Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 500 Navy!Attack!

Impel Down City, located in the Windless Zone, is the largest prison in the pirate world. Since its establishment, there has not been a single prison breakout.

Whether it is the naval battleships or prison guards who are stationed and guarded, they are all the elites of the World Government. Even if there are some special strong men among the pirates or 'rebels' serving their sentences, they cannot escape from such strict supervision.

What's more important is the special geographical location of Impel City - even if they escape from the cells on the bottom floor of Impel City, they will still have to face the windless zone and the Sea Kings that surround Impel City. They will not be able to leave without a fleet to support them. The final outcome will be to be captured or even killed on the spot in the subsequent suppression.

Therefore, although the navy officers in charge of the maritime defense work in Impel Down City all look very serious and nervous, they are actually very relaxed - after all, there has been no jailbreak in Impel Down City so far, let alone attacks from the outside.

Marines are also human beings, and as humans they are prone to inertia. Although the various special regulations for garrisoning the navy are very strict, over time, the navy has still found many opportunities to take advantage of loopholes.

For example, taking the opportunity of patrol to sneak out of the windless zone and 'fish' on the Grand Line.

Of course, as a navy that floats on the sea all day long, they are not interested in the fish in the sea. The only thing that allows them to exert their subjective initiative is the merchant ships passing by the route or the pirates who happened to encounter them - —This is the 'big fish' in the eyes of the Navy!

"Commander Hanzo, the first legion is ready!"

After several days of preparation and adaptability training, the First Army Corps commanded by Sanshouyu Hanzo finally waited for the right time to go into battle.

"Today is a rare good weather..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo stood on the deck and looked at the sky. At this time, there were dense lead clouds and bursts of thunder, which was exactly the scene when a storm was approaching.

If it is an old-fashioned sail warship, this kind of weather will naturally have a great impact on the combat effectiveness, but for the boiler unit-powered dynasty navy fleet, the only trouble is that the sea surface is too windy and waves may affect the accuracy of the main gun. That’s all.

"After the first encounter, we analyzed the weapons in this world..."

Uchi Bolunbu also walked to the deck, stood behind Sanshouyu Hanzo and said: "Their ship-borne weapons use a special kind of shells powered by gunpowder, which is very different from our chakra shells. However, heavy rain will still affect its combat effectiveness."

"I'm not worried about any of this..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo said in a deep voice: "The biggest difficulty lies in the third stage of the landing and suppression campaign in the combat plan..."

Uchi Bolunbu also nodded silently.

After all, a truly strong man would not be killed by artillery fire so easily. If he wanted to completely capture the Impel City, he would ultimately have to rely on the Marines to enter the Impel City and complete the final clearing.

And this is the most cruel thing!


Sanshouyu Hanzo took a deep breath of the sea breeze with a strong fishy smell, "This is the world that a real ninja wants!"

"Courage and merit are all the same. This is something that has never happened before in the ninja world!"

"Lunbu-kun, you are still young and have never experienced the helplessness and despair of the ninja villages in various small countries before the Second Ninja War..."

Uchi Bolunbu nodded silently.

"The ninja world is too poor. From the Warring States Period to the establishment of the current dynasty, the energy of the entire world has been almost exhausted..."

Orochimaru came out of the darkness and said faintly: "According to the calculations of the Uzumaki clan, if the ninja world does not receive external supplements, either the ninja class will die, or the ninja group will expand to the extreme and bring the entire world to destruction."

"So we want to start a war?"

Uchi Bolunbu was a little surprised.

Although he had always thought that Orochimaru was a Frankenstein, he never expected that he was a war fanatic even more radical than himself.

"Too many ninjas is not a good thing, especially the unified outer village ninjas."

When Orochimaru spoke, he had no scruples at all about Sansho Hanzo, who was born in the Rain Ninja Village: "So, the war against the pirate world is not just about plundering resources, but more importantly, consuming the remnants of the old era."

Sanshouyu Hanzo's expression did not change, and he even nodded slightly - because in his mind, the Ame Ninja Village, which has always been the source of mercenaries for the shogunate, is actually the same as Kirigakure, and belongs to the general existence of a 'foreign vassal', so it is not the same as those foreign vassals. Compared with the village ninjas, he still has certain psychological advantages.

"Dean Orochimaru, you are a little too radical!"

Uchipolumbu couldn't help but shook his head.

"Rumbu-kun, it's you, an Uchiha who comes from a radical background, who is too conservative!"

Orochimaru also pointed out unceremoniously: "It even gives people the feeling of being too indecisive. I really don't know how you gained a foothold among the radicals."

As the only special-type ninja specializing in water escape in the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Rumbu was speechless.

"So, Commander Hanzo, for this war, do you understand why His Majesty has allocated four additional regiments of the Fourth Army?"

Orochimaru no longer paid attention to Uchi Bolunbu, but said to Sansho Hanzo: "Although the First Legion is attached to the Marine Corps Brigade, it is the heart and soul of the Dynasty Navy. If the battle losses are excessive, the naval system may be destroyed in the future. I have complaints..."

"You don't need to teach me this kind of thing!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo snorted, very dissatisfied with the tone of Orochimaru, his former subordinate.


Sanshouyu Hanzo then thought about it, maybe this is the reason why Uchiha Tokko specially assigned Orochimaru to the First Legion...

Thinking of this, Sanshouyu Hanzo also became a little calmer.

"By the way, are the camouflage battle flags ready?"

Sanshouyu Hanzo changed the subject.

"Get ready. It's the same flag as the flag used by the advance fleet. It's the same flag of the Kirigakure Pirates."

Uchi Bolunbu immediately replied.

"Based on their speed, they should be almost at the East China Sea, so let's get ready to sail!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo looked at the boarding situation and immediately ordered: "Next, it's time for our tactical performance!"


Naval Headquarters Marineford.

There was a heated argument in the highest chamber.

The three major generals of the headquarters, Sengoku, Sakaski, and Kuzan, sat high on the throne, allowing the major generals and lieutenant generals of their respective factions to quarrel incessantly.

"I still firmly believe that building ships is the only way out!"

A major general said angrily: "As a navy, if the battleships are not even as good as a mere pirate, then what kind of navy is that?"

"No! In the final analysis, it's still a human problem! We need to expand the army and spend money on strengthening the training of naval soldiers!"

As the headquarters' lieutenant general and recruit coach, Monkey D. Garp retorted angrily regardless of his status difference: "Nowadays, the navy is corrupted and can't even understand the essence of the Six Styles. Even having good battleships is in vain!"

"You are all wrong! The top priority is to destroy the Kirigakure pirates who dare to challenge the authority of our navy!"

Another major general, regardless of the difference in military rank and seniority, spoke loudly to Iron Fist Garp: "Although Lieutenant General Garp is right, we can't afford to delay him! And he is too mature and prudent!"

The implication is that Lieutenant General Garp's ideas are too outdated and even out of date.

"You have a bunch of trash under your command that can't even defeat pirates, so you have the nerve to fart!"

Lieutenant General Garp immediately grabbed the pigtail and began to beat him: "This shows that the battleship theory is not advisable!"

"But they are all trained by you, I am just the commander!"

The major general said without changing his expression.

"This is because insufficient funds lead to insufficient training, which ultimately leads to the decline in the strength of the navy year by year!"

Lieutenant General Garp, who was fighting alone among the others, turned to the three generals above him and said, "The three generals understand that we cannot continue to allow the navy to deteriorate!" "They are useless people who don't even have the strength to scold their mothers. They are not qualified to open fire." warship!"

The "Battleship Faction" and "Quick Victory Faction" generals who had just been arguing with Lieutenant General Garp for dozens of gatherings were suddenly so angry that their mouths were filled with smoke!

"The purpose of Holy Land Marie Joa is to quickly deal with the Kirigakure Pirates and eliminate their negative influence..."

After the three generals looked at each other, Sakaski, known as 'Akainu', was the first to speak.

"The purpose of today's general meeting is to integrate the wisdom of everyone, not to let you engage in factional fighting!"


Sakaski looked around at the lieutenant generals and major generals. Wherever he looked, everyone lowered their heads except Lieutenant General He, the chief staff officer.

"You are so disappointed in me!"

"Of course, we also understand the diligence of the generals..."

Another general, Kuzan, said with a slightly sinister tone: "You just have to keep a certain degree of control, otherwise there will be no good end!"

"Justice must be carried out to the end, otherwise it is meaningless."

General Sengoku made the final decision: "The Kirigakure Pirates must be destroyed! The battleships also need to be strengthened!"

Lieutenant General Garp in the audience immediately became a little anxious.

"Also, according to the instructions of Holy Land Marie Gioia, Lieutenant General Garp is asked to organize the world's military recruitment. If there are strong people who are willing to join the navy, they can be directly awarded the rank of Major General!"

As soon as he said this, there was an uproar.

But given the majesty of the Warring States General and the reverence for him, no one dared to speak out against it - and the move made no sense.

"Last night...the East China Sea branch sent back a report saying that a large number of Kirigakure Pirates' ships were spotted in the waters of the East China Sea countries..."

Sakaski continued: "And this time, they may no longer be simply plundering!"

"There is a high possibility that the Kingdom's separatist territory will be captured."

General Kuzan said immediately.

"So, maintaining order is the top priority!"

The Warring States general once again sets the tone.

The lieutenant generals and major generals in the audience all bowed and saluted, indicating that they followed the command in all actions.

"Devil Slaughter Order!"

Words with infinite murderous intent popped out of General Sakaski's mouth.

"East China Sea area!"

General Kuzan said expressionlessly.

"Headquarters and branches act together to eliminate all pirates disrupting the paradise!"

The Warring States general said coldly.

"But our battleships are far inferior to the Kirigakure pirates..."

A lieutenant general with an extraordinary background muttered.

He is a firm supporter of the battleship victory theory, and he is a typical stakeholder group in the Seven Waters Capital, which has its own shipbuilding industry as its mainstay; but now it seems that the generals of the headquarters are focusing more on The record of annihilating pirates or they were anxious to do something to report to the Holy Land Marie Joa, so everyone turned their attention to the 'culprits' - the so-called Kirigakure Pirates!
"I know how to build ships all day long. If I wait for the new warships to be built before going to destroy the pirates, the paradise will probably turn into a new world!"

Lieutenant General Garp was still unconvinced. Although he was refuting the Lieutenant General of the shipbuilding faction, he was also insinuating the three generals on the stage: "You don't know how to grasp the root of things when doing things. Pay attention to some irrelevant side stories!”

General Kuzan, who had the hottest temper, could not help but frown.

"How about this... Lieutenant General Garp, you will be the one to execute the demon-slaying order this time!"

General Sakaski took off the cigar that had been holding in his mouth, highlighted a thick fog, and then looked at the other two generals whose expressions had not changed, so he continued: "This time, we must display the spirit of the Battle of Rocks. Catch those daring Kirigakure pirates together!"

"And you must remember - the Demon-Slaying Order leaves no one alive! There is no place for these scum in Impel Down City!"

"I am willing to take orders and fight!"

Lieutenant General Garp stood up and saluted without hesitation, but his eyes were fixed on the Sengoku General who had the final say.


The Warring States General finally nodded, "To prove the courage of the navy! To prove that the gap between mere warships is nothing to be afraid of! To prove that the navy's most noble treasure -"

"Courage and justice!"

The lieutenant generals and major generals in the audience shouted in unison.


"...The navy's pursuit has become more and more intense recently!"

Above the East China Sea, on the Kirigakure flagship which was anchored and resting, Loquat Juzo, whose recruitment matters had not progressed, sighed.

After defeating the naval fleet and plundering the treasure ship, the once majestic Loquat Juzo soon fell into trouble again.

First, a large number of pretenders under the banner of the "Kirigakure Pirates" appeared out of nowhere and wreaked havoc everywhere in the East China Sea. Then the navy branches stationed in various places were chasing them everywhere like mad dogs.

However, Loquat Juuzang, who had suffered too many jounin losses, was not willing to go head-to-head and consume the little strength he had, so he adopted the tactic of avoiding battle and preserving the ship, and continued to circle around with the navy.

And those despicable people under the banner of the "Kirigakure Pirates" not only continued to burn, kill, and loot, causing the reputation of Shin Kirigakure to be tarnished, but they were also wiped out by the mad-dog-like navy.

However, the navy may be seeking credit, so they did not distinguish or intentionally conceal the identities of the "fake Kirigakure pirates". Each one of them claimed how many Kirigakure pirate branches they had wiped out in a certain sea area. to exaggerate his military exploits.

As for the navy who have not yet taken advantage, they are driving around like crazy in the East China Sea, trying to find the main force of the Kirigakure Pirates, so that they can become famous in a battle.

As a result, the Kirigakure fleet fell into a passive position due to avoiding the battle - because those 'pseudo Kirigakure' sent too many people, the value of the battle of the route was seriously underestimated, so not only the navy, but also Many pirates and even bounty hunters began to search for and kill Kirigakure ninja expatriates everywhere!

Now, even if he has a large amount of gold and silver treasures in his hands, Loquat Juuzang has no chance to exchange them for materials to strengthen his own strength!
"...Let's have another fight!"

Fukasaku Sennin thought for a long time, then gritted his teeth and said, "We have to beat them until they hurt in one go, and then those navy barbarians will be willing to sit down and listen to us!"

"Otherwise, the envoys we send out will only have their heads chopped off to collect rewards!"

"If there are too many battle losses..."

Loquat Juuzang was still a little hesitant.

"Let's attack together!"

Fukasaku Sennin said categorically: "We must once again annihilate a naval fleet in full view of the public, so that they can truly understand how powerful we are!"

"Otherwise, there will never be peace if this continues!"

"...Let me think about it again."

Loquat Juzo still couldn't make a decision.

After all, the only ninja he has is this amount of capital. (End of chapter)

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