recent rumors among pirate gangs in various places, we can see something very interesting..."

Uchiha Shiina did not answer directly, but took out a notice from his arms and spread it on the table and said: "Those Kirigakure rebels destroyed their naval battleships with just the main guns of the ironclads, and Kirigakure's The battle damage mainly comes from the close combat stage..."

"So your opinion is..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo turned the notice to himself and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Maximize your firepower advantage, and send it completely to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish when it is beyond the water-trading combat range of its strong men!"

Uchiha Shiina said firmly.

"No close combat?"

Sanshouyu Hanzo frowned.

"This department will try not to have close combat contact with the navy."

Uchiha Shiina replied.

After all, he only brought out [-] ninjas this time, and they could not withstand a war of attrition.

"So, how should the specific tactics be arranged?"

Uchi Bolunbu interjected again and asked.

"When the enemy advances, we retreat. When the enemy is stationed, we harass them. If we attack them, we will rescue them. We will choose the opportunity to encircle and annihilate them!"

Uchiha Shiina said.

"Very good!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo also nodded.

According to the analysis of existing battle reports, the physical strength of the strong people in this world, whether they are so-called Devil Fruit users or Haki practitioners, far exceeds that of ninjas.

But ninjas are not without their merits. Not only do they have a generation gap that is enough to crush them in terms of technology, but they also have huge advantages on the tactical level.

Now, what Uchiha Shiina has to do is to maximize the ninjas' advantages in tactical knowledge.

"That's how the tactics of the advance army have been decided. Next is the first army..."

Sanshoyu Hanzo said.

Immediately, in addition to the wing assigned to the advance army, the other nine wing captains immediately stepped forward and surrounded the chart.

"The core of this battle lies in extreme mobilization and encirclement and reinforcement!"

Hanzo Sansho picked up the kunai nailed to the impel city, "Judging from the number of people, although we have nine thousand ninja troops, we may not actually have an absolute advantage in numbers."

"Furthermore, we have no way of understanding the internal conditions of Impel Down City."

Uzumaki Ichiraku added.

"That's right!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo nodded with more satisfaction, "So, according to His Majesty's instructions and combined with the existing intelligence, I plan to divide this battle into three stages!"

"The first stage is to use the fleet to drive directly into the windless zone and induce the garrisoned navy to engage in sea combat with us!"

"After sinking all enemy ships with superior firepower, we continued to bombard the Impel City with heavy artillery, destroying the enemy's shore defense firepower while causing effective damage." The captain and the jounin in charge nodded in agreement.

"But this is not enough. Our core lies in the second phase..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo flicked the spinning kunai in his palm, and it hit the fast channel between Judiciary Island and Impel Down City: "Sniping at all levels and encircling the points for reinforcements is what we have to do!"

"In the second stage, after destroying the impel city garrison fleet, the armored ships will continue to besiege and bombard them, while the battleships with all main guns and Wolf submarines will move to the battlefield for reinforcements!"

"But considering the enemy's magical communication methods..."

"It is said that large phone bugs can transmit images to other places."

Uzumaki Ichiraku added.

"That's right!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo nodded: "So, the fleet bombing the impel city must use illusion magic to create the illusion that all the warships participating in the war are continuously bombarding!"

"Otherwise, in the first stage of the battle with the garrison navy... we won't let all the warships board."

One of the captains raised his hand and said.

Then he was met with angry looks from all the captains.

"A lion must fight a rabbit with all his strength..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo brushed off this suggestion lightly.

Everyone hopes to get enough merit on the battlefield. If this cannot be balanced, the ninja army will have problems sooner or later.

Moreover, although Sansho Hanzo was an ally during the shogunate period and was a famous 'demigod', he actually had little contact with these ninja army captains or even the captains of the ships, let alone prestige, so in order to do this If a bowl of water is flat, he still needs to fiddle with it a little more.

"Moreover, the more ships we have participating in the war, the more navy we can induce..."

Uchi Bolunbu also added: "In this way, the damage to the enemy's living forces will naturally be greater."

"It's just that it is said that there are many legendary sea king-level sea monsters in the Windless Belt, especially in Impel Down City..."

Uzumaki Ichiraku hesitated for a moment and then added: "Although we have never encountered these large sea creatures, we still need to pay attention after all, in case Impel City can control these sea monsters..."


Sanshouyu Hanzo looked around, but did not find Gouju Yagura's figure. He couldn't help but be a little surprised: There is no reason why he would be left behind!

Obviously everyone boarded the ship together when setting off!

"I am here……"

The faint voice of Goju Yagura came from behind Sansho Hanzo.


Sanshouyu Hanzo turned around and found no one, and then he looked down in the direction of the sound, only to find that the resentful Goju Yagura was staring at him viciously.

"Excuse me……"

The tall Sanshouyu Hanzo was very embarrassed: "But Yagura-kun's secret breath-condensing technique is really good, I couldn't even find it..."


Goji Yagura wanted to curse loudly, but she still endured it.

"Cough cough!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo coughed twice to relieve his embarrassment: "Those monsters in the sea will trouble you..."

"no problem."

Although there were some complaints, Goju Yagura still nodded in agreement.

"And after we complete the second stage of encirclement and reinforcements, it will be the most bloody and dangerous battle!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo quickly changed the subject: "That is the third phase of the battle: the landing and annihilation battle!"

"At that time, except for Lunbu-kun who stays behind to coordinate the artillery support, all jounin must go out to fight. I will lead the charge with Ibushi!"

"The place where His Majesty's personal expedition will be stationed is Xiongcheng!"

"My gentlemen—"

Sanshouyu Hanzo took out the ninja sword from his waist and raised it between his eyebrows, "Wish you victory!"


All the Jonin shouted in unison!

Under the cover of night, the advance fleet that had completed preparations and supplies filed out of the harbor, sailed out of the harbor in the wind and rain, and headed towards the East China Sea.

As a flanking fleet, they will be responsible for completely disrupting the situation in the East China Sea and mobilizing the strength of the Navy Headquarters.

However, due to its relatively limited strength, it cannot engage in head-on combat with the main force of the navy, so the execution of specific tactics requires great skill and flexibility.

Until the time of departure, Chief of Staff Uzumaki Ichiraku was still conducting tactical decomposition in the flagship command room.

"Chief of Staff Ichiraku, haven't you rested yet?"

Uchiha Shiina opened the door and walked in.

"The route for the Goa Kingdom to carry out the landing operation still needs to be planned..."

Uzumaki Ichiraku rubbed his eyes, put down the pencil in his hand and said: "In the final analysis, it is still because our intelligence is insufficient, and we have not yet determined what is the safest method."

"What's the matter~"

Uchiha Shiina looked at the tactical plan, smiled cheerfully and said: "If we break through a navy branch in a few days, won't we have all the charts?"

"Having said that, it's always good to be prepared..."

Uzumaki Ichiraku shrugged: "Besides, wouldn't they encrypt the charts? You can't completely trust the captured charts due to insufficient intelligence, right?"

"Although our main mission is to create chaos and make the boys of the Navy Headquarters work hard, our core goal is to obtain sufficient privateering profits..."

Uchiha Shiina said euphemistically: "Moreover, the battlefield situation changes rapidly, and some things are unnecessary to consider and cannot be predicted."

"So why did you come to see me?"

Uzumaki Ichiraku said disapprovingly.

"How do you know I just caught a tuna over one meter long?"

Uchiha Shiina slapped her thigh and said excitedly: "And I caught it in less than a minute after casting the rod!"

"...Who asked you?"

Uzumaki Ichiraku was speechless!
"Forget it, don't worry about this!"

Uchiha Shiina pulled Uzumaki Ichiraku out, "I have asked the ninjas of the Minazuki family to make ice-cold thick-cut fish. Let's try it together!" (End of this chapter)

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